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  1. Episode #226 - Monday, October 23rd, 2006: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqQc5sKx0tc - It is Halloween night in Salem. A college-aged couple is interrogated by The Salem Police Department. Roman Brady walks onto the scene. The detective on the case explains to Roman that a man was shot on the docks and by the looks of the surveillance tape, he was shot three times in the face and fell back off of the docks and into the ocean. The police explain that they are combing the waters for the body. - Abby and Max are still in thier island dream fantasy while they are really both in their comas. - Jeremy enters The Horton household. Maggie, Alice, and Mickey ask Jeremy where he has been. - Steve, Kayla, Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena arrive in London at the Dimera Estate where they have heard that Kristen was seen near. - Roman interrogates the college-aged couple and learns that they did not see the shooter, who was standing off to the side behind a bunch of crates. - Abby and Max continue their romantic, moonlight skinnydipping. - Jeremy reveals to the Horton's that he was at a party at the University. Maggie is shocked at the stench of liquor that is permeating from Jeremy's body. Maggie tells Jeremy that she is a former alcoholic and that they don't allow liquor in the house. Jeremy tells Maggie that things around here are going to change because he loves him some liquor! - Stefano, Lexie, and Megan arrive in Europe hell-bent on thwarting the A-Team from finding Kristen. Megan and Lexie also want to make sure Bo and Hope do not find their ways back to one another. - Liam and Lawrence also arrive in Europe vowing to do anything to make sure Steve doesn't remember the incriminating evidence against Lawrence! - Steve and Kayla come to the conclusion that Stefano had absolutely nothing to do with Steve's disappearance, but they vow to help John and Marlena find their baby. - John urges Bo to be with Hope, but Bo tells him that he and Hope both kept secrets from each other, and it just didn't work out. Bo tells him that he's in love with Billie - this time, for real and forever. - Marlena urges Hope to fight Billie for Bo! Marlena says that if Billie felt she was entitled to Bo's heart, she'd fight for him, as she has done in the past. Marlena tells Hope not to give up on him! - Roman learns from the witnesses that the victim was having a heated fight with his killer. - Abby and Max begin to make love in their dream state. - Alice tells Mickey and Maggie that every teen goes through a rebellious stage. She says that Shawn Douglas and Jennifer went through the same ones. Maggie and Mickey aren't so sure. - Roman watches the surviellance tape. "Oh...my God....!" Roman is shocked to see that the man on the tape...the murder victim....is Alan Harris!
  2. King

    More Fan Favs RETURN!

    LOL! What can I say? I need to give the fans what they want to see! And new characters like Lance, Erika, and Liam are not it. hehehe.
  3. King

    More Fan Favs RETURN!

    I know. But maybe it's the way JER wrote them during this run. He did everything else so shittily, so he more than likely did that shittily. Haha. Also, I really can't tell this story without them.
  4. More Fan Favs RETURN! Fan Favorites, Bill and Susan Seaforth-Hayes, will be returning to the roles of Doug and Julie Williams this November. They join Eileen Davidson, Thaao Penghlis, and Ari Zuker on the list of big returns for November Sweeps. "There are going to be quite a few climactic events in the lives of the Horton's that necessitate their returns. The stint isn't contract, but it's not temporary either. They are on recurring, and they'll be seen more and more."...says the headwriter. "With the recent return of Jeremy and the upcoming returns of Doug and Julie, the blog is trying to bring the show back to what DAYS should be about - family - the Horton's, in particular. They haven't played a big enough role in the blog as of yet, but that's going to be changing around here."
  5. King


    Thanks everyone! I hate replying to your guys comments within the episode post because I never know if you guys come back and read them again. But I do love when people comment and I do love the praise and the criticism! Keep it comin'!
  6. OPENING THEME! The updated opening theme is now available! Hope you like! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqQc5sKx0tc And don't forget about the WHO KILLED ALAN promo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCFGloQDmw
  7. WHO KILLED ALAN HARRIS!?! Hey, everyone! So, I decided to make a video promo! It's pretty rough, but it also was thrown together very quickly. It has a scary voice, but I hope you like it! (I couldn't figure out how to embed it. ) It's actually really hilarious! Haha. But you get the drift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANCFGloQDmw
  8. Will we be able to follow it if we didn't watch SB? LOL.
  9. *DOWNLOAD AND BEGIN LISTENING TO "SOMEWHERE A CLOCK IS TICKING" BY SNOW PATROL.* Episode #225 - Friday, October 20th, 2006: - Halloween night has arrived in Salem. The city is emersed in a deep fog, the wind whistles, and leaves bristle. The streets are filled with people of all ages wearing their Halloween costumes. - Carrie loses it and goes berserk. She jumps on Alan and begins pounding him and scratching and slapping him. Austin and Roman remove her from him. Carrie accuses Alan of stealing her baby! Alan swears he did everything else, but he had nothing to do with stealing Carrie and Austin’s baby boy. - A traumatized and catatonic Celeste is moved into bed by the nurse on call. Celeste sleeps with her eyes wide open. - Carrie tells Alan that he is worthless piece of scum and she doesn’t believe a word he says. Carrie says that she is going to make Alan pay for hurting her and her baby like this. Austin warns Alan that if he had anything to do with this, that he, too, will make Alan pay. - Sami and Lucas tell Austin and Carrie to get in line because if anyone is getting revenge on Alan, it’s them! They say that he took their little boy’s innocence, and now, they’re going to take his life. - Roman takes Alan to jail where he is booked. At the apartment, Eric, Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, and Alan discuss their hate for Alan and their need for revenge. Sami and Lucas tell Will that they will get through this as a family. Lucas and Sami urge Will to go to bed for the evening. And he does. - Celeste's eyes go white. She tosses and turns in her bed. - Sami , Lucas, Eric, Austin, and Carrie all agree to let the law do its job. Austin tells Carrie that if Alan stole their baby, her father will figure it out and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. - Roman is disappointed and angered when the judge grants Alan bail. Roman informs those at Sami’s apartment that Alan has been granted bail and that his parents are wiring money to get him out of jail tonight. - Celeste shoots up in her bed. Her eyes are still all white. The wind whistles outside and knocks some debris against her hospital window. She stares out the window in her catatonic state. - Sami, Lucas, Eric, Austin, and Carrie all sleep in separate beds. They toss and turn. Alan has a nightmare about his attacker taking off a mask, revealing his face as Alan’s, and bragging that he raped his mother. Will wakes up in a sweat. He gets dressed and sneaks out the window. Sami, Lucas, Eric, Austin, and Carrie all sneak out of their bedrooms. - Celeste walks to her window to see what the noise on her window is. She finds nothing. There is frost on her window. She writes something on the window with her finger and returns to bed. When she gets into bed, the nurse enters. She drops the food tray as she looks at the window. The window reads......."DEATH." - Meanwhile, Alan is released on bail and walks the streets of Salem as a free man. - On the dock, a college-aged couple is walking along the docks late at night. They are drunk and stop to hook up on the docks. Suddenly, they hear arguing. It grows louder and louder and louder. The couple turns the corner and peers over the crates that are on the dock. They see a man arguing and screaming at someone they cannot see. They turn to leave the heated argument, but three gunshots ring out. And there is a splash. They hear footsteps running away. The couple runs to the scene of the crime. They see a man floating in the water. It’s the same man they arguing seconds earlier. The tide turns the man over…..to reveal the bloody and mangled face of ALAN HARRIS!
  10. King

    Maurice Speaks Out!

    LMAO! Bye, Mo! God, I wish he'd just leave daytime forever slash for real!
  11. King


    PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NEXT TWO EPISODES ARE SPECIAL EPISODES DEDICATED ONLY TO THE LIVES OF SAMI BRADY, CARRIE BRADY, LUCAS ROBERTS, WILL ROBERTS, AUSTIN REED, AND ALAN HARRIS! Episode #224 - Thursday, October 19, 2006: - Will attacks Alan and punches him in the face. Eric, Austin, and Lucas intervene and carry Will away from him. - Jeremy leaves the apartment complex when he gets a cell phone call. In the hallway, he meets up with the caller - Roman (Josh Taylor)! Roman explains that Alice, Jeremy’s great-grandmother, called him and told him to come to town because his daughters need him. - Alan tries to manipulate Will into thinking that he’s changed and that this wasn’t his evil plan from the beginning. Alan lies and gives a heartfelt apology to Will, Sami, Lucas, Austin, Carrie, and Eric. He says that he’s a changed man. He’s paid for what he did to Sami, and he really is in love with Will. Will begins to fall for Alan’s lies. - Sami and Lucas beg Will not to fall for Alan’s lies. But Alan is too good, and Will asks Sami and Lucas if they think it’s possible that maybe, just maybe, Alan is telling the truth. Jeremy comes forward and tells Will to grow a pair and get some brains. Everyone is taken aback by Jeremy’s bluntness. - Jeremy tells everyone that his first night in town he overheard Alan talking to himself on the docks, saying that how he came back to town for revenge on Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Carrie and how he was closer than ever to getting it – finally! Will is shocked and asks Jeremy if he swears he is telling the truth. Jeremy says he swears on his great-grandmother’s (Alice) life. He explains that he heard all of Alan’s sick plans for them. Jeremy warns Will that the worst is yet to come. Will doesn’t understand. - Jeremy tells Will that in order to take advantage of Will, he had to get Will in a vulnerable emotional state and easily influenced and manipulated. And, Jeremy explains…..Alan did this by attacking Will! Jeremy exposes Alan as Will’s “gay-basher.” Alan is shocked. He did not know Jeremy knew those details. Lucas, Sami, and Will are in shock. Will asks Alan if it’s true – if he attacked him, if their relationship has been nothing more than a lie. Alan stays silent. Jeremy tells Alan to admit that it’s true! Alan does. Lucas, Austin, Carrie, Eric, Sami, and Will all want to approach Alan and hurt him, but Roman comes between them all. Jeremy explains that this is why he asked Alice to have Roman be here tonight. Jeremy says that Roman must arrest Alan for Will’s assault! - Carrie begins to wonder what Alan could have done to get revenge on her and Austin. Sami and Austin recall how Carrie remembered giving birth to a healthy baby boy, the hospital said she had a stillborn baby, and how the baby’s first round of DNA tests confirmed that the baby was not Austin and Carrie’s. Carrie asks Austin if she thinks Alan had something to do with their baby’s disappearance. Austin thinks Carrie could be onto something. - Roman cuffs Alan and reads him his rights. Alan demands that Roman arrest Will and Lucas for assaulting him as well. Roman tells Alan to shut the hell up! As Roman is taking Alan out of the apartment complex, Carrie yells “WAIT!” They stop and turn. Carrie approaches Alan and asks him what he did to her and Austin for revenge. Alan clams up. Carrie asks Alan where her baby is. Alan is confused. Carrie says that she knows Alan lied and has manipulated them all into thinking her baby has died. Alan tells Carrie that he has no idea what she’s talking about. Sami flashes a look of guilt knowing she’s the one who stole Carrie’s baby. Carrie runs to Alan and jumps on him, hitting him and screaming and scratching him. *FREEZE FRAME.*
  12. I totally hear you. I fall behind quite often. It's hard to keep up! I wish I could help, but I'm so busy.
  13. I wish I watched ATWT so I knew what the F*CK was going on cuz your blog sounds awesome! LOL.
  14. Episode #223 - October 18, 2006: - Sami runs at Alan with a fire poker ready to strike him. But Eric intervenes and sweeps Sami off of her feet and away from Alan. Lucas begs Will to tell him that none of this is true. But Will says that it is. Austin calls Alan a sick bastard. Will is confused. - Shawn Sr.'s spirit urges Caroline to find happiness. - Vivian meets with Belle behind Kate's back and asks to see Belle's designs. - Will explains that he understands why they wouldn't want him having a relationship with an older man, but he doesn't understand why anyone is reacting this way. Alan tries to explain/lie to Sami, Eric, Lucas, Austin, and Carrie that he loves Will, but Lucas warns him to shut up before he shoves that fire poker down his throat. - Caroline has a touching goodbye with the spirit of Shawn Sr. - Vivian tells Belle that she wants her designs at Alamain International's winter fashion show. Belle asks Vivian what Kate will think of that, but Vivian tells Belle to let her deal with Kate. - In private, Carrie and Austin urge Lucas and Sami to tell Will that Alan raped Sami when she was a teenager. Sami takes Will aside and sits him on the couch. She prepares to bare her soul to Will. - John, Kristen, Steve, and Kayla get a lead that Kristen is at the London Dimera Estate with their baby! The foursome leave the Texas Estate behind and head for London. - Alan urges Sami not to do this, but Jeremy, Austin, Lucas, Eric, and Carrie urge Alan to shut his mouth before they shut it for him. Sami breaks down. She starts to explain to Will that she, his father, his Uncle Austin, and Aunt Carrie all knew Alan when they were teenagers. - Kate interupts the meeting between Belle and Vivian and demands to know what the hell is going on! - Caroline tries to look deep inside and figure out if she wants a future with Victor. - Sami informs Will that when they were teenagers, Alan had a very big crush on Aunt Carrie. But Carrie was with Austin. Sami breaks down, and through tears, she explains that when Alan couldn't have Carrie, he raped Sami! Will is in shock. Lucas, Austin, and Carrie assure Will that everything sami has said is true. Will begins to cry and asks Sami why she's never told him that she was raped. Sami explains that it's not something a mother tells her kids, and she was trying to protect him from the pain. Will stands and turns to look at Alan. Will wipes the tears away, his eyes grow wide, and he charges Alan!
  15. King


    Episode #222 - October 17, 2006: - Kate and Vivian make plans for the Winter Fashion show scheduled for late October. - Abby and Max share a passionate kiss during their paradise island dream. - Caroline prays and asks for Shawn's guidance and approval for seeing Victor. - At the party, Lucas reveals to Sami (and everyone else) that Alan and Will are having some type of romantic relationship! - Lexie is relieved when Abby and Max survive her separating their hands from one another. - Abby and Max share a romantic, midnight skinnydipping on the shores of their fantasy paradise. - Sami demands Will tell her what the hell is going on. Will denies that he has some relationship with Alan. Alan verifies Will's story. Jeremy decides to confirm Lucas' words, but before he can, Eric chimes in and tells Sami, Will, and Alan that he heard everything Lucas did, as well, and it's ALL true! Without a doubt! - Shawn's spirit appears to Caroline. Caroline asks him if she should pursue her love for Victor or stay true to her love for him. - Abby and Max got hot and heavy while skinnydipping in their mutual dream. - Will confesses that he is dating Alan and has been for some time. Mickey and Jeremy must hold Eric, Austin, and Lucas back from attacking Alan again. But Sami approaches Alan and slaps him in the face, followed by a whopping PUNCH. - Kate and Vivian learn that Victor is using CAB Designs for his winter line - the fashion company that is run by Anna Dimera. Vivian suggests that they need someone young and edgey to counteract such a talented designer. Vivian asks about Belle Black and her designs for when she was with Basic Black. Kate refuses to use Belle, claiming she is a little b!tch for how she treated Phillip. When alone, Vivian doublecrosses Kate and makes an appointment to meet with Belle. - An OUTRAGED Sami and Lucas must be kept at opposite ends of the party by the partygoers. Mickey suggests he take Alice out of here before it gets any more heated and scandalous. Jeremy agrees that is the best idea. After Alice leaves, Sami and Lucas ask Will if he has had sex with Alan. Will refuses to answer such a personal question. Alan realizes this is not the ideal time for all of this to be coming out, but he knows that he wanted this all to come out eventually, thus his revenge on Sami, Lucas, Austin, and Carrie - and the sole reason for seducing Will in the first place - would be achieved. So, Alan reveals to Sami, Lucas, Carrie, Austin, and Eric that Will has made love to him many, many times. A psychotic Sami grabs a fire poker and runs towards Alan, screaming....."I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!" *FREEZE FRAME.*
  16. BIG RETURNS FOR NOVEMBER! The blog has done some huge events for May and February sweeps, but this November could be the biggest and most action-packed Sweeps yet! BRIEF HIATUSES END! "Fans can expect the returns of Simone Marais (Kelly McGarry), Georgia Brady (Peyton List), Cassie Brady (Alexis Thorpe), and Shawn Brady (newcomer, Brandon Beemer). They'll all be returning from their temporary absences, as promised."...previews the headwriter. "Cassie is going to be a thorn in the side of Abby and Max once again...only this time, there's a twist! Shawn's going to have his hands full with Jan and Belle. Shawn's been hurt dozens of time by his loved ones. He's back. He's edgey. He's not going to be a victim ANY longer! Georgia is finally going to get her own storyline. Since Simone is unknowingly raising Austin and Carrie's baby, she will surely be involved in the climax of their story! In the end, she will be a victim of Sami and Annie's manipulations. Sami is about to make another enemy. Sami's tough, but she's going to learn that you don't F*CK with SIMONE!" A FACE FROM THE 80'S IS BACK! "Charles Shaugnessy will be returning as Shane Donavan for a brief stint to interact with Lawrence, Liam, Steve, and Kayla. He's going to shake up this storyline and change Steve and Kayla's storyline in a huge way. Their relationship will never be the same." THREE FAN FAVORITES RETURN! "Tony Dimera will be back. He's going to be re-introduced in a CHILLING way that's going to set the stage for John and Marlena's next big story. The damage that has been inflicted on his character in the last ten years will be fixed. Tony will be falling in love once again. It's going to be a pure love. It's not with Marlena, and it's not with Kristen! Readers won't believe it!"...promises the scribe. "Nicole Walker is going to be back and be the center of a huge new story. It's obvious that Eric is the man she wants, but as Nicole knows, you don't always get what you want! Nicole is going to be featured in her biggest story ever. She's back and better than ever before." "Kristen Blake has been back in the form of Michelle Stafford since the summer, but Eileen will be reprising the role this November. The B I T C H is back. What else is there to say? Fans should be very surprised to see who she hits the sheets with!" EXPECT HUGE EXITS! "As for exits, Erika and Lance have already left Salem in very dramatic ways."...recaps the headwriter. "But between October and November, readers can expect to see five more people leave the canvas. They'll each leave in very unique and dramatic way, of course!"
  17. King


    Episode #221 - October 16, 2006: - In Lucas' apartment, Lucas and Eric listen in to the planted microphones to try and uncover Sami and Annie's secret, but they stumble across a conversation between Will and Jeremy that reaveals Will and Jeremy's secret affair! - Max and Abby continue their romantic, tropical adventure dream while comatose at the hospital. - Victor's Private Investigator can't dig up anything on Kate and her past secret. - Lucas and Eric burst into Sami's apartment where the party is. Lucas runs to Alan and punchs Alan across the face. Alan falls to the floor. - Steve, Kayla, John, Marlena, Bo, and Hope arrive at the Dimera Estate in Texas. They all begin searching the house for clues and secret passageways. John and Marlena seem certain they are on the right path to finding Kristen and John and Marlena's baby boy. - Kate and Vivian plan to outdo Victor and Titan at the Winter Fashion show in late October. - Max and Abby share a passionate kiss during their comatose dream. Lexie sees their heart monitors have stabilized enough to separate the two. - Caroline realizes that the time has come to face her feelings for Victor! - Alan gets to his feet and reveals his face to be bloody from Lucas' punch. - Lexie removes Max and Abby's hands from one another. As she does this, their lips disconnect as they pull away from each other in the dream. But they remain in the tropical paradise. - Billie and Jack comfort each other over her cancer and his daughter, Abby. The two best friends grow closer than ever. - Sami demands to know what is going on and why Lucas punched Alan. Will realizes Lucas must know the truth about him and Alan!
  18. Episode #220 - Friday, October 13, 2006: - Alan covers for what Jeremy has just said. And Sami and Lucas buy it. - Carrie and Austin are devastated by the new DNA results and tell the police their must be some mistake. - Meanwhile Sami and Annie take great joy that their switcheroo has worked. - Greta and Frankie grow closer than ever. - Jack arrives at Abby's side. - Abby and Max both appear to be having the same dream when they both appear on a tropical island. - Eric and Lucas recall how they planted mics in Sami's apartment in order to find out Sami and Annie's secret. - Carrie and Austin get into a terrible fight over the results of their baby's DNA test. - Alan accidentally breaks a mirror at the party. Sami warns him 7 Years of Bad Luck and gives him a vicious smirk. - Will begs Jeremy once again not to expose his affair with Alan. But when he's alone with Alan, Jeremy tells him that he IS going to expose all of HIS lies and manipulations! - Jack and Billie remain at Abby's side. Billie reciprocates the comfort Jack showed her after she was diagnosed with cancer and comforts him now. - Annie and Sami go to the rooftop. Annie asks Sami what the deal is with her and Alan. Sami finally opens up to Annie that Alan raped her when she was a teenager. Annie suggests coming up with a plan to get revenge on him next. Sami loves the idea. Neither one of them notices, but a black cat crosses their path...spelling bad luck for them both! - Max and Abby share a special time on the tropical island that they both appear to be dreaming about while in their comas. - Frankie and Greta share a passionate KISS! - Jeremy informs Will that he won't be exposing his affair with Alan. Will is relieved. But little do they know ERIC AND LUCAS ARE LISTENING THROUGH THE SECRET MICROPHONE! LUCAS IS SHOCKED BEYOND WORDS!
  19. King

    Alan EXPOSED!?!

    FORMAT CHANGE: EACH EPISODE IS GOING TO BE TITLED FROM NOW ON WITH A DESCRIPTION (like above, "Alan EXPOSED!?!?") AS OPPOSED TO THE DATE, WHICH IS BELOW. Episode #219 - Thursday, October 12, 2006: - Sami, Lucas, and Austin tell Alan to get out of the party. But Jeremy tells them all that he invited him and that Alan was his first friend he made in town. Jeremy's lying, but Alan has no choice but to go along with it. - Billie is convinced Jack has some type of feelings for her. When the touch down in Salem, Jack rushes to Abby's side. Billie attends her third chemotherapy appointment. - The police investigate Austin and Carrie's baby and stumble upon the results that Annie and Sami changed. - When alone, Jeremy tells Alan that he's going to expose all of his lies and deceptions tonight. When Alan asks how Jeremy knows all of this, Jeremy tells Alan..."Word to the wise, if you want to keep secrets, you might wanna stop talking to yourself." Alan warns Jeremy that if he exposes his secrets, Alan will get his revenge. Jeremy tells him he is not worried. - Austin and Carrie wonder if they Dimera's could have had something to do with their baby being kidnapped. - Bo informs Hope that he plans on staying with Billie, no matter what. - Belle and Jan get into another heated debate that ends in a fistfight. - Will fears his secret relationship with Alan is going to come out at the party. - John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Steve, and Kayla clear the North Caroline Dimera Estate and decide to head onto the next estate in Texas. - The police inform Carrie and Austin that there has been some sort of mistake, and the baby who was buried does indeed match their DNA. The police apologize for the mistake. Carrie and Austin tell them there must be some kind of mistake. Meanwhile, Sami and Annie are overjoyed that their DNA test results switcheroo has worked! - Jeremy tells Alan to confess everything to everyone right now, or he'll do it himself! Will, not knowing about all of Alan's schemes, thinks Jeremy is talking about his relationship with Alan. Will begs his cousin, Jremy, not to do this! Sami and Lucas stumble upon the conversation and demand to know what's going on.
  20. Episode #218 - Wednesday, October 11, 2006: - Austin and Carrie learn the baby that was buried is not their son! - Jack and Billie are able to break free from the secret room at the estate in North Carolina that they had trapped themselves in. - Maggie pushes Mickey away and grieves Lance's death. - Jeremy leaves a special message for Alan, luring him to his party. - Greta comforts Frankie over Max's precarious state of health. They grow closer than ever. - When Jack checks his messages, he learns that Abby's been hurt in a terrible accident and decides to return home to Salem. Billie is unsure whether she wants to leave Bo in N.C. with Hope, but she realizes that she should be there for Jack the way he was for her, so she decides to accompany him home to Salem to be with Abby. - The police commanders assure Austin and Carrie that they will be doing an investigation into what happened to their son. - Billie and Jack share a tender moment on the plane ride home. He believes she wants him to kiss her. As he leans in for a kiss, Billie is unsure of what is going on and leans back, confused. - Annie and Sami panic when they learn Austin and Carrie know their baby is alive. - Lucas and Eric decide to set up microphones in Sami's apartment that will help them uncover Annie and Sami's secret. - Jeremy Horton's WELCOME HOME Party begins! The Horton's and the Brady's are all in attendance. Jeremy plans to expose all of Alan's lies and manipulations at the party, including Will and Alan's affair! - Billie wonders if Jack is falling for her. - Bo and Hope fight their attraction. - Austin and Carrie announce at the party that the Salem Police Department is investigating the kidnapping of their son! - Everyone is shocked at the party when Alan Harris walks into the party!
  21. Episode #217 - Tuesday, October 10, 2006: - Carrie and Austin go to the gravesite as the police dig up the baby's coffin. - Lucas and Jeremy plan Jeremy's Welcome Home Party. Lucas tells Jeremy that he has a surprise for him. - Abby and Max lie next to each other on their respective stretchers in the I.C.U. - Lance flatlines. Lexie tries desperately to save his life. - Steve, Kayla, Jack, Billie, Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena settle into the Dimera Estate in North Carolina. They begin to search the Mansion for hidden passageways. - Lucas surprises Jeremy with visits from Maggie, Mickey, and Alice! Jeremy re-unites with each. - Abby and Max's hands drop to their sides and end up touching while they are in the ICU side by side on the stretchers. Lexie is surprised by the sudden improvement in each of their heath's. - Alice and Maggie are worried when it seems like Jeremy Hortin is a bad boy. But they site that Shawn Douglas and Jennifer went through similar phases. - Jack and Billie get locked in one of the secret rooms in the mansion in North Carolina. They bond further. Billie shares her hopes and fears with her best friend who falls for Billie more and more. - Sami and Annie freak out when they learn Carrie and Austin are doing DNA tests on "their" baby. - Liam and Lawrence touch down in North Carolina and discuss ways to keep Steve from remembering incriminating evidence against Lawrence. - Lexie pronounces Lance dead. - Annie and Sami try to switch the tests at the hospital to make Austin and Carrie think that the baby in the casket is their son. - Mickey and Maggie show signs of a reunion, but just then Maggie learns of Lance's accident and rushes to the hospital. Lexie informs Maggie that Lance has passed away. Mickey tries to comfort Maggie, but she pushes him away. - Steve and Kayla wonder if clues to Steve's memory loss could be in the mansion they are investigating. - John and Marlena hire an expert architect to help them search the house for any secret rooms they may not be finding. - When Lexie separates Max and Abby's stretchers in the I.C.U. unit, each of their heart rates begin to drop. Lexie realizes that it must be a coincidence, and she tries to save each of them, but to no avail. Each begin to flatline. Fearing there is nothing left to do, Lexie demands the nurses push their stretchers back together and put her hand in his like they were found doing. When Max and Abby's hands touch, their heart monitors stabilize. - Carrie and Austin learn that the baby who was buried was *NOT* a genetic match for either of their DNA markers!
  22. King


    MASS EXODUS! There is a big buzz around the blog set that many big changes are coming this fall! The blog has re-evaluated its cast and has decided to trim its cast significantly. "Three big exits were already planned for this Fall and already worked into the story outlines."...says the headwriter. "But three more characters have now been added to the list. With Shawn, Georgia, and Cassie making returns in November and Tony, Nicole, and Kristen all coming back onto the canvas, we needed to make some room." "I don't think fan reaction to the exits will be bad. Most of the exits will be expected, I think. These are all characters that most readers can do without. All of the changes that are being made are to increase reader's interest and the number of people who are tuning into the blog." "Readers can expect two of the exits to happen in October. Three to happen in November. And the biggest one of all to happen in mid-December. That's going to be big one! It's a vet, unfortunately, but it's a story begging to be told." CURRENT/UPDATED CAST LIST! CONTRACT: Liam Alcantar - Grant Aleksander Lance Avalon - Alan Dale John Black - Drake Hogestyn Belle Black - Martha Madison Bo Brady - Peter Reckell Carrie Brady - Christie Clark Caroline Brady - Peggy McCay Eric Brady - Jensen Ackles Frankie Brady - Billy Warlock Hope Brady - Kristian Alfonso Jan Spears Brady - Heather Lindell Kayla Brady - Mary Beth Evans Max Brady - Darrin Brooks Sami Brady - Alison Sweeney Lexie Carver - Renee Jones Stefano Dimera - Joseph Mascolo Annie Douglas - Sarah Buxton Marlena Evans Black - Diedre Hall Alice Horton - Frances Reid Jeremy Horton - Tom Pelphrey Maggie Horton - Suzanne Rogers Melissa Horton - Lisa Trusel Mickey Horton - John Ingle Steve "Patch" Johnson - Stephen Nichols Victor Kiriakis - John Aniston Austin Reed - Austin Peck Billie Reed - Julie Pinson Kate Roberts - Lauren Koslow Lucas Roberts - Bryan Dattilo Will Roberts - Taylor Handley Megan Spears - Gina Tognoni Greta Van Amburg - Julianne Morris RECURRING: Lawrence Alamain - Matt Sabatino Vivian Alamain - Louise Sorel Alan Harris - Scott Holroyd Simone Marais - Kelly McGarry Celeste Perault - Tonya Boyd WHO WILL BE THE SIX PEOPLE TO LEAVE??????
  23. King

    Carrie remembers!

    CARRIE REMEMBERS!! Episode #216 - Monday, October 9, 2006: - Street goers rush to Lance and Abby's sides who lay lifeless on the street....having fallen many stories off the Salem Inn Balcony. - Carrie remembers giving birth! - Eric and Lucas devise a plan to uncover Sami and Annie's secret. - Sami and Annie meet and realize they are both cracking under pressure. - Alan and Jeremy get into a shouting match over Alan and his plans of revenge against Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas. - Carrie tells Austin that she remembers giving birth to a healthy baby boy. - Abby and Lance are rushed to the hospital. - Jeremy tells Alan that he knows Alan was the only who gaybashed Will, is causing trouble betweeen Carrie and Austin, and has seduced Will as part of his revenge. Jeremy also reveals that he knows Alan raped Sami all of those years ago and unlike Carrie, Austin, Sami and Lucas, Jeremy says he isn't afraid to tell Will the truth. Alan is shocked to hear Jeremy Horton knows all of his secrets! - Austin is confused and asks Carrie what she is talking about. When Carrie is done explaining, Austin tries to convince her that she's mistaken. - Alan and Jeremy get into a shouting match. Jeremy punches Alan in the face, and Will walks in on it. Will breaks their fight up. Jeremy warns Alan that he's going to expose him. Will is confused. Jeremy leaves. Will falls for Alan's lies. - Jeremy introduces himself to his Uncle Lucas. Later, Jeremy manipulates Lucas into throwing him a WELCOME HOME PARTY where Jeremy plans on exposing all of Alan's lies. - The orderly inadvertantly wheels Abby's stretcher into the I.C.U. and places her right next to a comatose Max. Lance is also wheeled into the ICU and flatlines. - Carrie cannot believe that Austin doesn't believe her and reminds him about their discussion on trust and their pasts with Mike and Sami. Austin tells Carrie that he has faith in her and what she believes is the truth. Austin and Carrie make plans to exhume the baby's body and have DNA tests run!
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