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AMC: Monday

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Does anyone know when the new HW writng's airs?

Back on Topic. Overall it was good. I liked the Fusion scenes. I felt really bad at the end when Colby was scratching off the heart Sean drew for them. I wanted to hug Colby and try to make it better. :(

I also felt bad for Ava in a way because Jonathan was kissing Lily not Ava.

Who wrote todays show

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New York Minute Ryan

New York New York! Watch out because the biggest philandering oaf ever to hit the city is now having pina coladas and Dynamite Kiddo Cosmos with Muffy and Buffy at the local bar establishment. Please run away and do not give this parasite any of your time or energy. Ouch on Ryan actually being in the city that never sleeps but lord knows we all need Ryan to have his sleep since if he stays awake 24/7 well the city would never be the same. Him with his super powers would lift the Empire State Building up and jam it up his arse just to make history as the first person who could do this. Lord knows if he was to go up the Statue of Liberty he would start renaming it Dynamite Kiddo Liberty since he has freed the entire world from the demented and evilish grinnish ballotish Harry A$$ whose back end is a forest that is larger than Louie Anderson's own back end! Gosh just imagine what other damage Ryan could do. I have a feeling someone would be able to draw a caricature of him and hang it in the Guggenheim Museum which has just been renamed Only Menopause Women Allowed Museum. And since Ryan is really a woman and has gone through the deed, he manages to get a ticket. But once his picture is in there, it scares the people even worse than Jason Voorhees and Mike Myers butchering grandmas who are stroking each other's salamis! Please we need to get this idiot out of New York City. Try killing him by throwing some razor shaped pretzels at him and have the oaf bleed to death.

AMC and the music

Hey I don't care what anyone else says but I just loved the sequence with the Fusion ladies dancing to Diana Ross' "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." That was a lot of fun and it was a great way to honor the diva since that song is my favorite hit by Diana. Yay to Diana and yay to AMC!

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Exactly ZendallFan.....Kendall owes Greenlee nothing. She planned to give her baby to Greenlee but she stormed out of town. Greenlee's eggs had defrosted so the only way to have a baby is for Kendall to use her own egg so that is what she did. There was no time to call Greenlee and let her know what happened so she went for the second best option and Greenlee got bitchy because it didn't go her way. Everyone also needs to realize that Greenlee set the chain of events in motion over the whole baby storyline. When your husband says no children, he means NO! But Greenlee still stole his sperm and then her eggs dried up during the blackout rendering them unusable so the only option left was for Kendall to use her egg. Greenlee refused so Kendall became a mother to Spike and has done a great job.

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I really liked AMC today. It's so refreshing to see some light hearted scenes on the show. I loved the girls dancing and singing at the end. It shows that they can be business, but also have some fun too. I really like the nuFusion team. They work for me.

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I was annoyed by the Fusion crew all the way up until they started singing. That song is so gorgeous and I just couldn't help but see the sheer happiness in all their eyes.

Sean and Colby...sadness...I hope Ava actually does tell Colby the truth and that she believes her. I'd like it for the three of them to become friends.

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yeah I didnt get the 2 faced comment myself. Today I thought ALL women were on their best behavior and were actually being positive and encouraging to each other. I liked it for a change instead of the usual bitching and cattyness

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I liked the Jack/Erica and Colby/Sean scenes. I ff'd through most of the rest.

Count me in as one of the people who have had enough of the Fusion girls acting like teenagers.

I wish we knew when B&E's work would start airing.

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