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AMC: Monday

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I didn't catch all of AMC today, but all I could think was what the hell was up with Ryan. His wardrobe looked like he was channeling Steve Burton's. He didn't look like a man who was angry at the person who killed his sister and friends.

Loved that Kendall told Zach she is pregnant. Hopefully they will be happy.

Go Erica! I can't wait to see the new writer write for her. I want her to have her feistiness back. It's coming back, slowly but surely.

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Ryan and Babe, both the same. The characters have been destroyed so much they can't stand on their own, so McTavish always sacrifices other characters to push the ones she has ruined back up. Its a vicious cycle. I am growing beyond tired of the same old crap regarding J.R and Babe as I mentioned in my first post in the topic. Its the same over and over again.

J.R= Evil, Babe=Love. What a bunch of crap.

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In my opinion, today's episode was really awful! Karen Lewis's dialog bores me. It's so generic and bland. Nothing anybody said stood out for me.

Moving on, I am TIRED of this Cambias crap. The whole Satin Slayer storyline was a dud. The only positive thing that came out of it was the strengthening of Zendall for us Zen Fans... that, and that beautiful Joanna Cohen script. But now that Alexander's been raised from the dead, what's left? He's just going to sit around in his orange jumpsuit rambling on and on about -- what, exactly? Again, the Lewis blandness made me tune out during his pointless drivel, so I have no real clue what he was going on and on about.

And why are Zach, Ryan and Kendall able to just saunter into the police station and chat with murderers? I mean, really. :rolleyes:

Erica, dump the Fetus. He's not a Kane. He's clearly a Martin. He is the most annoying, the most self righteous, the most ungrateful, the most entitled creature to ever be concocted in a test tube. Ugh! Seeing Erica eat ten miles of this boy sh!t and search for more is embarrassing to watch.

I loved Babe's laughable attempt at being bold and unmoving with JR. HA! Now that her ass is caught out, she has all the balls in the world. You don't fool me, you skanky ho, and I don't feel anything for your pitiful show of "strength" because I know five seconds ago, you were coming up with every excuse in the book to flee and lie and deceive like a little coward.

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I love that too R_Sinclair, the strengthening of Zendall more and more. I love how Zach & Kendall barely acknowledged Ryass in the jail too hee hee :D

I just can't wait for tomorrow for Zach's reaction to Kendall's baby news :D

I love RG, and hope they keep him around, the show needs a real bad ass villian.

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Ryan's Big Fat Greek Wedding

The event will be monstrous and huge and just plain overwhelming and have all the royal guests invited to attend to witness the joining of St. Ryan and his beloved Annie. The guests that are expected to attend are the one armed man to lead the gorgeous bride in a dance called "Mono Arm Nucleotide Swing Ding" yes it is mouthful but it is a glorious dance full of Dynamite Kiddo pizzazz and wonderful gloating and whatever else you can expect from a grand wedding like this. Heck it will even put Luke and Laura's to shame! Maybe they will get married at that castle where Ryan bewed the Green Butterfly even though it was not really for love (in that case, why have it done at such a romantic location). Also expected to attend this wedding are a pink bear who can sing Kumbaya and do the Macarena, a green gorilla who apparently does feel green with envy over this union, a blue lion who feels the blues once you play The Monkees, and another great guest shall be a purple hyena who laughs every time you take a dump on tulips-ka poop!

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A big, fat, AMEN from me on this. I HATE the way Erica crawls to this pathetic excuse for a son. He treats her like crap and she goes back for more. He uses his mommy card when he wants something from her and her sisters and then kicks them to the curb and disowns them when they con't comply. He is a creep and even Madden was a better person than he was. I pray the new writers END THIS JOSH NIGHTMARE AND SOON!

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Erica Kane RULES!!!!

She is totally making this show worth watching! I will be so glad when we have seen the last of McHackish's work. She is so lame with her Babe and Ryan propping. Lonely little scribe should go on a long vacation and learn how to write! MORON!

JR groveling to that pig whore was despicable!

On a shallow note, JY is looking mighty hot with that hair. He could, however, work on the acting a bit...


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I hope he kills her and then returns to being the wonderful character he should have been. Honestly, he and Eva LaRue should have been given a run before she left. Alicia and her boney ass are mediocre at best. Zach is nothing but a lapdog to this simple character. How sad.

My only hope is that McHachish's replacement will remedy this huge error and give the audience the leading man Zach should be. This couple is a complete joke!


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