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CASTING UPDATE! Greg Rikaart (above) will first "air" as Andrew Donavan, son of Shane Donavan and Kimberly Brady, on Monday, January 1st. Charles Shaugnessy will be returning as Shane Donavan for ten episodes to help ease Andrew into the cast. Janice Dickinson and RuPaul Charles Andre will appear the week of January 8th. Jay Kenneth Johnson's first airdate as Philip has been pushed up significantly to January 12th, which is the day JKJ debuts on the real show! Ari Zuker (Nicole Walker) and Thaao Penglis (Tony) will definitely be airing in February. *BIG* RUMOR #1: The blog is looking to bring back a character that was killed off during the last year. The blog is hesitant to do so without the right story, but if the right story were to fall into place, expect the character to return with Penglis' Tony Dimera! *BIG* RUMOR #2: The blog will be taking a storyline straight from the real 'Days of Our Lives!' It is a story the real show has done since the blog started on December 12, 2005. It's in the early stages of planning, but it is rumored to have created much excitement in the headwriter.
FAMILIES PROMO! The families of Salem are a very important tradition of DAYS. In the coming months, family connections and the children of Salem will grow increasingly important as the winter storylines unfold. It will all lead to a culmination of drama! As a tribute to the upcoming goings on in Salem, I have put together a slideshow of the families of Salem in order to set things straight! If there are any questions as to who people are or as to why how they fit in with a certain family, feel free to ask! (Keep an eye out for Zach, Jack Jr., Claire, and J.T.! ) Families Promo!
Episode #273 – Wednesday, December 27, 2006: Kayla and Mike continue to perform CPR on Alice. The ambulances and fire trucks arrive. Kayla and Mike manage to get a pulse from Alice, and they take her away in the ambulance. The Horton’s and The Brady’s rush to the hospital to be with Alice. The arsonist returns to the church and snatches his or her mask and dark attire from the bushes where he or she recently stashed it! OPENING! Bo seeks some medical attention on scene from E.M.T.’s. They treat his burns and allow him to rejoin Roman, Steve, and John near the ruins of the Horton House which has now been extinguished. Victor and Kate huddle in a corner at the hospital and try to come up with a plan that will separate Shawn and Belle for good! Vivian, meanwhile, is very concerned at Kate and Victor’s growing closeness, and she confronts them! Maggie and Laura realize that this Christmas is going to be ANYTHING but a Merry one for Salem. Sami tells Simone that she is NOT giving her the name of Keith’s real parents! Simone tells Sami that she has to! Simone says Keith’s life depends on it. Sami is conflicted. Cassie awakens. She is in shock as she cannot believe that the real father of her baby is a Horton! Abby and Max ask Cassie why she fainted, but she says she does not know. She excuses it as being the pregnancy. Fearing Abby and Max will break the news that they are back together, Cassie faints once again. Only this time, she’s faking! Vivian reminds Victor that she knows he set the fire that was responsible for Caroline being hospitalized. She tells Victor to hurry up and get the paperwork that will grant her 51% of the Titan stock. When alone, Victor hires a private investigator to come up with the goods on Kate so he has something to blackmail Kate with! Austin remains bothered by the intense hug between Mike and Carrie, but he decides to shake it off. Seconds later, he catches Mike and Carrie in a very compromising position as she comforts Mike. Frankie comforts Melissa. Greta is understanding, but disappointed. Eric is waiting in the wings to comfort her. Kristen looks on and remembers her night of lovemaking with Eric. She says that Eric is the key part in her getting revenge on Marlena. Celeste breaks out of the mental ward. Simone tells Sami that she has to take the baby to the police unless Sami comes forward. Sami demands Simone stop panicking! Sami says she will come up with something! Laura and Maggie recall Caroline, Mickey, and Alice all being hospitalized and Jennifer’s recent death. Secretly, Laura flashes back to how it is all a lie to cover up for Jennifer being in a sanitarium in Europe. Maggie and Laura wonder if there is some type of Horton curse! Bo knows what the silence of Steve, John, and Roman means. Bo flashes back to seeing the ladder burning in the raging fire. Bo asks who would want to hurt Alice Horton. Steve says that is the question of the hour. Roman reveals that his men are tracing the ruins for proof of arson as they speak. Bo decides to go to the hospital and pray for Mrs. H. He also tells Roman to have the P.D. track down Hope wherever she is vacationing and tell her to return to Salem A.S.A.P. Mike calls Jeremy and tells him about his great-grandmother. Abby and Jeremy rush to the hospital, leaving Jan and Max to care for Cassie. Later, Jan, Max, and Cassie arrive at the hospital, but not before Cassie and Jan have a chance to catch up. Cassie tells Jan that she might need her help with her latest plan. Jan says that she needs the same from Cassie! Billie tries to comfort the Horton women, but Julie tells her to get out of here and says she doesn’t belong. Celeste enters the waiting room. All of Salem is in the room. Vivian, John, Belle, Kristen, Bo, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Georgia, Jan, Kayla, Max, Shawn, Abby, Jack, Cassie, Marlena, Alice, Jeremy, Laura, Maggie, Melissa, Steve, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kate, Lucas, Will, Greta, Roman, Mike, Stephanie, Doug, and Julie all stare at Celeste in shock. She looks at them and points. “You! You did this! You tried to kill Alice Horton!” Everyone looks around in shock as they realize the person who burned down the Horton House is among them.
Episode #272 – Tuesday, December 26, 2006: Simone learns from Annie’s landlord that Annie has left town and returned to Sunset Beach. She is unable to find Sami, as well. When she reads the paper, she learns that Sami is in prison…for the murder of Alan Harris! Cassie and Jeremy are face to face! Jeremy recognizes Cassie as the girl he had sex with months earlier. Jeremy then realizes that Cassie is pregnant! John, Belle, Bo, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Georgia, Kayla, Jack, Marlena, Laura, Melissa, Maggie, Steve, Victor, Austin, Billie, Kaye, Lucas, Will, Greta, Roman, Mike, Stephanie, Doug, and Julie arrive stare in shock, horror, and awe as the Horton House continues to burn. Fire engines’ alarms screech in the background and grow louder and louder and louder. OPENING! Jeremy is taken aback and asks Cassie what the hell is going on. Cassie asks Jeremy what the hell he is doing in town. She reminds him that he said he was only in Salem for one night – the night they slept together. Jeremy reminds Cassie that she said the same thing! Jeremy says he wasn’t lying. He explains that his family lives here, but at that time, he was only planning on being in Salem for a few days. Cassie fesses up and says she lives here, as does her family. Cassie asks Jeremy who his family is. Just then, Jan interrupts them. Simone goes to the jail with her baby (Carrie and Austin’s baby) to see Sami. Sami is horrified to see Simone and tells Simone she needs to get out of Salem IMMEDIATELY before anyone sees her! Bo, John, Jack Mike, Frankie, Eric, Steve, Roman, and Austin realize if they wait for the fire fighters, it may be too late for Alice. The nine men devise a plan to get past the flames and save Alice. Roman is befuddled when he sees a ladder outside the house, burning. Bo and John also see the ladder and are puzzle by what it could mean. Cassie and Jan realize they haven’t seen each other in months since they teamed up to ruin Shawn and Mimi’s wedding by exposing the truth about Claire. Cassie and Jeremy are frustrated that Jan has interrupted them. Later, when Cassie and Jeremy are alone again, Jeremy asks Cassie if this is his baby, and she refuses! She says that Max is the father of her baby. Jeremy asks “Max Brady?” Cassie is shocked and scared when it appears that the real father of her baby knows Max! The men of Salem brave the flames in order to save Alice. Bo manages to find Alice in the upstairs bedroom sleeping. He is worried for her life when he sees how close the flames are to her. Bo picks Alice up and removes her from the bedroom. Bo gets burned by the flames and screams in agony. Julie, Maggie, Melissa, and Laura pray aloud outside the Horton House. Cassie asks Jeremy how he knows Max Brady. All of a sudden, Max and Abby approach Jeremy and Cassie. Max asks Cassie how she and Jeremy know each other. Cassie asks Max how HE and Jeremy know each other. Abby explains that this is her cousin – Jeremy Horton! Cassie faints! Simone tells Sami that she isn’t going anywhere! Simone says that she returned to Salem because the baby, whom she has named Keith, is very sick. Simone tells Sami that she needs to know the baby’s medical history because the baby’s health is deteriorating! Sami panics. Bo emerges from the flames holding Alice. He falls to his knees. He hands Alice over to Mike and Kayla, who begin examining her. Billie comforts Bo who badly burned his arms and back. Mike and Kayla cannot resuscitate Alice! Laura, Melissa, Maggie, and Julie panic and scream. Mike performs CPR on Alice. FREEZE FRAME.
Episode #271 – Monday, December 25, 2006: - The Horton House continues to burn to the ground...with Alice inside sleeping! - The assailant escapes back to the church. He/She ditches the mask and dark clothes and throws them behind the bushes in front of the church. He/She enters St. Luke's. OPENING! - Jan sees Jeremy, and she is outraged at the site of him. She flashes back to his exposing her in front of Shawn and Belle. Jan vows that she will get revenge on Jeremy for setting her up. But a part of her can't help but remember their steamy kiss! - As the sea of Salemites exits the church, it becomes unclear as to who the assailant was. Will and Georgia notice that the falling snow off yonder is red as it falls to the ground. As Will and Georgia notify their fathers, Lucas and Bo, respectively, everyone begins to take notice at the phenomenon. - Cassie deliberately hides from Max and Abby, whom she knows are back together. Cassie fears that Max will tell her the truth about their reunion. - John is shocked to see Kristen at Midnight Mass. Marlena and John demand to know what Kristen is doing there, and if it is a ploy to get closer to John. Kristen tells John to stop flattering himself and tells him that she is over him! FOR GOOD! Kristen explains that when she first came to Salem that she was a good person and very involved with St. Luke's. She warns John and Marlena that she is planning to be the active Socialite she once was! - In the back of the church, Cassie is terrified when she sees the man she slept with in May after Max broke it off with her....the man who is really the father of her baby! Cassie hides! - Shawn and Belle are blissful. They are the talk of the town as everyone is so happy that they are back together once again. - Steve realizes that he must tell Kayla the truth. - Vivian fears that Kate and Victor are growing too close for comfort for her and Alamain International. - Austin realizes the connection between Carrie and Mike is still there when they share a hug. - All of Salem is gathered outside of St. Luke's wishing each other a Merry Christmas and taking notice of the miraculous phenomenon in front of them. - Doug and Julie point out that something smells like smoke. Everyone breathes in and begins to realize that something close by must be on fire. - Maggie sees smoke forming above the trees off in the distance. She points and screams as everyone realizes a fire is what is behind "the miracle." - Marlena points out that the fire looks like it could be in the neighborhood that her and Roman's house used to be...the same neighborhood as Alice's house! Melissa points out that since Alice wasn't feeling well, she skipped mass so she could rest! - All of the Salemites privy to the conversation begin to run towards the smoke. - Abby and Max exit the church and wonder where everyone is running off too, but they are too happy to care about anything but their reunion. Abby tells Max that he must tell Cassie the truth - that they are going to be a couple despite Cassie's pregnancy. - Meanwhile, the Brady's, the Horton's, and the rest of Salem continue to run through yards and take shortcuts to get to Alice's neighborhood. Laura, Maggie, Melissa, Doug, Mike, Julie, and Jack all deduce that the smoke is definitely coming from Alice's house or a neighbor's house! - Cassie comes face to face with the father of her unborn baby! - The Brady's, Horton's, Reed's, and Robert's emerge from the trees and come face to face with the Horton House. Their faces are lit up orange and red as they reflect the burning house. Julie falls to her knees in the snow, screaming. Melissa, Greta, Marlena, and Kate all gasp and cover the mouths in horror. Bo and John look on and then look to each other, knowing neither has seen a fire so outrageous and out of control. Julie screams for Alice. FREEZE FRAME.
TWO RECURRING ACTORS GONE! Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) and Lauren Ambrose (Stephanie Johnson) will last air as Roman and Stephanie in January. Both characters will be written off in very open-ended ways. Since both actors are recurring with the blog, it will not come as a complete shock that they are being let go. "Roman's exit is going to have a lot to do with Alan's murder trial and Sami being on trial for the crime. His return was only supposed to be temporary for when Carrie's baby 'died.' But it extended a bit. Stephanie's exit is going to be tied to Steve's secret being exposed. It's going to be a very exciting month! But Roman and Stephanie are two characters that are very important to the show, and they will remain a very important part of Salem and its core families."
Sounds like things are heating up! I love the OL cross overs!
There WILL be an episode posted tomorrow (Monday, 12/25.)
EVIL IS IN SALEM! As readers now know, the December 22nd episode of the blog has launched a new, mystery storyline. The headwriter is here to offer some insights into the storyline. "It's definitely going to be a huge story. I want it to rival the Salem Serial Killer of '03 and '04 and the Desecrator of '95. This is actually going to be a story that takes the reader on a trip down memory lane through the show's rich history. Bo Brady is going to have his hand's full investigating these crimes. He'll become the protaganist of this storyline." "As for the culprit, well, I can tell you it is someone fans know very well. This is going to be a story with multiple chapters. This is chapter one. Chapter two will kick off when the viewers learn who is behind this. And that will launch the story in a whole new direction. Readers should not discount anyone. There will be clues along the way. So, keep an eye out for those!" "It is going to be a story that re-establishes Salem as a community. These awful crimes are going to have ripple effects, and everyone will be affected. It's going to have people running scared. It's going to change the way the characters live, act, and interact with each other. Every night in Salem is going to be like Halloween." "The next event will take place during the New Year's Eve Party on December 29th. It's going to be hard to top burning the Horton House, but it will be big!"
OMG! You guys are going to ROCK!
I am going to kill off all the vets and then reveal they are alive and wearing Hawaiin shirts on a tropical island! Oh god, I can't even JOKE about that!
PROMO Here is a new promo for the next two weeks. Don't watch if you haven't read Friday's Episode! Click Here for the Promo!
I can see a lot of this playing out on the real show. G.J., you guys!
All of Salem gathers for Midnight Mass. A light snowfall begins to fall on Salem starting at Midnight. Throughout the hour, it grows heavier and heavier. Celeste tosses and turns in her bed. The congregation sings “Silent Night.” Someone leaves the church in the middle of Midnight Mass. The person’s footsteps walk away from church, making footsteps in the snow, but the snowfall quickly fills the imprints. The babysitter of Claire, Zach, and JT reads the little ones a bedtime story. She begins: “ T’was the night before Christmas and all through the houseNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” Meanwhile, the mystery person approaches a house. He or she peers through the windows and sees nothing. The snow continues to fall. The babysitter continues: “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.” A chimney rests upon a picturesque, Salem house. The rooftop is laden with snow. Suddenly, a ladder comes into view and is rested upon the house. The mystery person’s face now pops up slowly as he or she climbs the ladder. The person is now wearing a black ski mask. The story continues: “The children were nestled all snug in their beds,While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.” Inside the house, it is quiet. The house is decorated for Christmas, and all seems well. The beds are all made, but everyone seems to be in attendance at Midnight Mass…except for one bed that has a sleeper cuddled into it. Meanwhile, outside the house, the assailant reaches into a bag and takes out a bottle that is half-filled. The person places a rag into the battle and leaves it so that half of the rag is hanging out of the bottle. He or she reaches into a pocket and pulls out a match. The match is struck against the chimney and ignites. The mystery person sets the rag on fire and drops the bottle down the chimney. The bottle hits the bottom of the fireplace and sets off an explosion that rips through the living room of the house. The Christmas decorations all whither away and burn to a crisp one by one. The fire quickly spreads roaring from room to room. From the outside of the house, the fire glows orange and red. The fresh snow that lines Salem reflects the color of the fire. The entire town glows red and orange. The mystery person scurries down the ladder. Seconds later, the ladder burns too. The fire lights up the black mask. Cold eyes lie behind the mask. "Silent Night" radiates throughout the town as the Salemites sing. Celeste wakes up and lets out a piercing shriek. The nurses come in and strap her down. They sedate her as Celeste continues to scream over and over and over again. Her eyes are filled with pain, fear, and agony. The attacker's eyes rage with hate and glow orange and red from the fire. Inside the house, the fire rages closer and closer to the bedroom inside which the one person in the house sleeps. Her face is revealed, and it is familiar face to all. The babysitter concludes with a whisper: "Merry Christmas to all....and to all a goodnight."
Episode #270 – Friday, December 22, 2006: BRAND NEW OPENING! Greta is thrilled with the lavish present that Frankie has given her, but later, Eric surprises her when he gives her his gift - a Vom Amburg heirloom! Eric says that he managed to track it down. He tells her it had a lot of personal meaning to her mother and grandmother. Victor, Alice, and Maggie all run into each other at the hospital while visiting Caroline. Celeste, who has recently broken out of the mental ward, arrives. She tells them all that danger is near! She predicts that evil will strike Salem on Christmas! Laura recalls her plan to trick everyone into thinking Jennifer has died, even though she is really in a sanitarium in London. Laura is devastated, but she says that is what she thought was best for everyone. Laura flashes back to hearing from the doctors that Jennifer will remain in a catatonic state...possibly forever. Laura says she did not know what else to do. Austin and Carrie, Bo and Billie, Steve and Kayla, Shawn and Belle all have romantic lovemaking sessions on Christmas Eve. Greta shares a sexy kiss with Frankie under the mistletoe. Later, she gets caught under the same mistletoe with Eric, and she gives him a peck on the lips. She acts as if it is nothing, but she, Eric, Frankie, and Melissa all see it is more than that. Georgia, Bo, and Billie bond as a family. Shawn crashes the little party, however, and warns them all that Bo and Hope will re-unite once again and ruin their little family. Georgia and Shawn get into a huge fight, but Bo, Billie, and Georgia are able to return to their celebration. Later, Kayla, Bo, Roman, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Greta, Steve, Stephanie, and Max celebrate Christmas together. Vivian prepares to spend the holiday alone, but Simone arrives. Vivian is shocked and touched to see Simone. Vivian is baffled by the baby Simone now has, but Simone says that she'll explain everything later. Vivian and Simone toast the holiday and knock back some champagne. Jan and Megan toast to their misery and wish their enemies in Salem a very un-Merry Christmas! Kristen and Stefano have a touching Christmas together. Kate, Lucas, Austin, and Will all show up to be with Billie and Georgia. Lucas asks Victor to join them, and he does. The John and Marlena put their grievances aside to celebrate Christmas with Belle and Claire as a family. John and Belle are shocked when Cassie arrives, crying and heartbroken. She explains that she feels more alone now than ever before and feels Max is going to leave her and their baby. Cassie asks her mother, Marlena, to let her celebrate with them. Marlena agrees. Belle is shocked, but she puts her previous issues with Cassie aside and celebrates Christmas! Jeremy, Mike, Maggie, Melissa, Alice, Doug, Julie, Laura, Abby, and Jack celebrate together and partake in the annual family tradition of the Horton Christmas Tree Hanging. Bo, Lucas, Shawn, JT, Zach, and Will arrive just in time for their ornaments. Kate and Victor get together to plot the downfall of Belle and Shawn, but they find themselves reminscing when a Christmas Carol comes on the radio. They begin slow-dancing to it. Secretly, each wonders if the other is just buttering the other up in order to drop the Alamain International vs. Titan vendetta. But they keep their suspicions private and have a nice moment together. Mike learns that he will be reading the Christmas Story to the kids at University Hospital. Later, he gives Carrie a present that he had bought for her last Christmas but never got the chance to give it to her since she left for California. Marlena, Eric, Carrie, Will, and Roman all pay Sami a visit in prison. They ask Sami if she really killed Alan. She swears that she did! She asks everyone to leave her alone! They regretfully leave Sami all alone on Christmas.... Midnight Mass begins as all of Salem pours into the church. A light snowfall begins to hit Salem. Celeste tosses and turns in her bed in the asylum. She has a nightmare about the many faces of Salem. She hears screaming, pain, and agony. She shoots up in her head and lets out a blood curtling scream. Don't Miss the Supplement to this Episode! It will be posted around 5 o'clock! PROMO #1: IT'S COMING! PROMO #2: ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! VOTE: For the Man of Greta's Dreams!
Happy anniversary! I don't know much about ATWT, but it sounds very exciting, well-written, well-thought out, and amazing!
Thanks! No one died, daysfan! I was debating whether or not to reveal Jen was alive now or later, but I thought it was better to do it now. An X-MAs treat for J&J fans! Not that many seem to read the blog.
Episode #269 – Thursday, December 21, 2006: BRAND NEW OPENING! The men of Salem have Christmas surprises for their lady loves. Jack and Billie get caught under the mistletoe, but they don't acknowledge it. Instead, she helps him grieve Jennifer. John gives Marlena a stunning charm bracelet with charms that recall very special memories for them both. Max surprises Abby with a gift he'd been planning to give to her for months....a car! Max explains that he put every piece of the car together himself, and he had it custom made for her. He explains that he started doing this months ago and was going to give it to her regardless of whether they were together or not. Steve dresses up like Patchie Claus and showers Kayla with tons of gifts that remind them both of their time together. Frankie stuns Greta by giving her a lavish necklace that takes her breath away. Victor has Caroline's hospital room showered with Chrismas poinsettias. She remains unconscious, but he feels as if he is impacting her recovery by doing this for her. Meanwhile, Maggie does the same for a comatose Mickey. Lucas brings Sami his Christmas present that he was planning to give her before she was arrested for Alan's murder. He gives her a scrapbook full of photos of all of their times together. He throws it at her and tells her to look at everything she's given up by killing Alan! Celeste escapes from the mental ward of the hospital. Marlena tells John that this changes nothing. When John leaves, Roman arrives, and Roman and Marlena discuss their favorite Christmas memories. Marlena tells Roman that she fears that she is losing her mind. Austin surprises Carrie by taking her to the rooftop and recreating all of their special memories up on the roof of the apartment complex. Carrie is only half there, however, as she thinks about Mike...not in a romantic way, but his prescense in Salem occupies her mind...and Austin knows it! Bo surprises Billie by taking her to the pier and revealing his gift to her....a boat! He explains to her that he doesn't want her to feel threatened by his relationship with Hope so he wants her to have this boat as a symbol of his love for her. Victor, Alice, and Maggie all run into each other at the hospital while visiting Caroline and Jack remains devastated by the death of Jennifer. Doug, Julie, and Jack recall how if Jennifer had not died maybe Mickey's stroke would not have been triggered. When Jack leaves, Doug and Julie tells Laura that Jack may never be the same again after Jennifer's death. Julie says that Mickey might never be either....when alone, Laura asks herself....."What have I done?" Meanwhile, in a cold, desolate hospital somewhere across the seas, a little Christmas tree stands in the window. It blinks on and off. A woman sits in a rocking chair, rocking back and forth. She stares out the window. Snow begins to fall. She continues to rock. Back and forth. Back and forth. It forms a rythym. The woman is coddled in a blanket. The phone rings. A nurse enters and answers the phone...."Jennifer Horton's room." Jennifer Horton rocks, back and forth, staring out the window with no expression on her face. Instead, are the cold catatonic eyes of a woman who has inherited her family's terrible mental illness. As the camera winds its way out of the room door, down the hallway lined with black and white checkered linoleum flooring, and out the front doors which reads "North Star Sanitarium." PROMO #1: IT'S COMING!PROMO #2: ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! VOTE: For the Man of Greta's Dreams!
Episode #268 – Wednesday, December 20, 2006: BRAND NEW OPENING! Marlena tells Rae that she thinks she is losing her mind. A grief-stricken Maggie reaches for a bottle of booze. But she refuses it. Greta realizes how comfortable she is getting with Eric, and she pulls herself back. Greta tells Eric that she hasn’t felt this comfortable with him in years and that she needs to stop because she loves Frankie now. Melissa tells Frankie that his comforting her feels so natural and right. Melissa says she can still feel the deep love Frankie feels for her. She implores Frankie to make the right choice and choose her. Cassie realizes that Max is going to leave her regardless of whether he finds out that he is not the father of her baby. Bo asks Billie and Julie what the hell is going on. Billie tells him that Julie called her a home wrecking whore and a [!@#$%^&*]. Julie tells Bo that is what she is. Julie says she will be DAMNED if she lets Billie marry Bo! Bo tells Julie to back off. He tells her that he and Hope have talked extensively and that they are through – FOREVER! Billie apologizes to Julie. Julie rejects her apology and tells Billie to watch her back. Kate tortures Sami inside her jail cell. Kate calls Sami a trampy, little [!@#$%^&*] who is finally getting her just desserts! When alone, Sami recalls all of Will’s confessions. Sami asks to see her father, Roman Brady. A NEW DAY DAWNS, AND CHRISTMAS EVE ARRIVES IN SALEM! The front page of the Salem newspaper declares: SAMI BRADY CONFESSES TO THE MURDER OF ALAN HARRIS! The men of Salem have big Christmas surprises awaiting their lady lovers. Greta has a dream and realizes that she is torn between Frankie and Eric. She thought that was all behind her, but realizes that she isn’t. Frankie has daydreams about both Melissa and Greta and realizes that is more torn than ever. Jeremy and Jan each remember their steamy, sultry little kiss. But Jeremy writes it off saying Jan is a psycho. And Jan writes it off saying Jeremy is a jerk for exposing her. She vows to make him pay, but she can’t shake the passion of that kiss. Marlena has a nightmare that she is losing her mind. Maggie reaches out to Lucas and asks for his support in helping her not to drink during this difficult time. He tells his Aunt Maggie that he will help her get through this. Lucas is shocked when he sees the headline and sets off to find Sami and give her a piece of his mind! Jack and Billie get caught under the mistletoe! PROMO #1: IT'S COMING!PROMO #2: ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! VOTE: For the Man of Greta's Dreams!
Episode #267 - Tuesday, December 19, 2006: BRAND NEW OPENING! Click here for today’s them music: Crosses by Jose Gonzalez. The Horton’s return home to the house. Maggie and Melissa are still in disbelief of what has happened. Kate and Victor decide to ruin Belle Black! They feel this is the best way not only to get revenge on her for breaking Philip’s heart, but also, to help him regain custody of Claire. Will visits Sami in prison. Will tearfully confesses that although he can’t remember, he fears he shot Alan. Will says he remembers fighting with Alan over finding out Alan raped Sami all of those years ago and how Alan seduced Will as a way for revenge against Sami. Will says he remembers arguing with Alan and then he remembers standing over Alan’s bloody body, and now the murder weapon was found in the apartment! Will tells Sami that he must have killed Alan! Will says he won’t let Sami take the fall for this. Maggie, Melissa, Alice, Bill, Julie, Mike, Doug, Jack, Laura, and Abby recall their favorite times of Mickey and Jennifer and try to find some solace in what has happened. Shawn and Belle make love and recall their childhood crushes on each other and their teenage romance. Greta opens up to Eric about Frankie. Frankie continues to support Melissa over her father, Mickey. Max tells Abby that he wants to be with her, as well, despite the baby he is having with Cassie. Cassie overhears and panics. Billie and Jack mourn Jennifer and grow closer than ever before. Sami tells Will to leave the jail and never mention any of this to anyone. Will says he overheard Lucas and Sami fighting and that he’ll never be able to forgive himself if he is the reason they break up for good. Sami tells Will to keep his mouth shut and let her take the fall for this. Will tearfully agrees. Bill tries to offer Lucas some advice on Sami, but although Lucas agrees he shouldn’t forgive Sami for killing Alan and ruining their future together, he doesn’t like hearing it from his deadbeat father. Lucas tells Bill to leave his life alone. Kate and Victor plot the downfall of Belle Black and Shawn Brady as a couple. Jeremy and Mike have a talk about Jeremy’s destructive behavior. Kristen recalls her night of hot sex with Eric while she spies him and Greta talking. Kristen says how it is all part of her big plan to ruin Marlena’s life! Marlena seeks guidance from Dr. Rae Choi. Shawn and Belle talk about their plans to regain custody of Shawn Brady III (Trey) and raise him and Claire as a family. A grief-stricken, Julie lashes out at Billie and calls her a whore. She says that she has stolen Bo from Hope and now she’s after Jennifer’s true love, as well. Julie tells Billie that she will NOT have it. Kate visits Sami in jail. She cackles and takes much pleasure in seeing Sami like this. Sami lashes out at Kate, who says that Sami has finally, finally lost! Kate tells Sami she has finally lost Will and Lucas and that she couldn’t be any happier about it if she tried. Alice begs Bill not to leave town so soon. But Bill says that he must. Billie tells Julie that she has misunderstood on many levels. Billie says that Bo and Hope’s marriage fell apart because he lied to her about Chelsea not being the true Georgia and how Hope lied to Bo about being married during her time as Princess Gina. Billie says their marriage disintegrated on its own, and she had NOTHING to do with it. She also says she is simply comforting Jack and how their relationship is NOT romantic. Julie tells Billie to wake up and see the way that Jack looks at her. Julie calls Billie a home wrecking whore. Billie slaps Julie! And Bo walks in the room in time to see it! PROMO #1: IT'S COMING!PROMO #2: ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! VOTE: For the Man of Greta's Dreams!
Annie is too young, Drew. I need an older Willow.
IT WON'T BE A KRIS KRINGLE FOR JOHN INGLE! As readers now know, John Ingle who has played Mickey Horton since 2004 will no longer be with the blog. He was recently edited out of the blog's new opening and written off the show this week. "John Ingle is a great talent and really was the perfect re-cast for Mickey."...says the headwriter. "The show made a great choice in Ingle when re-casting the role which was still being filled by its original portrayer. That is no easy feat. Mickey, however, as a character, does not have a future with the blog as of right now." "With the recent death of Jennifer, the impending exits of Mike and Bill, and the seemingly permanent exit of the character of Mickey, fans might be wondering what the future of the Horton's is. But never fear, the Horton's will be restored. There is a very big storyline coming up for all of the remaining Horton's. Remember that this is a blog where things are never quite as they seem." Speaking of Horton's, Jaime Lynn Bauer has been bumped up to a series regular as Laura Horton. And Louise Sorel (Vivian Alamain) and Kelly McGarry (Simone Marais) have been given contracts, as well. Jack and Jen fans are being told not to miss the episode on Thursday, December 21st.
Episode #266 - Monday, December 18, 2006: BRAND NEW OPENING! Mickey is rushed to the hospital. Maggie, Mike, Bill, Laura, Jack, Abby, Alice, Doug, Julie, and Melissa all come running in behind the stretcher. Kayla, Bill, and Mike go straight into the E.R. and help the attending physician to work on Mickey. The rest of the Horton’s try to comfort Maggie. Max leaves Cassie once again in order to be with Abby through this difficult time. Frankie comforts Melissa over her father’s hospitalization. Greta walks into the hospital and is taken aback by how close Melissa and Frankie are. Greta runs out of the hospital. Jeremy arrives at the hospital and finally receives word that his Aunt Jennifer has passed away and that Mickey is critically injured. Laura and Bill reprimand their grandson for being so selfish and careless and for going on a partying binge like this. Alice tells Jeremy that he has a lot of growing up to do. In rare form, when alone, Jeremy shows guilt and emotion over not being there for the Horton's. Kristen and Stefano have a pow-wow over her plans to destroy John and Marlena. Stefano tells her that he must continue to keep a low profile in Salem, but he urges her to destroy the lives of John and Marlena. Marlena stumbles across the Horton’s in the hotel waiting room and joins them in comforting Maggie and waiting for news on Mickey’s health. Abby tells Max that she has re-thought their situation, and she thinks they should be together despite the baby he is having with Cassie. Cassie overhears! Marlena and John remain estranged. Kayla, Bill, and Mike do everything they can to save Mickey while Maggie awaits word in the lobby with Alice and Julie. Megan confesses to Stefano that she has kidnapped Hope and is keeping her in a warehouse in London. Stefano is, at first, outraged at this turn of events, but he later is pleased and urges Megan to keep Bo and Hope apart no matter what the cost. Eric and Greta run into each other at Salem Place. She says she can’t vent to him about what is bothering her because it involves Frankie, and it isn’t fair to him, but Eric tells her it is OK. Greta opens up to Eric about Frankie and Melissa’s closeness. Mike, Bill, and Kayla emerge from the E.R. Maggie awaits. Kayla tells Maggie that she doesn’t have good news. Maggie and Melissa are both devastated. Kayla explains to the Horton’s that Mickey has suffered a major stroke, which is when the blood supply in the brain is interrupted, and not only that, but he apparently suffered a major blow to the head on a gravestone when he fell. Kayla tells Maggie and Melissa that Mickey is stabilized, but things do not look good for him. And the chance is very likely that Mickey will remain unconscious for a very, very long time. Bill comforts Alice who cries softly. Maggie and Melissa break down in each other's arms. PROMO #1: IT'S COMING!PROMO #2: ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR! VOTE: For the Man of Greta's Dreams!
Sorry! I always confuse those two, and I have no idea why!