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OLTL Discussion: Week of April 9th

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I guess I am one of the few that really doesn't care wheather or not Renee goes. She isn't a very interesting character in my book and can easily be replaced. Van has been in Llanview 4 years and is not core to the show. I wish Renee luck in the future.

PS reason ratings are so low is because the writing is terrible. Keeping Renee is not going to change that or the ratings. I agree with ABC, play hardball!!!

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First I'm not convinced there would be any ratings drop. RH's Todd came and went plenty of times with little impact on the ratings. Also there are many things that can be done to minimize real or feared loss which may be better for the show in the long run. It doesn't have to be RH that returns. There are many options from bringing back the Gannon family with RJ, Hank and Rachael, convincing Tuc to return, bringing back Kevin, Joey, Kelly, Cassie or Carlo. While the TIIC are so busy worrying about the fans of their pets the fans of other characters are turning the channel.

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I think it's all much ado about nothing. I think all this talk about one character leaving the show and causing huge ratings drop that last for extended periods of time is generally by people who spend a great deal of time on the internet. Truth is the majority of viewers don't care enough about a daytime drama to go to a website and the same handful of people post on a lot of boards. I've said previously and I'll say it again, I would be surprised if there were more than a total of 200 people that post regularly on all the OLTL boards combined.

The reason the ratings are down is because people don't watch, and they don't watch for a lot of different reasons. The primary reason is they don't want to. Period. They are down when REG is on the show just as often as they are down when she is not. Oh please, let's not get into the scarytown crap about how ratings are up one day and down the next depending on the presence of Crave, Jolie, Tangeline or whoever the couple of the obsessed is at the moment.

I think RH coming back would spur a temporary boost. His fans would watch out of curiousity. When Laura came backto GH it did cause a temporary boost. Merely changing writers -- albeit a bad one -- caused a temporary boost at OLTL.

This show has survived losing Robin Strasser, Roger Howarth, Tuc Watkins, Susan Haskell, Andrea Evans and many other talented and popular actors who played popular characters. It can survive losing REG. That being said, does anyone seriously doubt she won't be back within the month?

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Jess, I also agree with you. Rating didn't drop when Roger left all those times. Fan say things, and dont mean it. I could never leave a soap over one character. That is kind of nutty. I like REG, but I doubt ratings would drop "that" much. I also, like the idea of bringing back Core characters in her spot. A little off topic, but I think Todd will be back to being bad once he gets back with Blair. He will turn mean over his lost of Evangeline. That's just what I think, but who am I? ^_^ . I would love to see RJ back on, Rachel, who I can almost guarentee will make an appearance for this White Supremecy storyline, and many others, ESPECIALLY Tina. Tina, with Viki, and meddling Todd after he is back with Blair will be awesome!!!

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Jay that is exactly what I'm thinking. I think this attitude that this show has to have certain characters is what got OLTL in this mess to begin with. ME is not what he is costing, not only financially, but in airtime and loss of other characters. I also think it creates these problems where REG and TSJ and probably some of the others think they too deserve better contracts, more money and all kinds of say so in the administration of this show.

AMC is a mess -- or it was last time I watched -- becaue it has stopped dancing with the fans who brung it and are trying to pander to new fans with new characters. Anyway, I agree.

I also think TSJ will become more of the Todd he was previously. I also don't think it's Todd and Blair that will lead to the demise of Todd and Evangeline. I just think it didn't work for a lot of viewers. It seems to be a bi-modal response. Fans love it or hate it. I also think a lot of people enjoyed Cris and Van.

But anyway, whether REG stays or goes, it's not going to mean the difference for this show. Maybe OLTL is being smart and trying to make sure it isn't held hostage by characters in the future. Another advantage of a good healthy mix of starring characters is it prevents the show and the network from being held hostage. I also think REG and TSJ will be back. Erin Torpey is a pretty good example. She's been gone five years and is just starting to catch on in venues other than daytime.

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Her interview sounded pretty final. I know some think it's a publicity stunt, but I don't. Both she and TPTB are at an impass. At this point I don't think either of them will blink and at some point both parties have to move on and I think this will be the case.

Back on topic. I haven't had a chance to see any shows this week but I have read recaps and things sound pretty dull. I'm tired of Jessica/Nash and I have a feeling they will be on screen all this week. I think it's time for me to take another break.

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Well I'm a big Jessica/Nash fan so I'm loving it. LOL.

I really very much believe that this REG thing is anything but final. I do not think that this is a publicity stunt, but I do think both sides are doing a lot of public posturing. I also think we saw this same thing with Melissa Archer, with Michael Easton and now with REG and with Trevor. Personally I think Trevor should mind his own business. I don't think he did REG any favors, but that is my gut opinion. I suspect Trevor will sign back on next week after the Easter break and REG will be back on contract by the end of the month.

The end result will be the same as it was with Melissa Archer. Everyone will say no comment. People that are huge fans of REG will be very happy. People who don't like REG and never have will act like they once loved her but now they think she is greedy. You know the ol, I once liked her, but now I think she is selfish. Most viewers -- the 3 million who don't follow soaps on the internet LOL -- won't know much about it.

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I think it's pretty final. Unlike ME and MA there was some sort of meeting of the minds to renew prior at the 11th hour that their contracts expired. Even HBS's reprieve came prior to the expiration of her existing contract. Both TSJ and REG's contracts have expired. In TSJ's case some time the week of March 21st according to his webmistress and REG on April 1.

If TIIC were smart they would take this opportunity to return the show to an ensamble get rid of the dead wood and attempt to salvage something out of the remains. With the departures on AMC and the rumored departures for the summer it sounds like the tact they are taking for the better.

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I did like Nash and Jessica but when she married Antonio knowing full well she had feelings for Nash left a bad taste in my mouth. Things are got worse with them almost have sex during the fire with Antonio getting hurt trying to save her cheating arse. Now we have her putting Jamie in the middle and she FINALLY has sex with Nash runing her wedding vows. I don't see how I'm supposed to root for this couple.

From what I remember Melissa Archer re-signed before her contract expired. I think the only ones left after their contract was up where Kamar, Michael and Hilary.

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Heather's situation may have played out much differently had HBS not spilled the beans.

ME gave an interview to the effect that he said he hadn't signed but there was some sort of agreement in principal when they taped the crash scenes.

Jess is correct that RSW worked without a contract for some period but he supposedly was still working. TSJ reportedly isn't working.

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