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AMC: Veteran Actor Fired?

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Well, there was a rumour a while back about an AMC actor with two years left on his contract who wanted out, and was meeting with CBS. It could be VI, whose character has been amongst the most damaged by Mctavish since the end of the Cambias murder trial, perhaps behind only Ryan and Greenlee. It's tough to get past the fact that David betrayed Bianca, when he cared so much about all of the Kane women.

I have to agree that he has been wasted, which is really frustrating because his inolvement in the babyswitch should have at least given VI some great material to sink his teeth into, even if it was character assaination. His desperate desire to have a relationship with Babe after the loss of Leora, and his guilt over the pain he was causing someone he loved should have made for some great scenes. And if he was in a relationship with Kendall, that would have been another source for some great material.

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There was plenty of missed opportunity for David since the babyswitch ended. The beginning of 2005 he was front burner in the Di as Dixie story and that should of continued, instead he was taken out and backburned for the majority of the year. There is still plenty left for the character of David. If Vincent is indeed leaving my guess is he will be killed off.... :angry:

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I think David will discover Emma is his child with Dix, and he disappears with her. That's the day I'll become a former AMC viewer, after 33 years. :( Frons doesn't give a damn about his veteran stars, so I will no longer support any ABCD shows.

I love Vincent, a wonderful man in RL and a tremendously gifted actor. He's one of the true legends of daytime, and I'll support anything he does in the future! :)

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Just wow.

I still hope it's not true, but I think it is. :( A part of me is happy that he's gone (he deserves so much better then this). But the other part me, OMG, I'm going to miss David so very much. I don't know how to put into words how much I've loved, hated, adored David through the years.

All I can hope now, is that David gets a proper send off. Which IMO, would mean making peace with the Kane women. They have always been the good in him and I would loathe David leaving with those women still angry with him.

Personally, IF this is true, then I hope David is killed off and I hope he goes as hero. Poetic justice for me would be him taking a bullet or what have you for one of the Kane women, especially Bianca or Miranda. :) David and Vincent deserve a send off worthy of all the years he's logged at AMC. :)

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In a way, I am relieved it wasn't someone like James Mitchell or Julia Barr, but I think getting rid of Vincent would be a bad move. Every show needs a villain and David was one of Pine Valley's all time best, imo.

I have a feeling if this is true that David killed Greg Madden and he'll leave the show by going to jail.

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David better not be sent to jail or leave town or any BS like that. Of course I want him to stay. And of course that's what I would prefer. But if VI is gone, then David needs to die. Period. And perferably for a Kane woman (I'm thinking Mimo). It's the only outcome that is fair to David.

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David is not hero. No. But he's not all bad and if AMC does anything like what you're saying, and Emma is not his kid, then what kind of pay off is that to anyone? What kind of payoff is it of have David leave, by kidnapping a child? And who would give a damn? Not me. I'd say good ridance if they were going to give him such a craptastic ending. I don't want to see David behind bars, or PV wanting to burn him at the stake because he kidnapped a child, I won't want everyone in PV to be happy he's gone. I want someone, and not Babe cause she;s a shitty plot point, to miss him.

And yes I think he could go out a hero. He could go out for Miranda. Making it up to her. Making it right. Without words, telling her how sorry he is. He die being the David who helped bring that little girl into the world. That to me, would be poetic justice.

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I doubt people are going to be happy with David's exit. Vincent's years of loyalty to AMC mean nothing to TPTB. Remember John Callahan's exit? Enough said.

EmmaKate is not going to be David and Dixie's. TPTB are stupid but they aren't that stupid. Tad & Dixie's baby is too big a deal.

Again, it may not have been Julia Barr or James Mitchell or some other more cherished vet this time but they WILL be next. It's shortsighted to breathe a sigh of relief for them I'm afraid.

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