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  1. Episode #288 - Thursday, January 18, 2007: Sami returns to her cell where she finds Simone. Sarah wonders if she should run the story about John being Greta’s father. Greta wakes up in the hospital and comes faces to face with Frankie. The two kiss, and he fills her in on everything that happened. Marlena plans her retirement party. Simone tells Sami she has one final chance to tell her where she got the baby from. Sami refuses. Simone calls Sami a callous, heartless [!@#$%^&*] and tells Sami she is going to see her pay and suffer more than she has before - ever! OPENING! Caroline and Victor bond. Georgia weighs herself constantly, and she decides to join the gym at Titan. Shane has a touching goodbye with Andy, and he asks Kayla to take good care of his son for her. John tries to grapple with the news that he is Greta’s father. Greta tells Bo and Roman everything she remembers…which isn’t much! She explains that someone dressed all in black attacked her on the pier and strangled the life out of her. Marlena and Rae have a session in which Marlena explains she hasn’t had any hallucinations lately. And Rae asks Marlena if she still wants to retire, and she says she does. Sami fires back at Simone and tells her not to make any threats she can’t keep! Simone reaches into the cell and grabs Sami’s shirt. She pulls Sami towards the bars and smashes Sami’s face against the bars. Simone warns Sami that she isn’t saying anything that she can’t follow through on. Frankie shocks Greta when he tells her that John knows he is her father! Frankie reveals he told John when it appeared Greta was not going to be waking up. Sarah decides the best thing to do would be to cover the story on Greta’s attack and leave everything out about John being her father. Georgia keeps replaying Felicia’s words in her mind about how she needs to lose 5 pounds by the end of the month. Caroline is honest with Victor and says she will never fully be over Shawn who was the love of her life. Victor understands, but she says she does want to find a way to be with Victor. Simone meets with Vivian back at the hospital where they plot and scheme to find out how Georgia and Keith could be related. Shawn and Belle worry Philip could try to make a move to steal Claire from them. Vivian and Simone break into the computers and get a computer read out of everyone in Salem that Georgia is related to. Victor and Caroline bond and share a sweet kiss. Roo and Felicia inform Georgia that she is going to be doing a runway show next week! Roo, her trainer, assigns her to keep practicing her walk for the show. John enters Greta’s room, and they both look at each other in shock and awe. John takes Greta into his arms and hugs her. Sarah’s story on Greta’s attack sends a chilling brush through Salem. Vivian tells Simone she is very intimate with Georgia Brady’s parents, Billie and Bo, so she knows she ca Austin and Sami celebrate in her jail cell as they celebrate hern find out who Keith’s mother is by looking at the list. Simone says it can’t be that hard! Simone asks Vivian who in the family was pregnant last year! Vivian says he just got home to Salem recently and doesn’t know! Vivian wracks her brain and realizes Marlena and Carrie were both pregnant…then, it comes to Vivian….”It’s her sister!”…Vivian exclaims. “It’s Sami’s sister! Carrie! SAMI STOLE HER SISTER’S BABY!”
  2. Sarah Horton (Susan Ward)
  3. Episode #287 - Wednesday, January 17th, 2007: Simone warns Sami she’s going to PAY for what she‘s done! Austin and Sami get ready for her second day of trial. John reels from the revelation that he is Greta’s father! Frankie stays by Greta’s side as she is rushed to the hospital. Bo and Roman realize there are no clues at the site where Greta was almost strangled to death. Bo and Roman both have no idea on how to handle The Fury. Sarah overhears Frankie and John talking about how John is Greta’s father, and no one can find out! Sarah, meanwhile, records the conversation while neither of them can see her! Frankie says that Greta came to Salem to tell him, but she backed out because of Marlena’s delicate pregnancy. John is reminded of Marlena and tells Frankie that no one can hear about this! OPENING Simone and Vivian begin plotting and scheming as to how they can figure out exactly how Sami got baby Keith. Lucas predicts to Sami that she is going to be get acquitted and will live happily ever after with her and Will. Carrie and Mike meet in the park, and Mike tells Carrie he wants to be with her no matter what. Carrie breaks his heart, however, when she tells him that she must try and work things out with Austin. He reminds her she showed Austin the door when he started talking over Sami’s defense for her trial. She tells him they’ve both made mistakes, and they need to start the healing process together. Austin reminds Sami how she needs to be on her best behavior in court because they need to be convinced she is a good person and that Alan ruined her life. He says she can get acquitted if they prove justifiable homicide. Rae tells Simone that time is running out for baby Keith. Kate is jealous as Victor and Caroline bond, but Kate secretly wonders what Caroline would be feeling if she knew he was responsible for the fire that almost killed her. Shawn and Belle worry about Philip spending that time with Claire. Mike tells Carrie when she realizes Austin isn’t the one for her, he’ll be waiting there for her. Simone and Vivian decide to break into the hospital computer records and do a cross reference between Keith’s DNA and find his true parents. And Simone says if that doesn’t work, they can find out who the anonymous donor was and find the real parents that way. Carrie informs Mike that even if she and Austin don’t make it…they will always be each other’s soul mate…and everyone else will just be a runner up. She says even if she and Austin don’t end up together physically, their connection goes beyond. Mike asks her if she thinks that is why things didn’t work out when she left Salem to go Israel with Mike. And Carrie thinks it is. Mike agrees. Simone and Vivian break into the hospital labs and try to find the name of the donor who was a match for baby Keith. Bo and Roman continue to search for clues on the pier. They find nothing. Shane, John, and Steve join them, and they also find nothing. Austin hit’s a home run once again when it comes to painting Sami as a good person whose life was sent array by Alan Harris. Marlena tells Austin and Sami she’s sat in on many trials in her day as a psychiatrist, and Austin is doing in excellent job in proving that Sami killed Alan due to justifiable homicide. Sarah struggles with whether or not to run the story about Greta being John’s daughter. Cassie and Max grieve their baby as Abby grieves her relationship with Max. Jack bumps into Abby who confides in her father about what has happened. Jack tells Abby that she is not to blame for what happened to Cassie’s baby and that she shouldn’t feel guilty. Cassie and Max stumble across them, and Cassie lashes out at Abby for being a baby killer! Abby tells Max if she takes Cassie’s side over hers, then she is done with him forever! Max says he saw Abby fight with Cassie and yell and stress her out! Abby says when Max finds out what a manipulative b!tch Cassie is not to come back to Abby because she is not going to take him back after this. Abby storms off leaving Max with a secretly delighted Cassie. Jan asks her mother, Megan, what is in the Dimera Basement or better yet…who! Megan is confused and knows nothing about this. Jan explains to her how she and Jeremy heard screams coming from the catacombs of the Dimera basement. Vivian and Simone hit pay dirt when they find Keith’s donor’s name - Georgia Brady! Mike and Carrie share a dance to “How Do I Live” by Leanne Rimes. It is heartbreaking as Mike shares his last dance with the woman he loves. Mike says he will always love Carrie. Carrie says there is a woman out there for him, and he is going to find her! Mike and Carrie finish their dance, and he tells her that she deserves to be happy…and she better fight for Austin with everything she’s got! And he jokes, through the tears, that Austin better not be foolish enough to keep pushing her away. Carrie breaks Mike’s heart as she says goodbye to him for the final time.
  4. Episode #286 - Tuesday, January 16th, 2007: Frankie, Bo, and John continue to try and save Greta while Jack, Melissa, and Sarah look on, helplessly. Rae tries desperately to save baby Keith’s life. Vivian and Simone make a pact never to tell anyone about how Simone shadily got the baby from Sami. Jan and Jeremy remember when they were locked in the basement and the guttural moans they heard coming from the depths of the catacombs beneath the Dimera Mansion. Eric, Andy, and Kayla gather by Caroline’s side as she comes to! Caroline asks Kayla to call Victor, and she reluctantly agrees. Philip, Kate, and Victor’s family bonding is interrupted by a call from Kayla, telling Victor that Caroline is awake! Rae informs Simone and Vivian that the bone marrow transplant apparently did not work and baby Keith is going to die unless he receives another from a donor who is a better match. Simone breaks down in Vivian’s arms. OPENING! Georgia arrives at Felicia’s Modeling Agency for more lessons with Roo on how to perfect her Runway Walk, how to embrace her look, and how to give a photographer what he is looking for in a shoot. Sarah starts to take notes on Greta’s attack and begins piecing together a P.O.V. for the article, but Jack stops her saying that Greta is his friend, and he won’t write an article that ruins any privacy or confidentiality for Greta. He says he is going to wait and see if she is all right until he begins writing and that Sarah to do the same. Sarah tells Jack she is a reporter and her #1 priority is informing the public not protecting the woman who broke her sister’s heart. Jack is shocked, as is Melissa. Vivian tells Simone she might have to give up Keith in order to save his life…and Simone realizes she has a big decision to make. Belle and Shawn go to Victor’s to pick up Claire, and both of them are shocked beyond words to see Philip answer the door…with Claire in his hands! Roo tells Felicia she has never worked with such a naturally gifted and such a quick study as Georgia is. Felicia says she is hard on her, but she agrees that Georgia is going to be an amazing model one day, and Roo says she already is! Melissa tells Sarah she should respect Greta and the situation, but Sarah tells Melissa that she is going ahead with the story because that is her job. Vivian convinces Simone that she must find Keith’s real parents in order to save his life and that is more important than Simone raising him. Victor has a touching reunion with Caroline. Belle reaches out and grabs Claire from Philip. Belle asks if this was some plan in order to get Philip to spend more time with Claire, but Philip simply says he happened to come home to Salem for Bo’s wedding early…during Victor’s visit with Claire. Abby is horribly devastated over her break up with Max. Max and Cassie have a small ceremony to bury their baby. The only people in attendance are Cassie’s mother, Marlena, and Jan. The four share a touching goodbye with the baby as Cassie recalls to herself that Jeremy is really the baby’s father. Bo and John tell Frankie to give up trying to bring Greta back to life, but he refuses. John grabs Frankie and tries to pull him back from Greta, and Frankie blurts out that John is Greta’s father! John is shocked, and he is the only one to hear it. Frankie tells John not to give up on his daughter! Frankie finally succeeds in breathing life back into Greta! Greta awakens with a big puff and gasps for breath. Everyone is shocked at the miracle that has just occurred. Felicia scolds Georgia and demands she lose five pounds by the end of the month. Belle and Shawn refuse to believe Philip and tell him to stay away from their daughter. Shawn informs Philip that the days of him spending time with Claire are over. When alone, Philip tells Kate that he did not like the way Belle and Shawn treated him, considering he raised Claire for the first year of his life. Kate eggs her son on…asking him if he is going to sit and talk about it….or do something about it! Philip looks like a Kiriakis for the first time ever and gives her a very aggressive look. John is FLOORED by Frankie’s confession about how John is Greta’s father! Max and Cassie grieve their baby and grow closer than ever over the circumstances. Simone goes to Sami’s jail cell and demands Sami tell her every detail as to where and how Sami got baby Keith. Simone informs Sami that Keith is dying…and he is going to lose his life unless he receives the bone marrow from a direct kin, which in this case can only be his parents! Sami is devastated, but she tells Simone she is not going to tell her the identities! Simone asks Sami if she stole the baby, and Sami says no. Simone calls Sami a liar! Simone gives her one more chance to tell her. Sami says no. Simone tells Sami she is going to make Sami pay for putting Keith’s life in danger. Simone says she has heard Sami is the badass of Salem…the resident witch, but Simone tells Sami that she has just f*cked with the WRONG person, and she is going to PAY!
  5. King


    Sarah and Jack won't be romantically paired, but they're going to work together for the Spectator.
  6. King


    Episode #286 - Monday, January 15th, 2007: The Fury continues strangling the life out of Greta on the pier while Bo, Roman, Shane, and John begin an intense search to find her. Sarah Horton (Susan Ward) returns to Salem and has a touching reunion with Maggie and Melissa. Maggie and Sarah try to comfort Melissa over Frankie breaking her heart. Jack gets a call from an old friend - the owner and editor of The Salem Spectator! Jack’s old friend calls him in for a meeting and asks Jack if he would like to come back to the newspaper so he can takeover the reporting on the copycat assailant terrorizing Salem. Jack quickly agrees, recalling all of the amazing times he had at the paper with Jennifer. Vivian is shocked when Simone tells her that Sami Brady helped her get baby Keith. Simone realizes Vivian must know Sami and begins asking Vivian about her. Vivian informs Simone that Sami is one of the most evil people on the face of the earth and definitely the most evil person in Salem. Simone is floored. OPENING. Max tells Abby that he will never be able to forgive her for causing the death of his and Cassie’s baby. A tearful Abby explains that she didn’t mean to hurt Cassie or the baby and says she thought Cassie was faking her ailment and pains in order to keep them from telling her that they’ve gotten back together like she has been doing for months! Jan and Jeremy continue to bond in the basement of the Dimera Mansion, but Jan is beginning to worry because it’s been hours since the time she and Cassie had decided on letting them out of the basement. The Fury leaves Greta’s lifeless body on the pier. Seconds later, Bo, John, Roman, and Shane stumble across it. Bo and John scream out for her and rush to her side. Bo and John begin CPR in order to breathe life back into Greta. Shane and Roman call an ambulance for help. Vivian convinces Simone that Sami is always up to no good and if she gave her a baby…it would be for one reason only….that she didn’t want someone ELSE to have that baby! Sarah, Melissa, and Maggie visit a comatose Mickey, and his frail state brings Sarah to tears. The three Horton women stand by his side and pray for his recovery. Max tells Abby that they are through…for good! Cassie is secretly eavesdropping and is very happy about this latest development. Kristen and Eric face off as he lashes out at her for being a terrible person for everything she has done to his mother and his step-father. She says it’s only just begun, recalling the night of sex she tricked him into. Kristen informs Eric of her plan to expose their affair to Marlena. Eric grabs Kristen and demands she never breathe a word of this to Marlena. Simone breaks down and tells Vivian she can’t lose baby Keith. Simone says they must keep Sami’s connection to Keith a secret because if Sami stole this baby, then the real mother is going to take Keith from Simone, and Simone says she can’t deal with that. Vivian promises to keep Simone’s baby secret. Jan and Jeremy manage to escape from the basement…but Jan and Jeremy hear a deep scream from the bowels of the Dimera Mansion that makes them think someone else is down there with them. Panicking, Jan and Jeremy continue their escape and emerge from the basement where they find the light of day. Sarah reveals to Maggie and Melissa that she’s already found a job in Salem. They are curious and ask where she’ll be working. She says she is about to meet her co-worker in a few minutes at Salem Place. Melissa, Sarah, and Maggie arrive at Salem Place where Sarah comes face to face with her new co-worker - Jack! Kristen pulls Eric into a kiss, and he throws her off of him. Eric tells her that she’s insane and has lost her mind, but Kristen informs him that happened years ago…his mother saw to that! Vivian and Simone vow to keep baby Keith in Simone’s custody no matter what. Meanwhile, Dr. Rae Choi is called to the post-operation room of baby Keith whose condition worsens. Jan and Jeremy wonder if they should tell anyone about what they heard in the basement of the Dimera Mansion. Jan recalls her mother confessing to her that she is the daughter of Stefano Dimera and that means Jan is the grand-daughter of Stefano. Jan’s wheels start turning, and she realizes that she should probably help keep whatever Dimera secret is in the basement, and so she does…Jan convinces Jeremy that they should keep what they heard in the basement a secret! Jack is shocked that Sarah Horton is the new up and coming, edgey, talented writer the owner of the Spectator told him about! When they hear sirens, they realize the Fury may have struck again. Frankie arrives at the pier where John and Bo try to save Greta’s life. Frankie tells Bo he was supposed to meet Greta here. He asks Bo what happened, and who they are trying to save. Bo tells Frankie to stay back and stay away from the victim. Frankie cannot and approaches the body. Frankie screams and cries out as he sees Greta’s face! Rae calls for a crash cart as she realizes that baby Keith’s vitals are dropping…and fast! Frankie falls to his knees and begins breathing life into Greta. Meanwhile, Jack, Sarah, and Melissa arrive on the scene. Melissa is terrified to see the love of her life, Frankie, trying to bring her arch-nemesis, Greta, back from the brink of death. Jack informs Sarah that the woman is Greta. Sarah turns to Melissa and asks her if this is the same Greta who took Frankie from her. Melissa says yes. Jack, Sarah, and Melissa look on in horror as they see Frankie attempt to bring Greta back from the dead.
  7. King


    I love this twist! Steve and Kayla vs. Victor has always been great!
  8. King


    Episode #285 - Friday, January 12th, 2007: Bo speaks to the copycat attacker who has called Bo. The person is talking to him through a voice distorter so he cannot recognize the voice. Bo asks the monster to tell him his identity. The deep, dark, distorted voice replies… “For your purposes, Detective Brady, you can call me ‘The Fury.’” OPENING! Andy tells Roman and Shane that if the copycat is following a pattern then the next victim is going to die of strangulation because the Salem Strangler is next on the list of Salem’s famous serial attackers. Max and Abby are shocked to learn that Cassie’s baby has died while Cassie is devastated beyond words. She breaks down and screams and cries as she grieves her baby. Simone realizes that Sami must have gotten baby Keith illegally or there would be no secrecy about the family. Simone flashes back to when Keith’s health was failing, and Sami would not have been so secretive about helping her find a bone marrow donor if she had gotten the baby through legitimate channels. Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson) has a touching reunion with Kate and Victor. Victor surprises him with an unexpected visit from Claire! He explains that he asked Belle if he could spend some time with her, but he didn’t mention anything about Philip’s return. Kate, Victor, Philip, and Claire bond. Bo screams at the Fury and tells him/her that he knows he/she is working for Stefano! Bo says he knows Stefano is back in Salem and is behind these attacks. The Fury lets out a deep, dark, guttural laugh that chills Bo to his core. The Fury tells Bo that he could not be any more off the mark if he tried. When Max removes Abby from Cassie's hospital room, he tells her that he blames her for this because of her relentless harassment of Cassie. Abby wipes tears away and says that, although she did lash out at Cassie, she had reason to, claiming the only time Cassie ever cried “Wolf,” and meant it, was this time. Simone sits by baby Keith’s side after his surgery and prays. Rae tells her it appears the surgery is working, and Keith’s vitals are improving slightly. When Bo asks the Fury about the attack on Alice Horton, he/she responds that everyone in Salem is going to feel the pain and misery, and NO ONE will be spared! Philip asks Victor what the family emergency was that he asked him to come home for. Philip asks if all of his brothers and sisters are all right. Victor confesses to Philip that he lied about the family emergency just to get him back to town! Philip is confused, but Victor and Kate tell him that they want…and need him back in Salem where he belongs! Dr. Rae tells Cassie she lost her baby because of a very stressful pregnancy. Rae tells Cassie that she should have been warned by her first doctor that she needed to have a very delicate pregnancy. Cassie says she was warned and tried her best to have a stress-free pregnancy, but Abby ruined it by lashing out at her today. Rae corrects Cassie by telling her, although Abby’s outburst did not help, the baby died because of months upon months of stress not because of this single argument. Cassie recalls how she’s been scheming and plotting for months to break up Abby and Max and keep Jeremy from learning that he is father of the baby. Melissa cannot get over Frankie. The fact that he told her he is going to be with Greta romantically kills her inside. She replays him telling her in her head over and over and over again. Not being able to take it anymore, Melissa calls her sister, Sarah, and asks her to come home to Salem. Vivian arrives to be with Simone and the baby. A rare, motherly side of Vivian comes out as she comforts Ivan’s niece and her baby. Vivian asks Simone how she even got baby Keith and where she’s been all this time. Simone and Vivian go to the Hospital Cafeteria while Rae checks out the baby. Simone tells Vivian all about how she got the baby from two of her friends in Salem. But now, she is thinking that her the transaction might not have been legal. Simone breaks down in Vivian’s arms and tells her that she can’t lose Keith….she can’t lose the baby! Bo arrives at the Police Station while talking on the cell phone to the Fury. He motions for Roman and Shane to put a tap on his cell phone. The Fury tells him that if he keeps working on trying to trace the phone call, he’ll never be able to save the next victim, whom the Fury is looking at right now. Bo is terrified. Philip tells his parents that he will stay in Salem until Bo’s wedding in February, but after that, he won’t be making any more promises. Vivian asks Simone to tell her the name of these friends who gave her the baby. Vivian tells Simone that Salem is not that big so she might know the person, or the person’s family, anyway. Simone tells Vivian Annie Douglas’ name. Vivian says she does not know her. Simone then tells her the second name of the “friend” who gave her the baby. When Simone tells her it’s Sami Brady, Vivian’s eyes and mouth open wide. Andy arrives at the hospital to spend time with his grandmother Caroline as he has been doing every day since he came to Salem. He sits and prays at her side. Suddenly….Caroline wakes up! The Fury ask Bo why he is not curious as to who the next victim is. Bo calls the person a sick bastard and tells The Fury to stop teasing him. The Fury tells him it is another good person of Salem. Bo demands the Fury tell him right now. The Fury informs Bo that it is Salem’s Pretty Little Princess. The line goes dead. Bo calls out to Roman and Shane, asking them for where the call was traced. They realize the call was made from the payphone at the pier. When Shane and Roman ask Bo what the caller said, Bo says that The Fury warned he is about to attack Salem’s Princess! The three man speculate as to who this could be. After a few seconds, Bo realizes who the next victim is. Bo storms out of the police station trying to save her! Meanwhile, at the pier, The Fury dressed in all black stalks the next victim......GRETA! She stares out onto the open waters, daydreaming of Frankie no doubt. She turns around suddenly when she hears someone sneaking up behind her. The Fury, dressed all in black, comes face to face with Greta who lets out a blood curdling scream. Her eyes grow big as they meet the eyes of the Fury. The fury wraps its hands around Greta’s neck and begins squeezing the life out of Greta!
  9. SUSAN WARD JOINS CAST! "Sunset Beach" Alum and movie actress, Susan Ward, has landed the role of Sarah Horton! Sarah is the only biological child of Maggie Horton and adopted daughter of Mickey. She will be coming home to Salem due to the recent incidents with Alice and Mickey Horton. Sarah moved to Nashville, Tennessee in the early nineties to be with her adopted sister, Melissa, with whom she will also be interacting very heavily upon her arrival! It is unknown at the moment whether the actress is going to be given a contract. "I am a huge, huge, HUGE Susan Ward fan, and I am very excited to be writing for her."...says the headwriter. "Sarah is a Horton, and she is very needed in Salem, especially considering the incidents with Mickey, Alice, and Jennifer. She is going to be all grown up. She's a beautiful, sexy, twenty-five year old woman who is going to be turning some heads. Sarah never really had an opportunity to grow and shine, but she will now." She will first air on Monday, January 15.
  10. King


    The picture isn't working for me, but the link says Victor Webster. Is it Nicholas? Eeek! Good twist.
  11. King

    Star Temporarily OUT!

    I love what you have done with this group, and I'm glad it's only temporary. She is SMOKIN' in that pic!
  12. King

    A Couple Returns!

    Ha ha ha. It is!
  13. King

    A Couple Returns!

    A Couple Returns! Farah Fath and Eric Winter will reprise their roles of Mimi Lockhart and Rex Dimera next month! The stint is only slated for February Sweeps and not long after. Their returns will be for a top secret storyline having to do with Shawn, Belle, Philip, Max, and Cassie to name a few. The couple was last seen in May when they both left town together and will be seen again in early February!
  14. That's such a cute little idea for fans.
  15. Episode #284 - Thursday, January 11th, 2007: Cassie doubles over in pain as Abby rolls her eyes at Cassie’s latest desperate attempt to garner some attention from Max. Max falls to his knees to help Cassie, and he screams and begs Abby to call an ambulance. Abby humors Max and does so, even though she thinks Cassie is faking. Jan and Jeremy continue to bond as he comforts her over her rape. She explains that she was so obsessed with Shawn was because he was there for her at her darkest hours, and no one else was. Kate and Victor plot to bring down Shawn and Belle and their happy little family. Kate and Victor discuss how devastated Philip was when he learned Claire was not his. But Victor predicts that Claire will be his, once again. Julie and Megan realize Billie and Jack are hiding something, and THAT is what they are going to use to stop Bo and Billie’s wedding. NEW OPENING! Bo tells Shawn about his wedding to Billie being on Valentine’s Day, and he asks him to be his best man. Shawn replies… “Over my dead body!” Roman, John, Steve, Shane, and Andy realize Stefano must be behind the copycat attacks. Cassie is rushed to the hospital. Max is by her side, and Abby swears to herself that she is not going to stay with Max if he keeps falling Cassie’s transparent ploys. Victor recalls for Kate how he called Philip and told him that he needs to return for a family emergency. Shawn tells Bo there is no way in hell he is going to stand up for Bo and approve of his wedding to that whore, Billie. Bo grabs Shawn and angrily reminds him that Billie had a big hand in raising him and getting him through some rough years when Hope was thought to be dead. Shawn replies that he only remembers when Billie ruined his parents’ marriage over and over and over again. Julie walks in on the conversation and agrees with Shawn. Julie begs Bo not to marry Billie, as does Shawn, and Billie walks in on it all! Georgia and Roo discuss how Felicia told her she had to lose a lot of weight and fast. But Roo tries to convince Georgia that her body is fantastic, and she does not have any weight on her body to lose! Roo tells Georgia that Felicia is a washed up supermodel who is well past her prime so she takes it out on up and coming models she sees potential in. Now that Frankie has told Melissa about him and Greta being an item, it’s Greta’s turn! Greta breaks Eric’s heart when she tells him that she and Frankie are a couple now. Roman, Shane, Andy, Steve, and John realize if the copycat attacker copied the Salem Serial Killer and the Salem Slasher, then the other most famous serial attacker in Salem might be next - The Salem Strangler! With Cassie unable to let them out of the basement, Jan and Jeremy end up staying down in the Dimera basement way longer than Cassie or Jan intended. Jeremy opens up to Jan about how his mother and father never got their acts together, and how they had him way too young. He says he blames himself for their divorce and talks about how rough it is being a child of divorce. Max stands by Cassie’s side in the emergency room as the pain and agony grows. Kate asks Victor how he is going to keep Philip here once he arrives in Salem, but Victor predicts that Belle and Claire are going to do that all on their own. Billie asks Shawn and Julie what she’s ever done to them, and Shawn counters, asking where he should begin. Shawn reminds her that the latest break up his parents are going to started when she and Bo drunkenly kissed last winter. But Billie says it was because Hope was keeping a secret from Bo - that she was married to a man during her time as Princess Gina. Shawn says his mother has made mistakes too, but they would have worked it out if Billie wasn’t always waiting in the wings with open legs trying to trap his father. Billie storms out emotional and upset. Despite Roo’s comforting words, Georgia refuses to eat when she goes to dinner with Will. Jeremy explains to Jan how hard it was growing up a Horton, always feeling the pressure to be perfect and upstanding. Jeremy says that his bad boy demeanor and delinquent ways were never good enough for the Horton’s. Eric shocks Greta when he flashes back to his having sex with Kristen and tells Greta that she is better off without him anyway. Kayla works hard to try and save the life of Cassie’s unborn baby. Bo tells Shawn and Julie how disappointed he is in them and how if they make him choose between them and Billie, he will choose her because she loves and understands him enough not to make him choose, regardless of how crappy they treat her. Billie runs into Jack, and he wonders why she is so upset and crying. Billie informs Jack of Julie and Shawn’s harsh words for her. Jack comforts Billie, but she realizes that she should be the one comforting him since he has lost Jennifer so recently. Jan listens to Jeremy attentively, and he laughs as he recalls how much he hated her when he first met her. She laughs back and says she hasn’t forgotten about how he tricked her and deceived her as a way to help his cousin, Shawn, get the goods on her in order to take Trey from her in court. But Jeremy calls her on her act, declaring she does not give a crap about Trey and never did. He says, matter of factly, that she was using the child as a way to nab Shawn and never cared about the baby. Victor and Kate meet at the mansion…a car pulls up to the mansion. Kate runs to the window and pulls back the drapes. “Victor, he’s here! Philip’s come home!”…Kate exclaims. Jan confesses to Jeremy that he’s right and that she never really loved Trey. But she says it’s for the best because she’d be a terrible mother, and it's in the baby's best interest that he is with Belle and Shawn now. Jeremy asks Jan where Trey came from, but she refuses to say. Meanwhile, Willow Espinoza arrives in Salem hell-bent on finding Jan and shaking her down for more money…recalling how Jan paid her big bucks for her baby. Jack and Billie spend the day together and bond over what is going on in their lives. They ignore the fact that Jack has recently confessed his love for her. But they can’t ignore it when the both of them get closer and closer and end up sharing a hot and steamy kiss! Kayla shocks Cassie, Max, and Abby, especially, when she informs them all that, despite her doing everything she could to save the baby, Cassie and Max's baby has died. Bo receives a phone call...and he is taken aback at how deep, dark, and mysterious the caller's voice is. The person is using a voice distorter. Bo is in shock when he finally realizes that he is on the phone with the copycat attacker!
  16. King


    NEW PROMO! <br> <br> <br> The moment fans have been waiting for is HERE! <br> <br> <br> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350"></embed></object><br> <br> <br>
  17. King

    New Opening!

    NEW OPENING! <br> <br> <br> Here is a new opening. Now that Kristen and Willow's real connections have been revealed, I can add them in the opening where they belong. And this is a more fitting song, as well. <br> <br> <br> Voila! <br> <br> <br> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350"></embed></object>
  18. King


    Episode #283 - Wednesday, January 10th, 2007: Austin lashes out at Carrie for her lies and betrayal, but she says it happened after their break up. Austin screams and yells telling her that she is a hypocrite for breaking up with him for taking Sami’s side, but she is allowed to go back to Mike the second things get rocky. She tries to explain, but he says he does not want to hear it and leaves her in the hallway of the courthouse. She cries and seeks out comfort in Mike’s arms. Bo, Roman, Shane, and John are positive that Stefano has something to do with the attack on Alice and Celeste, and they speculate what they can do to draw Stefano out of hiding. Abby lashes out at Cassie and tells her enough of this faking upset and faking fainting crap! Max is taken aback by Abby’s harsh words for Cassie. OPENING. Frankie tells Melissa that he has news for her regarding their relationship. Rae reveals to Simone that baby Keith has gone into surgery for his bone marrow donation. Austin tells Sami again how important it is to build her strength of character. So, he warns her not to be classic Sami and lash out at anyone during the trial. Frankie tells Melissa that he only married Greta in order to fulfill the stipulations of the Von Amburg estate. He says he is still very adamant about using his share of the money to help her get custody of her children. Max scolds Abby telling her that regardless of how she feels towards Cassie, she is still carrying his baby, and Abby has to respect that. Jeremy and Jan bond in the basement of the Dimera Mansion where Cassie has locked them. Felicia reveals to Georgia that is very interested in signing her to her modeling agency, and Georgia is ecstatic. Rae tells Simone that she found something very strange in Keith’s anonymous donor’s file….very similar genetic markers! Simone reveals to Rae that Keith is adopted so he must have family in Salem. It is then that Simone realizes Sami must have arranged for Keith’s real family to donate their bone marrow to the hospital. Simone flashes back to Sami telling her the first step to saving Keith was getting Mike and Kayla removed from the case. Simone realizes that Sami is hiding something very big about Keith’s real mother. Austin proves to the court how Sami was before Alan entered her life. He claims she was a good person and a good woman. Austin proves to the court that Alan brutally raped Sami and then now has come back over ten years later to sexually prey on her son, as well. In a rare moment, Jan opens up to Jeremy and shows rare emotion to Jeremy. Jan breaks down in front of Jeremy and opens up to him about how she was raped by Paul Walker. Jeremy comforts Jan. Melissa misinterprets what Frankie is saying. Frankie tells Melissa that she misunderstood. Frankie says that although the relationship with Greta started out platonic and a business transaction, it changed once they learned how much they had in common. Austin calls John, Roman, Eric, Marlena, Lucas, Will, and the other Horton’s and Brady’s to the stand in order to prove Sami’s good nature to the courts. Frankie finally tells Melissa the truth - that he and Greta have taken their relationship to the next level and they have decided to give their marriage their all. Melissa breaks down in tears and slaps Frankie across the face. Felicia sets Georgia up with a modeling coach named Roo (played by legendary RuPaul Andre Charles), who tells Georgia that if she is going to make it in the fashion world, she is going to have to perfect her runway walk, which she helps her on. Next, Roo and Felicia take Georgia to Salem Place where they tell her to say goodbye to her old look and give her a fresher, edgier look complete with a new, short ’do. When the makeover is completed, Felicia says NOW she is ready to get to work on her portfolio. In the meantime, Felicia says that Georgia has to start losing weight - and fast. At the end of the first day of trial, Roman and Bo tells Austin they’ve seen a lot of trials, and think he has done a very fine job. Austin has won round one. Bo and Roman meet up with Shane, John, and Steve and all five men realize that Kristen is the key to finding out Stefano’s location in Salem. Carrie tries to talk to Austin at the end of the day, but he tells her that he can’t believe her hypocrisy. He says he might stand by Sami’s side and help prove her innocence, but there has never been another woman in his heart, and there never will be, which is more than he can say for her! He leaves a crying Carrie on her knees in the hallway of the courtroom, crying her eyes out. Roo warns Georgia that Felicia has a tendency of being harsh, dramatic, and overactive. Roo tells her to ignore Felicia’s harsh words and focus on the positives. When alone, though, Georgia is shown in front of the mirror sucking in her “gut.” Melissa slaps Frankie for his betrayal and tells him that he has basically cheated on her with Greta. When he tries to object, she says at first it was a marriage of convenience and that he swore up and own that it would go no further than that. She reminds him that he swore they would be together in the end. Frankie tearfully apologizes. Melissa tells him that she never wants to see him ever again! Simone begins to put all of the pieces together and realizes that Sami must have obtained baby Keith illegally. Abby tells Max that he needs to man up and start calling Cassie out on all of her crap, or this is not going to work. Abby screams at Cassie telling her that she’s going to be alone and miserable, and she has no one to blame but herself for all of her lies and schemes. Max begs Abby to let it go and leave Cassie alone! Suddenly, a very upset Cassie doubles over in pain.
  19. King


    Both Janelle and Julie Berman are great suggestions.
  20. I love Adair! I am unfamiliar with the other woman, but you can never go wrong with Adair.
  21. King


    Carrie and Austin named their baby that "died" Roman Roberts Reed. But when Sami and Annie gave the baby to Simone, she named it "Keith."
  22. King


    LMAO!!!!! Love it, Tishy! She has to be able to play 20 years old. But you have the perfect idea.
  23. King


    Episode #282 - Tuesday, January 9th, 2007: Sami is ecstatic when her plan works and her nephew, Keith, gets a bone marrow donor match from either Will or Georgia. Simone rushes to the hospital to be with Keith for his bone marrow donation surgery. Marlena tells John all of the reasoning behind her retirement, and he supports her, but she isn’t looking for his support. She flashes back to all of her encounters and horrifying visions about Kristen, but little does she know that Kristen Blake is drugging her into insanity. OPENING! Kate and Victor plot and scheme to bring down Shawn and Belle, and they realize they are growing closer than ever. Bo and Billie finalize their wedding plans Julie and Megan receive a phone call from Doug saying that he has no luck finding Hope. Megan is relieved, but she realizes they need to come up with something else to keep Bo and Billie from getting married. Eric and Felicia have a remarkable photo shoot with Georgia. They are both blown away by Georgia’s natural talent and incredible knack for following direction. Eric tells Georgia that she has a future in this business. But Felicia bursts her bubble by saying she has a lot more work to do if she wants to work in this industry. Victor and Kate’s closeness begins to scare Vivian, who realizes she might lose Alamain if they grow any closer. Vivian interrupts them and tells them the honeymoon is over. She says she wants that 51% of the Titan stock or she is telling everyone that Victor is the one who set the fire that almost killed Caroline! Victor says if she does that, then he will go public with Kate’s secret which will ultimately damage Alamain. Kristen, Stefano, and Megan all meet to discuss each of their plans. Kristen says that she is well on her way to convincing Marlena and everyone else that she is losing her mind. Megan, meanwhile, says that her plan to rid Bo’s life of Hope has worked, but now she has to contend with Billie. Greta and Frankie decide to tell Melissa and Eric the truth about their relationship before they hear it from anyone else. Shane tells Andy, his son, that Salem is a magical place and that he is bound to have many adventures and memories here. Andy says he is looking forward to spending time with his Aunt Kayla. Lucas tells Carrie that she has to tell Austin about the kiss with Mike immediately, but she says if she does so now it could damage Sami’s case because he’ll be so upset with just minutes to go until the trial starts. Shane and Andy are interrupted by a phone call from the I.S.A. who tell Shane that they have found Stefano…in Salem! Billie and Jack realize that they can’t stay away from each other like they have planned. Billie says that she needs her best friend in her life. Kate and Vivian are blown away when they see the negatives of the photo shoot Felicia had with Georgia. Lucas declares his love for Sami and tells her they will be together when she gets off for Alan’s murder. Cassie and Jan scheme and plot to get Jeremy to the Dimera basement, and it works! Cassie locks Jan and Jeremy down there together. Frankie asks Melissa to do coffee with him at Salem Place, and she is hopeful about a reunion for the two of them, but when they get together, he tells her the news is not good. Shane gathers Bo, John, and Roman, having removed them from the courtroom, and tells them that Stefano is back in Salem, and the I.S.A. is unable to locate him! Unfortunately for Cassie, she has spent too much time helping Jan get her man that she ran out of time to keep Abby and Max from telling her the truth. When they find her, Abby and Max will not take any of Cassie’s tricks. Abby tells Cassie that she and Max are going to be together despite this baby! Victor and Kate realize if they want to break up Shawn and Belle for what they did to Philip…and if they want Philip to be happy…and if they want Claire to be a part of their family again…then the only thing they can do is bring Philip back to Salem! Lucas tells Carrie that she’s right…if Austin were to find out the truth now, it will upset him and throw him off his game for the trial. But he demands Carrie tell Austin the truth about her kiss with Mike when the trial adjourns for the day. Unfortunately for Carrie, Austin bursts into the room and with his eyes filled with shock and rage. FREEZE FRAME.
  24. King


    CASTING CALL! The blog can now confirm that it is doing a vast, four month long casting call for a one of a kind actress to play the role of a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty who knocks the socks of anyone she meets. For the sake of casting, the character has been given the name of "Ashley," but that will soon change when she comes to Salem in the summertime. Ashley is described as a funky, spunky, creative, fiesty, ditzy in some ways, beyond intelligent in others, tomboy fashionista. The actress must be able to play a character who is approximately twenty years old. "This character is going to be huge. She's going to have ties to the past, and she is going to change the course of the show forever. We need the perfect actress to play the role. That is why every actress I come across for the rest of the winter and all of spring is going to be considered. She has to be flawless. She will, of course, be interacting with the younger set - Andy, Shawn, Belle, Philip, but the fans will be shocked, floored, and awed when they find out how she's connected to Salem!" That is why I am looking to you, the readers, for help in finding the perfect actress to play this role!
  25. King


    RUMORS! Rumor #1: It looks like a younger leading man who is outrageously popular with fans will be given his walking papers in February due to a storyline-dictated exit. Rumor #2: His on-screen lover may also be temporarily written out in a dramatic way that is also storyline-dictated. Rumor #3: Kristian Alfonso (Hope)'s leave has ended, and she's back with a handful of juicy scenes set to air in February. Rumor #4: The blog is interested in nabbing Noah Segan to play Connor Lockhart. Rumor #5: The writer is tossing around ideas for the return of one of the show's most beautiful actresses ever. Rumor #6: The blog is going full steam ahead with a gripping, emotional storyline that the real DAYS has done since the blog began. Rumor #7: Ari Zuker and Thaao Penglis will air in February. The show is still trying to woo back the portrayer it fired during the last year to return with Thaao's Tony Dimera. Rumor #8: The person who plays the character who is behind all of the terrible things going on in Salem has been told that he/she is behind the misery in Salem! A source close to the set says the portrayer was told to keep tight-lipped and not tell anyone else on the cast. The setside source also says the person could have been knocked over with a feather when he/she heard he/she was behind the attempted murder of Alice Horton!
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