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Battle of the Carly's

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Both are lunatics. Both would do anything for there kids.. Carly from ATWT was a great mother (before 07 but she is redeeming herself)..She doesn't take no for a answer..She is VERY aggresive and wouldnt back down from no one..

Carly from GH loves her kids and would do anything to protect them..She would get in anyone's face if she feels threaten and she has a LOUD MOUTH so, if these two would ever meet (even though it would never happen)..Who would dominate??

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Carly Benson Roberts-Quartermaine Corinthos Corinthos Corinthos Alcazar Corinthos Jax would eat Carly Tenney Snyder alive!

Carly Corinthos took a bat to the 5 families, she kicked the ass of Sam's abusive ex-boyfriend, she's a man-eater!

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Ok this is the same Carly that got beat up by Sam twice??? as for ATWT Carly..She punched the hell out out of a 6 foot man and made him hit the ground hard..She also beat up both Julia's and kicked Rosanan's ass.

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GH's Carly would mop the floor with ATWT's Carly.

ATWT's Carly's scheme's NEVER work. GH's Carly always ends up getting her way no matter how long it takes. ATWT's Carly is more or less like Lucy from I Love Lucy except none of her scheme's are really all that funny. GH's Carly is much stronger.

I think the only way ATWT's Carly could beat GH's Carly is if she had another mental breakdown.

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I never said she did LOL but gh carly is all about Mouth..She yaps all the time..ATWT carly on the other hand may fail but at the end..She gets what she wants due to her aggressiveness...Overall, ATWT carly would beat the crap out of GH Carly..

as a matter of fact, GL dinah, Y&R drusilla will all beat the crap out of her LOL...Im a huge ABC fan (amc is my favorite soap and I love GH) but the cbs women..They fight dirty

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Carly Carinthos knows too many ways of the mob, so that would do Carly Snyder in in a heartbeat...

I love both Carly's however, Carly Snyder is no match.... What i would love to see if both Carly's working together to help keep some skank butt; I'm not even going to say the names because Ryan would reach through and snap me in two :lol:

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I can't help but think that Carly Corinthois would demolish Carly Snyder if they ever came to blows. If were talking about mainpulation and scheme's I still say that Carly Corinthois would win hands down. Carly Snyder may be aggressive but so is GH's Carly if not more so and she is arguablly more effective in those mainpulations and scheme's.

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