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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 3 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    I think the cat has been out of the bag for a couple of weeks, but who knows? Even now we can slow the spread and try to mitigate the deluge that hospitals will face at any one time, if we stay inside as much as possible.


    I agree.


    The strange thing is that I feel incredibly guilty for all of the commitments I've broken over this last week. It's really irrational, but I feel deeply guilty about not attending a child's birthday Saturday that we had RSVP's to, cancelling play dates, breaking dinner plans with friends and taking my child out of preschool. All insignificant things considering what we are facing. I wonder if some other people are feeling that too and their emotions are overriding common sense and expert advice.


    You're feeling guilty because for now there are just a couple thousands of cases. Unfortunately every positive person infects on average 2 to 3 people. So you can do the math. You'll stop feeling guilty in no time. You did the right thing for yourself and for everyone else.


    1) I never claimed to be sane. 2) Pandemics bring out the nut in people. At least I'm not fighting people for toilet paper and blaming random Asian people for a disease that is no one's fault.


    I think circumstances like this bring out people's true colors.



    2 hours ago, will81 said:

    My mother is over 60 and has diabetes, on top of that she works for Child Protection Services and has to do home visits. I am very paranoid about her coming into contact with children, since they can carry the virus but not necessarily show symptoms. I have asked her to stop home visits and ask her boss to give those to someone else. I try not to worry, but she is too high risk. On top of that my father just went into remission for luekemia a few months ago and is also 60+, though retired and stays home mostly, but I know if either of them got the virus the chances would be against them.


    My mother doesn't want to worry too much and wants to take the advice of her boss, I want her to be extra cautious and tell him to go f&*k himself. I do feel guilty as I feel like I am scaring her into doing what I want. So I can understand some fear, but I think many just go overboard, they care only about themselves and very little about others.


    May I give you some unrequested advice? 

    Be adamant about this. Tell your mom she can't go to work, period. Tell her boss she's not available. Period. Come up with an excuse or something. Time will show you were right.

  2. Just now, DramatistDreamer said:


    There was an Op-Ed piece by a health professional noting that Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong achieved better results by doing things somewhat differently from China.

    I'll post it when I can find the article.


    Thanks! You also need to test a lot more than Italy or the US are doing right now...

  3. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    In more positive news (for now, anyway - unless action is taken these places will just double down into burning everything once this is over [if it's over...]).




    And also this, which is mostly just something that needs to be said over and over and over:




    I only read the title to the Forbes article and let me tell you: China and South Korea have largely contained the virus though massive lockdown and an App tracing people's movements. Apparently you need both kinds of measures to get results.


    To suggest lockdown is pointless is dangerous IMHO.


    As for the shoppers, I don't see what's so strange about panicking and wanting to stockpile. It's very human to get worried and provide for one's loved ones. It's the owners of the shops who should put a limit on purchases (let's say 2 hand sanitizers per person). The same goes for mask producers. There's a high demand for masks, then produce more. I know it's not that simple, but the narrative here has been pretty confusing.

  4. 2 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    TPIR has a live studio audience. For filming soaps, the only time people get really close is in love scenes and while the actors get their makeup done. It's far more managable to prevent transmission of the virus.


    You can't even have two people sitting next to each other in the control room. You can't have more than one person in the elevator. Microphones can't be used for more than one person. It's just not feasible. Every soap will need to shut down.  

  5. 5 minutes ago, dragonflies said:



    I'm glad they're okay but... I'm not sure that two people who are infected can stay together. It doesn't make much sense. It's a highly infectious virus. It's not like two people will recover simultaneously only because they are a couple. What if one of them gets better while the other one infects them all over again? It's either that picture was taken before isolation or I may be wrong. If anyone has more info, I'd love to know.

  6. 8 minutes ago, alphanguy74 said:

    Good advice. I'm a germaphobe myself, although my stress level has been very low because I work outside. So my work will proceed normally. I use disposable nurses gloves all the time, if I need to touch a gas pump, most anything. 


    I'm happy to hear that. Keep it up and keep enough distance from people :)

  7. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Just want to say Thank you Errol and SON for operating as per normal. This week my anxiety about this pandemic has mushroomed. I am grateful to know that if/when I have to be confined at home during a lockdown or work-from-home mandate, I would be able to check on here for some 'familiar faces' and soaps talk.


    Funny how I thought this thread would make me panic even more, but I'm reading about Cruz having to self-isolate AGAIN (not to mention BolsoAmazonBurning and the orange one partying it up at Mar-a-lago on the nation's dime, only to find out that at least one of them has this thing) and suddenly I feel strangely calm.


    There is something we can do to manage anxiety. Stay at home. Tell HR you gotta work from home from now on if you can. Or make up an excuse and miss work. I know it sounds crazy but in a few months time, it will be apparent that was the right thing to do.


    Guys, don't wait for them to tell you you've got to stay home. They'll tell you to stay home when the situation turns 300% serious. Right now it's already 100% serious. So you might as well stay at home, starting from today, as much as you can.

  8. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Don't panic. From what I've read on this thread, it seems like the stress of this crap may end up hurting people more than the virus itself. 


    I'm in NYC. I ride the nasty, crowded subway every single day, sometimes as much as four times a day and I am perfectly fine. True, I carry a bottle of Purell with me every time I'm on the train, I wash my hands constantly and I try to not be in close contact with people but I am fine. Honestly, I do believe the media is fearmongering instead of trying to calm people's fears and anxieties.


    And just for the record, I despise politics with a passion, so don't attack me as Trump supporter, science denier, etc. 


    Just take precautions, do what's best for you and your loved ones and stay calm. 


    I was on the same page as you around 2 weeks ago.


    I was wrong.


    Please, stay at home as much as you can. Work from home, or get ready to give up a few weeks worth of pay. It's going to be worth your health. I wish someone had told me this 2 weeks ago.

  9. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    Forgive me for asking what's probably a stupid question, but...have there been any cases of people who have recovered from coronavirus catching it again?  Has anyone suffered any lingering body damage as a result of carrying the virus?


    I'm not a doctor but as far as I know, yeah, you can relapse. Catching the c.v. and recovering doesn't make you immune.


    As for lingering body damage, I hope not. It affects your lungs mostly, so maybe if you've been a smoker your whole life I guess you'd better quit smoking for the rest of your life...


    Anyway, it's really serious and dramatic but being diagnosed with covid-19 is not a death sentence. Most people do recover. There have been cases of 90 or 100 year olds recovering from it. It's all so new.


    As for the rest, let me add: I wouldn't wish this disease on absolutely anyone in the world but if Trump is in such denial about it, it's only a matter of time before he catches it.

  10. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    People laugh at Whoopi and The View but it's the soaps that will be in dire straits if this pandemic doesn't get controlled and the rate of infections keep escalating.


    Whoopi won't have a show any longer in a matter of a week.

    Dr. Fauci is right.

    Governments should prepare for the worst case scenario. No government that I know of has done it.

    4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    My aunt called and said the media is just scarring the public. She's been around the city with crowds...at malls and is fine. We have zero cases here. The closest case is 300 miles away with one reported case. 


    Please stop spreading this kind of misinformation.

    You might have not detected any cases so far because people can get the virus and not show any symptoms. Still they can infect other people. Tell your aunt to check the World Health Organization webpage or social media channel.


    Just now, JaneAusten said:

    Media? This is what our health professionals and the lead doctor from the NiH is saying. Italy was where we are now 3 weeks ago.


    Precisely. It's just the way it goes. Viruses don't know borders.

  11. 1 hour ago, I Am A Swede said:

    We've had our first death due to the coronavirus here in Sweden today.

    Our government has banned every public gathering of more than 500 people. Break that ban and you risk up to six months in jail.


    Your government is doing the right thing. And acting very promptly I might add.

    What you should do is avoid gathering of even 2 people. Stay at home. Work from home. Get your groceries delivered. Sanitize phone, laptop etc. Wash hands very, very often.

  12. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    @Aback I'm still pondering your question today, with that clip of The View panelists introducing the show to an empty audience floating around. There is an article about some talk shows and shows like Jeopardy taping in with no audience and it made me think that soaps really are unsustainable, not because of audiences (other than the crew, there is none) but because of the level of intimacy that characters are expected to have.  Even though, for several years now, soaps have had less passion and true intimacy, which is a definite complaint from fans but they still throw in sex scenes.  To have a soap without kissing or embracing, these shows would have to do something more akin to a Jane Austen dramatization (which could be entertaining if done well) and I think that is slightly above the pay-grade and expertise of today's soap showrunner. 

    In other words, unless this pandemic is decreased and elminated within the next couple of weeks, I think the soaps could be screwed.


    Also, I wonder what will The Price Is Right do without their signature big crowd in the audience?🤔


    You see, the thing is... if a make-up artist is positive, they'll infect one of the actors or vice versa.


    No production is sustainable. Soaps will have to take a hiatus. TV shows, films too.


    I wish this thing could go away in a couple of weeks but I'll be brutally honest. It's going to take some getting used to.

    While you're reading this, please guys: don't wait for the state you're in to declare a state of emergency. Just act as if the emergency was already in place - because it is. Don't go out. Insist on working from home if you can. Wash your hands every 20 minutes. Use a handsanitizer if you're outside and you touch money bills. Refuse kindly to shake hands or hug people. Keep a 6,5 foot distance from other people. Don't share headhphones. Don't stockpile on the groceries and drugs because that's morally wrong.


    But most of all, don't trust me - trust the World Health Organization. Check their social media channel as well as the World Economic Forum's videos. They are very informative.


    Please guys. We can beat this. But we need to cut social contact. 

  13. I live in Northern Italy and let me tell you something that I wish I had been told weeks ago:


    Viruses don't know any passports. Or roadblocks. Or anything. 


    Please act as if the emergency was already in place in your country.

    • Wash your hands as often as you can.
    • Limit your outings as much as possible (tell HR you need to work from home).
    • Don't shake hands or hug anyone (it's awkward but you can tell them 'Hey, the elbow tap is the new thing these days!').
    • Don't share headphones and such.
    • Clean your phone.
    • Use a hand-sanitizer if you're outside and you've touched money bills.

    The virus lingers to fat surfaces up until 3 days, that's why it's so infectious.


    If you are running a high fever and cough, don't go to the hospital or you risk infecting a lot of people.

    53 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    What the media often fails to report is that of those 120,000 cases, over 66,000 have recovered from the disease.


    It's not a death sentence but trust me. You don't want to get it.

  14. 10 mar, 10:00

    The historic Guiding Light daytime radio drama has been revived at the very beginning as Meta Bauer-White and her husband feud over the future of their son, Chuckie. SPONSORED BY WOOD DRAGON'S GARDEN! http://www.wooddragonsgarden.com/

    The historic Guiding Light daytime radio drama has been revived at the very beginning as Meta Bauer-White and her husband feud over the future of their son, Chuckie.


    Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=29404316&fan_landing=true

    Megan Klodnicki as Meta Bauer-White
    Ezra Carey as Chuckie White
    Sean Klodnicki as Ross Boling
    A.J. Carey as Ted White


  15. It's going to be interesting to see how soaps will deal with the real catastrophe ahead. Coronavirus. Evidence around the world seems to suggest it will spread around the US as well and cause most areas to lockdown before the emergency becomes too much of a strain for the health system. How are soaps going to shoot the shows if people can't leave their houses / can't touch each other and so on?

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