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ATWT: Wednesday July 18 Episode

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All I have to say is this: If the previews for Thursday's show don't show us all that CarJack are far from over, then I don't know what else will show it.

Those kids aren't going to let Jack get sail for a happily never after with Katie....Jack knows it...and Katie better know it... Those three kids are her DOOM!

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I'm only going on recaps but...I can't believe that Meg is going to end up with this company. She's a NURSE (and not a very good one IMO)...now she gets to be CEO of her very own company?

If I were Lucinda, I'd slap her from here to kingdom come.

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Best show in a while. I was so rooting for Barbara to slap Meg. But Craig stopped her....damn....LOL. Where was Lisa today? One of Babs deariest friend? I actually even tolerated Faith today. And no Fluffy today...although his call with her was puke worthy.......Tomorrow's show doesnt look as good.

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Well after the way Lucinda has been acting through this, I hope Meg does keep the company! I normally love Lucinda but haven't been able to stand her through this and she has been obnoxious since Paul's death. She deserves not to get it back for the way she has been acting. I couldn't stand her today and I am no fan of Meg, but Lucinda was just too much. I wanted to slap Lucinda today!

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Lucinda was just being Lucinda....I loved it! Meg is the hypocrite here! Like I said before I am tired of her pity party! She needed slapping today by Babs, Lucinda and Emma. I am tired of her [!@#$%^&*]!

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I disagree that Lucinda is just being Lucinda. She is normally smart and she is acting dumb in the way she is handling this. She was wrong when she tried to force her hand in Canada too. Real Lucinda would know more about finesse and timing to get what she wanted. Because she is trying to force things with Meg at the wrong time, it's probably going to cost her the company and Meg will keep it. That's not the smart Lucinda i knew and loved for a lot of years.

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Shows like today's make me even more mad about craptastic stories like Branson. Today was all about family, and more like the "old" ATWT than I've seen in a while. I don't mind adventure stories, I mind bad adventure stories.

Other than not hearing some glowing speech about Paul, and Bob and Lisa's absences, I really don't have one complaint.

Gawd...when is Jack going to wake up??? Yeah, he's off calling Fluff, but he's asking for "friendly" hugs from Carly?!?!?!? So much for "keeping the lines clear". Oy...I'm more than ready for the Carjack children to make their displeasure known to Dad.

Even Gwen was tolerable today.

Everything was dead on. Seriously, not one complaint from me. It's weird, but even though it was a sad eppy, I'm happy.

Oh, one bummer...Liz Page's name was absent from the credits. That would definately be a loss for us. And we're down to four scriptwriters.

And Sweet...that is one bitchin' banner. Sigh...

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Thanks PJ...I had to take down my previous banner to put up my CarJack one...especially about the compass.

Going into the episode, did it seem that Jack actually had a hard time announcing his "proposal" to Carly...Hmmm, could it have been because he doesn't believe it will happen?

The previews had me cracking up.. Vienna raising her glass to Katie and Jack...Please. Vienna is raising her glass saying in her mind. "Once Katie is off and married on to someone else, I can rest assured that my Henry will never be in her line of fire." :lol::lol:

As for Meg owning WorldWide...all it would take is for her to sign her name on something incorrectly for her to lose the company; that's how dumb she is when holding on to a job. She messed up twice as a nurse, so it's only a matter of time before she messes up being in 'charge' of Worldwide.

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Yep, it did. I'm thinking he knows it'll hurt Carly...and perhaps set her off on yet another scheme to get him back. The weird thing is, as much as he says he doesn't want her to chase him....he does. It's like he goes out of his way to test how far she'll go to get him back. And I think he realizes that once he has to keep facing Carly, knowing that she loves him, this "engagement" will look phonier and phonier in comparison to what Carjack had.

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I think the reason why Gwen was so tolerable today was because she didn't have Creepy Cleo hanging off on her.... To be honest, I like Gwen when she is actually in scenes with other people other than Will, Maddie, or any of the other obsessed teens they put out there on the screen for us.

I actually liked when Gwen had a moment with Carly....Now that they have made Gwen and Carly sister,s don't you think they could do more with that instead of coming up with far fetched lame storylines where Gwen and Will are in peril or fighting off another party from breaking up their marriage?

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Is it just me, or is grief on soap operas tailor made to make you think the "dead" character is really alive? Barbara and Will should have been inconsolable. Paul's tragedy is coming on the heels of Jennifer and Hal dying! I'm shocked that anyone other than family was allowed at this gathering. This family is in free fall, but it's written as just another day of melodrama. I think Emma planting the seed of company ownership in Meg's mind is a stroke of brilliance. Yet I don't really trust Passanante to wow us with her takeover of Montgomery Enterprises, because there's no competition in town.

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A hhhuuuuggggggggeeeeee part of the problem with Gwen (for me) is that she's NEVER supporting anyone. She's always at the center of the action. Even when it was Maddie who beaned Adam and nearly killed him, it's Gwen who he tortures and goes after. I would LOVE to see some sisterly bonding moments between Carly and Gwen (

)....but you damn well know we'll never get it

Because it's an unwritten rule that Gwen must be the focus of everyone's attention.

I thought Babs was pretty inconsolable...I think Will was more numb than anything else, and given that Gwen had just nearly died :eyeroll: kind of understandable. It's not like he and Paul have really been close for years. They've had maybe three or four scenes together in the last year since Jen's death. And BTW....that anniversary came and went without much of a mention. I think who was there was appropriate. I would have liked to see Lisa, Bob and Nancy, but we were lucky to get Kim. I was actually kind of surprised that Carly wasn't met with hostile stares (and yesterday, she said Kim invited her and Parker. I guess Kim's been kept up to date on Paul's latest "pal" list :) ) ...but I guess in light of Craig's appearance, anyone else paled in comparision.

I just wish that Carly had managed to confront Craig, in light of the Rosanna tragedy. (Or even commiserate somewhat with Babs..) Instead Lily gets to snark about that to him.

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