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AMC: Monday: August 20, 2007

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Monday, August 20, 2007


Today on All My Children..
-Kendall desperately hopes Spike will hear once again.
-Annie becomes concerned when she hears that Emma has been picked up by a man at camp.
-Ryan goes to Tad for help!
-Ian needs surgury!

Classic Opening!
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BDW: Stephen Demorest

SW: Courtney Bugler

I thought it was a decent episode. I love Annie going all crazy! I wonder who the mysterious person is. I think its so refreshing that Zendall is going to be on the rocks because of something Kendall is doing and not the other way around. I don't think Kendall is favouring Spike on purpose but I am gonna enjoy seeing Zach let her know what he thinks of all of it.

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The ONLY good thing going for AMC right now is this Annie mystery.

Every other storyline has taken waaaaayyy too much of a backburner right now. I defended that for a week - even 2 weeks - but we're now onto 3 weeks and it's still all about Spike/Zendall/Ryan.

I did enjoy seeing Tad and how he talked about Kate.

And I actually enjoyed Greenlee with Aiden today - they were flirty and Greens was really fun and somewhat bitchy. I liked the mix of personality traits there.

But I'm not feeling my girl Kendall lately. I understand her motives, but the writing makes her sound like a loon. I also hated how Zach treated Josh today at the hospital.

Umm - I guess that's about it. I'm still pissed at Di's lame goodbye. And I'm sure Jamie's goodbye coming up is going to be lame too. He talks to Tad, but will he talk to JR, Babe, Amanda, Julia, or wait...even his mother BROOKE? Prob. not....and that's lame.

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I'm really enjoying the Annie mystery, MCE has really grown into Annie over this past year. I still can't stand Jonathan, if B&E axe Jeff Branson I will worship them forever.

I can't help but get a Dr. (Greg) Madden-ish vibe from Dr. Hilliard (sp?). Madden was introduced as a miracle doctor that helped a lot his patients and they seem to be doing that with this guy. I certainly don't want them to go down that route again!

Wait till Kendall hears that while she was on a field trip with Spike that her other son (which she seems to have forgotten about) is having his brain operated on. Nice move Kendall. She better not get angry with Zach for agreeing to have the operation on Ian without consulting her - because that would be her own fault, not Zach's.

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I think the way Kendall is acting is logical.... for a mother in her situation. I mean when both of your children are faced with such terrible outcomes.... she is bound to snap a little.

I think she isn't wanting to bond with Ian out of fear of losing him and then I think she really will snap.

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The "Crash" storyline. It's the only storyline on the show and it's utterly and completely depressing with no hope in sight. In addition they're dragging it out as if depressing the audience is a positive thing that they should strive to continue for as long as possible. The Satin Slayer Serial Killer story was more inspirational than this and that is a problem. I need happiness and I need hope in my storylines. If I can't get that at least try to give me 3 stories at the same time that are hopefully not all dark and gloomy so I don't have to drink a full glass of this every day - because I'm ready to vomit it out (no offense to the actors). The heavy drama was great the first two weeks, I'm overdosed now. I decided to change the channel to B&B to lighten the mood and change the atmosphere (from hospitals and clincs and baby's) - they had a home invasion or rape type thing going on but twas a change of atmosphere.

Greenlee and Aidan were very uninteresting today, but it was a break from the hospital and they were talking about more things than hospitals and hurt babies for some of the scenes, I think.

Annie did make me chuckle today during the phone call with Ryan.

There's potential for Dr. Hilliard to full that evul doc void - even though I don't find him pointedly evul at this point. He could be a long-lost Zach brother or a spawn of Madden - one of the thousands, heh.

Spike said "uh-oh" when Ryan arrived at the office. Too damn cute.

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