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Plus Sized Actors and Chinese Actors

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Is it just me, who really would like to see more Plus Sized Actors on Soaps, it gets tiresome after awhile seeing everybody looking like Ken and Barbie, cause that`s not real, there are so many people who are fat in the world, i think they should be added to the soaps. Another question i have, is why are there no chinese Actors on any Soaps?.


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If you mean Asian actors, there are plenty of them, in Asian countries. :lol: I agree with you, there should be more minorities on soaps. Plus size actors. To be honest, it is nothing I want to see per say, but it would be nice and a change and diverse which is good.

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Chinese Actors? I don't know why you are singling out chinese actors. But anyway, DAYS had an asian actress a year ago. She played Sophie, who hooked up with Lucas when he and Sami split for a while. They also had the girl playing Gaby who left the show c:a a week.

DAYS also had Patrica Darbo on cast for several years.

But I don't know about the "Ken and Barbie" thing you're mentioning. I don't think everyone looks perfect, far from it especially when you see them of camera. Heck I find it kind of hard to find guys who's really hot on soaps. Good looking, yes. But hot... no. DAYS had Jensen Ackles though, he's really hot. :P

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ASIAN, you must keep in mind that my english is not always great and i sometimes forget the best way to write a thing i another language but my own language. However, when it comes to plus sized, actors i so disagree, i think it is terrible if really great plus-sized actors are never really able to become a great Actor or Actress. There are really few Plussized, Patrika is not on a soap right now, the only really great plussized actor i can think of is Susan Flannery, she is great. In Emmerdale we have Jane Cox playing Lisa Dingle, and in Coronation there are also a few, what i mean there should be rolemodels who are Plussize on American Soaps also, and the one who said that it might no be the prettiest thing to see, i am going to say, must everyone be so pretty?, dosent real acting come first?

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sometimes diversity does become a black/white issue in our talks-i think it is because of the dynamics of our history-but we do need to realize this is an issue that incorporates everybody. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians as well as the indigenous Native Americans who lived here for thousands of years before any of the Europeans "discovered" them. I think that having people of all sizes is important too, esp. here because over 60% of the U.S. is overweight or obese. I was reading on another board that one of Kim Zimmer's associates asked for the costume people to give her extra large shirts. I don't even think she's all that big and even if you think so, why does it matter? As long as she can act, who cares?

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The only show that I watched that built up an Asian family for awhile was Young and the Restless...All My Children had An Li, I think who married Brian Bodine or something.

As for plus size as of right now...you do have Kathy Brier, but more often than not plus size actresses and actors (who are not vets) are used for 'quick quips' (Ephiphany and Alice on GH) or they are on the show because they are plus sized.

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