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AMC: Tuesday: August 21, 2007

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I understand it perfectly. Kendall is obsessed with fixing Spike. I have NO doubt she loves Ian, there really isn't much she can do for him, so she's trying to fix the child that she can.

I think she's kind of detached herself a bit, she's afraid to get too close to Ian in case he does die. Happens all the time in real life :)

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The Ryan Lavery Club

Hey I just thought of a spectacular idea! With all of the people hanging around the hospital these days wondering how baby Spike will do along with Ian, maybe this would be the perfect time for St. Ryan to form a club for them all to share some stories like ghost ones, when they first got laid (Ryan can finally admit he passed on the stupidity virus), how they found out how to tie a knot (with Ryan it should have gone around his neck), and last but not least but sing the song Ryan...Ryan rowed the boat off the waterfall Halleluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujah! Keep rowing keep rowing just keep rowing rowing rowing and pretty soon your hypocrisy will be growing growing growing until you are dead dead and beyond dead. Yep a lot can come from this club if they decide to put some ideas into it and see if they could have some fun. On the first meeting they can each make triangle pancakes but make sure Ryan does not cook any since odds are the house will be burned down and the only thing that will put this fire out is when the water from a v a g i n a shaped pool does the trick. Maybe by that time Ryan can use his superhero powers to morph into the Wicked Witch and the water causes him to melt and all that will be left will be his belt (hey hey it rhymes!). But you know it probly won't happen since as you saw on the show he is still ranting and raving like a banshee with its cluck cluck whacked off and tied into a kangaroo on steroids smoking a bong shaped like a seven a$$ed elephant.

Annie's Past

Well it looks like the show is starting a new storyline that is going into Annie's past so my question is are you all interested to see what happened with her? so far the story is intriguing me with the reminders to Annie via the phone and of course her interaction with her father. I bet that she had something to do with her father going deaf and it causes him to have resentment towards her. I always find the best soap opera writers look into the past of a character to add more dimensions to them and we do not know as much about Annie. This will give us the opportunity to learn about her which I am on board with since I like Annie. Maybe her father and herself will become closer and he can forgive her if she did anything wrong. So far the story with Annie's past is looking good and I am enjoying the ride!

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Kate Hall turned out another really good script.

The Joe/Tad/Jamie scenes were fantastic, as were the Jamie/Josh scenes.

It's nice to see JR & Babe toning it down and being civil to each other.

Zach's recitation of the book Lily gave him intercut with Ian in the incubator was moving.

Hall somehow made even Ryan & Jonathan tolerable together, which has never happened before, imo.

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Kate Hall made me feel sad that Jamie is leaving....and that is impressive! Those Jamie/Tad/Joe and Josh/Jamie scenes were wonderful! And I loved the music playing during the last Tad/Joe scene - it was very classic/retro AMC.

I think Kate Hall has done an amazing job so far. Those Zendall scenes were so emotionally-driven. I felt so bad for Zach and I even felt bad for loony Kendall. The storybook from Lily, and how that incorporated into Ian's surgery and Kendall coming back - that was great storytelling.

Even the Ava/Babe/Andy stuff was funny. The only thing that creeped me out was JR - and the way he was looking at the video of Ava. I thought the other day at the Yacht Club was just a fluke - but it seems like the Breakdown writers might really be setting up something for JR/Ava/Amanda/Jonathan and that makes me sick.

Overall though - I reallllly liked today's episode. The Jamie/Tad/Joe/Josh stuff was classic AMC - and Kate Hall did a great job.

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I agree. Joanna Cohen made me actually enjoy a Lavery scene, and Kate Hall made me actually ENJOY a MARTIN SCENE (Cohen loses points in the Lavery department, though, for doing a Amanda L. Beelzebub and writing that horribly one-sided blame game between Ryan and Zach last week. The Satin Slayer comment was a cheap shot and incredibly low blow)!

Martins and Laverys are the bane of my AMC existance (ETA: Careys, as well). I don't like them. Ever. The only other time I enjoyed Tad spreading his Martin MindControl Garbage with JR was that Michelle Patrick written episode back in June.

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I wish that Kate Hall can be the SW for like ever! She has done a great job!

I like Beall but I have to say that Kate is so much better!

The Tad/Joe/Jamie scenes were well written!


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