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AMC: Friday

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I'm glad the show acknowledged the unusual name and that it handled the incident in a mature, adult manner.

Still, I would PAY to see that YouTubed. I mean, Aidan asking Kendall to share some "spotted dick"?!!! PRICELESS!!

And even better would have been if they went the JER route with that.

Kendall: "I'm here, Aidan. So what do you want?"

Aidan: "I was wondering if you were hungry..."

Kendall: "Hungry, hungry for what? What's this all about?"

Aidan (dressed in nothing but a bathrobe): "Would you like to join me for dessert?"

Kendall: "Dessert?"

Aidan: "Come, Kendall -- come have a taste of my spotted dick."

Kendall's eyes bulge on extreme closeup; cue dramatic music...commercial break...


Kendall: Look, I have no idea what kind of sick, twisted evening you had planned but honestly...

Aidan: What's the matter?


Aidan: Oh, I can see... forgive me. I know this looks bad. No, see, I was having Heinz' excellent "Spotted Dick" (he shows container) and thought you might like some. I didn't mean that you should have a taste of MY spotted --- ahem.

Kendall: "Oh, oh, oooooooooooooooooooooooohhh."

Gotta love JER!

Is it any wonder I'd love for him to come to AMC?!! Especially when they feature sexual foods such as this "spotted dick?" He'd have a FIELD DAY with it.

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