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AMC: Friday: August 17, 2007

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Fiday, August 17, 2007


Today on All My Children..
-Annie gets an eerie phone call.
-Di tells Aidan about her plans to move to New York City.
-Annie tries to keep her past hidden.
-Zach finds out that Ian needs emergency surgery.

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Father of the Bride Ryan

The first thing Ryan decides to ask Annie about today is what her father is like and well who knows maybe he was abusive both verbally and physically and that would make both he and Annie two peas in an iPod. I mean they are both a lot alike by walking alike, talking alike, making love alike, dressing alike, peeing alike, douching alike, and anything else you can think of these two have it down to an ant farm. But I just wonder why would Ryan even want to care about what the dad is like since well he only cares about himself and what will he like be insta friends with Walter. Could they both walk the dog while it is horny and watch it hump fire hydrants, spit on a squirrel, back that azz up, and memorize the Star Spangled Banner with his barks. Talk about woof woof! Something tells me, however, that St. Ryan and his beloved bride's father do not have anything in common the way he does with Annie Fanny Banany. You see one has a reason to be pissed off whereas the other does not because let's face it Ryan has to take some blame by inviting Greenlee back into their lives and being married to her you would think he would know how vindictive she would get and the sneaky plans she had. But now again I just do not see Ryan and Walter sitting down to have a cup of joe while talking about politics and the amount of hairstyles Hillary Clinton will have as president and starting to count President Bush's lies by 5s and seeing when Karl Rove turns sane (never happen). Who knows

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We had 3 days of Cohen's mediocre scripts instead. :rolleyes::P

She obviously put all her energy into writing the Jack/Greenlee scenes in this episode like she did the Kendall/Greenlee scenes on Wednesday. The rest of the episode was boring.

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What a lame exit. Dont the writers realize that this is the same exit that Mia was given? Di ha been working for Fusion for a few months. What real experience does she even have to go? We know that Fusion has divisions in San Francisco and now NY and yet Kendall, the owner still doesnt have her own damn office. How sad

Greenlee and Jack were both wrong today. That is his daughter and he treated her like [!@#$%^&*] today. He shocked me and came off as a prick. She however was so annoying and Im sick of the selfishness and how immature she acts. You would swear she was 5 yrs old. Thumbs down to both of them

Loved the Ryan/Annie stuff. I want to find out more about her

Dang does Kendall even realize that she has TWO sons. Ian is like chop liver to her

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So wait - was today Di's last episode?

Seriously? Please tell me she'll come back next week and give her goodbyes to the rest of the Fusion girls, Tad, Del, and even a phone call to Julia perhaps?

If today was her last day - then shame on AMC for giving Di such a wave of the hand goodbye. That was so pathetic and sad for such a good, wasted character.

Rest of the show was ok - I'm realllly interested in the Annie stuff - that phone call at the end was eerie.

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I am soo sick of Kendall going on and on about Spike being deaf. She doesn't even mention Ian-- who is still in the danger zone (unlike Spike) :angry: . She doesn't even visit him (and when she does, it's for like 5 seconds, so she can rush back to Spike). She could at least sit in there with Ian and talk to the poor baby (unlike Spike, he can hear her voice). Spike has Ryan, Annie, Emma, Jonathan, etc. Spike only has Zach and occaisionally Annie visiting him with ANY kind of frequency!! This is NOT right. Yeah, he's hooked up to monitors and junk-- SO WHAT!! He still needs support. If she doesn't start connecting with Ian soon, she's going to regret it. I've been waiting for someone to be very firm about her need to spend time with her OTHER son! She acts like Ian is someone else's child. ("Tell him I love him"; GMAB). And the nerve to accuse Zach of giving up on Spike-- he's kinda worried about his OWN child, right now--the one everyone else seems to consider an after-thought.

I hope Friday's ep wasn't Di's last episode, either. They didn't show her saying good-bye to anyone but Aidan. That's stupid.

Jack & Greenlee keep having the same conversations over and over again. I'm frankly tired of it. I tried to be interested in it; I'm just done caring.

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