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Would You Rather...

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I don't drive much, but you know, when I do I find myself turning on AM so I can listen to gospel like we used to on Sunday mornings. :lol: I guess I get plenty of the "in" mainstream stuff from TV.

Watch a marathon of your favorite sitcom "live" on TV or on your own dvds.

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I really want to go back to Kindergarten all over again, and with the same brain I have now! I just think that would be awesome. In last year of High School right now and I keep thinking of so many things I could have done different!!

Yes SoapBoy you are messed up LOL!! I think I would rather have a stranger fart on me cause it won't last to long, it'll go away fast ph34r.gif

Would you rather visit the Middle East or South America?

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South America, the ME scares me (I know, ignorant, no offense).

And lol at Soapboy, I'm afraid I'd take the fart too, there's no way that toothbrush is goin' in my mouth! Re: the fart, I think we've all been in an enclosed space and have had to on some level endure that particular assault to our senses. I also hate it when people eat stinky food on the bus, like salt and vinegar potato chips.

Would you rather be hit by a car or be bit by a dog (same degree of non-fatal injury)?

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Yeah I can understand that, SFK. A lot of people are scared of the ME. I really find it fascinating though and I've always wanted to visit there!! That whole region just interests me so much.

And wow. I think I'd definitely rather be hit by a car.

Would you rather live without your computer or your TV?

Edited by AllmyDaysatGH
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