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Days: Willow is horrible!

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Willow is not front-burner. SHELLE are front-burner. Willow is a supporting character to Belle and Shawn. Until Willow gets a story of her own, she will remain in the supporting role that she's been on. I laugh at the constant hate for this woman. I just don't get it.

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I am with the whole Tired Of Waiting For People To Learn To Act party. Sure it's great when it works out, ie Nicole, but it should be the exception and not the rule, IMO. Just ... stop hiring people who can't act! Gah!

However, I must say that I have enjoyed Willow at times, and it was the times that Phillip was insulting her, and I actually think her bad acting was a part of the reason why that worked (though not the only way it could've worked).

Still, if she isn't gone at the end of the plotline I'll be taking names. I envision a glorious soapy soap end for Miss Stark <_<

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I think this may be a commentary on the poor choices they have when people audition.

TO ALL YOUNG ACTORS OUT THERE: Please, give up on your pipe dreams. You aren't going to make it. Please give up and leave it to the professionals. That voice in your head that says you aren't good enough is right. You are barely passable as bartenders. Go back to Iowa and to your broken dreams... for all our sakes.

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I get the feeling sometimes that the reason Willow is amassing so many enemies around Salem (Shawn, Belle, Philip, Victor, Bo, Hope, Chelsea, etc.) is that they are going to get rid of her with a great big, splashy murder mystery with all of Salem being possible suspects. She alienates everyone she's around, even a supposed ally like Philip, so it's going to be difficult for her to stick around Salem long-term. And I can't believe she's actually going to deliver this baby; there have been too many baby storylines in the last year or so. With some of the actions she's taken and her I don't care who I double cross attitude, Willow is just asking to be killed by somebody. Wild man Philip dangles her over the ship's railing, threatening to drop her, and what does she do? She lets Shawn and Belle escape and then taunts him with it. It's like she has a death wish!

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I never was selling the budget rumor, except in saying that they can't do big sweeps events on the level of GH.

We also don't know that Hogan wants to write for them. It's a cycle. B&H and J&M were on alot in the fall. Now the young characters, Steve/Kayla, Sami/Lucas/EJ are on the front burner. Shelle, Nick/Chelsea, and Max/Abby were hardly on in the fall. It's their time and soon we will see the tide change again. Things will change over again, as spoilers indicate. Just because you are bored with the characters doesn't mean that most fans are. Willow's brother is recurring. It doesn't matter who is on. If things were happening, ratings would be better. I constantly see shows pimping people that a good deal of fans don't like and the ratings go up just as long as something happens. Just look at 2001 with Days. The teen invasion was horrible but the ratings never went down until after 9/11 and that was when the story got beyond cartoonish. In fact, the ratings stayed the same or even went up. It goes to show you if there is action and things happening you will get better numbers.

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