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PSNS Finale Casting Rumours

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Rion...I want to know where you get your info from. You clearly know someone in the know or are someone in the know about what is coming.

As for Ivy dying, I guess that's alright. I can't think of how else to close out her character.

I don't care about the familiar faces coming back as new characters stuff. It will be nice and so in keeping with what Passions does but I would rather they focus on giving the fans a worthy finale. I would also rather we saw these former cast members returning in the roles they portrayed. I would love Justin Hartley back as Fox and Donn Swaby as Chad. Travis returning as Ethan would rock too.

Still hoping the zombie thing is true.

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What if they could get all those people to come back, temps included, and just reveled in the nonsense of having multiple Ethans, Chads, Kays; etc? That could be really, really fun. No throwaway lines about how people look familiar or anything like that- just, like, Theresa vs. two Gwens with two Ethans on the sidelines being all pathetic.

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OMG, px, I'd LOVE that.

IT's original -- which means it beats my version of the "Passions" finale, which would be a "future" episode to show, as most longrunning soaps do, what our favorite heroes and heroines look like in their 50s. Anyway, in the last minute, Ethan and Theresa talk about their years of happiness together,fate, blah blah, blah...and then Theresa gives thanks for everyone in her family having a happy ending. She walks around her living room, which has tons of picture frames, glances lovingly at the photos of Luis with Sheridan and their children, Miguel with Charity and their children... and then Theresa sees Pilar and says "Mama," and cries, letting us know she has died of old age. At that point, Theresa turns around to Ethan, and then RUSHES to him , and a very tight, passionate embrace. They hold their embrace for a good five seconds. Ethan says "Let's go to bed." They turn out the lights and head upstairs. And oh yeah, throughout all of this, Collin Raye's version of "In This Life" is playing.

Oh, actually, I kind of WANT that to happen now. Imagine how those disgruntled AW fans would react! :lol:

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