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OLTL Discussion: Week of July 23rd

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Welcome to the One Life to Live Discussion Thread for the week of July 23rd, 2007. It looks to be an interesting week as Viki finds out the truth about David. Hope you enjoy your visit and are prepared to discuss the interworkings of Llanview, PA and OLTL. If so, then you're in the right place.

So let the discussion of the good, bad, and ugly that is Llanview, Pennsylvania & One Life to Live begin...
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I hope today is better than yesterday. Monday was filled with people I don't care about with the exception of Todd (who was knocked out) and Blair and John. If sure hope Monday isn't any indication of what OLTL has in store for us the week.

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Monday was a fast forward day for me also. It just didn't include any stories I enjoy. We all have those days though. I like Scotty's spoilers and I really like the abc medianet pictures of the funeral. I haven't watched Tuesday's yet, but previews did have David and Clint so I will probably enjoy at least part of the show.

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At least I didn't fall asleep during the show today like I did yesterday. LOL.

Alway enjoy Viki and David, and I felt so bad for Viki when Clint told her what David had done. And boy did he shock the you know what out of me when he picked up the computer and threw it against the wall. Was so not expecting that, and honestly it was uncalled for, but that's just me. Viki broke my heart and I truly want Clint and David to regret what each one has done to bring even more unhappiness into Viki's life.

Really enjoyed the scenes with Vincent, Shaun (who I love so much better than Vincent) and Renee. They were quite funny, they made me laugh.

Don't do it Rex! Run as far away from the drip as you can get.

And I enjoyed Todd's "Hey there sis. What up?" LOL

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Well, well, well....looks like you guys have been talking about me....I guess now I know why my ears were burning earlier today. :P

Jay, how can you say today was boring? The Viki/David stuff was great, Todd's been found, and Renee was funny cutting up with Vincent and Shaun. The rest was snoozeville however.

Christina...I agree with you about Clint throwing the computer like that. I too thought it was completely unexpected and surprised the snot out of me. And I also really liked Todd's comments to Viki at the end of episode. And the smile on his face when he said it was priceless. LOL

Thanks Jess...and there is actually a little more Viki/Clint/Dorian/Nora/Marcie/Michael stuff I had to leave out for that week (August 6th), but it looks really good. ;)

I thought the the Pagie/Michael stuff was somewhat out of place today.

Vincent is starting to grow on me.

I agreed with everything Adriana said about herself. She is dumb, and Rex is even dumber for taking her back.

John was actually a little funny today while interrogating Kandi the happy hooker. He is also funny with David. But then again, David can make a train wreck funny.

Today's show was definitely better than yesterday's that's for sure. :)

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I'm sorry Scotty, but I, too, thought it was dreadful today.

Sure there are little things here and there that should make me interested, but as a longtime viewer I'm about to pack it in unless things change drastically.

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Hey Scotty, the spoilers do look good.

As for Tuesday, it was better than Monday for me. What I liked best about Tuesday was that some of these stories appear to be wrapping up. Rex and Adrianna annoy the hell out of me. I feel like I'm watching Antonio and Jessica from two years ago.

I enjoyed the David, Viki and Clint scenes, although throwing the laptop was a little unexpected. I hope Viki forgives David. I personally don't see them as a couple, but I do enjoy them as friends. I don't see how she forgives him though. I guess he would have to give the money back.

The best thing about the Todd stuff to me was that he has been found and perhaps the long saga of victim Todd is almost over. Vincent, Shaun and Renee were enjoyable. I can't watch the rest of the OPP story. It's too painful.

What I like best about OLTL right now is that many of these stories seem to be ending and many others turning a corner.

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Thanks Jess. :)

Great post!

The Viki/Clint stuff was good. The Vincent/Shaun/Renee stuff was fun and creepy at the same time. A Vincent/Renee friendship would be very interesting I think.

I am glad to see some of Dena's storylines starting to draw to a close, especially the OPP storyline, which has gotten painful.

OLTL is slowly, but surely getting back on the right track, IMO.

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Thank goodness, there is something for me to look forward to that week.

At first, I did too. But when they wheeled Todd in and then the previews for today, it actually made some sense that Paige would question him about him and Marcie. Too bad there wasn't more Marcie since she told him, TPTB already screwed me over in watching her go through the process... the least they can do is concentrate on the follow up with her worrying about Michael.


Agree! The whole time, I was like STFU Adriana... you will get even dumber before this whole thing is over at the end of the week.

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Man Michael sure did look guilty today, and if he isn't careful someone is going to start asking questions on his actions, I mean Paige already started.

Loved seeing Viki with her brother, it made no sense what so ever to have her not involved in any part of this searching for Todd storyline. Hopefully we'll see something with Viki and Todd before Viki leaves town for whatever reason.

For some reason I still get some freaky vibes when Cole and Marty are in scenes together, especially when its just the two of them. Ewwww....LOL. Was SO glad to see Nora show up, she made those scenes so much easier to watch.

Just when I start to like this OPP storyline it is coming to an end. Did I just say that?

My one hope is that David gives the money back and Viki forgives him, basically for the simple fact that I want it to eat up Clint and Dorian that they are still very much close friends.

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