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Posts posted by Aback

  1. To this day I still can't believe Fletcher lasted that long on the show, with so many romances. I don't see the appeal, at all. His pairings were chemistry-less. He left the show but he left no marks, although his son (Ben) even came back. To think that 'Fletcher' was on GL feels like mushroom tripping.

  2. 13 hours ago, applcin said:

    For me, it would depend on the writing, but I would lean more towards 60 minutes. Looking at some old 30-minute soaps, they did a lot of exposition scenes. Two people have a conversation or interaction and the particulars of that event are then retold at least one other time, if not more, to other people, who then continue to talk about it amongst themselves. Some of it was necessary to make other people aware of the event for story purposes but, beyond that, it got repetitive.  


    I get what you're saying but I loved those scenes! Back when I was not used to primetime drama, I was always annoyed at being deprived of the characters' reactions to things.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I remember when DAYS fired Diedre once or twice in recent years being surprised nobody ever brought her character back. I get that she isn’t connected to anybody currently on the canvas except maybe Jill, but you could easily write a story where she gets a job at the hospital and use flashbacks to explain her previous life in Genoa City. I think that would’ve made more sense than bringing someone like Genie Francis on. 


    Maybe she was considered to be too big a star for a diva-ridden place like Y&R?

  4. On 4/25/2020 at 1:48 AM, YRfan23 said:

    May 3, 1989 is now on the archive site! :) 



    Watching that particular show I have the impression that something was off between TL and the production. He seems to be constantly missing his blocking points forcing the camera to alter its movement. However, he was a vet by then and surely he knew exactly how to move around in the scene.


    Also, I wonder if his new look - with the glasses and goatee - had been approved by the producers lol.

  5. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    I wonder if we'll see the episode where Victor spanks Nikki to show her who's boss.

    This was when Victor moved her onto the ranch on a strictly platonic basis, Nikki was doing her sex kitteen act to break his defences  so he decided a little ass  paddling was in order!

    Maybe that tape has been destroyed !!


    LOL wtf?! Was it in a tongue-n-cheek kinda way or was it like a 'serious' punishment?

  6. 55 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:

    I think instead of theme weeks surrounding characters, Y&R should consider theme weeks around popular storylines. They can air 5 of the more exciting episodes of a particular storyline over the course of the week with actors providing commentary at the beginning and even halfway point to fill in viewers. I know this is probably time consuming and not worth the effort from CBS, but it would be exciting for me. These old episodes finally made me understand why YR has been #1 all these years. Honestly, when I started watching soaps I always wondered why YR was ranked so high, aside from its production value in comparison to some of the soaps, I didn't find it that interesting a lot of the time. Now I get it and I definitely see that it was holding onto viewers from its past. 


    I agree! I watch these old episodes and I'm immediately invested in the storyline again, only for it to fade away once the rerun is over! They should roll up their editing sleeves and pack some weeks devoted exclusively to a storyline.

  7. I dunno, I find it hard to believe that after 30 years on the show, GA saw his reputation get stained because of CC's rumors. In the reunions, GA has talked about his dressing room being a shelter for everyone looking for a drink, he must have been well liked - certainly more than the writers, whose stories did not make any sense whatsoever...

  8. 23 hours ago, Mitch said:

    Wright was very very aggressive and ambitious and wanted Cassie to always be in the spolight and in the right, (the famous interview where she would go drinking with B & E and suggest changes and story.) I always thought they should have written Cassie closer to Wright, a bitch that could cut you if she didnt get her own way.  Chappel, well she had problems with GA and I loved Liv but she could be a backstabber when she needed to be. Im on team Zimmer on that one.

    Chappel had problems with GA? I’d love to hear more. Phillip and Olivia were my favorite couple (until Conboy came in). 

  9. I too did not see any hint of shade from LW. Zero. She was classy. 

    I had to laugh at Wes Ramsey’s ‘poetry’. Poetry is all about subtext, images, saying something while meaning another. That piece was a long Instagram caption. 

    I’ve been meaning to ask- was Ken Reade (Holly’s brother) a retcon or had he been on the show before?

  10. 8 hours ago, Dion said:

    Dividing the cast and crew into (what we in New Zealand would call) 'bubbles' is an interesting idea and I hope it works out.


    'Bubbles' - I love it.


    Wonder how it will impact the writing though! There's only so much you can do when characters can't kiss, some actors cannot shoot together, some sets can be used...

  11. 3 hours ago, chrisml said:

    She doesn't seem like a very warm person, but she was also on a show that the network was trying to sabotage for two decades. They were also trying to get rid of her so I can understand why she would not be the nicest person. I found a very long interview she did, and it talks about her time on the show. It doesn't get into any storyline or cast specifics which was a bit disappointing: https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Victoria_Wyndham_on_Another_World_and_another_life


    So was her big, revolutionizing idea to implement product placement? I get that this was in the late 90s but isn't that how soaps basically started? Also- to produce a 1 hour, uninterrupted show is more costly than producing a 40 minute show + commercial. Not to mention that writers are not trained for that kind of thing. Still interesting though.

  12. 25 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Jill interviewing a parade of men while making sexual innuendos and then choosing the man who didn't put up with that BS was iconic. Iconic! Brenda Dickson is growing on me in these scenes, she's still a little awkward and arch but Jill is a fascinating character. The trauma from Phillip's death and Katherine's constant interference seem to dictate her every action. You can totally see the throughline in her characterization.


    When and why was David Kimble recast? I wonder if David turning evil was planned from the start.


    I was about to post the same thing! I watched the scenes yesterday and Jill's interview process was a reality show before reality shows were a thing! LOL


    I love that she got herself a male secretary - Jill's story is all about being as powerful as a man.


    We know that Bill Bell liked making long term plans so I'm pretty sure he envisioned David taking on a bigger and darker role although the details probably were still sketchy to him.


    Oh and yes, Phillip's death was driving years of story. You could tell from BD's eyes that she played Jill as if Phillip was the real love of her life, much like Bill Bell was writing her. It's apparent there was great synergy on the writers and directors/actors part for that story to be so successful.

  13. There's a lot of talk about the show not going too far in the past just to make sure the viewers see familiar faces but I wonder: does the show really have that many new viewers? I tend to think most viewers have been watching the show for the longest time and even new viewers (I myself started in 2000) somehow managed to catch up with the past via Youtube. Soap operas are all about nostalgia so I don't really see the need to keep the reruns *that* contemporary.

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