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Is Passions being cancelled?

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But even when Passions reached that 2.9, they were never able to keep the good rating for more than a week or two. And even at a 2.9, they were still in last place... right? Maybe 2nd to last place a few times.

No matter what they've done, they've always been in last place. And even with its HIGHEST rating in nearly a decade, it was still not enough get the show out of last place. That's sad. And there's no excuse for it, because I know what good stuff Reilly is capable of. If he's too lazy to BRING IT... well, something's gotta be done.

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I disagree, Kenny. NBC renewed "Passions" for more years than "Sunset Beach" because, clearly, they were happy with the ratings. It seemed that NBC enjoyed the show when it averaged in the 2's. I think the show could survive just with 2's. The 2.9 was a nice bonus but it seems that's all NBC needed to be happy. Otherwise, they wouldn't have renewed past the third year that "Sunset Beach" got. Now, the show is in the 1's, with the most recent rating being 1.7, I believe. The show seems to be getting better ratings (from what I can tell), since it was stuck in a bad 1.5 situation for a while there, but it's still not the 2's, which I personally believe, is NBC's standard for this particular show.

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Bringing up ratings now is a moot point. Ratings for ALL soaps are crap, even the almighty Y&R is slipping. NBC can't realistically keep PSNS held to any particular standards as far as ratings go, especially standards that it will never again live up to.

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I might add: Crane Couture, Tabloid Truth, the cyworld deal, and I'm sure there are tons of other deals, such as "Passions" merchandise and other factors to consider. So you can't tell me that these, all together, aren't successful measures.

Again, I WILL NOT agree that the show is "losing" money. Not with all these ventures and the advertisers that support them. I work in an advertiser supported field and I know that you can tell how successful something is or how much money it takes in by looking at the ads. They're all over the Tabloid Truth and online ventures, there is product placement on the actual show and there are ads during the show. It's not just one factor, no. You're right about that. But it's ALL the factors involved. ALL the online ventures, all the ways to streamline revenues, that clearly are bringing in money.

I just think it's much more effort than the net wants to get that money. With "Today," if the ratings rise (which I don't think they will because...FOUR HOURS? Please), there is no effort needed because the ratings already pay the bills.

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DAYS is probably the most profitable soap on the air, and yet not so long ago, NBC was willing to cancel it too. What makes you think NBC would even hesitate to do that to PASSIONS? And don't give me the argument that NBC has partial ownership in PSNS, because it doesn't matter. NBC could invest in a much cheaper project, get less revenue, and STILL be happier with it than it is with PSNS.

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Yeah, but the problem is that NBC doesn't rely solely on the financial support of soap fans. We don't even come close to making up a majority of their total audience as far as the Nielsens are concerned, so what difference does it make to them if we stop buying the products they're being paid to market? Probably not much. In fact, I'm sure they would hardly even be able to notice the difference.

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You know what, as I read the different articles out there about this fourth hour of the Today show, what struck me as scarier than losing Passions?....that we could all be stuck with an hour or even two of Billy freakin' Bush everyday! What a total tool, god he just annoys the living daylights outta me!

and on another note, extending to four hours and eliminating Passions to accomodate still doesn't make sense to me. I mean, where I live, we get two hours of original Today from 7-9(ct), then the Reeg/Ripa, then an hour of local prgming, and then a edited hour version of the SAME Today Show from earlier. I just don't get what they plan to fill FOUR hours with? Even with a Passions cancellation, c'mon at least be original! Suppose though, that being original isn't trendy enough...

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Yes, but there are far more peoplet that only watch those primetime shows than people who watch both. So much so, that I doubt our protests, boycotting, etc. would even make much of a dent. And hypothetically, even if it did, by that point, it might very well be too late anyway. It's not like I want PASSIONS to be axed, I'm just trying to look at this from a realistic point of view. Optimism is great, don't get me wrong (otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered adding the banner to my sig), but it only gets you so far. Anyway, it's not like NBC exactly has a history of listening to its audience. Remember Texas? Remember AW? This will more than likely be the exact same thing if PSNS is indeed cancelled. I hate to say it, but it's true.

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Hogan, it goes without saying that there are more people who watch primetime. All I'm saying is we don't know how many daytime watchers watch BOTH genres of a certain show. For instance, if, for argument's sake, 1 million soap fans who watch a primetime show that has just 9 million viewers (but is critically acclaimed and has strong demos), and those 1 million fans dropped that show to 8 million viewers, that's money being taken out of NBC's pocket.

So that's a dent.

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But is it enough to get NBC to give in to our demands? That really is the central question. You have to take into account that the execs at NBC are not the most intelligent of the bunch. They've ALWAYS been cancel-happy, and I don't see that changing, regardless of our efforts.

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