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All: Who was the best and worst writer on your soap?

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All My Children:


-I thought that Agnes Nixion did a great job as Head Writer

-Also I thought that Lorrian Brodrick did an amazing job!


-I gotta give it to Megan McTavish. She messed up AMC from its former glorary! I hate her. Thank god shes no where near writing for AMC

Lets here from you.:)

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William Bell - He saved this show from cancellation and made it one of the most popular shows in the 70s. His stories were great and very family-oriented.

Hogan Sheffer - He's done an awesome job when he's given the reigns.


James Reilly - Just take a look at anything from 2003-2006.

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All My Children:

Best: Obviously it goes without saying, Agnes Nixon. She knows exactly what the shows true identity is. When she and Lorraine Broderick were controlling things in the mid 90's, AMC was unforgettable.

Worst: Jean Passanante...... what can be said that hasn't been uttered a million times before. Just watch an episode of ATWT currently and no explanation is needed. She just plain sucks as a writer and her stories were repulsive and nothing she did could even remotely be considered entertaining or quality.

The Young and the Restless:

Best: Bill Bell.... same as Agnes Nixon. When he left, Y&R slowly began to leave with him.

Worst: Lynn Marie Latham.... in a little over a year this show lost any once of its identity it once had. It isn't Y&R anymore.

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Best: Pamela Long, Millie Taggart

Worst: David Kriezman, Lloyd Gold


Best: Douglas Marland

Worst: Jean Passante and some from the late 90s prior to Hogan's arrival!


Best: William Bell

Worst: LML


Best: Bradley Bell

Worst: Bradley Bell

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Best The Soderbergs,The Dobsons,Douglas Marland,Millee Taggart

Worst:L.Virginia Browne,Pat Falken Smith,Claire Labine,Ellen Weston


Best:Irna Phillips,The Soderbergs,The Dobsons,Douglas Marland,Lorraine Broderick

Worst: The Ellises,K.C.Collier,Black and Stern,Jessica Klein

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DAYS Good Headwriters

Sally Sussman Morina

Wrote DAYS very dramatic and as an adult show without any annoying teens at all.

James E Reilly

He was the one who builded up the current ground that DAYS is still today standing on.

Wrote awesome storylines that had never been seen before on Daytime.

Peter Brash

Paula Cwikly

Cleaned up Langans mess and made DAYS very well balanced.

Started a lot of storylines with great potential.

DAYS Bad Headwriters

Dena Higley

This woman was the one who started the Cartoonish trend on DAYS. I hope she burns in hell.

Tom Langan

He wasnt even a real writer, he was only hired beceause nobody else wanted to take over as Head Writer at the time.

Wrote almost only for the teens and had no long term plan what so ever.

He ruined everything that DAYS had built up during the 90's.

Nina Laemmle

Similar to Langan. She ruined most of William J Bell and Pat Falken Smiths groundwork.

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    Best: Pamela K. Long

    Worst:Ellen Weston & David Krietzman


    Best:Jeromie & Bridget Dobson & Douglas Marland

    Worst: Stephen Black & Henry Stern, Jessica Klein & the Queen herself Pissanante!!!

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    I think Nixon goes without saying but Broderick was fabulous.

    Richard culliton:

    I know, I know, I'm probably alone here but I thought AMC was so entertaining under him. First few months of Proteus..Frankie...Kendall..


    McTavish: Still not sure AMC can recover (watched Fusion girls dance around and cries).

    Jean P: SOOOOOOOOO Painful

    Culliton's Successors: Joni/JR; Nuff Said



    Historically, Doug Marland, Pam Long, all great writers, but the last time in recent history that GL was deep, meanngful and oh so entertaining was under Millie Taggert.


    McTavish Again.

    Ellen Weston (Actually, she wins)

    Barbara J. Esensten and James Harmon Brown: Great sytuff until about late 1999.


    Historically: Gordon Russell and Sam Hall

    Best: Malone (first time around)

    Claire Labine


    McTavish: See a trend?

    Higley: Worst ever.

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