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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 9 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    They obviously pulled the plug on Brooke/Quinn immediately after Thomas got involved. Based on the taping schedule, it was dropped before Quinn’s smack even aired, which got B&B’s biggest buzz in months.

    I remember asking people why they were so excited about it knowing full well that it had no long term value and I was accused of being a prude because catfights need to make a comeback and so on. Lol

  2. 13 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Going back to Victor's week, I will say I LOVED that during his tribute episode that they included past actors who are no longer on the show. It was a really fleshed out selection of flashbacks and they were smartly chosen. LOVED opening with his mom, Douglas, Julia, Katherine and Nikki. LOVE that Brenda Epperson was included, we even got a Hope flashback. Lots of times when soaps do anniversary specials they avoid recasts and characters that aren't currently on the show. The only thing that would've made this better is if we got young Victoria. I still would love a Heather Tom flashback from her early days. 


    When did the Brenda Epperson flashback air? I think I'll catch up with the tribute show but I'm not sure about the date.

  3. 14 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Thw whole build up to Victoria's stabbing was poorly plotted and executed.

    Had Ripley been a threat to Amanda for months and this was culmination of his misdeeds... instead he was some cardborad villian who was a threat to Amanda  ( a new character)for reasons unknown - we know little of their history.

    Then to mistake Victoria for Amanda  - really??

    Are we now going to have the usual cast in evening clothes waiting at the hospital scenes?

    What will be the fall out of Victoria being stabbed? If she were a good friend to Amanda there would be weight to Amanda feeling responsible. They are sort of rivals, but could anyone blame Amanda for what happened - probably not so there is no dramatic consequences there.

    Of course Victoria will be up and around in weeks, unless Josh wants to do a Billy style struggle to regain her 'self'story...



    Big agree. Is this what constitutes 'drama' for these people? lol

  4. 12 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Y&R won the Writers Guild Award for the Neil memorial episodes. Honestly, they should be ashamed to even submit those episodes, which I’m sure will probably score Emmy wins. To use the black cast to win awards when you don’t feature them otherwise is truly shameful. I know every soap treats minorities poorly, but considering that we know they’re the backbone of Y&R’s success it’s particularly frustrating. 

    Those episodes showed how powerful those characters are and to see them languish all year is just insane to me. 


    I agree. 

  5. 16 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    Maybe RS was having a very bad hair day.


    More likely, The Granny bun makes her look like an evil fairytale character ready to torment our beautiful very wide & open ‘hearted’ blonde heroine. 


    I do like how KKL is so into to her scenes lately that she actually tears up! I may hate this illogical story and Brooke being so irrational, but at least KKL is committed. 

    I’ve never seen KKL phone it in tbh

  6. 3 hours ago, ironlion said:

    I reached out to Brandon Denson who had the late 90s early 2000s clips on YouTube, who had his channel removed. He's a member of the y&r Facebook group and hopefully he'd be willing to post some content to this thread.


    Amazing! Thanks.

  7. 3 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    It’s not the ‘physical’ slap that makes it exciting - it’s Quinn verbal ‘slap’ that makes the entire scene. 


    I'm all for a good catfight but even the dialogue, I don't see what's so precious about it. Quinn has no place to tell off Brooke. Brooke should not be acting like a wimp who's on the verge of crying all the time. And we all know the show's focus is going to shift to something else (probably Liam) in a couple of episodes.

  8. Hi,


    does anyone have any insight on this show's production model?


    I keep seeing clips on Twitter and I am impressed at the breakdown of each scene, lighting, directing, camera angles. The show looks expensive and something that producers take their time to shoot. How do they manage to pull it off?

  9. 18 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Thinking back to Sally's time, if you compare what's happening now, imagine how good her show could've been had she been given time to review the show and create a bible. I recall her doing an interview where she said she was hired and had to immediately start working so she didn't have time to prepare. Whoever gets the gig this time will have that time since JG has the contract extension. She also didn't get a full year. I do feel her time on the show while not perfect was the last time the show was good. The way she wrote the show just felt like Y&R. The stories weren't always successful, but the day-to-day show was very enjoyable for me.

    Well said. 

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