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DAYS: Thursday September 6

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Agreed. I found them suspenseful, knowing we were building to EJ kissing Sami. But not romantic. Which I felt was good. EJ is still a DiMera, trained from boyhood to take what he wants. And he's still working to overcome that. (And I got a vibe that he's learning from reading about Santo that he can't just take what he wants.)

I see this as a VERY SLOW redemption story, at least right now. And I have no problem with that. EJ (to me at least) is halfway between tony and andre: A DiMera who loves what his life has offered him but wants nothing to do with the power-hungry greed... and the exact opposite, a psychopath who does whatever he wants, knowing he can get away with it.

When he first came to town, he was acting like tony, but his true colors were Andre (revealed when he shot John and forced Sami to have sex with him). Lately, I do feel like he's heading more into tony territory, but this kind of personality change (on a GOOD soap) never happens overnight.

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You're right; they need to handle this slowly to make it believable and also more acceptable to a lot of the viewers. I hate it when they rush relationships. Case in point, the insta-reunion with Sami and Lucas last year after he had been worshipping at Carrie's feet for so many months. I hated the way Lucas treated Sami during that storyline--I still grind my teeth when I think of him flashing that enormous diamond he gave Carrie, practically rubbing Sami's nose in it! They needed to bring Lumi back together slowly because realistically there should have been a lot of jealousy and resentment and hurt feelings to overcome. Instead they rushed it and ruined Lumi for some fans.

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this is one of those cases where plot needs to move fast (you don't want EJ and Sami repeating scenes like in Feb/Mar) but characters evolve SLOWLY. It's tough to do. If they can pull it of, it'll be great. But it's hard to balance quick plot movement and slow character growth.

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ITA on the romance, love scene, camera shots etc and absolutely loved the show. The Santo/Colleen and EJ/Sami scenes got me through the rest with no complaints.

As for Sami being drugged or woozie, sure she was - but when someone is alert enough to throw a vase of flowers that hard and that far; well I'm sure she was capable of either pushing EJ away or at least not kissing him back. The medication might have lowered her defenses a bit, but not to the point she was unable to think or react. And since she didn't mind him sitting beside her the last two episodes - shoulders and knees touching - well she was being herself - as in the same woman who threw herself into his arms when they were in danger and who has not been shown as being afraid of EJ since the December episode.

What the scene did show that was different was her finally acting more like herself - the spunky and high spirited Sami that I've known and loved all these years - and not the boring, watered down version we've been seeing. I acutally liked her again, vase throwing and all! Welcome back Sami!!

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To me, the drugging of Sami was just a silly plot point to cause controversy that allows EJ haters like Dawn to continue to hate him and see Sami as being victimized by EJ while EJami lovers like me and maconrich will note she kisses him back and

On that particular scene I just really liked what the director did with the closeup of EJ's face and it going in and out of focus to show Sami's vantage point and as much as Sami may have been under the influence of whatever that was, it also tied into the discussion from Tuesday's episode where Sami talked about Colleen being under Santo's spell. Because sorry, even if I saw EJ as being opportunistic, Sami hasn't acted like a rape victim pretty much ever since what happened, she's only acted afraid of Lucas leaving her so I didn't see her victimized in this scene but if anything bad was happening it was nothing worse than "falling under EJ's spell" in that moment and I think the blissful dreamy look on Sami's face as EJ was declaring his love for her before kissing her went along with that.


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Just how drugged can a very pregnant woman be from a hospital-prescribed tranquilizer? All that drug did was cause Sami to temporarily take down that guard she's kept against EJ for many months. If she didn't want to kiss him, she wouldn't have kissed him back, and she wouldn't have kissed him in the steamroom when he was unconscious. In fact, if she didn't want him around her hospital room, she could have had him evicted before they even started reading the letters. As for caring about Sami, IMO, EJ has shown far more concern for her and those babies than any psychopath ever would...and some not so psychotic.


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