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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 14 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    The clone story got so much better once Joie Lenz played the teen Reva and then we finally had Zimmer planning to have her honeymoon in Genoa City.


    Was Reva supposed to cross over to Y&R?

    Also, I agree on B&B. 1998 was the beginning of Brad's 'telenovela style' writing.


    43 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    While 1999-2005 had some good storylines, signs of tanking were showing. 2006 was the year I'd say Y&R entered the tank.


    I agree. 2006 is when I stopped caring about the show. I reprised briefly in 2008 with MAB's early work and in 2017 with Sussman's and Alden's tenure.

  2. 6 minutes ago, watson71 said:

    P&G constantly did that with producers.  In 1984, Edge of Night is cancelled, so P&G hires Erwin Nicholson as executive producer of Search for Tomorrow.  In 1999, Another World is cancelled, so P&G hires Christopher Goutman as executive producer of As the World Turns and leaves him in the job for 11 years.  He has the distinction of being the executive producer of two of daytime's longest running soaps at the time of their cancellation.


    They did want to get out of the business after all...

  3. 9 hours ago, antmunoz said:

    Kim never named BE but said this co-star fell in love with all her co-stars and ended marriages for them.  (Well, two, Derwin and Bogue.) Bogue was supposed to leave his wife for her...but didn’t.  This pissed BE off and she became very toxic on set. 

    Didn’t life imitate art in this case?  Bogue did leave his wife for Mandy Bruno just as Mallet eventually wound up with Harley’s niece Marina. 




    I always found it strange there was no rumor about BE and RPG (as far as I know at least). Or is RPG gay? I also find it strange that RPG hasn't joined any of these reunions, either for GL or AW. I found him hot on AW but could not care about him anywhere else.

  4. 8 minutes ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    I have a feeling the Victor sperm saga between Diane, Nikki, and Ashley might be right up there with Kay's infamous storylines, but I personally found it very entertaining LOL.


    Haha I know!! I mean, on paper it sounds so insulting and degrading to women -- and ultimately it definitely is -- but boy, I'm a sucker for that kind of pacing and story structure. I was glued to the screen! lol

  5. 20 minutes ago, will81 said:

    I actually feel like Sharon's descent really started when she and Victor kissed back in 02/03 or thereabouts. Was so wrong and uneccessary.


    Oh I agree! Jack Smith was the beginning of the end. I hated his tenure (but I was still watching)


    Though Kay made a few mistakes I really have issues with too.


    I'd love to hear some examples!

  6. 3 hours ago, Mitch said:


    Yea,  that story really makes her look like the toxic person she seemed to be near the end of her run on GL (and as Zimmer referred to in her book.)

    God, I need to buy that book. What did Zimmer say about BE?


    I agree with everything you said. And the Les Moonves quote had me in stitches. Please. 

    1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    VW’s comments? Funny that a story of bad/rude  behavior at a Rhode Island ice cream shoppe in 1994 followed her years and years. 

    What happened in Rhode Island? 🙈 Sorry to be so petulant haha

  7. 29 minutes ago, Alan said:

    I just watched today's livestream. It was most interesting to hear that Beth Ehlers now works in the New Jersey government for an environmental agency. I was wondering what happened to her after she quit acting. Aside from Frank and Crystal, I was not familiar with this group of actors since I stopped watching several years before GL got the axe.


    Interesting! I found this:


  8. 20 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    I always wanted Colleen and Scotty to be a supercouple. Imagine Lauren and Traci being in-laws. So much potential wasted because of killing off the eldest Abbott granddaughter. They could've thrown in a Sheila Carter esque enemy for them as a third party. Perhaps it can be a man that Colleen has an affair with. 


    I'm sure that was the long term plan anyway. They were giving children to characters for a reason back then. It has all been wasted of course.


    9 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Regarding TEB, she always sounded like she had a cold, and when she live tweeted during the Masquerade ball, she said she sounded weird because it was before she had sinus surgery.



    Cool to know! I have to say I have trouble listening to her in old clips.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Forever8 said:

    The soap podcast The Chat will be interviewing Lenore Kasdorf  (Rita Stapleton Bauer) on May 11th and Amelia Marshall (Gilly Grant Speakes) on May 18th. 


    From The Chat Twitter 


    YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THE INTERVIEWS WE HAVE COMING! May 4: Kathleen Noone May 11: Lenore Kasdorf May 18: Amelia Marshall #MayInterviews ONLY ON THE CHAT!


    Whaaaaaaat!? :D 


    "You think Nikki is my daughter?"
    "You knew her family?"
    "Not personally"

    "Just a theory I had..."
    "You mean during my drinking period I might have produced a child and not know about it? Oh Allison, I never drank that much."
    "There were so many men in your past... You must have forgotten a lot of them"
    "Not a single one, Allison dear" 


    Interesting! That was Katherine dealing with Kevin (Bancroft?)'s parents, who used to go to college with her. I suppose the writers toyed with the idea of revealing that Nikki was Katherine's daughter? Otherwise I don't know why they would suggest it so heavily.

    Also interesting that Katherine giving birth to a child during her 'drinking period' was considered an option even in those early years. We all know how that went lol


    The episode is also about Snapper saying goodbye to his son, Chuck. OMG that was executed so perfectly I was very much into the Snapper/Chuck relationship by the end of the episode - even though Chuck was written as your typical soap 'adult child'. If David Hasselhoff is not busy, I wish they would bring him back and reunite him with Chuck (or maybe that happened when Snapper was recast). Anyway, that's a testament to the quality of the writing of the show.

  11. 1 hour ago, Darn said:

    But I saw a LOT of Bergman's interpretation while watching the aftermath of John finding out about Jack and Jill's affair. That little boy who just wants his dad to forgive him is absolutely how PB's version would have reacted, he wears his heart on his sleeve 100% of the time compared to Lester's 60% of the time.


    I agree! I thought the same thing. I think BB as a writer would always make sure that his characters had a 'scar', a 'character flaw' that would determine their actions for future storylines. Jack's scar was definitely trying to make up to his father for hurting him and PB has always played that angle of the character to perfection. The rest errr I'm not very fond of.

  12. 10 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    If not for Cassandra I never would have gotten into Y&R. Boy I just adored her. I guess that should have told me something about myself...


    LOL!! You're funny :)


    What do you guys think was the cultural background to developing a character like Cassandra? Did she seem to taken right out of a Hitchcock movie? Or a '30s noir film? I've often read comments that Classic Y&R felt like reading a novel and it's obvious it was heavily influenced by Old Hollywood - especially considering Bill Bell grew up as a writer in that exact era, I think.

  13. 39 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I assumed it was an excuse she threw out there because she despised her storylines and thought it wasn't worth showing up for what was being written for her. I'm surprised people take these actors so literally.


    I'm not that interested in JW's reasons, since I don't like her take on Jill and I don't like her storyline suggestions (but I do like her as a person from what I've seen in interviews). If she did make up an excuse, at least she should be consistent with it, I think...

  14. 38 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    One of the dullest recasts ever, and so cold and sanctimonious. I knew I disliked her when I was rooting for Danny in their child custody and divorce wrangling, even though he was a gangster. It speaks volumes that she was going to be recast when the show ended and also that she wasn't even asked for that reunion chat (as far as I know...).


    Yeah it speaks volumes that she hasn't joined any reunion... Wonder what the deal was with that? Locher seems to be committed to including everyone. I can't believe she was that disliked behind the scenes.


    I did not remember that they were considering recasting Michelle again towards the end.


    30 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    From old posts in the They Almost Became thread, Laura Allen (Laura English #2, AMC), auditioned. So did Elizabeth Hendrickson (Maggie/Frankie, AMC, and other soap roles that are too shitty to mention).


    How's it even possible they lost the part to NSA...?!

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