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100 Great Things about SON


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I'm not impressed at all. She methodically pitted (at least on one side) two boards against each other to further her agenda. She slandered SON staff and it's members on many occasion. That doesn't impress me. I have no respect for her.

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I'm most pissed that MMT is staying.

That was sick joke.


I"m teasing. I know that whatever legalities are going on that SON will come through this untouched by that loser. It'll be a few years before I get my Law degree, but I have friends in high places if you need a good lawyer. :D

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She duped me. Yes, and she lied, yes. But I can understand why. When you're a public figure, you can't just say whatever you want to without ramifications. I can relate to her because I have a similar public status with my job. But as Erica, she can let loose, give daytime scoop and see NO ramifications. So I can sympathize with that aspect. As JSF, yes, I have my opinions about controversial issues and heck, soaps -- something my public persona could never discuss. It's not even that big a deal. But some jobs are like that. To stay safe, shut up...or take an alias, as I, and it seems, [!@#$%^&*] has. Granted, I'm not lying and taking different personalities and all that. I reveal a different part ofmyself here. But again, I get where she's coming from.

I was played, but honestly? Why should that hurt me? It's not like we were best friends and she betrayed a secret of mine to any of my friends. It's not like she hurt me physically.

I just don't get the reason why I should have a bias against her now.

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I'm still stunned. You know she is watching this having a good laugh. She probably accomplished exactly what she wanted.

I really hope she has a hard time finding work and I hope that all the executive producers of the soaps find out about this

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