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Elizabeth is despicable. I cant beleive she was going to take her kids over to Jason's place knowing damn well how Lucky feels. What an insensitive bitch. And she has the nerve to whine to Emily about Lucky being angry

Lulu needs to shut up. Where is the loyalty for her brother? I preferred her months ago when she was bitching at Liz but now she's her cheerleader. Spinelli needs to go to hell. Who asked for his opinion anyway?

I have to say Lucky and Sam were hot today. Im glad they didnt kiss but there was defiently chemistry there

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Okay, maybe it's just me . . . but I find Sam to be despicable. She's trash. Any person who would willingly sleep with their mother's husband is a SKANK to the NTH degree in my book. I still cannot get over her sleeping with Rick.

And now for her to get Lucky just to spite Liz, c'mon! She's a walking STD.

And don't get me started on her observation of Jake getting kidnapped and doing nothing to stop it. WTF is up with this character?

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ROTFLMAO @ "WTF is up with this character?" :lol::lol::lol:

Thank you SO MUCH, Daphne! And no, it's not just you! I think the Sam character is an atrocious mess, but for some reason people are cheering this proud whore on like she's this strong, noble hero, and Liz is this vicious, evil smirking witch -- cackling with delight over all the pain and misery she's causing.

I agree the lie never should've been told, and Liz keeps using the Doofus' addiction as an excuse because she doesn't want to own up to the fact that she doesn't want people to hate her -- but it's not out of some deep rooted need to be evil and destroy and seek revenge on all those around her. It was just a lie that was told during different circumstances, and once the circumstances changed, the lie got even bigger and out of control.

Sam, on the other hand, is disgusting. She just seems dirty and gross and hasn't a single ounce of self-respect. I love Kelly Monaco -- think she's a great actress and seems like a real kick ass person in real life. But I have a problem with the fact that ABC(Frons) and GH(Guza/Pratt) just created some shapeless character so KeMo can have a job after the cancellation of Port Charles. I wish they could've put her in a role where I can enjoy her. Because, despite how hard Kelly tries (or how many poor, misguided souls try tearing down Liz in order to build up Sam), she ain't polishing this turd of a character into a gem.

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That's really not my only problem with Liz. If she was protrayed as a woman who is lying for selfish reasons then I think I could almost stomach that. My problem is that Liz and Jason are being protrayed as pargons of virtue in this storyline while Sam and Lucky are placed as being irrational "bad guys" when they're hearts were literally stepped on by these two. My problem is that Guza has wrecked so many characters for these two and he expects the audience to root for them after all the choas and destruction he has caused over the past two years with these characters.

I just can't root for Elizabeth right now and it's sad because Rebecca Herbst is a very capable and sensitive actress and she has a very likeable quality to her. However she is dead wrong in this storyline and she is one of the most hypocritical characters on the show. She is just as bad as Carly and Maxie are in this situation and I can't find her likeable. Especially when she goes on her motal tirades against Sam and Ric when she herself is doing something so cruel.

You're wrong. I don't think of Sam as a hero. I think of Sam as a diva-esque bitch who is out for revenge and you know what? I love it. Why? Because I would rather take a bitchy villainous, hell goddess out for revenge over this sanctimonious whoring hypocrite who is playing both sides of the fence and then whines when someone is mad at her.

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I told you, us agreeing wouldnt last for too long. LOL...I dont think anyone has said Sam is a hero. I know Ive gone on record as saying she's now a bitch and Im absolutely loving this new role for her. With Sam, what you see is what you get. She's badass bitcha and she knows it and makes no excuses for it. She's not fake and the writers arent trying to portray her like she's some heroine and anyhing other than what we see on the show. At the end of the day, I can respect that about her more than Liz. Liz on the otherhand is a compulsive liar, a tramp, someone who is deceitful, smug, judgemental, sanctimonious, selfish and stands on a pedestal looking down on those her. Yet for some reason she acts like she's some paragon and the characters around her prop her up like she's the pillar of morality. GH has her written like a a heroine, the one we are supposed to root for but the story does not correspond with any of this. They have done nothing but make her look like a massive hypocrite. To me, over the past year, she's morphed into a horrendous mess who disgusts me with her attiude and actions. She is on the same level as Carly, Sam and Maxie, the 3 women she hates, yet she is like them in many ways. At least they own their faults and they do get called out on their sh-t but Liz rarely ever does. Sam isnt a heroine. She's a bitch and now an evil bitch. Thats who she is right now and thats how she is being portrayed. Liz is being written as a heroine but she hasnt been one in a long time. Thats the difference between the 2 for me. Id have alot more respect and understanding for Liz if she owned who she is, if she took responsibility for her actions and if she got knocked down a peg or 2. Until that happens, she will continue to be someone I have no use for

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So, Liz has to fit in either one of two categories. She's either a good girl who never makes mistakes on the level of Carly, Sam and Maxie, or she's a bad girl who owns up to being bad and just keeps on making shitty choices because she refuses to grow up?

Liz can't be a woman, a human, who tries to do right and do things that places her above the likes of Carly, Sam and Maxie, and makes a mistake? And, not only that, she has to change her beliefs to fit this mistake or else she'll be called a hypocrite?

I think Liz genuinely cares about other people besides herself. She considers other people's needs as well as her own. Yeah, she made a huge mistake by lying about Jake's paternity, but I don't think she's a hypocrite. I think she was making a decision that she felt was in line with what she needed to do to maintain her life -- but it was the wrong one. Now, she has to make a whole stream of decisions that have consequences she is not ready or afraid to face.

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I would have a better time believing that if Liz still wasn't trying to protect her own ass by covering up Jake's paternity. Bottom line is that Liz needs to tell Lucky the truth and she needs to admit that she is being selfish and that is wrong. She needs to apologize and own up to her actions. Because right now she looks selfish and I don't believe or buy that she is keeping Jake's paternity a secret for what's best for Lucky, Jake or Jason. I think she is doing it because it's what's best for her.

Elizabeth needs to tell the truth and let Lucky deal. She is a hypocrite because she goes on her little moral tirades and demeans others for their actions yet she is doing actions that are less then kosher herself. I think that is one of the problems with her. Elizabeth looked down at Carly for what she did with Spencer and Micheal. But she is currently lying about a baby's paternity right now. How is that not Liz being a hypocrite?

The thing about Elizabeth's desicions is that they are all done to protect her perfect little life. I'll lie to Lucky about my one night stand with Jason, I'll lie to Lucky about Jake's paternity, I'll lie under oath that Jason is not Jake's father because I don't want my marriage to end just yet. It's all about her. Not about Jake, Lucky or Jason. Just her, her, her and more her. Yet she lies and says it's about others.


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But, Sucky are irrational. They are acting like Liz and Jason just, out of the blue, had an affair. No! It was the same night both of them slept with other people. Sam, with her mother's husband on her mother's living room floor. Lucky's incredibly irrational because he doesn't seem to grasp the fact that being strung out on drugs and having his wife catch him -- not once -- but twice sleeping with Maxie (second time in their bed) was a huge betrayl. But, he's a doofus, so that's not surprising.

You're missing one key factor -- Carly, Sam and Maxie all instigate crap with Liz. Liz doesn't seek out these women and pick fights. She defends herself. She has every right to do that. She's not obligated to just let them pounce all over her all because "she, herself, is doing something so cruel." LMAO @ "something so cruel." Adultry and drug addiction and sleeping with your mother's husband are child's play compared to lying about paternity. But anyway, Liz doesn't go around spouting her moral tirades, getting involved in everyone's business and adding her two cents. People come to her. If they don't want to hear what she has to say, do what Liz does to them. She AVOIDS them.

First of all, you're incredibly mistaken -- I'm NEVER wrong. Secondly, I'm not wrong in my statement. I didn't say people think of Sam as a hero. I was just making the comparison as to how she gets cheered on as if she's a hero and Liz gets booed as if she's this evil, smirking witch. That was my take on the situation.

LMAO @ Sam being Diva-esque. That slimey trash is FAR from a Diva.

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That's not accurate. Elizabeth went to Sam and asked her "not to turn on Jason". Elizabeth went to Ric and started spewing moral crap at him. Elizabeth goes up to people and chews them out because they dared to call Jason on his murdering actions. So that's wrong and not completely factual. Elizabeth spews all this moral hypocrisy out at others yet she can't apply the same to herself. That's why Liz is a hypocrite.

That along with many other reasons is why Liz needs to be taken down several pegs and why Liz's web of lies needs to be taken down.

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I wish the writing was that sophisticated and lended itself to complex characters and development but Guza is incapable of that. His writing is black or white and HIGHLY biased. Liz and Jason = Good whereas Lucky and Sam = bad. Theres no middle area with the current writing.

And Liz is a big hypocrite and has been since this story started. Several months back she was hating on Maxie and going out of her way to expose the fact that Maxie was lying to Lucky about being pregnant with his baby when Liz herself was also lying about being pregnant with his baby. She told Lucky at that time that they were over and what went on in her life was none of her business yet it was alright for her to stick her nose in his business with Maxie and their "baby". She had the nerve to say to Lucky that he lies with every breath he takes, yet that description describes her more. She bashed Carly for running to Jason with her problems, yet thats what she's been doing for the past year. She looks down on Sam for "cheating" on Jason and betraying him when she cheated on Lucky and has been betraying him for quite some time. She throws a hissy fit whenever Lucky expresses how he feels about her constantly hanging out with Jason and now has the nerve to be mad with Lucky hanging out with Sam. She doesnt want Lucky to allow Sam near her kids bc she hates her, yet doesnt understand why Lucky doesnt want his kids around Jason the hitman who is constantly being shot at and having people around him hurt. You really cant see why people see her as a hypocrite?

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