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AMC: Monday

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Oh, don't tease me. LOL Yes, this story would have been amazing if David were there. Imagine if he could have playe a part in saving one or both of the babies. Would Kendall have let him? Would anyone have wanted him near those kids? This could have been his way to make a mense to the Kane Women. The last time David saw one of them, Erica, he protected her and gave her an alibi, so the dynamics had shifted a little so it would have been sooooooo interesting.

Stupid AMC! :angry:

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Like Thursday, the last half of today's episode - awesome! And I do really hate to say that on a CB day, it just feels like it's the wrong thing to do.

The episode was bang on from the moment Kendall almost detachedly signed those papers for Ian's heart surgery. Then that moment Kendall got confused about the babies (and even the way she corrected herself), it was like she seriously wasn't all there for a moment - dang, it was kind of heartbreaking. Really good stuff. Susan was great. Lish was great. I've never seen Erica be that motherly to Kendall, and she was so genuinely you know...scared and heartbroken. Mama bear Erica was especially jarring to see, in a good way, after months of Erica acting like a 13-year old.

Erica said the "G" word today, not about herself though, but might the "G" word about herself be near? LOL, probably not, but that's cool.

Zyrtle on the phone. Myrtle saying all the right things. Zach finally crying. Aww, the only thing that could have made it better was if EH was there. Oh also really loved the way he played the scene when he took Kendall to see the baby. Kendall insisted he tell her the baby would be alright and without much conviction (he didn't look her in the eye and he quickened the pace of his speech) he told her that and then couldn't get her out of the room fast enough - because he so wasn't sure (his optimism once again taking a dip) and he was about to crack. Sigh, good stuff.

Joe's talk to Erica. I don't pay much attention to RM/Joe scenes, so I might be somewhat "backwards" in saying that I think that one scene he had with Erica was the best scene he's done since I began watching the show again in 2003. I almost got teary eyed. I don't cry for soaps anymore (I do cry every now and again, but it's typically out of disappointment in the writing or during OLTL death scenes), so teary eyed is a big compliment. The last half of today's show had me teary eyed about 3-4 times.

The first half of Ryan's last scene (the part with Annie), I think that's the softest, most natural work I've seen him do in forever. He seemed genuinally grateful to Annie and Cam for a moment was almost perfect in delivery. At least, IMO.

Greenlee. I do blame her for the Spike stuff and I'm not giving her a free pass despite 40 minutes of subtle and slow crawling and flashbacks and all the tinkly music, but I don't hate her (but I hope they let Kendall hate her for a good long time). I don't blame Jack for standing by her so much, although I want to punch him occasionally, lol. I love that they're having Josh have a problem with what she did instead of him being ruled by his penis as usual, all the better for when/if the show decides to go there. Makes him less of a vacant male Fetus-whore and gives him and possibly Gosh more context.

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I'm just glad they're using the tinkly music on someone other than Babe.

Anyway, I'm with you (and have been waiting for you to finish typing that post! Sheesh! :P ), and I don't give her a free pass. The accident is no one's fault but her own. But I don't hate her for it, either. I just hold her responsible.


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He is breaking my heart because you can see he is having such a hard time facing the reality of what Greenlee has done and what resulted from it. When he saw that baby for the first time today it was all over his face and it just broke my heart. He always looks at Greenlee with such sadness but he shows her his love and sadly he is the one person that is in the middle of all of this and no matter what he does someone is going to be angry or hurt.

Angela, you just made me spit out my water :lol: If I have to be stuck with the fetus than I'd rather see him with Greenlee. I think CE/SS have good chemistry together.

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B&E must be editing each episode heavily because despite Hayes & Bugler, that was another excellent, heartbreaking episode.

The Erica/Kendall scenes had me bawling like a baby.

I also loved Erica & Joe's scene. His speech reminded me of the good old Agnes Nixon/Wisner Washam days.

I've been feeling Ryan's pain for the past few episodes. When given meaty material, Cam does prove he can act instead of rant.

I'm with Cheap, et al. on Zach.

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