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OLTL Discussion: Week of April 9th

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Well I watched off and on today.

Jash needs to DIE seriously and who is about to suffer cause of this tired triangle Jamie. DIE Jash DIE!!!

Rex UGH, counting the hours, days and minuates until Todd finds out what you have done.

As for Todd/Blair been there done that. If I cant have Tangeline right now dammit can I please have a sexy free Todd that wants to date or something and not return to the tired, boriing and dysfunctional Todd/Blair. Whats this round 54389 for them, I swear they are worse than Sonny and Carly and I gave up GH cause I could not stomach them or more to the point the woman for Sonny which is the same case for Todd.

If I have not said it I will say it now Brian Frons and TIIC SUCK!!!!!!

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OK Anita since you expressed your preferences, I'll be honest too.

Die 'Tangeline Die.

Now on to the earlier discussion.

I think Heather was dumped and she wasn't dumped. I think they wrote bad storylines, and that's why she left. I do think it was made pretty clear to her that there wasn't going to be much for her to look forward to at OLTL. Dan G. was dumped. I don't know what happened with ME. I do know Antonio was in the bear trap a month. RSW worked without a contract. Robin Strasser came down to the wire. Didn't HBS go without a contract for a short while?

You know I really liked Evangeline when she was the tough attorney. I admit, a lot of my problems with the character is I just really don't like much of REG's fanbase. They just hate every other character in my opinion. It's no secret Natalie bores me, but man, some of the Evangeline folks were brutal and not to the character of Natalie, but to the actress. Now that I don't go to ABC's board, I don't mind the character of Evangeline as much because I don't see a lot of the fanbase weirdness.

So whether it's REG or someone else, I do believe they need to keep the character. I think they need more impressive African-American women on soaps. I hated what they did with Keri.

That being said, I also think they need to bring back Hank and RJ. There was no reason to dump those characters and replace RJ with RJ lite. Also, Nora's daughter would be a good addition. I think Kevin and Joe need to return. There is no reason for all these newbies when a generation of character is missing. We also could use more than one African-American male and one female on each show.

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It would not be you not to say that. LOL

As for Heather she chose not to re-sign her contract. She said so on her board. She wanted to try other things period. They were going to keep her and see how Hugh and her were going to be but she decided not continue.

Dan was the issue for the so call fan panel which also sucks.

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If we're being honest DIE JASH DIE!!!

Exactly she hated the writing and decided to leave. She could have stayed if she wanted to. The only person who got the short end of the stick was Dan. He was dumped I think we can all agree on that.

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Well if we are being honest, no way could HT have stayed IMPO. Dena never wrote for her. They ended the Ace story of Malones ASAP and gave HT only the bare minimum of story after that. So little story that she didn't submit her name for consideration for a pre-nom in 2005. Then they come up with the rectory [!@#$%^&*] for 2006. HT is a smart girl. If they were going to write for her they would have in the two years she twiddled her thumbs. There are even stories to the effect that Frons instructed the writers to not give her emotional scenes so she wouldn't have the material for the emmys in 2005.

Sounds like Dan may have the last laugh, though.

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That's my impression too. That's why I said she was dumped and she wasn't dumped. I know weeks before it was announced she was leaving she was saying she would like to be involved in stories with other characters. She said she liked Dan, but would like to mix it up with maybe an affair with Antonio or John. Then boom, she's not staying. So yeah, I think she saw the handwriting on the wall.

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Really! I wanted to cut those two yesterday... Blair for yet agin being in someone's business when she shouldn't be and then Starr for agree with her. Please, these two are getting more annoying Boriana and That Guy.

Michael, Marcie, and Tommy... of course they put them on screen when Todd's part of the story picks up steam. I would love for TPTB to actually have them on the show just to have them, and not prop up Todd and <_< Blair.

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It would be, except Emmy politicking also says OLTL has a good chance of winning best show. That's leverage for ye hated ones, the unholy trio. I'd love it if Dan got the emmy but not so sure if I want OLTL to get it. And let's face it, Disney will see EVERY f&cking ABC Emmy as a feather in Brian Frons' cap.

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I'd say she was dumped ON, and encouraged to leave. I doubt there was a question in either one's mind. However, THEY certainly could have changed some things to keep her HAD they been so minded. Michael Easton all put painted a billboard saying he WANTED to leave...and they moved heaven and earth to keep him. Not so HT or Tuc Watkins.

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I'll be honest too. Die Natalie DIE! Melissa Archer does not impress me at all. It doesn't help that her character is a flat, one note, jealous bitch. She should've left the show and dragged ME with her. They are a complete bore to watch.

Michael is so damn annoying. I understand that he loves Tommy or whatever the kid's name is, but he's no better than a kidnapper.

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