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GH: Monday

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ITA! It's impossible for me to defend Liz's lies right now. I have no words. She needed to put Lucky out of his misery when he asked her point blank if Jake was his. Liz put on the water works and lied like it was NOTHING! And then as soon as she was done talking to Lucky, she went and ran to see Jason, the man she swears she's not in love with. :rolleyes:

On the other hand, I still think it will take a blinking neon sign for Lucky to not believe that lie he was just told and go do a DNA test on Jake on his own because it's obvious that Liz has no intentions of telling him the truth because if she could keep the fact that she slept with Jason from Lucky for a year without a twinge of guilt, she damn well can keep Jake's paternity a secret all the while having both Jason and Lucky dancing on strings.

Still can't stand the sight of Spam but she sure does have Liz pegged and I can't hate her for THAT. I wish she would give Jason a big F-U and tell Lucky the truth anyway. It's her word against a killer, a woman that hates the ground she walks on and a mentally unstable Maureen. Alexis would have no problem ripping them to shreads. I mean this is the same woman that defended two people who were on trial for a murder SHE commited. And since I know it would piss off Liz like nothing else, I say BRING ON LUSAM!

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OMG! How much longer can they drag this baby stuff on for? I no longer care! :o As for Ric. He could care less about Al. If he did he would have charged Sky. Who is just as much to blame as Jason. Maybe more. Ric only cares about getting revenge. While forgeting about all the crimes he himeself committed. Ric being a DA is a comeplte and total joke.

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This is extremely atypical of Guza and his writing team. Usually, secrets don't last long on this show. I think the writers realized they played the reveal of the Christ Child's paternity a little too soon, and now they're trying to back pedal so they can have something for November sweeps. I think they toyed with the idea of revealing it during July, but thought twice about it.

Because I'm getting tired of Liz lying to Lucky about it. What's the freakin' point? Especially now! Dumb Lucky pretty much has the truth laid out in front of him and he's just acting like a doofus.

Dumb ass.

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"Slimey Toad" That was horrible dialogue! Who wrote that crap. I want more Emily but give her something of substance. That line was just bad

I wanted to be mad at Liz and I wanted to hate her for lying even more but I couldnt. Becky did good as did Greg and I felt so much for both of them. I thought those were good Lucky and Liz scenes. My heart melted for the couple. But the fact is she is STILL lying. I hate that and how she's been ruined to prop up Jason. I hated the fact that she went to see him agian. She knows that Lucky will see her name on the visitors list. I hate how she is constantly throwing him in his face.

Jason needs to STFU about this blackmailing Sam. He has no grounds to do it and I wish Sam had stayed on the law track long enough to realize that. She needs to go talk to her mother.

What Sam did is Sam's word against Jason. Its hearsay and there is absolutely no proof that she saw the kidnapping. For him to turn Sam in would be to turn in Maureen and she was never charged and thats bc Jason made that choice. He cant really touch Sam without wrecking Maureen's life too and Jason = good so thats not likely to happen. Plus like you said, Maureen is mentally unbalanced. Alexis wouldnt have much problem keeping Sam safe
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Sam the pontificating hypocrite

What business is it of this stupid b1tch to go to Jason after SHE breaks up with him and goes off about the entire deal between him and Liz? Last I checked, she should not even care what goes on since she called it off with Jason and has no more business with him so why is this so important to her. And talk about desperation while she was telling off Jason...she rushed in there like she had to offer her little pontificating rants and be little Miss Know Ho It All. Newsflash Sam: why don't you shut the h#ll up and get a life or a job? Seriously she has no reason to yell and pout around Jason since they are no longer officially a couple. What he does from now on is really not her concern...why? She broke up with HIM! Someone kill this wench off!

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Damn Liz is becoming worse then Carly with this paternity lie. Lucky asked her point blank if he was the father of Jake and she looked him right square in the eye and lied to his face about it. I never thought that Elizabeth would do that. I never saw Elizabeth's character as being that dishonest and shifty but she is. There is nothing to justify her lying and even if she somewhat had an excuse before (Lucky's soberiety) it doesn't hold up now at all.

Lucky told her that he needs the truth. Lucky has said that the truth is essential to his recovery from his addiction and yet his wife still continues to lie to him and I am at a loss for why.

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