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PSNS: Week of March 19

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I agree 100 percent, Rion. There's no way somebody, unless they're really jaded and not just going with the flow, find those scenes not A LITTLE funny -- especially since they were the most hilarious thing I've seen on daytime in at least a year, maybe less. It was just so over-the-top. And Heidi may have drawn upon Nikki Kidman's orgasm performance in "Moulin Rouge" to attain and believe the unrealistic nature of the situation.

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Maybe, but I am not sure even Ethan and Theresa will be the final couple. I would say Ethan/Theresa has a 80% chance of both characters surviving and being a couple, and Shuis...I would say 50/50 chance in its current state. I could see one of them dying like in their other lifetimes. They are starcrossed lovers. Charity and Miguel were a sure final coupling, too, until now. I don't see how the big switch from Miguel and Kay is going to be made to Miguel and Charity if indeed it happens. At this point, Miguel and Charity as a final couple is like 5%.

I think June-July will be the months that show which couples will be the end game.

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How do you expect the final battle between good and evil to occur if Charguel don't reunite? And what makes you think it's Kay and Miguel, not Kay and Fox, that is the rooting couple?

I can almost guarantee you that the following couples will be together when the show ends: Theresa/Ethan, Sheridan/Luis, Grace/Sam, Charity/Miguel, Julian/Eve.

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Kay and Fox have not been written as the rooting couple since March 2006. Charity and Miguel are over, imo. If there were another year left, then perhaps they would have reunited.

In order of final couples, based on what I think definitely will happen if JER does not make the last 6 years (everything after the failed double wedding) a dream:

Ethan/Theresa - 80% and above

Eve/Julian - 80% and above

Kay/Miguel - 80% and above

Grace/Sam - 70% if Grace returns to Harmony alive

Sheridan/Luis - 50%

Charity/Miguel - 5%

Kay/Fox - 5%

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