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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 26 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Also, mid to late 80s Jill seemed to be written as a kind of 'man's woman', a woman who generally got along and worked better with men.  Jill was the creator and biggest advocate of bringing a Men's line to prominence at Jabot. Jill notably hired a "right-hand man" in David Kimble and was really the first person to recognize that Bradley Carlton had the potential to be far more than the Abbott's pool guy.


    I never realized it until now - you're totally right. She was not portrayed as a girl's girl - which is a characterization I'm okay with, because at least she had a personality, unlike today's standardised characters. Jill worked well with David as well as Ryan years later.

    50 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    And yes, Y&R used to do a lot of friendships. I miss those.


    I think the last ones I enjoyed were Colleen & Lily (Leon/Sherwood) and Sharon & Dru (this one was pretty random for longtime viewers but they were great).

  2. 31 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    Caught up with the 1999 and 2012 episodes. Loved the 1999 one especially Kay/Mac I would love to see the next episode. Were Jill and Malcolm just friends with flirting here and there and was that always a thing? I had no idea.

    I think they used to do lots of man-woman friendships here - see Sharon and Tony for example. I liked it. 

    Here’s next episode - courtesy of the amazing @BoldRestless :)




  3. 5 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    And of course, Eric Braeden hated that scene...


    Honestly I hated that scene too. First off, it looked dreary. That was the time the show was beginning to fall down production-wise. Secondly, that scene had Jack Smith's shock value stamp all over it. Every week there was: a slap! a kiss! a scandal! And watching classic episodes with Victoria, I'm sorry but that slap was out of character. She slapped her beloved father over glorified extra Diego Gutierrez or something? For Christ's sake. HT deserves my lifelong respect for walking away from that mess.

  4. 3 minutes ago, full hearts said:

    They fought and Nick walked out. Something happened with Nick's car and Sharon ran out to see if he was ok. She fell and the chair punctured her stomach. She lost the baby and was angry at Nick. 


    Oh yeah, I remember that. Nick stormed out, he threw a chair on the floor. When Sharon walked back into the house she fell exactly on the leg of the chair. It was beautifully coreographed IMHO. Plus it was your typical 'blame-game storyline' (a staple in Bell shows) where you would discuss with people IRL who was to blame really. 

    Thanks for the details! I wish I had your memory! :D 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Darn said:

    3) Sharon slept with Raul's brother and Victoria found out. She then told Nick. I can't remember WHY she slept with him though.


    She had had the hots for him for the longest time. Diego used to work at Crimson Lights. Sharon and Nick had broken up because Nick had somewhat caused Sharon's miscarriage (she was carrying a baby but they did not know if it was Nick's or Matt Carter's since Matt had possibly abused her). I think once Sharon saw Diego with Victoria, that was the last straw lol. Somebody correct me, my memory has never been the greatest.


    PS. loved the porn intro.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    I am more interested in the BTS stuff then how the Carmen actress is doing during Covid.


    ROTFL! Mitch, I think I've read your comments for the longest time (maybe on MediaDomain? Soapy Syrens? it was some old forum, somewhere) and you've always cracked me up. I always look forward to your posts. Speaking of Marland, I think that it was you that once commented on how he came across as sexually prudish on his shows or something. One definitely needs to have an active sexual life to write these shows IMHO




  7. I agree with everything people said before me! I'll had my 5 cents.


    1. Research, research, research. You can't write a compelling storyline without properly investing in research. These writers may have never stepped foot in a corporation for all we know, yet they are writing stories businesspeople? Research also means reading the papers and see what's happening around the world. I think story should come from an authentic place. It's either your fervid imagination (see: Quint & Nola, GL) or an actual experience (yours or someone else's).


    2. Enough with the soap tropes. They're overdone. Nobody cares who the baby's father is going to be. Another trope they should do without is SORASing. It's cheap. I realize it's complicated to hire teenage actors but if one takes the time, again, to research current teenagers and/or draw from one's own experience, the possibilities are endless.


    3. It's not sustainable anymore to churn out 250+ episodes a year. Especially if the quality is at risk - and it is. Do a Sept-May thing, maybe spin off for the Summer with the teens, trying new writers, experimenting new stories and such. Or do a 4 days a week schedule, but something needs to be done.


    4. Have someone from the writing team watch old episodes and find new ideas there. Watching Y&R old episodes, there's so much that one could draw from its rich history if new ideas are running dry. 


    5. Characters can come back and go for 3-month, 6-month story arcs. As previously stated, I don't need to have everyone on contract all the time. Take B&B for example: keep the main characters on (Eric, Brooke, Ridge, Steffy etc) and everyone else can come and go.



    4 hours ago, rsclassicfanforever said:

    Hey everone,

    i began to upload classic Guiding Light Episodes , starting with June 1982 episodes.
    I have the following years of nearly complete consecutive episodes until 1992.

    The only thing is, that those episodes are in German. But maybe its interesting for one of you. Im planning to upload everything i have until 1989.

     Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoRPyxHABjpeVfO1c9vlJP9BRQ_IAmE7h

    It will take time, so have fun with episodes around Nola, Quinton, Jackie, Ross and so on....

    It also includes Jackie Marlers death.


    The episodes are unlisted in my channel....but i will do open playlists for the german numbers.

    Have fun guys!


    Hi! Thank you!! And welcome. You know what, I've been wanting to pick up German for the longest time. And voice-actors tend to enunciate very well, obviously. Maybe this is the right time :) 

  9. 11 hours ago, mikelyons said:

    Brad is a very nice guy. He'll make time to chat with everybody, despite how busy he is with his job (insert your snarky writing jokes here). No ego. The same for his brother, sister, and late-mother. Such nice people who seemed to know the only reason they were there was because of the folks on the stages, in the offices, and at home. 


    Oh yeah, I have no doubt about it. He and his family come across as genuine and gracious (well, except for MAB haha). I was just wondering if you had any info on how he is perceived as a writer and why he is not sharing his position as head-writer with anyone more, let's say, competent. I'd love to see how Lauralee would fare as a writer on their shows.

  10. 18 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    This morning I saw that the 1982 Daytime Emmy Awards were on YT.

    That year Guiding Light won Outstanding Daytime Drama Series and for Outstanding Daytime Drama Series Writing.


    By the way I had no idea that Tony and Katie had chemistry nor were in a romance until I watched that clip near the end for Best Show. 



    I flagged this video to Patrick Mulcahey since the 1982 Emmys were a topic of discussion on the GL reunion the previous day. He was so gracious about it!

    OMG. I can't thank you enough for finding this and sending it my way. I never thought to look for it myself because I never figured it could crossed the techno-border to the internet. A beautiful gesture. Grateful for your kindness.


    All the credit goes to you @Forever8 for sharing the video and the person who uploaded on YT!

  11. 48 minutes ago, mikelyons said:

    I've met & interacted with a ton of Y&R and B&B actors, writers, and producers from the 2003-2005 period. 

    Eric Braeden, Melody Thomas Scott, Katherine Kelly Lang, Victoria Rowell, Michelle Stafford, Christian Le Blanc, Lauralee Bell, Doug Davidson, Jess Walton, Antonio Sabato, Jr. (swoon!... Well, back in 2005...), Bryton, Don Diamont, Ronn Moss, Ashley Jones, Keith Hamilton Cobb, Jeanne Cooper... Joshua Morrow was a real hunk in person back then. Nice ass, too. Although, we were in the rest room at the same time once and he didn't wash his hands... 😛 

    They are all nice, professional people. I missed meeting Shemar Moore by ONE DAY, someone on this site met him. 😉 


    I'd love to meet Susan Lucci, Kelly Ripa, and basically anyone on AMC from 1990-1995. I saw Kate Collins at the opening of a play her husband directed and stared at her with soap fan shock as I told my then-boyfriend, "That's Kate Collins!!! She played Natalie AND Janet!!!"


    The only person I've met and interacted with who I didn't like is Susan Flannery. No thanks.



    We want more deets! 😭


    Plus, what about Brad Bell...? 😏


  12. 56 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Was there a live reunion today?


    It's the "Actors who were woefully miscast in their roles, and therefore forgettable, or actors who played irrelevant characters who added nothing to TGL in the first place" reunion LOL I'm joking. It's the Boudreaux family. I think that cool anecdotes can come out of these random reunions, even if the participants had minor roles. However I'm just dreading the tech errors that might have taken place this time (I suffer from secondhand embarrassment). Maybe I'll check it out tomorrow.


    31 minutes ago, VanessaReardon said:

    I was getting annoyed at Alan Locher but now I do get that he was a publicist. Everything was always perfect all the time. As a publicist, you never talk controversy. We want to hear dirt, but the Locher Room is not where you’re gonna get it. 


    Yeah, you're absolutely right. I do understand his POV but still. Things like the Zaslow firing happened almost 30 years ago. P&G has long forgotten about this and nobody cares - except for us. I don't see the harm really.

  13. Did anybody catch today's reunion? Was anything remotely interesting said? (this is me blatantly trying to save me 1 hour of my time haha)


    I find it a bit annoying that Alan tries to keep it so PC. When Denise Pence had the courage to bring up Zaslow, finally something really compelling was being addressed. There was no need to dance around it because the fans were quite eager to get into details in the comments. The people who tune in for these things are die-hard fans and they are already disillusioned to the BTS drama.


    @antmunoz Yes, they were saying in the comments that the woman was Peggy Fletcher. :)

  14. 2 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:



    I'm curious if GL had some sort of revamp or major change that may have led to few early characters continuing on, especially characters from the 70s.  


    If you search a few pages back, some posters were discussing how GL became unrecognizable by the early 80s. It was very interesting :)

  15. Another hidden benefit of rebooting the shows is that it would help the shows get sold internationally again.


    What prevents international channels from buying these shows is that it's so hard to get into the shows while they're running. If you reboot them (not denying their history but just packaging a new beginning), it would make them more palatable for international markets and maybe streaming platforms.

  16. 1 hour ago, OzFrog said:

    This! It was a masterstroke getting, firstly, Alex Donnelly back as Diane in 1996/7, and then Eileen Davidson back as Ashley a couple of years later. The enmity between these two characters stretches all the way back to the early 80s when Ashley caught Jack and Diane together in bed on the day of Jack’s wedding to Patty, and having the original actresses in those roles cross paths again in the spermgate storyline was just too delicious (no pun intended).



    I agree! As icky as the premise of the storyline was, it helped reignite a feud. In my mind I rationalized it thinking that those women were just looking for an excuse to fight because they hated each other so much. The excuse just happened to be Victor's jizz! lol



    Notwithstanding the whole ickyness of that storyline in the first place, it did create (literally) a new generation of legacy characters in Abby and Kyle. Have they ever played up the potential conflict between these two that would arise as a result of how they were conceived?


    Knowing Bell's style, I'm 100% that Alden (under Bell's supervision) was going to go for a major custody battle between Victor and Brad over Abby. Imagine the legal details they would have been able to splash around, given how Abby was conceived. The writers used to love those back then. Obviously the new writing team (headed by Jack Smith) was not interested, or talented enough, to go there.


    As for the potential conflict of having a half-Abbott and half-Newman in Abby and a half-Abbott, half-Jenkins in Kyle, the possibilities were endless! They hinted at some conflict with Abby during Sussman and Alden's 2017 tenure (because of course they knew what they were doing) but as we know, they were not given time to develop anything.



    Are there any clips of AD’s Diane and ED’s Ashley together floating around on YT anywhere? It would be fascinating to watch from a historical perspective.


    There was the infamous lab fight floating around a few months ago. Can't find the clips any longer. So frustrating! Maybe they were included in some hidden playlist?


    I'm appalled at the thought that MTS and ES might be the cause behind AD's departure. I just can't with those two. In a way they're extremely talented and irreplaceable. But they must have been quite a duo to deal with over the years. I saw the scene between Nikki and CarlyDiane. MTS was lifeless and bored to death. Can't blame her.

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