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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. I met that she doesnt care about her nipples being on display, LOL>

    Oh. Brandi's got a good body, so why should she care about that. She isn't a prude and I don't fault her that. However, she desperately wants to fit in and she's simply not cut out for the gig with these women.

  2. RHoBH: Oh this episode did not disappoint at all. Amazing.

    Lisa continues her unmitigated winning ways, she's just an explosion of glamorous common sense. It's obvious that she's distancing herself from the other women...AND GOOD FOR HER, those low-rent bitches don't deserve her.

    Camille. Keeping kicking ass and taking names baby, you're a winner too. She can stay so calm, so emotionless. Serene, she glides like a shark. I just love her now. I bet Kyle DID say all that crap about her last season.

    Kyle. Such a stupid cow. She's only tolerable with her children and Mauricio. And I can't believe how jealous she becomes when another woman brings up her husband. Insecure idiot. And the way she was with Brandi, what a stupid bitch. I wouldn't mind if Kyle got lost in East LA and some gang members robbed her. She's all bark, no bite and stupid. Stupid, in my book, is the worst offence of all.

    Brandi. Honestly, she's a non starter. And JackPeyton, she cares A LOT. Why else would she be wailing into Jen from Sober House's arms (LOL to Jen's appearance...Brody Jenner's mother, Linda Thompson, I actually like her and what she said about the ocean was true, it'll be here long after the bullshit Taylor's pulled).

    Adrienne. My opinion of her just gets worse and worse. She's a pampered idiot.

    Kim. She's pointless. And apparently, she's checked herself into rehab.

    Taylor. Alcoholic, histrionic, psychopathic, grifter. Some say she seemed a lot better on Watch What Happens Live...I call that damage control and classical PR. Nothing more. Plus, Taylor smokes. So she's an even bigger idiot than I thought. Everyone knows smoking is awful for your health.

    I'd like to see Faye Resnik replace Taylor and/or Kim. Faye's such a Beverly Hills type. Plus, she actually has a job. And a glam job at that.

    RhoATL: LOVED it.

    Nene. She needs to get over herself. She's going to pull a David Caruso. I just know it.

    Sheree. I've always liked Sheree because she's a generally straight shooter. Her Nene impression was PERFECT. And who doesn't love a woman who dumps her water bottle on her ex-husband because he's a delinquent child support payer?

    Kim. Good mother. Honest with her kids. Just a barrel of fun.

    Kandi. She's nice, but boring. I can't stand her mother. What an idiot.

    Cynthia. What a FOOL! And a sanctimonious fool at that. Her family is just looking out for her foolish ass. Cannot stomach Peter.

    Phaedra. Oh I am in love with her. Her one liners are delivered like a machine gun. I would love to work with her.

  3. I'm not saying she has it coming but... anybody else get the feeling that Taylor enjoys playing the victim?

    Next week another blowout with somebody else in the wrong and Taylor all hurt and crying and "finally finding her voice." :rolleyes.gif

    Kyle was shocked at Brandi's suggestion that she invite a porn star to a party to give BJ tips. Brandi should have known better. That is not the way prim Kyle and her posse roll. And while I would be shocked if a friend suggested we have a tupperware party built around sex tips, I would also secretly be intrigued. laugh.png

    Adrienne *sigh* I love you but you are so chicken. And this shoe project -- I don't feel that La Maloof's heart is into it somehow. She was more passionate about the charity than about launching her hoof collection which she claims she's wanted to do since she was a child.

    Camille. wub.png Keep fighting the good fight, girl!

    BH: There's no maybe about Taylor enjoying her victim role, she LOVES it. She's everyone's victim. She makes anyone who goes against her or sees through her act a villain. Kim, Lisa and Camille have all been in her sights because each of them saw through her bullshit and exposed an untruth. Here's my theory on Russell. It's clear to me that he and Taylor have a disastrous marriage. Maybe he abused her, I see no evidence of it, but that's what she claims. I am certain she gives as good as she gets, they are VERY evenly matched. That limo ride with Kyle and Mauricio simply affirmed to me that Taylor lied to Russell throughout the season, blamed all the other women...and then...as the premier date arrived, she filed for divorce and levelled with him about how things were going to be depicted. Russell couldn't handle it and he killed himself. Period.

    Next week's Taylor Explosion appears to be directed at Camille. It doesn't appear that either Camille or Lisa are there either.

    Adrienne really showed her ass in this episode. She isn't calm, cool, collected or smart. She's a spoiled, petty bitch. She's allowed her chef to constantly insult Lisa, made rude comments about Lisa's commentary position on CNN about the royal wedding and then has the gall to insist that Lisa is somehow in the wrong for allowing her daughter to accept a free trip from a family friend for her hen party? As an aside, the Maloof family recently lost control of The Palms due to their debt issues. They are now minority owners.

    Camille and Lisa are SUCH winners. They should both quit after this season.

    ATL: Loved this week's episode. Phaedra and the contractor, hilarious. What I love about ATL is that it has a sense of humour and heart. It's not all about negative bitching and sniping and psychotic drama. Nene's indignation about the stripper was hilarious, girlfriend shook her ass with the best of them back in the day! And Kim lucked out with Kroy, he's awesome.

  4. RHoBH. Aww HELL NO. Taylor's throwing shade on Camille? Girl either lied to all the housewives or lied like hell to Russell. Either way, she's a piece of trash.

    Adrienne's showed her ass, in a big way, in her dealings with Lisa. Adrienne must be hard up for cash and publicity, she failed to realize how logical Lisa was being about Pandora's party at Planet Hollywood.

    Kyle's an idiot. End of story.

    Lisa is fabulous. Vanderfabulous. Vanderpumping Vanderfabulous. Love. Love. Love.

  5. Anyone familiar with this series? EricMontreal?



    Ahh Mount Royal! Wikipedia says it was Canada's answer to Dynasty and I'd say that's about right...except for one thing: Alexis. Mount Royal simply didn't have an Alexis or JR, no antagonist, the closest thing was the character Stefanie who was a daddy's girl model in Paris.

    Like most Canadian television programs, Mount Royal tried but it just didn't have the punch of its international counterparts (a Canadian answer to Coronation Street, Riverdale, was another example of this).

    The one thing I'll give Mount Royal was that it looked beautiful, it was shot on location in Montreal and Paris and it LOOKED rich, just gorgeous.

  6. It would be nice if she returned for Jodie's exit.

    What happened with Darren anyway?

    Vanessa confronted Darren on his wedding day, telling him he wasn't good enough for Jodie (he'd cheated on her and she stupidly forgave him). He bolted Walford.

    Jodie's already exited! She found out where Darren was living and left Walford to find him.

  7. I never understood what happened with Vanessa. They had a real chance with her, but it never went anywhere. The same happened with Glenda. I guess at least she never ended up with Phil.

    I did like the last second where she tried to get her dignity together, and walked down the road.

    It's funny because people often say the women on Eastenders are too dominant and the men are too weak. While the men may be weak, the women aren't too strong these days either.

    What I loved is that she straightened her hair, picked up her suitcase and walked down that dirty road in her white pant suit, dignity intact.

    At least her exit was open ended, the producers at EastEnders would be very foolish to not have her back!

  8. It's a bit behind, but I'd like to hear anyone's feedback.

    I really enjoyed Zoe Lucker's Vanessa Gold and was wondering if anyone else thought her exit fabulous? Broke, alone, dumped on the side of the wet road with the police looking for her. I thought Zoe was tremendous on EastEnders and would love to see her back, I can tell you I think she'd be the best landlady for the Queen Vic, I'm not feeling the Moons at all in that role.

    And lest we forget Vanessa's greatest scene...Bubbly's in the fridge...


    I dare say that with Peggy gone, Pat exiting...Albert Square needs a ballsy blond. Vanessa could be it!

  9. Janice Dickinson she is not

    Funny, Janice is exactly who I was thinking of! At least her "agency" was in LA, an emerging market...not Atlanta, a non-market. And really, Cynthia's prestige is overstated, she never did a Vogue cover, never worked for YSL or Versace. At best, she was a successful commercial model, not a high fashion model. Her website portrays her as a "supermodel" and that's just laughable.

  10. As for her so-called BFFs Kyle and Dana and... that's about it, right? Well, it's clear that she appeals to their vanity, playing the sidekick friend who flatters them at every turn. Bet she wishes Dana had been around to back her up at Lisa's, although bird-of-a-feather Dana seems so anxious to brown-nose Kyle and get invited to Camille's house in Maui that she'd prob have switched sides during the impromptu "intervention."

    TayShanna's mistake was picking on somebody (Lisa) who is tough, a lot tougher than Kyle and way tougher than Russell, the wussy who mean-texts a near-total stranger.

    Shanna Hughes/Shanna Taylor/Taylor Ford/Taylor Armstrong (yes those are all her names) really miscalculated her con this time, probably for one of the first, if not the first, time in her life. Lisa is British. She's lived in London, Cannes and Monaco. She's been there, done that and dealt with the best of them. Taylor miscalculated her value wildly.

    It's so satisfying to see people like Taylor exposed for the [!@#$%^&*] that they are.

    ETA; What exactly has Nene been so successful at besides being a bully? And sorry, the only bopring Housewive in Atlanta is Cynthia!

    Cynthia is dreadful, so boring. That "modeling agency" in Atlanta is such a joke.

  11. In context there is a HUGE difference between saying "I'm not masquerading as your best friend but if you need help I'm here" (which is what Lisa ACTUALLY said, the flashback proved that point) versus saying 'I'm not your friend' (which Taylor claims Lisa said, when in fact she never did). Lisa offered the woman the use of her guest house on her gated estate in her guard gated community because of her claims of abuse.

    Lisa tried to do right by Taylor and her daughter. She has the means to do it so she offered it. Nothing more.

    Taylor is the one who spat in Lisa's face by attempting to socially decimate her at that tea party. As Camille pointed out it seemed from the very start that Taylor was zeroing in on Lisa and ready for a fight. Taylor never did answer the question about WHY she would come to Lisa's party when she claims Lisa is so awful to her. Well, it's obvious, Taylor wanted to take a wrecking ball to Lisa's life.

    But that just didn't quite work because Taylor is an absolute fool, an amateur who is out of her league and out of her depth. While Taylor lashed out like a total lunatic Lisa sat calmly. When Taylor tried to bring Camille into it Camille's face lit up with "WTF are you thinking you psycho!"...Camille really earned back her street cred by laying it out there, she called a spade a spade and Taylor couldn't answer to any of it. Camille even corroborated Lisa's statement that Camille and Taylor only had lunch once in case anyone missed that.

    Adrienne, I'm sorry, isn't cool and collected and the smooth operator I thought she was. She's just silent, never says or does anything except mediate so that the truth isn't exposed. She wants everything "nice" even if it isn't accurate.

    When it comes to Taylor's abuse claims, these women have reason to be suspicious. Taylor's changed her name twice. She and Russell have been sued by many former and current business partners over fraud and deception issues. They've embezzled millions and blew it all. They haven't a penny to their name and yet they live like the Royal Family. It's all a lie with Taylor. All a fraud. All a charade.

    Lisa has known that from the very beginning. She's seen through Taylor's deception and manipulation from Day 1. Taylor probably can't stand that, she's a shape shifter and finally someone has avoided her con, it must infuriate her.

    Taylor may be an abuse victim, but she also might not be. The pictures she released are NOT proof, I'm a dermatologist, I send patients out of my office looking worse all the time. What is for certain is Taylor is a fraud and a psychological mess.

    Even with a "bitch edit" Lisa is a total winner. She's spotted a liar and never been suckered in. You go Lisa!

  12. The problem with Peggy is that she and her husband are totally flat broke and their house has gone into foreclosure, so, like Jim and Alexis (who I also hear may be fired), they're frauds and Andy Cohen cannot have those on his beloved OC housewives.

    I love Jeana and word on the street is that she is returning for the next season...though I think we'll have to wait and see.

    I think Andy Cohen's really come to a point where he has to carefully manage the Housewives franchises before they implode like NYC did this past season.

  13. RHoBH: Next week, I'm going to absolutely livid about Taylor, just wanted to warn everyone. She's daring to tangle with our Lisa and I am not going to be silent about how I feel about that particular issue.

    I absolutely despise Adrienne's bitch chef Bernie, he's a friend of Cedric, that traitor.

    RHoATL: This season looks GOOD. The best of the Real Housewives franchise in a long time, a mix of happy and dramatic, rather than the ridiculous sniping we've seen across the franchises as of late.

  14. Kim's "gross" boyfriend.... well, birds of a feather wink.png Watching Kim week after week makes me want to quit ever going to a tanning salon. I'm naturally pale, so I like to go once a week, but DAYUMN her spotty aged skin is the result of years of too much tanning. Granted, I don't get nearly as dark as she did. If you check out photos of the housewives from back in the day, Kim was DARK. Like freakishly ridiculously bronzed/golden dark. Way too unnatural. And now she's paid the price for it.

    Skin is my profession. Please. PLEASE. Stop going to the tanning bed. STOP! Go get a spray on if you must, but the sun is your enemy in terms of skin cancer and wrinkling. The only safe tan is one that comes from a bottle!

  15. RHOBH:

    OK, so that annoying mermaid at Pandora's engagement party flapping around by the pool, sliding painfully down the bannisters, showing up in every scene she could contort her way into... was that Dana in disguise as a belly-dancer?!

    Ken (referring to the necklace Lisa gave Pandora with "Mummy loves you" carved on the back): What happened to daddy?! I'm paying for the wedding! laugh.png

    Kim's sketchy new boyfriend looks like Tom Sizemore out on parole.

    Sketchy Mermaid = Dana = BAHAHAHA. Likely. Dana's such a loser.

    I love Lisa's Ken, it's no surprise they're together. Just adore them.

    I really have to wonder how Kim is...addicted? Is this new boyfriend an addict too? I just don't know. Such a hot mess.

    Daytime Fan will love this.


    LOVE IT. She can actually sing. I just adore Lisa. Lisa wins again.

  16. As far as I'm concerned Lisa is unimpeachably fabulous. I don't care if she lights Brandi's cast on fire while drowning Kim in Adrienne's kitchen sink, the woman is brilliant.

    Brandi's never going to be Lisa's BFF because of the Cedric connection. And to be frank I don't think Lisa is blindly loyal to Kyle, Lisa's British, she's always going to see through a lot of the bullshit that the other women don't.

    Lisa's lived in MONACO for God's sake, all of these women are backwood hicks compared to the people she's mingled with over the years.

  17. Speaking of Melissa, La Gorga is branching away from her burgeoning music career (thank God) to challenge Vanessa Minillo in the Crack Investigating Reporter stakes. Missy got herself a gig on Entertainment Tonight, fronting a "special report which will have all America talking" (ET's words, not mine) about fat discrimination.


    I am just laugh.png And then I have to wonder what in the world happened to Serious News Programming in the US?

    Melissa Gorga is such a fame whore. Can't stand her phony ass. Really, aside from Kathy and Caroline I can't stand anyone from Jersey.

    Serious News Programming doesn't exist in the USA...thank the good lord for the BBC.

  18. That blog entry was the business and it totally validates why I became a Caroline fan. I hope she and Dina kiss and make up soon. Also it struck me reading that how dumb Teresa was during that whole Reunion. Like full-on stupid. that woman could barely form a coherent word of argument. She sounded like a 9-year-old in the school yard.

    Just read the blog. It was, in a word, amazing. Caroline totally redeemed herself as an absolute winner, second only to Lisa Vanderpump as my favourite housewife ever.

  19. RHoNJ: Loving the reunion so far because Teresa's getting her ass thrown under the bus. She's just awful. Not that Melissa isn't a piece of crap too...but Teresa's worse. Caroline just seems furious and it will be interesting to see how next week's episode shakes down.

    RHoBH: Kyle is such a mean girl. Kim is on SOMETHING. Taylor's face is melting. Brandi's trash. Dana's screamingly desperate, pathetic and a loser. Adrienne's dull as dishwater. Camille's hilarious sometimes. Lisa is FABULOUS.

  20. OMG!

    Lisa is releasing an Entertaining Book!


    I'd actually BUY this!

    I am buying this. Even if it's crap, which I severely doubt since Lisa is involved, I want her to receive the royalties so that she can buy more beautiful things and live her fabulous life.

    Dana is such a loser, she's a kiss ass who isn't above humiliating herself in order to land herself a higher place on the social rung. It's all for nothing, she's out of her league and it's unbelievably obvious.

    Taylor's a piece of crap.

    Adrienne's a nag and her chef is an !@#$%^&*].

    Kim is a MESS, but I cannot wait till next week's "Slut Pig" comment.

    Kyle's a mean bitch.

    Camille is very smart to be playing things so calmly this year. Loving her.

    Lisa is the best. Love. Love. Love. Fabulous. Permanently Sensational.

  21. IA. Gorgeous Greg rubs me the wrong way. He is to the RHONJ what dana is to the RHOBH -- a wannabe try-hard.

    Speaking of Dana, sit the [!@#$%^&*] DOWN, ho. The way she was attacking Brandi for confronting "my friends Kyle and Kim" -- didn't she just meet them last week? And the way Brandi was being meangirled at Game Night was horrendous. Camille's observations were spot-on. And why were the women so loathe to point out the obvious? Kim was loaded and not just with drink.


    Teresa, I... well, it's clear she's jealous (of Caroline's cooking prowess, of the success of the Brownstone probably) and unable to admit that her life is a hot mess. I am honestly just about done with all the Gorgas at this point. Melissa is smart but also sanctimonious and smug, and that rubs me the wrong way. Kathy... sigh. I do like Crazy Jeff Goldblum, though. I swear Teresa's father looks like he's about to punch somebody everytime we see him. So maybe time to phase them all out?

    LMAO at Ashley changing her name to "Ashlee." What an asinine change. How about tweaking more than one letter next time? She really is too stupid to live. And have you noticed how every time somebody starts talking about working, the girl starts crying like somebody killed her pet dog? It's like "Work? Horrors! Fate worse than death." No wonder Jacqueline is so over dealing with her.

    I agree with all of this SO MUCH!

    I find everyone on NJ so unlikable aside from Caroline. While Teresa is fake as all hell and jealous of everyone you have sanctimonious bitch Melissa, drippy Kathy.

    And Ashley, she really is too stupid to live.

  22. A few days ago, I tweeted to Andy Cohen: "I do believe we've reached the Moldavian Massacre in the Real Housewives phenomena... "

    His response was: "I don't but that is a funny analogy"

    I do think it's true though, this is where the decline begins...

    I agree with you, this is the decline from here on out. NJ should just end. This season's been a chore to watch.

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