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February 13th ATWT episode

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No discussion about today's eppy yet?

I've been less than thrilled with the Adam plot (*snark* now Adam has a plot, though I don't think it's six feet deep..), and some of the Gwen/Maddie stuff was a little overwrought, but this clicked into high gear today once Gwennie decided to cover up Adam's "death". It's about time real Gwen reemerged, and it's the first time in a long time I've seen any of Iris' genes rear their ugly heads. (There's even a parallel to the Carly/Lily coverup of Julia's death, which I appreciated.)

Meg...OMG, STFU!! I couldn't believe she had the cajones to tell Paul off like that.

I know I shouldn't, but I felt bad for Casey. Tom's having a meltdown, and Margo's singing Adam's praises to his face.

Ooooh...shades of MadWill popped up. Loved his line to Jade..."maybe I should drop you off. When I met Adam, maybe there shouldn't be any witnesses."

The Brad stuff sucked. Correction. AP sucks. Jack and Vienna were funny. And it was nice to see Kim.

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I loved the whole show except for Brad. He was definitely the biggggggggggggggg weak point today.

Gwen & Maddie were superb. I think that Will will be the one to take the fall for Adam's disappearance. He will be the chief suspect and Jade the chief witness after what he said.

It is going to be big drama and if everything goes right - this should further involve Barbara, Margo and Tom as the story unfolds more. And I love that.

This is going to be family drama at it's best.

And I love that FINALLY they are dealing more with Maddie's rape. I am sorry that it is more of a plot point brought up with this story. But it is a nice nod to the past story and that Maddie snapped when she saw Adam & Gwen.

Overall great show. I just can't take Austin Peck unless his shirt is off to distract me. LOL

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No problem. Dont even give it a second thought. :)

I enjoyed today's show again. It was great seeing Kim and Bob. I am loving the Hughes drama. I still think Bob should have been at the police station as well as Babs.

The Gwen/Maddie drama was good. I just still hate how Adam was written for this outcome to unfold.

The weak point had to be Paul and Brad.

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Meg/Craig/Paul: zZzZzZzZ

Brad: B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!

Surprisingly the teen invasion was the best thing from today's show. Good scenes with Tom, Margo and Casey. I LOVE when Tom gets angry, he's so sarcastic!

Loved seeing Kim! Even if it's for 2 seconds... <_<

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Another great episode! Nothing much I can say except that I loved all of the scenes involving realGwen, Maddie, Adam, Will, Jade, Tom, Casey, and Margo. I liked the stuff with Brad a teensy tiny bit. If it was someone other than Austin Peck, who is just not right at all for the show, I'd love the storyline, but eh. You can't be happy about everything. I love the fact that they followed Tom and Margo back home after the stuff at the police station. I'm guessing Ellen Dolan's fans really pulled it for her last year when she wrote that letter. She and S. Holmes have been getting some great material to play with each other lately. That very last shot of them, with her starting to cry and him putting his arms around her...that just screamed PLEASE MAKE A SCREENCAP OF ME!

Again, great show. They're 2-for-2 this week so far. I was looking at the credits and every single contract cast member except for Tamara Tunie, Helen Wagner, Colleen Zenk Pinter, Terri Columbino, Jon Hensley, and Martha Byrne have been on this week so far. That's really, really, REALLY amazing, considering it hasn't felt nearly as crowded as it could have been and everyone's done something significant in their scenes.

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I agree that today's show was another good one,with the exception of Brad.

I am beginning to think he brings Vienna down when he is in scenes with her.

Scott Holmes is so intense in his scenes as Tom.After the show is over I wonder if he has trouble winding down from it all.

It was a Richard Culliton show today.

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Scott Holmes is a god, why isn't this man running this show? He is *so* much better than Jon Hensley, Grayson McCouch and Michael Park, though I love them all. Emily should try and steal Tom back.

My dear Kimberly was looking as fabulous as ever! I wonder if Kathryn Hays dresses herself? They need to bring back one of her kids so we can see more of her.

I agree! Vienna is a goddess with chemistry with most, but she can't save Brad. And the character of Katie will be dead if they keep her with him. I'm sorry to the Austin Peck fans, but I just don't see it. I don't think I'm bias either, just watch! It's like Jack is dealing with a child.

In general the show is rebounding, but I still don't know if it will last. You know how ATWT can be hot one moment and dull for the next three months. Hopefully this is the start of some good stuff and maybe they ARE listening to our complaints.

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