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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. OC is sucking this season, so fake, so set up. Dull/

    Atlanta, still enjoyable.

    DC: No shock about Stacie and her husband, they seemed like a couple that, deep down, resented one another. I'm certain there was plenty of competition in that marriage.

    BH: Radar Online is reporting that Adrienne, Brandi, Kyle, Lisa and Taylor are all back for season 3. Bravo apparently wants Camille back but she wants to bail. Kim has quit. And Lisa's spinoff pilot has not been picked up. I want Lisa to bail now, what has she got to lose?

  2. And this is why I feel the Housewives franchise is setting into the sunset...Bravo is convinced that it's about the level of wealth that got people watching when that simply isn't the case. First season OC was light hearted and amusing, that's what got people watching.

    As the shows devolved into truly vicious scenarios with spoiled, petulant bitches parading around in the vain pursuit of fame the brand has been irretrievably damaged. Then you had the Salahi's, the disaster of Miami, Jill Zarin's tailspin and Russell Armstrong's suicide and there really has been far too much negativity for this brand to properly sustain itself.

  3. I love Melissa - for who she is. fake, over the top, fame whore, loves making tre see red. lol. plus her interviews were spot on and i did gain a lot of respect for her at the reunion, the way she held back with tre out of respect for her husband (how often can you say that about one of these women?) but still sticking up for herself and to tre.

    Oh Jack why love someone like that? A fake, over the top, fame whore who loves to make Teresa see red? That's just an all around terrible person and not someone who brings anything positive to anyone else's life.

    Melissa was smart at the reunion because she let Teresa loose and self implode, but Melissa is just as vile, she's just cleverer.

  4. ATL: like everyone's said, even a calm episode is hilarious and so enjoyable. Phaedra picking up Marlo's money for "Aiden's Pampers" had me rolling because she is naturally amusing.

    BH: Kim was a slurring mess, she's probably on a lot of medication to keep her alcohol cravings suppressed, she told Dr Paul that she's on Topomax, she's probably on something else, perhaps Baclofen (a muscle relaxant), she didn't seem sober at all. Kim needs substantial mental health treatment, as well as a reality check. She's a messy addict. Otherwise, I am so glad Dana got all but 3 minutes, she's so worthless. I never want to see her again. I sort of hope Camille and Lisa don't come back so that I don't have to watch it anymore.

    OC: I'm conflicted. Peggy's an idiot, Alexis is a hypocritical bimbo, Heather's a pill, Tamra's a dumbass, Gretchen's a fool and Vicki's a classic. It just seems far too constructed now...which comes across far more obviously because in the first season, back in the day, everyone organically knew one another. I miss Jeana Keough, a lot.

  5. It's a loss, very sad and sadly not that surprising.

    I saw the article linked to earlier than featured several photographs of her out at a club the other night. Her body took all it could take and it finally gave out.

    A tragic end to one of the most brilliant talents of the last 50 years.

  6. Really, I think Bravo and Andy Cohen need to relax The Real Housewives...the franchise is becoming way too nasty and dark across the board. They have to see that it's hit its zenith and that 2012 is going to spell declines for the 'Hos.

    Andy, personally, should watch himself on this reunion and temper his snark, he came across as an assh*le, gunning for people like Lisa and Camille, essentially giving Adrienne, Taylor and Kyle a free pass...a free pass that still didn't save them from exposing their ugly feelings. Those three are ugly women. Bad people. People I don't want to watch and that's what the franchise is devolving into.

  7. RHoBH Reunion Part 2...just more of Adrienne and Kyle showing their asses like a couple of fools with whack job Taylor denying she'd done anything to her lips (they're bigger, I can tell she's recently done them) while teetering over the edge to psychoville.

    It seemed like Andy was gunning for Camille, I have to say I really disliked him for that. Camille worked her ass off to rehabilitate her image, Andy tried to piss all over it, but she handled it like a pro.

    Lisa breezed through with her dignity.

    And then...Brandi. Brandi the brilliant, kicking ass and taking names, dropping all the info she could, particularly the damning information about Russell's email to Camille and Taylor's active role in it and Adrienne talking smack about Lisa behind her back.

    Overall, I hope Lisa and Camille quit, so then I won't have to watch again.

  8. and it is obviously true.

    I heard that they picked where to sit when they came out, and Kyle, Adrianne and Taylor quicky gathered on one sofa. These botches are like grown adult versions of The Plastics.

    They're all B Listers on that couch. Adrienne, Kyle and the worst of all, Taylor. B List Bitches.

    Wow, Adrienne is a full-on jealous catty bitch. I'm totally over her. She'll never have the class, grace, wittiness, wealth, restaurant, or cute lil' dog like Lisa. She'll never be queen bee.

    I started to be 'over' Adrienne right when the season started...this first part of the reunion cemented it. I'm done. Checked out. OVER AND OUT!

    The jealousy pouring out of this woman is vile. Disgusting. She is such a dim bulb. What she should have realised is that when Lisa dropped the slander bomb on her accusations about Radar Online (something which the folks at Radar Online have already confirmed as being bullshit) that it was time to shut her hole. But she didn't and she dug herself even deeper. Though I doubt Lisa will do anything, she could easily sue for slander and win. She could sue Adrienne for millions since her tabloid accusations could affect Lisa's restaurant business, a fact Lisa explained in plain English.

    Really, I'm disgusted with Taylor, Kyle and Adrienne. What pigs.

  9. In a new interview with LynnNChicago, 38-year-old Brandi Glanville revealed some juicy secrets about The Real Housewives of Beverly Hillsreunion — including allegations that the other ladies met beforehand and planned to attack Lisa Vanderpump during the show!

    Brandi told the website that all of the Housewives, minus Camille Grammer, Kim Richards, and herself (which leaves Kyle Richards, Taylor Armstrong, and Adrienne Maloof), gathered early and decided to gang up on Lisa during filming.

    “It was like Survivor; they meet up to go after one or the other, and so you’ll hear me say, ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t make the meeting.’ They planned it all beforehand,” Brandi said. ”They all decided to have a go at Lisa, and it’s all silly, petty stuff!” Adrienne does tell Lisa her “Maloof Hoof” comments were hurtful in one of the promos. In another, Kyle tells Lisa that it’s difficult to be her friend because she calculates every move like a chess game.

    As for Brandi, she was told to wait backstage for hours, and by the time she was finally invited into the fold, Lisa was already in tears, the reality star claims.

    While the network has been accused of manufacturing moments, Brandi doesn’t think the tirade against Lisa was Bravo’s idea at all. “No one at Bravo ever told me what to say; there was plenty of drama. There was no need for Bravo to create any,” she told the website.

    Following the publication of Brandi’s interview, Kyle Richards took to Twitter to defend herself, and slam Brand in the process: “I heard [what Brandi said]. Sad she would say that. But doesn't surprise me,” Kyletweeted.

    “I said I was asked to meet the day before,” Brandi reiterated on Twitter, followed by: “Let me know ur thoughts after u see the reunion shows.”

    Despite the drama between Brandi and the Housewives — she says the only one she sees anymore is Lisa — the leggy beauty would consider another season… if she gets a status upgrade. “I would come back but not as a ‘friend’ of the Housewives, it needs to be a full time kind of thing.” At this point, it sounds like Lisa might need an ally!

    Those bitches.

  10. Wow. Aside from one or two bad angles, Joan looks the same as she did in her Alexis heyday. So does Stephanie Beacham. She looks exactly the same! Sable is so underrated. I'm glad she gets to come back, for an ad, if nothing else.

    I was reading some Digest from around 1985 and they talk about the speculation of whether Joan is Alexis, whether she pretends to be Alexis, et al. They mentioned various stories about her. One was that she had a scene with Catherine Oxenberg where Amanda confronts her and the scene ends with Amanda having the upper hand in their argument. The scene just wasn't working, so Joan suggested that Catherine, at the end of the scene, take a piece of candy and pop it into her mouth. Catherine did, and the scene was great.

    Joan took such an active role on Dynasty, she edited the scripts if she didn't like the lines, worked with Nolan Miller on the costumes and was described by Irving Moore, one of the show's main directors, as one of the most natural actors he'd seen in terms of movement, I can't find the exact quote but it was something like "You can give her a cigarette, a glass, a celery stick, a hat and a cape and she knows exactly what to do by instinct, she knows how to move."

    Pointing out a piece of "business" for Catherine Oxenberg to do highlights that Joan, for all her excesses, is not a selfish actress.

    Alexis and Sable is one of those underrated rivalries. I didn't know about Stephanie's cancer battles either. I'm sorry she doesn't do more in the US - she was on a real run there until the early 90's. I'd love to see her pop up in some sitcoms or dramas.

    Stephanie was smart enough to realise that her career would inevitably dry up in LA as she hit her mid 40s and 50s. She sold her mortgaged house in Malibu, bought a smaller house for cash in Point Dume, split her time between LA and London and carved out a much higher profile in the UK than she'd ever enjoyed previously. She had a great run with the ITV show Bad Girls and she did an arc on Coronation Street that apparently paid $125,000.

    She has been dealing with basal cell carcinoma, arguably the least serious form of skin cancer (really any kind of cancer)...it's a result of spending a lot of time in the sun, she used to own a house in Morocco.

    I actually have a mutual friend with Stephanie Beacham, I ran into her in London last year at Selfridges when I was with our mutual friend, it was totally random. Nice lady, naughty laugh.

  11. RHoBH:

    Let's get real about Lisa and the rest of the BH Ho's...she's above them all, they know it, she knows it.

    Pandora's wedding, clearly, was used to cap off the season on a positive note rather than end with Taylor's "black eye" (FAKE) and Russell's impending suicide. It's all a bit too OJ Simpson, even with "the morally corrupt Faye Resnick" as a Friend of the Ho's...I believe Lisa only allowed the Ho's she can stomach to show up. Taylor? Puh-leaze. Lisa played Taylor just right, kill 'em with kindness, Lisa's onto Taylor's grift. Dana's a bottom feeder. Brandi's trailer trash. Kim's an alcoholic who probably would have done a face plant into Pandora's cake.

    I am *certain* that all of the Ho's will be gunning for Lisa at the reunion with the possible exception of Camille. Lisa should absolutely leave this show, she'd leave a total winner. Let your bitch flag fly Lisa, I am right there with you.


    I still find the show highly enjoyable. That said, I wholeheartedly agree that it was the Kim/Nene relationship, rather than either woman as an island unto herself, which was and remains the big draw. I want them to make up so badly, it's the only reason I really tune in. I want to see a reconciliation! Marlo's a convicted criminal. Kandi's a bore. Cynthia needs to divorce her !@#$%^&*] husband. Sheree is clearly 'hood rich' (Chanel bags, but no house) and without a storyline. The only one left is fabulous Phaedra, she is the saviour of the talking heads, she is absolutely hilarious.

    I am concerned that ATL is coming off too forced, it's just not good.


    They're on vacation number 3?! Good lord, I don't like all these trips. Give me the old days of OC when Jeana's kids fighting by the pool with the dogs was the height of drama.

  12. With all due respect, if the views of "mainstream Amerericans" are unknown, then the classification of extreme/"crazy" also cannot exist because there would then be no yardstick (other than personal biases) to compare those "fringe" beliefs to.

    That's actually very true, there is no yardstick in the United States because Americans have the unfortunate habit of relating their views only within the context of the United States. Ignorance to world affairs, social norms etc is extremely common in the United States and personal biases rule above rational thought.

  13. They shouldn't have ignored Paul either. My own belief is that he was dismissed because he didn't fit the stereotype of the war-mongering Republican.

    Huntsman may be out of step with today's GOP, but he represents what mainstream Americans want. That's why he would make a great independent candidate, and it should be noted that he has the personal wealth to make such a run.

    With respect, no one can say what "mainstream Americans" want because everyone has their own biases and everyone is influenced by the media, of which I previously addressed.

  14. Casey008, thanks so much for your post. To listen to some folks here, the mainstream media (not counting FOX News) is dominated by conservatives.

    Just a point on the "mainstream" media.

    I am not American, though I was a tax-paying resident, for 17 years, and owned property in America. Having lived in several Western countries over the course of my life I would like to make one point about the "mainstream" media in the United States.

    The "mainstream" media has been bought, sold and controlled by a very, very small group of companies, companies all with one goal in mind: to make money by any means necessary. GE, News Corp, Disney and Viacom control the vast majority of the "mainstream" media. Four companies set the tone for a nation of over 300 million. Each and every media outlet is controlled and biased by a special interest, usually profit margins.

    What Americans should be angry about isn't whether there is a "liberal" or "conservative" bias in the media because that's all smoke and mirrors, American political parties really have very few differences between them. The real bias Americans should be angry about is the bias that shrouds the truth in misinformation and lies in support of the corporate bottom line.

    True, there is PBS, the lone voice in the "mainstream" media that isn't controlled by a corporation. That voice, however, is minuscule.

    The world looks at American media and laughs at them because the ignorant infotainment that passes as news is deplorable.

    American children are getting dumber and dumber. Make no mistake, that is why the economy is in the shape it is in, Americans have become too stupid to not make common sense decisions about money, lending and personal finance. They have become massive consumers because they feel entitled, entitled to shop, entitled to buy, entitled to spend, entitled to live a life they cannot afford and have not worked for.

    The American media has perpetuated this for decades, most likely since the Baby-Boom of the 1950s. The American media, be it Barbara Walters, Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer or your local weather man in Iowa, all drinks the same Kool-Aid, what do the sponsors want? What is the bottom line? Take a look at HLN, I've never seen so much repetitive nonsense about non-news stories in my life.

    The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Australia: all Western nations, all of which have a neutral, publicly funded broadcaster, all of which are far less ignorant about the world around them because awareness of the world matters.

    Ignorance is what Americans should be angry about; not whether Rosie O'Donnell yelled at Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

    And I say this as someone who loved my time in America but also left because I didn't like the direction the country has been heading for the last 15 years. I think Americans need to WAKE UP and get educated before the US, like the other empires before it, collapse.

  15. I met that she doesnt care about her nipples being on display, LOL>

    Oh. Brandi's got a good body, so why should she care about that. She isn't a prude and I don't fault her that. However, she desperately wants to fit in and she's simply not cut out for the gig with these women.

  16. RHoBH: Oh this episode did not disappoint at all. Amazing.

    Lisa continues her unmitigated winning ways, she's just an explosion of glamorous common sense. It's obvious that she's distancing herself from the other women...AND GOOD FOR HER, those low-rent bitches don't deserve her.

    Camille. Keeping kicking ass and taking names baby, you're a winner too. She can stay so calm, so emotionless. Serene, she glides like a shark. I just love her now. I bet Kyle DID say all that crap about her last season.

    Kyle. Such a stupid cow. She's only tolerable with her children and Mauricio. And I can't believe how jealous she becomes when another woman brings up her husband. Insecure idiot. And the way she was with Brandi, what a stupid bitch. I wouldn't mind if Kyle got lost in East LA and some gang members robbed her. She's all bark, no bite and stupid. Stupid, in my book, is the worst offence of all.

    Brandi. Honestly, she's a non starter. And JackPeyton, she cares A LOT. Why else would she be wailing into Jen from Sober House's arms (LOL to Jen's appearance...Brody Jenner's mother, Linda Thompson, I actually like her and what she said about the ocean was true, it'll be here long after the bullshit Taylor's pulled).

    Adrienne. My opinion of her just gets worse and worse. She's a pampered idiot.

    Kim. She's pointless. And apparently, she's checked herself into rehab.

    Taylor. Alcoholic, histrionic, psychopathic, grifter. Some say she seemed a lot better on Watch What Happens Live...I call that damage control and classical PR. Nothing more. Plus, Taylor smokes. So she's an even bigger idiot than I thought. Everyone knows smoking is awful for your health.

    I'd like to see Faye Resnik replace Taylor and/or Kim. Faye's such a Beverly Hills type. Plus, she actually has a job. And a glam job at that.

    RhoATL: LOVED it.

    Nene. She needs to get over herself. She's going to pull a David Caruso. I just know it.

    Sheree. I've always liked Sheree because she's a generally straight shooter. Her Nene impression was PERFECT. And who doesn't love a woman who dumps her water bottle on her ex-husband because he's a delinquent child support payer?

    Kim. Good mother. Honest with her kids. Just a barrel of fun.

    Kandi. She's nice, but boring. I can't stand her mother. What an idiot.

    Cynthia. What a FOOL! And a sanctimonious fool at that. Her family is just looking out for her foolish ass. Cannot stomach Peter.

    Phaedra. Oh I am in love with her. Her one liners are delivered like a machine gun. I would love to work with her.

  17. I'm not saying she has it coming but... anybody else get the feeling that Taylor enjoys playing the victim?

    Next week another blowout with somebody else in the wrong and Taylor all hurt and crying and "finally finding her voice." :rolleyes.gif

    Kyle was shocked at Brandi's suggestion that she invite a porn star to a party to give BJ tips. Brandi should have known better. That is not the way prim Kyle and her posse roll. And while I would be shocked if a friend suggested we have a tupperware party built around sex tips, I would also secretly be intrigued. laugh.png

    Adrienne *sigh* I love you but you are so chicken. And this shoe project -- I don't feel that La Maloof's heart is into it somehow. She was more passionate about the charity than about launching her hoof collection which she claims she's wanted to do since she was a child.

    Camille. wub.png Keep fighting the good fight, girl!

    BH: There's no maybe about Taylor enjoying her victim role, she LOVES it. She's everyone's victim. She makes anyone who goes against her or sees through her act a villain. Kim, Lisa and Camille have all been in her sights because each of them saw through her bullshit and exposed an untruth. Here's my theory on Russell. It's clear to me that he and Taylor have a disastrous marriage. Maybe he abused her, I see no evidence of it, but that's what she claims. I am certain she gives as good as she gets, they are VERY evenly matched. That limo ride with Kyle and Mauricio simply affirmed to me that Taylor lied to Russell throughout the season, blamed all the other women...and then...as the premier date arrived, she filed for divorce and levelled with him about how things were going to be depicted. Russell couldn't handle it and he killed himself. Period.

    Next week's Taylor Explosion appears to be directed at Camille. It doesn't appear that either Camille or Lisa are there either.

    Adrienne really showed her ass in this episode. She isn't calm, cool, collected or smart. She's a spoiled, petty bitch. She's allowed her chef to constantly insult Lisa, made rude comments about Lisa's commentary position on CNN about the royal wedding and then has the gall to insist that Lisa is somehow in the wrong for allowing her daughter to accept a free trip from a family friend for her hen party? As an aside, the Maloof family recently lost control of The Palms due to their debt issues. They are now minority owners.

    Camille and Lisa are SUCH winners. They should both quit after this season.

    ATL: Loved this week's episode. Phaedra and the contractor, hilarious. What I love about ATL is that it has a sense of humour and heart. It's not all about negative bitching and sniping and psychotic drama. Nene's indignation about the stripper was hilarious, girlfriend shook her ass with the best of them back in the day! And Kim lucked out with Kroy, he's awesome.

  18. RHoBH. Aww HELL NO. Taylor's throwing shade on Camille? Girl either lied to all the housewives or lied like hell to Russell. Either way, she's a piece of trash.

    Adrienne's showed her ass, in a big way, in her dealings with Lisa. Adrienne must be hard up for cash and publicity, she failed to realize how logical Lisa was being about Pandora's party at Planet Hollywood.

    Kyle's an idiot. End of story.

    Lisa is fabulous. Vanderfabulous. Vanderpumping Vanderfabulous. Love. Love. Love.

  19. Anyone familiar with this series? EricMontreal?



    Ahh Mount Royal! Wikipedia says it was Canada's answer to Dynasty and I'd say that's about right...except for one thing: Alexis. Mount Royal simply didn't have an Alexis or JR, no antagonist, the closest thing was the character Stefanie who was a daddy's girl model in Paris.

    Like most Canadian television programs, Mount Royal tried but it just didn't have the punch of its international counterparts (a Canadian answer to Coronation Street, Riverdale, was another example of this).

    The one thing I'll give Mount Royal was that it looked beautiful, it was shot on location in Montreal and Paris and it LOOKED rich, just gorgeous.

  20. It would be nice if she returned for Jodie's exit.

    What happened with Darren anyway?

    Vanessa confronted Darren on his wedding day, telling him he wasn't good enough for Jodie (he'd cheated on her and she stupidly forgave him). He bolted Walford.

    Jodie's already exited! She found out where Darren was living and left Walford to find him.

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