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GL: Tuesday January 23.

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Wow...everyone here is being really hard on NF today. I thought she stole the show hands down. Possibly even more than TP.

I just don't think people are used to seeing such a calm, collected attitude towards such a serious situation involving a close one. The expressionless look on her face when Lizzie was saying how sorry she was spoke volumes. Cassie, however, believes that Tammy is going to make it. Or at least she refuses to believe that she won't. I found that story Cassie told Harley really touching. It didn't bring me to tears but what really got to me was when she said she told Tammy that at least they had each other...that saying so was probably to make herself (Cassie) feel better than anything else. I also really felt her regret over not giving Jonathan a chance sooner and spending so much time fighting with him and Tammy. At the time, it was perfectly understandable but now, it makes sense why anyone would look back and think that it was all a waste of time. NF also did a great job in the scene where Cassie blew up at Jonathan & Lizzie for always trying to hurt each other because it was always Tammy who got hurt.

I already hate Daisy. Does she not care that her lowlife boyfriend ran over her cousin (whether it was on purpose or not doesn't matter at this point) and didn't bother to stop at all???

I am not getting Lizzie at all. She almost had this touching speech about how Tammy was one of the only people who gave her a chance when she came back to Springfield and now, she's going around acting like she did nothing wrong. Arghh...

The way Jonathan's face lit up when Tammy woke up was sweet. It's really too bad that it'll be shortlived. :(

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I'm buying Cassie's calm attitude at the moment because she's in denial, but if Tammy's dies and she stays this calm, I'll consider it completely unrealistic. I can't imagine any mother who would take a child's death calmly, much less on a soap. This wasn't a random act of god. Not to mention that the reason Tammy is dying is very similar to Hart. Someone being selfish and not taking "no" for an answer. Cassie has pretty much always been reasonable. She even gets along with Dinah these days, but Tammy dying under these circumstances should be the thing that makes her lose it.

I think Lizzie know's she's done something wrong, but she's not going to own up to what Alan did in front of Jon or Remy. I really hope that Lizzie learns from this and isn't quite as selfish in the future. Not that I want to see her turn good, but I don't want her to be the same Lizzie a month from now either.

I completely agree with the people who say Remy sucks.

I don't know what to think of Daisy. The actress has potential, but I don't think Daisy or Gillespie (Sp?)are off to a great start.

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I'm just not feeling NF. I know everything doesn't have to be flashy, but she comes across as fake. She may be cool, calm, collected, but her performance doesn't wow me. It doesn't make me feel that she's distraugt over her daughter's condition. I love subtleness, but I'm not feeling Nicole.

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I think when your child is murdered on a soap, it kinda does have to be "flashy", although the word I would use is passionate. It's not as if Tammy was in an accident. Her life was stolen by Alan's hitman.

Does anyone know if Gillespie is going to be a regular? He's hot, but please someone tell me he isn't going to be Springfield's answer to Jason Morgan.

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Cassie doesn't even know that it was Alan's hitmen. I think she'd be reacting a lot different if she did know.

It's not even really about Cassie's reactions being flashy or overdramatic vs. subtle...I've really come to buy the mother/daughter relationship she had with Tammy. I've said before that I think it's one of the most realistic portrayals of a relationship between a mother and a child...and that's why I feel so horrible for Cassie. When she was telling that story about the puppy, it reminded me of all the seemigly insignificant stories my mom always tells me and my sister but somehow, a mother finds things like that significant and worth remembering every little detail about. I thought NF nailed those scenes.

I liked Gillepsie when he was involved in the Ava crap but he is just unlikeable right now.

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Yeah, I know Cassie doesn't know the truth yet. I'm saying when she does know I would expect her to have a harder time accepting Tammy's death. It's a lot easier to accept an accidental death versus a murder, imo.

Edited to add: Gillespie is a sad excuse for a hitman. Why the heck would he take a drugged out Daisy with him on a job and worse yet while leave her there? Plus the fool couldn't even manage to kill Ava.

Also, I kind of think Harly is a bad Mom for not checking on Daisy more. Her daughter is on drugs and dating a hitman. I do want Gush to get Sidney, but I can see where judge Green would have reservations, if he finds out about Daisy?

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I do like Nicole! I have said that...but if that was my child and if I was writing, Cassie would be freaking out...she would be unrational and I would be looking to blame someone, the person closest to me Jonathan! I want to see anger in Cassie...directed towards Jonathan, that is a clear cut beat of the story! Then after this does happen, it should devestate Cassie to the core she has lost:

- Hart

- Richard

- Miscarried Richard's baby

- Had Will and gave him away

- Had Hope and gave her away

- The tribulation of Jeffery as Richard

It's so time Cassie went crazy!

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After reading the latest spoilers and the shock of it all wearing off, I haven't balled my eyes. It's sad, but not on the level of Young and the Restless when Cassie died. GL screwed this story up from start to finish. The cheap hospital set is making me crazy!

At least I have older episodes I can watch when the writing and story made sense and not this convoluted crap.

As for Nicole, I still think she has been flawless. Maybe Cassie is secretly resigned to the fact that she loses the people in her life. Who knows? But she's been very real and poignant to me. Granted, she's no Sharon Case but I feel the pain of a mother losing her child.

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As someone who has, .like Cassie, lost many loved ones in a short amount of time, I think she is acting in the correct way.

I lost two brothers, a nephew, 2 grandmas and my mom in a span of 3 years. You are sad when it happens, but you almost become numb to it.

NF is doing a great job.

I personally do not see how anyone is crying over this. That will happen when she dies, but now...its not cry worthy material. IMO

The writting and the story make perfect sense, it is just not to the crazy saddness phase yet.

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If anyone saw today's GL (1/23) it was pretty good, if not Emmy worth material. It drama and action all mixed into one. When Beth slapped Lizzie, I was surprised! I actually felt for Lizzie. The one thing that I think GL is good at, are the exits. When a person is leaving or dying, they go all out!

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Tammy looks like she's dying in a hut in some remote village.

I thought this episode was pretty hammy. TP and the girl who plays Lizzie basically YELLED at each other for half an hour. Then beth Chamberlain came in and SCREAMED at Lizzie and smacked her. Then TP HOLLERED at Tammy and humped her dead body. It was both funny and disturbing but not the least bit touching.

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