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ATWT: Tuesday's Episode Discussion

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Jack will need to go to a clinic soon to take care of that KACK Infestation before he gets back with Carly....

And, Katie wants to make another pie with Jack? Hmmm, what kind of pie, a cherry cream pie? Whatever kind of pie she's offering to make, I wouldn't dare to pay anyone to taste it.

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You know you lost your libido when you say the following lame come-on lines....Jack Snyder is here to demonstrate:

Jack: "Oooooh, peel that apple, baby!"

Jack: "I got you a stress ball to remember me by. Squeeze it whenever you feel..... stressed"

Jack: "I love your grit!

Sponsored by the Jack's a Lame-O Production

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Oh. My. God. I can't even watch Jack with that skank anymore. THIS is what Pissy has reduced Jack to....baking pies????? :wacko: Yes...and it makes Kack such an interesting, dynamic couple! Next week on ATWT....Jack bangs his thumb while making birdhouses with Katie. Tune in to see how she "distracts" him from the pain, folks...*nudge nudge, wink wink* ONLY on ATWT!!! *sarcasm off*

And one more gratitutous shot of Fluffy spreading her legs wide for her newest "soulmate"...intense wretching sounds interrupted my train of thought..... OH, thank you, Pissy. Just another nasty KittyTramp picture to wipe from my memory banks.

Just for the record, Jack has looked at Carly's ass. And it sure as hell wasn't because she was making a pie, either.

One last thing...I think it's hilarious how they show how mismatched Kack is. Katie ordered lamb and salmon mousse for their dinner. (Has any Snyder ever eaten salmon mousse?) Today, Katie's wishing for burgers and chocolate milkshakes, Jack brings her a salad. Ugh...that whole conversation just reminded me of Jack with JuliaI, with him wishing for the "simple life" with riding lawn mowers and tire swings and such crappola. *&((^^*^(^(*^%^T%%~!!!

Oy....the Brad/Carly scenes didn't impress me either. Carly actually apologizes to the jerk for knocking him on his ass? And not ONE mention of how he blackmailed her into marriage...just lots of generic talk of how they "got along". *eyeroll* I think TIIC want us to believe Brad is some kind of idiot savant...for every ONE halfway "right" thing he says, he makes about twenty wrong ones. I can't decide if he actually GAS about Carly, or if he just wanted to rile her up, because he knows that Carly needs to psych herself up to get her family back, and Jack needs to see Carly fight for her children to start remembering what he loves about her.

But then he came up with the thought that Carly didn't love Simon...she just loved his flattery, which I totally agree with. :)

And I know some people who would welcome a redecoration of the Milltown house. Poor Maura looked like she was going to strain something lifting that chair.

Meg...oh, boy. Didn't we get this same speech (Craig turned me into someone I didn't like...) about Paul, after the whole baby switch stuff?

So...how many other people are going to Yo's this month? TIIC wouldn't haul out a set for three scenes? LOL....

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It was awful being exposed to that. I doubt we will see Luke spreading his legs while Noah takes off his shirt and humps/kisses Luke in Kim's kitchen. <_< But yet we got Katie and Jack doing the dirty...yuckkkkkk!!

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