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AMC: Monday

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Welcome to Mondays Discussion of All My Children


Today on All My Children...
-In the elevator, Annie corners Greenlee.
-At Wildwind, Jonathan passionately kisses Ava.
-Babe has mixed feelings when she thinks that J.R. and Amanda may be involved.

Lets go back into time...

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Jr/Babe still have so much chemistry!!!!!! he look Babe gave J.R. when he said that she was going to Ace her GED. :)

Greenlee needs to stop whining! Get over it. Its not all about you. Thank god Annie knows that Greenlee will still try to get Ryan back.

I still don't know why but I still like Lily/Jonathan! :)

When Greenlee is with Josh she is a bit more tolarable!

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OMG, Annie is hardcore! Im watching right now and Im loving how she cornered Greenlee and how strong and bold she is being. She looks like she's ready to kill her.

Edited to add: I think everyone needs to thank Annie and give her a medal bc she FINALLY shut the bitch up and put her in her place. Greenlee was so weak and had absolutely NO comebacks. Annie scared the crap out of her. Im sure being claustrophobic played a biog part of it but it was still nice to see Greenlee cut down to size and running away. LMAO, she deserved this

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Greenlee finally got owned. Thank you Annie. I really enjoyed those Anne/Greenlee scenes and the overall episode. Things have been great the past few days. Hell I even enjoyed the Adam/KWAK scenes!

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Annie was stone cold awesome laying into Greens. I loved it! I love Annie now a lot, Melissa Egan(I think that is her name) has finally won me over. I love her being such a strong woman.

JR and Amanda are smokin hot, I loved how she stomped on his foot. I really want them to get together and stay together while Babe gets all jealous. Because come on, they have a child together and were married. Her friend hooking up with her soon to be ex husband, of course she will be jealous. I just want Amanda to come out on top for once.

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Thank you Greenlee for confirming

That Ryan no longer loves you! Yep he has moved on to someone else and now you need to move on with some real man like Josh. Hey you can be the first one to make history and marry a fetus! Good lord why fret over Ryan? He is certainly not worth it. Let Annie have him and before she knows it she will realize she made a mistake. But it is about time Greenlee got through that little pea sized brain of hers that Ryan no longer wants her. Like DUH he's only made it clear to you all the friggen time. Now friggen move on to some real guy and leave him in the dust.

Ryan Fully Loaded

Yep folks he certainly has everything that any man could ever want! Ouch did I actually call Ryan a man? Well I digress that sometimes I say the wrong thing. Yep he has two children, a boy and a girl, and a wife who is making sure that the Green Butterfly stays put and does not use any whipped cream filled with moose and dirt and yellow mustard and green ketchup ready to use for a night of whoopey that makes Roseanne want to belt out the Star Spangled Banner! You can call Ryan a loaded man and also one full of BS and it reminds you of that joke of a bird that the Native Americans call a walking eagle that it is so full of sh1t it cannot fly. Yep Ryan has lost his ability to fly and if only he could fly someplace else and start using his super duper powers to turn baby elephants into aliens like E.T. who is ready to hump the living daylights out of Benji the dog and his mama, Flo. What a dufus he is and now he also is loaded up with an ex fighting for him, a wife wanting him, and with another ex working right close to him and raising a child with him. Why does this a$$ goblin deserve all of this? I guess since he thinks he can sing Kumbaya after eating urine infested hot dogs (talk about getting yout wee wee in a bind) that he is someone who is special and had that limited charm. Well at least Greenlee has come to her senses and realize there is nothing worthy in fighting for someone as silly as St. Ryan of the Uptight Ego Mothball Smell Hairy A$$.

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As soon as I saw this ^^^ last night, I knew Beall must've written the breakdown. I watched my tape this morning, and lo and behold -- guess who wrote the breakdown? :rolleyes: And guess which characters are being propped? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And guess which couple agendas are being pushed? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Balance, my voluptuous ass! <_<

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The Annie/Greenlee scenes were intense! They were definitely needed, as it sort of brought a little closure to the Rylee thing (unless spoilers have Greens still yearning for him). But I thought this was a perfect ending and beginning to Josh/Greenlee (I hope).

Loved Ava/Di.

The Amanda/JR/Babe/Jamie stuff was filler, but much needed. We've barely had any Babe/JR scenes and it's important to let them know they are with new people now and how to still deal with Little A, etc.

I enjoyed the Adam/Krystal scenes too - I'm ok with their reunion storyline, if written well.

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Monday's episode was one of my favorite. I loved how Annie wasn't backing down, despite Greens being claustrophobic.

Now if she can actually focus on someone else other than Ryan, I'll be surprised.

I thought it was cute how Adam was talking to Krystal about pouring the beer in the mug...

And always love watching Ava/Lily....

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