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Days: Willow is horrible!

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I agree Keith.

I mean, he seemed so happy with them. It came out of nowhere. I think he said that the stories they were doing (like the big Hope is kidnapped umbrella story) were too costly. It just doesn't make sense. The ratings were good. days was challenging alot ofr #2 that year.

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Corday would have them change the story before he'd flat out fire them. Demote them. Whatever. Just look at Reilly (and no I'm not turning this into another 'Corday interfered and that's why Reilly sucks' or not debate, just making conclusions based on my own perceptions). Of course, NBC tied his hands, then. Something tells me this happened again. Maybe they didn't like something. Who knows. How the execs cared about something besides money, I'm not entirely sure. And I certainly can't think of something that would have offended them, but hey, I'm just a speculator.

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Somebody (here, I think) was saying (theorizing?) in passing once that B&C used the vets too much and it got too expensive and that's why B&C went ... but yeah its a good point, Keith, why wouldn't Corday just tell them to write them less?

Maybe this is when NBC, for whatever reason (because they're stupid, I guess) demanded that Corday bring Reilly back. Higley just held down the fort until it was a done deal. If that was the case I don't know why they wouldn't let B&C stay until Hogan was ready, unless there was some timing misunderstanding ... I dunno, it definitely was a big WTF move.

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Wow, I don't see Wills nearly as psycho as all of you do.

First of all, about the basketball, am I the ONLY one who thinks "Days" writers were trying to make Willow hip by giving her a line that you ALL know a sane character would say on "Grey's Anatomy?" It's like when McDreamy said he wanted to be Meredith's knight in shining "whatever" after Meredith said something about not needing a knight in shining "whatever." Shawn (or whoever it was) asked if Wills was PG with his basketball -- all she did was turn it around to be sarcastic, or "whatever." Frankly, I thought it was cute!

Also, I don't think Wills is a golddigger. I mean, I do, but I don't think she'd REALLY let Phil have her baby (if indeed she is pregnant). yes, she's always working an angle but we also see her softer side. For instance, she's paying for JED'S COLLEGE EDUCATION with her dirty money! That shows she has a heart.

I'm convinced her plan is to get as much as she wants from Phil and then hit the road. She's proven she loves her family. She wouldn't sell her baby like that.

I think the character is TOTALLY misunderstood by a lot of people in this thread.

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I know everyone hated Rahmer, but she's not a bad actress. I blame the writing :lol: She was great on CSI a few months ago.

At least Charity was campy and entertaining. Annie is just annoying and boring.

She was also in the slasher B Movies Leeches, Cheerleader Massacre, and The Frightening and she playes the preppy cheerleader type to a hilt.

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