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Posts posted by Aback

  1. 9 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    To answer your questions:


    1. Yes the Marones were apart of that, but also the characters of Sam Kelly, Priscilla Kelly, and the Ramirez family. Priscilla was played by Linda Gray, and the show apparently  went as so far to nearly (of did, I can’t remember) film an unaired cameo of Larry Hagman(as either Sam’s father or random stranger) meeting Priscilla. Thudley got scared of the backlash from interview with Michael Logan and changed  course, but it was also hinted by Thudley he wanted the Lolita story with Eric and Caitlin Ramirez.


    2. It would have been a nice connection to both GL history and continuity viewers already knew about as opposed to Alan having some random child out there with a nun. 

    3. That tidbit I remember from a Sally Sussman Morina interview she gave right after Latham had been fired in 2008 to which she aired a LOT(or too much!) of dirty laundry about Latham. Given her husband worked for the show, apparently SSM was in hot water  and ending up having to ask to retract it. I wish I could know exactly to dig it up at, it was quite tawdry!




    Yeah, I was never a fan of Gus's so I guess I never saw the point in his parents' storyline in the first place.


    I'd love for that SSM interview to resurface someday! Fingers crossed.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Toups said:

    Do you guys listen to Dua Lipa?  Whenever I hear her songs, I keep thinking, "this is what Gaga should be doing."  


    Me too! And look at Dua Lipa's videos. That's what Lady Gaga's videos should look like in 2020. Not that garbage 'Stupid Love'.

  3. 4 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    I know Reilly had a series of dropped/changed plots during his second tenure lol. Thudley Bell at B&B also has numerous dropped/twisted plots over the years as well, ranging from a Lolita-type story for Eric to a introducing a bunch of characters in 2003/2004 to replace the Forresters but dropped it entirely. 

    But more the point of this thread:


    Had Millie Taggert remained HW for GL, in 2003 Reva’s stalker was to be Jonathan while Gus’s mother was going to be Rita Stapleton.

    Had Alden and SSM not be fired in 2006 by Latham, Lisa Mansfield was planned to resurface when Victor researched into Brad’s history. 


    I'm loving the thread!


    Was the B&B new family in 2003 the Marones? I didn't know they were supposed to phase out the Forresters.


    I don't understand what tying Gus to Rita Stapleton would have added.


    I would have loved to see Lisa Mansfield! Curious to where you got that info. Did they reveal it in an interview, podcast...?

  4. 14 hours ago, te. said:

    Once upon a time "back from the dead" stories weren't so outlandish, they were based upon women's men going to war, being declared dead in battle and then returning due to them being declared MIA or just being misidentified. I've told this before, but my grandfather was declared MIA/dead for two years during WWII. I can only imagine how common this was back in the day.


    Later day soaps started messing with this concept though with people being seen as dying on screen and then returning back due to supernatural reasons. Hello Days of our Lives!


    That's so interesting. Thanks!

  5. 18 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    @Aback Your thought on the characters being quarantined during the gap is a really good idea. Hopefully, learning from the disastrous DAYS TJ, the 3 soaps could  present new stories based on things that may have happened during quarantine. Clearly soap characters continued living - so maybe couples reconciled during that time, broke apart from stress, unexpected pregnancies (we know a boom is coming 1Q in 2021 in the real world), etc.


    We certainly won't want to watch a quarantine/characters being sick (soaps are an escape), but the fallout could be a good launch for new stories.  



    That's interesting. I had thought of the boom in 2021 but not of the impact on soap babies.


    I agree the soaps should take this chance to reboot themselves. It could also help them sell their shows to new channels.


    It's weird because soaps should provide escapism but at the same time they can't escape reality (see how 9/11 + war affected certain soaps) and the world will be totally different after covid-19.

  6. It will be interesting to see how this pandemic will affect the writing. IF the soaps come back from the break, how will dialogue & storylines have to change?


    Were the characters quarantine as well?


    Will the actors be willing to engage in physical contact with their fellow cast members that quickly?


    Will we see an increase in sci-fi, medical storylines?


    Food for thought while we wait for this thing to pass...

  7. 5 hours ago, reallyhateskateonlost said:

    Bold and the Beautiful viewer frustrated with soap opera interruptions.

    In these trying times, many soap opera viewers are seeing their daytime shows interrupted for federal, state and local news briefings. One woman had enough and complained to Illinois governor JB Pritzker about the constant briefings, which were affecting her ability to watch The Bold and the Beautiful. Pritzker, in one of his news conferences, apologized to the woman and said he too looked forward to the days where they could return to their regularly scheduled programming. :lol:


    LOL! Do you think there's a video of that?

  8. 9 hours ago, alphanguy74 said:

    They key is to never touch something someone else has touched, unless you have a glove on. Use a disposable nurses glove, and then remove it before your touch your own face (don't wear it for a long time) 


    You should also wash your hands before and after wearing gloves, it's not like gloves are germ-repellent.


    8 hours ago, alphanguy74 said:

    The reason Italy is in such bad shape?

    1: Second oldest population on earth

    2: 5 1/2 times the population density of the US

    3: 12% higher smoking rate that the US

    4: extensive use of public transit (trains)

    5: Very high percentage of people living in apartments, and not single family homes.

    6: Large percentage of citizens that only bathe once or twice a week.


    Where do you get your data? Scholars are still discussing why Italy has been especially hit, so I don't understand where you're coming from. Also, the infection rate in NYC has unfortunately become twice the infection rate in Lombardy in the space of a few days.


    It's really hard to measure how many times an entire population bathes (also: it's not related to the virus). I have no clue if Italians bathe more or less than other people. One thing is for sure: each one of us could never live without a bidet in their house :)


    6 hours ago, alphanguy74 said:

    It's simply a cultural difference, like women not shaving their armpits. 


    LOL your imagery dates back to 1950s.

  9. 2 hours ago, Faulkner said:



    My heart breaks for these human beings. Not only did they have to endure immense suffering, now this. I just don't know what to say.



    2 hours ago, victoria foxton said:





    Early on in this health emergency, I would not refuse to shake hands with anyone because I would never want for anyone to feel 'rejected' or 'infected'. As a Millennial gay man I did not live through the AIDS emergency era but somehow I can empathize a little bit.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    @Aback here is a link for GL to a description of the character Warren Burton - who accidentally brought home a lab rat in his suitcase and it bit his wife and got Dreaming Death and died.  He released a bunch more of them later in the story, and stole the key to the vaccine to try and make money.  





    Thank you! I really thought Dreaming Death was an ATWT storyline. I'll take advantage of the quarantine to catch up :)

  11. 4 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    One part of the article that I was kinda meh about was how she seemed to praise the idea that Guiding Light could, in decade, be about the marital troubles of Bill and Bert Bauer but then, several decades later, have their sons running around in a jungle. To me, that was some of the most damaging sht to happen to daytime - not specifically GL men running through jungles but the fact that shows just so carelessly turned on a dime and went from domestic character studies to the type of stuff that only gets play in B action movies that are rerun on Saturday afternoons between WNBA games and Flipper reruns.


    I understand where you're coming from. I think you and I speak as fans of the show, while the author of the book addresses the issues much more from an academic perspective, ie. it's amazing what soaps resorted to in order to survive. In hindsight, it kinda worked...

  12. 13 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Speaking for myself, Netflix has many documentaries and shows that I have yet to see and others that I had fallen behind and have to catch up on, so I won't be one of those people. 

    Also, with Netflix's production model there are movies and series already in the pipeline set to debut throughout the summer into autumn.  It's later in the year and early next year when the streaming service will likely be affected due to the projects that are currently in production that have now been halted.


    Yeah, but I thought the tweets were talking about Netflix's growth in the next few months. You enjoy the documentaries but apparently you're already a Netflix user. I don't see how the platform will attract any new consumers without new products. Because they'll definitely run out of them. We'll see :)

  13. 12 hours ago, Vee said:


    Sure they have.


    Gloomy ads like that one don't work. Look at Bloomberg's recent campaign. Some of Hillary's 2016 videos. Or watch the film "No" (Chile, 2012). It explains really well why these ads don't work. Trump did make a fool out of himself with those statements but that's not the right way to show his contradictions.

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