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American Idol: Discussion Thread


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Hehehe...I will let you and Kenny duke it out! I think Kenny is going overboard with all the Blake hate...but thats just my opinion. We get it Kenny you are happy. We know how you feel already.

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OK, first off, this was a step down from last year's finale but still good. My main problem with it was that it was more about the previous winners then this year's singers, which may have been intentional since this year lagged a bit. I enjoyed seeing Bette Midler. Got teary eyed with that song.

Was I the only one who thought the Beatles medley may lead to a Paul McCartney appearance> It was rumored for awhile and I thought it was setup. Still, I loved the previous winners singing the medley along with this year's cast.

The presentation to Carrie was nice. I see they were pimping her tonight a bit and rightfully so. Ruben looks like he put on weight again but I liked seeing him more then Taylor, who put the crowd to sleep everytime he stood up there. Kelly gets them up and he puts them down. Kelly was in great voice tonight and rocked. I wonder how she felt about Clive being there? :lol:

Great to see Melinda with her former group. She is a star but I think she is better off on her own. I think the Idol title needs to go to someone like Jordin, Carie, and Kelly. I think they can work within it and those are the ones who should win. Not to say I didn't want Melinda to win but, as a fan of hers, I think she is better off. Jordin is an undiscovered talent while Melinda already had somewhat of a career. Melinda and Lakisha single-handledly saved the girls medley songs. Loved seeing Smokey and Gladys too. Green Day was depressing though.

The Sanjaya pimping was pathetic and did they really need to bring back the crying girl? Wasn't she exploited enough? The Golden Idols are funny. Loved the Ryan/Simon moment.

Blake was horrible tonight. The beat-boxing and...ugh. I didn't care for the Jordin/Ruben duet either. I liked it last year when they performed with their idols. I mean, previous winners are nice but...eh

I am so happy for Jordin. Paula was crying, Simon and Randy were pleased, her parents were crying, I was crying...wow. I got chills at the end when she was singing. I like how they had the other finalists on the stairs looking up at her. That was cool. I knew she would win but any doubts I did have left me when she walked out in a GOLD dress :lol: . I just look at her and I think American Idol. Just like I thought when I looked at Carrie and Kelly. She is going to be big. Mark my words. I am still 6-0 with picking winners, which makes me happy but it's also pretty predictable I guess. Nigel and other producers loved Jordin, much like they did Kelly and Carrie. She is going to hit it big. I know it.

Good show though. So happy for Jordin and I will give Blake credit. He is more talented then Taylor and I think he will do fine. I just think he overused his specialty a bit. That's all. He did get a raw deal on the song somewhat but it's a singing competition and you have to be able to pull it off. You know it's coming. He is a class act though. He showed that on the red carpet and tonight when he whispered to her. His parents went over and hugged hers (as did Smokey, which is weird) and it was just classy. This group this year was so close. They weren't as talented as a whole but they were close-knit and I like that. Can't wait to see them on tour in August. I applaud both of them and wish them luck. I will be following Jordin and Melinda the closest along with Lakisha.

I will miss my Idol fix but I hope for a better overall year next year. Usually, the show rebounds from a bad year quite well.

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Sorry but Jordin is only a lounge singer. She soars on ballads but bombs horribly on anything fast paced and the like.

Blake should stay behind the scenes, cuz well, that's all I'm going to say. :lol:

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Oh, please! I made one post congratulating her. It's not as if I've filled the entire thread with congrat post after congrat post.

I'm happy for her! Am I not allowed to share my excitement?

As for the Blake hate, I'm done. No sense in beating a dead horse anymore.

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I'm sorry you feel that way, really. This is a discussion about the television show, and I'm not sure how this forum relates to the topic at hand, but I don't hate on Blake anymore than some people hate on Taylor Hicks, or anyone else in the competition that certain people didn't like. I've seen HORRIBLE things said about Fantasia! LoL Not to mention Jason Cook, Austin Peck, certain soap writers... the list goes on and on. I think you're just really sensitive right bow because you're a Blake fan, but I honestly don't mean you or any of his fans (or Blake himself!) any harm. It's cool.

Like I said, the competition is over and I don't care anymore. I'm happy with the results, so I no longer have a reason to complain about what I felt were giant flaws... end of story.

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You don't have to sing different genres to be a good singer. There are only a very, very few who can sing more than a couple genres! Blake should have did his own take of the song and should've picked his songs better IMHO.

I agree wholeheartedly with you Shawn about Melinda. And agree Jordin does fall flat on her face when singing anything other than a ballad. She's gonna have to do better if she wants to be a "pop singer like Kelly Clarkson" as she stated in TV Guide recently.

Kelly Clarkson IS THE AMERICAN IDOL IMHO. She's the best. I love, love, lover her and LOVE "NEVER AGAIN", which is one of my faves of hers ever.

Shawn re-read it. IDOL pianist Michael Ormand states this in the EW article and I quote " I was in the room watching Bon Jovi with him and Bon Jovi was not digging it at all. But I thought it was so incredible and respectful of Bon Jovi's version. " Jon Bon Jovi wasn't "digging it at all". This was when Blake was showing what he was gonna do with it and NOT the actual performance on the show. So we still don't know what Jon Bon Jovi thought of the actual show performance.

I agree Cheap.

I can't stand Taylor either, but I admit I do kinda like his new single LOL.


NOPE in the case of Fantasia. Fantasia's better than Jordin, so far. But agreed Jordin is way more taletned than Ruben, Taylor and I'll add Clay to that too.


Dang, if Kelly's other stuff is 10x better than "Never Again", IMHO one of her best songs ever, then damn we've got a hot one coming (as that mf'er Randy Jackson would say).

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Maybe it's just me but this finale results show didn't seem as neatly put together or presented as the last two. However, there were parts I loved. The African Children's Choir was fantastic. I am really glad this was taped so I can see those faces and smiles as well as performance again and again. Jerry Skinner's face when he was watching Bette Midler was a prize. Watching Blake and Jordin's parents was fascinating. They seemed to weather the anxiety well. But, the very best of all for me was the final ten minutes. Seeing Jordin's face was priceless and she was so emotional, I wondered if she could perform, but did she ever. What a performance. It was fantastic. Watching her career take off will be so much fun. Blake is going to do fabulously, too. Simon practically assured him of that.

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