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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 39 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I love how Maureen and Kim couldn't help but laugh at how stupid the Nursery Rhyme Stalker storyline was. Maureen's always had a great sense of humour about it. LOL! 


    I loved the Nursery Rhyme Stalker storyline... but I totally get why they would roll their eyes at it. It really is a statement to their talent as actors.

  2. 6 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    Is this because of royalties? Like is it cheaper to just pay the cast members and writers who are already on contract?


    These are repeats, not classics...


    In the GL YT live reunion, Kim Zimmer said she is not getting paid for The Doctors' reruns and she's getting a 0.25$ check for her Seinfeld show rerun, so I mean... it must not be that expensive.

  3. You don't need gloves much like up until yesterday, you didn't need a face mask either unless you were sick. Now it so happens that you need a face mask either way. Weird how things change, huh? I'm just saying- people are confused and it's not their fault. Ultimately they're out to protect themselves. It was the administration's and the government's duty to amp up production of protective materials before all of this started.

  4. I think the costs outdo the benefits!


    In order to release such an extensive library, you also need to watch the episodes or somehow review them. As mentioned, there could be music rights issue. But also: maybe part of the content is not PC by today's standards and could expose the company to a lawsuit of sorts. Finally, should they pay royalties to the actors? It's just a couple of examples off the top of my head, but I think the whole ordeal would turn into a nightmare.

  5. 3 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    Another reason they might be repeating a previous rerun is...who's actually going in to work on prepping things for air? They might be trying to require as few people as possible working for as little time as possible to make this happen.


    They must be setting it up for editors to work from home (I hope). This is only the first classic episode. The show won't be back for a long, long time. We'll see what else they'll pull out of their hat.

  6. 7 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    Brenda Epperson and Heather Tom should be in the 1991 episode, so they're not totally opposed to showing other actors in familiar roles, but my guess is that they won't choose episodes where the focus is on actors that are no longer there. I really hope I'm wrong but I'm thinking the only reason they picked Paul and Christine's honeymoon is because Michelle Stafford is back. I have a feeling if they want to show a classic episode with Dina they'll try to find one with both Peter Bergman and Eileen Davidson, which will eliminate almost all the good stuff from the 80s and 90s. 



  7. 2 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    Considering they are talking June or July now before lockdown ends, Y&R could have 6-8 weeks of repeats - so 30 or 40 episodes, unless CBS decides to slots double TPIR (R) since I think TPIR does quite well in repeats.  


    I'm guessing it will take much longer for them to reprise filming. 

    Supposedly, the virus is largely defeated 2 months after a proper lockdown is put in place (let's say July). But even then, symptom-less people remain, undetected. And they can infect other people. Causing another 'wave'.


    I'm guessing we'll veery slowly go back to a resemblance of our normal lives, but I'm not sure at what point soaps will be able to reprise filming.


    Even if filming reprises in late Summer, will the actors be willing to be intimate with each other? Storylines and blocking will have to change dramatically, much like our lives and our ways to show affection will have changed.


    What we need even more so than a vaccine is a new way of testing that provides results within minutes. I think Hollywood will be disrupted by this and the soaps will be the last ones to adapt given they have a hectic schedule and lots of variables in place.

  8. 19 hours ago, Huntress said:

    Since the episode of Lauren's rescue from 1986 dubbed in German has been posted in the other topic, there are ~ 80 episodes from 1996/1997 and ~ 80 episodes from 2005/2006 on youtube as well. The episodes from 2005/2006 are split in half because they aired as 20 minutes segments here. (Side note: The 1996/1997 were dubbed by a different studio than the 2005/2006 episodes, so the characters have different voices.)


    These episodes are all not officially listed, though.


    Some examples from 1996 (the first episode has a brief recap of storylines / characters at the beginning):



    Thanks! I love to see how the actors sound in different languages. Those 2005 episodes were so bittersweet. Adrienne Leon and Davetta Sherwood... so many missed opportunities.

  9. 10 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    So I have passed my self isolation timeline and am fine but of course still at home.


    I was curious how many people have gotten ill closer to the 14 day mark than the 1 day mark of being exposed. It seems all cases I am reading about tend to be within 2 or 3 days of known exposure.


    I know a typical virus - the symptoms if you have caught it -  typically materializes no more than 7 days after exposure. After that you are normally out of danger of getting ill. Is the 14 days just a safeguard? It's really why after I passed 7 days from exposure I wasn't really that worried.


    Happy for you.


    I think on average you develop symptoms within 5 days.


    One of my coworkers developed symptoms on her 13th day of self-quarantine. She could not smell. The next day, she tested positive. Eerie.

  10. 4 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    One of the things that I most hold against former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg (besides Stop and Frisk) is the fact that he promised to address this need but never did. He was supposed to oversee the construction of more affordable housing for families as well as Single Rooming Options (studio apartments), particularly for homeless men (many of whom were veterans, some with substance abuse and mental health issues that often kept them in a cycle of homelessness and hopelessness. Even as the homeless problem became a full-blown crisis, not seen since the Reagan years, Bloomberg did nothing to alleviate this.  In fact, more luxury buildings and apartments were built under his watch than any other NYC municipal government in memory.  One of the reasons why I'm glad he got so little support that he eventually dropped out of the presidential race.


    Didn't know about that. So sick! Glad he didn't make it to the race.

  11. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    While everyone was talking on and on about the "Corona Babies" that would supposedly be conceived, I was thinking about all the marriage that might be headed for divorce (and worse) because people could be trapped in a confined space with one another, including those trapped in abusive relationships.

    Between this horrible story and the unfortunate prisoner who should've been released from prison already, and the homeless people sleeping in a parking lot while practicing 'social distance', this crisis really has become a 'black light' showing up all the stains of society's various ills.


    I can't even imagine what certain segments of society are going through. LGBT kids trapped with homophobic parents. Young workers trapped with dangerous flatmates (1 year ago, my flatmate became my stalker... thank God I moved out but it wasn't easy). Quarantine can be a nightmare for many people, my heart goes out to them.


    The picture with the homeless sleeping in a parking lot was shocking. It reminded me of an article I read a couple of years ago by a person who works for a charity that gives out food and clothes to the homeless. Some of them see the streets as their home and they just won't take shelter anywhere else, because of even worse experiences and distrust (hence authorities should make more of an effort to deserve their trust). That's just another perspective.

  12. 9 hours ago, Faulkner said:



    Let me tell you my experience: everyone should be provided with masks. Everyone should wear them.


    A couple of weeks ago, I learned my boss tested positive. I found myself at risk of having contracted the virus. I was self-quarantining before the lockdown was even in place. Then I was forced to leave my apartment. There was no other solution, I had to leave my apartment for 2 hours. I needed a mask, but I had no masks. Because every expert had said "Leave the masks to the infected and the health workers".


    I don't understand why it should be my fault that no one thought of amping up face masks production when they knew an epidemic/pandemic was on its way (the WHO warned the most at risk countries in January). Anyway, as soon as they produce more face masks, everyone will be/should be provided with a package of face masks.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I don't think anybody has announced plans yet, but Y&R's music director tweeted that the show plans on airing some classic episodes to keep the show on the air. I don't know if they'll cut down on 5 episodes a week to stretch, but at least we do know the show is tentatively scheduled to stay on air. 


    Do y'all think it would be smarter to run through the episodes and go straight to classics or 2-3 episodes a week to stretch them?


    I think it would less confusing to run through the episodes and then switch to classics. The show will have to take a long hiatus in any case, so it might as well 'fire its last few rounds', so to speak.

  14. 9 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    To answer your questions:


    1. Yes the Marones were apart of that, but also the characters of Sam Kelly, Priscilla Kelly, and the Ramirez family. Priscilla was played by Linda Gray, and the show apparently  went as so far to nearly (of did, I can’t remember) film an unaired cameo of Larry Hagman(as either Sam’s father or random stranger) meeting Priscilla. Thudley got scared of the backlash from interview with Michael Logan and changed  course, but it was also hinted by Thudley he wanted the Lolita story with Eric and Caitlin Ramirez.


    2. It would have been a nice connection to both GL history and continuity viewers already knew about as opposed to Alan having some random child out there with a nun. 

    3. That tidbit I remember from a Sally Sussman Morina interview she gave right after Latham had been fired in 2008 to which she aired a LOT(or too much!) of dirty laundry about Latham. Given her husband worked for the show, apparently SSM was in hot water  and ending up having to ask to retract it. I wish I could know exactly to dig it up at, it was quite tawdry!




    Yeah, I was never a fan of Gus's so I guess I never saw the point in his parents' storyline in the first place.


    I'd love for that SSM interview to resurface someday! Fingers crossed.

  15. 35 minutes ago, Toups said:

    Do you guys listen to Dua Lipa?  Whenever I hear her songs, I keep thinking, "this is what Gaga should be doing."  


    Me too! And look at Dua Lipa's videos. That's what Lady Gaga's videos should look like in 2020. Not that garbage 'Stupid Love'.

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