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GH: Night Shift Episode 2 Discussion

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This episode was better than the first. It wasnt jumping all over the place and the pacing was slower which I liked. I still cant get over the blatant ignoring of continuity though

WTF, Stan and Kelly? Man she is such a ho!

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This episode was a bit of a letdown. There was really no plot, just random eavesdropping on characters in rotation and then once everyone was looked in on it's time to start again. It technically isn't a serialized soap, so a one hour drama/comedy does need some focus or plot. Just looking in on the repetitive barely problems of Robin and Patrick doesn't cut it. They obviously didn't have a story this week, so why couldn't NS had devoted their time, and Maxie's and the Barret woman's to someone like the Iraqi vet or the old woman? It reminds me of Nip/Tuck in a way (not content wise but in format) only N/T does anchor each episode with a plot about a patient.

That said I loved Bradford Anderson's performance. I just wish the show would be written a little tighter. If I had to describe the plot of this to a friend who never saw it, I would be hard pressed to sell them on the show. NS cheats in that it knows we know who the characters are, but just for argument's sake if you never saw GH before could you walk away from NS knowing the names of any character?

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i loved it.

so i just watch GH NS as if there is no GH... lol. thats the only way to do it cuz i watched GH Daytime right before GHNS...

anyways, It was a good eppy that had balance and humor. The only thing i didnt like was how Robin is always jelous of Patrick and the sleezy girl of the moment. Move on! give them a better issue!!

i liked the robin/jason friednship. i miss those 2 in scenes as a friendship. i also loved the scenes of maxie with the new dr. as much as i love her and coop, i also love slutty maxie. well shes still slutty, but ya know what i mean.

the stan/kelly thing was random, and i loved it!!

next week looks awsome.

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I liked it.

Jason and Epiphany are funny

Jason and a mop was funny. I like that I am seeing Jason do other things.

Spinelli is such a geek but you got to love him for it.

Ahh my Jason and Robin heart was so happy. It was so great to see her share scenes with him. They are such good friends and boy what I would not give for a Sonny/Robin scene on GH. I guess beggers cant be choosers.

I actually like Lainey and Cody. More chemistry.

Stan and Kelly was WTF moment and so came out of left field.

Let me go on record saying "I DO NOT WANT THAT WOMAN TO BE BRENDA!!!!!" I am not ready for someone else to play Brenda.

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I liked the episode alot. In response to the post saying the episode had no plot, I think it did. The episode was called "skin deep" and it seemed to be, for the most part, about physicality, color, and status. I thought it was very well written. Anyone notice that Michele Val Jean was credited this week?

What's up with Laila? What was that look she gave the old lady? Maybe she's trying to sabotage Regina. I think SHE was the one who inputted the wrong code..

Patient Barrett better be Vanessa Marcil as Brenda. Nuff said.

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They BETTER not recast Brenda that way. I don't want that to be Brenda.

Great episode though! I was cracking up during Spinelli's "Stone Cold video game". Hilarious!!

Stan and Kelly, TOTALLY random, didn't expect that. I wonder if they'll add that on to the show and if Lainey will find out they were together.

Great episode, next week looks even better!

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