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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. Finally saw the second half of the reunion, I liked it better than the first, though I agree that the editing was terrible and made it seem disjointed. The tone was bipolar, laughing and crying and hating. Didn't flow well at all.

    Camille: she came off great. Simple as that, she owned all her nonsense and bitchery with a tiny bit of humour. Well played Camille. She also did very well on Howard Stern and Howard tends to cut the BS right out of people, so I think, perhaps, Camille is slightly more tolerable than I'd originally thought. She might actually be kind of authentic in her shallowness!

    Kyle: she came off horribly in the first part of the reunion, but I thought she repaired herself a bit in the second half in regards to Kim. There is plenty of crap between those two sisters, both of them need a boatload of therapy to disentangle their codependent relationship and sort out their self esteems. That said, Kyle is still fun and she has great hair and adorable children and a nice husband.

    Kim: she's a harmless drunk. But let's be clear, she's clearly an alcoholic whose likely been through rehab a few times. She's a frail mess with outbursts of security and strength that highlight just how truly weak she is. That said, Kim's not a bad person. She's flawed and aren't we all. I hope she keeps herself together. Sober Kim is a nice lady.

    Taylor: just vile. The absolute worst on the show. Such a fake with that creepy silicone injected smile of hers. *Shudders*... I cannot tell Sylph how delighted I am to hear that she rents in Bel Air. That really is the cherry on top of the poser sundae.

    Adrienne: as if she was going to botch her streak of straight shooting in the reunion. Well, she did, a tiny bit, with shooting down Kim joining the Maloof family. First time Adrienne's poker face has cracked...but can we blame her? Kim Maloof? Terrifying. I'd blurt out something inappropriate too!

    Lisa: Cedric attempted to extort her. I'm glad she filed the police report and excised him out of her life. I still love La Lisa and it's just too bad that she got herself mixed up with that nasty gypsy Cedric.

    And for the record, I think Andy Cohen is terrific.

  2. I thought the ATL finale had a perfect ending. If the series ended tomorrow, I would have to say it ended on a perfect note because everyone was basically happy.

    Nene's played herself out and it seems like whatever con she had going with Greg has dried up. How they are not living on skid row I'll never understand. Her son is an utter disaster...but there she stands, still rocking her red dress, still loud and brash and in charge. Nene is about as deep as a wading pool and so she is satisfied with things as they are and that's great, I wish her well and I hope she returns to the show. She will pull a David Caruso (without the CSI Miami comeback) if she leaves, it sounds like she comes off HORRIBLY on Celebrity Apprentice.

    Cynthia is doomed with Peter, but she was happy at the time. They will be divorced in under 5 years. Done. No question about it. Her dress was dramatic. The wedding was...half baked. Cynthia is just so boring outside of her crap with Peter.

    Kandi was also dull, but I will give her this, she's not a hater. She is very fair and very calm and businesslike. Also, she's a fabulous dancer, so precise at the wedding. Her mom seems like a lot of fun too.

    Sheree came off wonderfully this season, she just became so totally likeable this year. I am really starting to think that her divorce stressed the HELL out of her and that this season was the first we got to see "post divorce" Sheree. She was happy, centred, secure. Her acting isn't bad, she's be great on a primetime soap as a nasty lawyer. You go Sheree!

    Phaedra was a breath of fresh air this season. A breath of hilarious air I should say. She was hilarious from the first episode to the last. Just amazing. I loved how she worked her life: balance between career and family. Really a fabulous dame who clearly grew to love her baby. You go girl!

    Kim was Kim and I find her funny. I burst out laughing when she brought the bottle of wine to Cynthia's wedding, explaining "Do you really think she'd have good wine with the way she was freaking out about not having a honeymoon? C'MON!" <-----line of the year as far as I'm concerned.

    Ultimately, I find the "epilogue" clips at the end the most interesting, the music was a little melancholy, just beautifully produced. Can't wait for the reunion!

  3. What a mostly boring ass reunion, bring on part 2!

    First of all, half of that was all about Camille being hated and the end of her marriage, that half shoulda been cut iun half and then half again, IMHO. I loved how they kept cutting to the others facial reactions, lol. Andy did not seem to be team Camielle either, thankfully. The little Adrianne segment and the Lisa is obsessed with sex bit seemed.. odd.

    Taylor vs Kim was timid, and i am sooo team Taylor. First of all, comestic abuse and saying your going to Oklahoma on someone should never be compared. And Kim kept going back to that, because clearly one of her handlers must have told her to say that. Kim is obviously on drugs or something during this too. That or shes just permadrugged from everything she has done. I do feel bad for her, because it seems like she has a awful life and always has, but shes just so pathetic and a waste of time on a show like this. I really want her gone from next season.

    The little bit of Kyle vs Cam we got was good. Cam also basically admitted that Kyle never said what she accused her of saying! Cam is just so pathetic, desperate, and stupid. I really can not stand her, and not in a love to hate her way, in a i just cant stand her way. I loved how she kept saying Kyle was jealous that she was being filmed and then Kyle pointed out how she got her on the show!

    Oh Jack, how can you be Team Taylor at all?! She's a psycho, evil, bitch. Kim's just a harmless drunk.

  4. Finally caught the ATL episode. It did not disappoint.

    Cynthia: boring, she's just so dull and lifeless. For a model, she has no spark at all. The marriage with Peter is a total disaster in the making, financially they sound like a disaster. Too old, haggard and (ducks) fat to be working..."I'm one of the best at what I do"...oh dear. Delusional. If you're Naomi, Linda, Iman, Cindy, Christie...okay, that comment could work...but otherwise. Just sad.

    Kandi: she was very fair in her critiques of Kim and Nene. Aside from that, Kandi is also boring. Felt sorry for her with that promo tour. It reminded me of the mall tours that the 80s pop tart Tiffany used to do.

    Sheree: she's the Ramona Singer of ATL, she went from zero to hero this season. So likeable this year. Sheree may have a schizophrenic attitude towards her careers, but she's a lot of fun and exercises good common sense and has a good attitude generally. She's a grown up with a backbone. Kadoooz (copyright Ramona Singer) Sheree!

    Phaedra: LOVE her. She's got more common sense than anyone else in the bunch, functions with logic and a sense of humour. "We've got strippers on deck..." LOL. Oh Phaedra, you have a way with words! She's so no nonsense and uses her brain. Excellent addition the show.

    Kim: I still like Kim. I find her transparent. I find her no BS. She simply is who she is and although she's a totally superficial person, she's honest and she isn't fooling anyone, nor does she intend to. She's frivolous. She's just like her single, 'Tardy for the Party'...meaningless, but still fun and in on the joke.

    Nene: she's jumped the shark. Bringing in her attack dog, Diana, was an interesting choice. Nene is becoming unwatchable and totally unlikeable. Sad. I used to really enjoy her.

  5. Sweetie is not a servant and being Kim's personal assistant isn't equative of one

    How are servants and assistants different? I'd really like to know the difference because I don't see any. They're both employees. They're both bottom of the food chain. They both involve carrying out orders from an employer.

    In my view, it's simply a case of semantics.

  6. I'm not sure if Kim's treatment of Sweetie is racially motivated but she does treat her like a servant and apparently Kim thinks it's justifiable because, according to her, the size of the check means she's perfectly entitled to.

    But...Sweetie IS a servant. She's paid to satisfy Kim's whims as her assistant. So far as I can tell, Sweetie seems perfectly fine with Kim. The only person who has an issue is Nene.

    I love Nene, but she's getting a big head and she's going to really burn all her bridges in a spectacular way if she isn't careful.

  7. WHOA.

    Amazing episode. As far as I'm concerned the best season finale of the Real Housewives franchise, bar none.

    I'm going to tackle this by approaching each lady...

    Camille: I felt oddly sympathetic for her. It stunned me that I felt a little bad, but damn is Kelsey Grammar a sleaze or what? Make no mistake, Camille deserves all of this crap happening to her, but to have a doorman check your ID because you don't look like your husband's mistress. Damn. Payback's a bitch.

    Adrienne: She is fabulous. I love how tough and strong and ballsy and fair she is. There is a lot to like about Adrienne. She and Paul are adorable, he lavishes attention on her like a queen. It is a treat. She handled everything with Kim as well as anyone else could. She gets major props for that and for staying above the fray throughout the season. She really gave it a go with being peacemaker and the voice of reason. Admirable. Now, if only she could do something about her hair!

    Lisa: She is terrific. Lisa is a straight shooter who likes to drop bon mots wherever she goes. It was interesting to see her interact with Kim, Lisa was far more sensitive to her than she has been in the past. If there's one thing Lisa doesn't like, it's weakness and that's Kim to a T. I could not believe that Lisa's suggestion to settle all the bullsh*t between Kim and Taylor erupted like it did. My only critique of La Lisa is that she was, at times, patronizing. But then, I'm that way too, nobody perfect!

    Taylor: After this episode, I feel she is the vilest person on the show. She is truly, a horrible person. She launched into an attack on Kim without a second thought and was proved to be a massive liar thanks to video flashback. Interesting that Taylor thought she could go toe to toe with Kim, it just wasn't going to go her way. Kim might be a mess, but she has a memory like a steel trap (that's an actress for you). Taylor is a social climber of the worst kind, she resents the hell out of Lisa for calling her on her bullsh*t. I think what bothers Taylor so much when it comes to Lisa is that Lisa has her number and for a con like Taylor (real name Shana Hughes) that's a cold slap in the face. Oh and Russell's birthday speech was bizarre and just what she deserved.

    Kyle: She snapped. Simple as that. She's probably been cleaning up Kim's messes for decades. It's been a long and winding road. It was low to blow the lid off of Kim's alcoholism (not that it wasn't apparent) but I can see how it happens. Kim's lashing out about a house and then having Kyle bring it down to the mat regarding Mauricio acting as Kim's protector (and financial supporter from the sounds of it) was ugly. But, actions speak louder than words.

    Kim: She cracked. Addiction is bad. Anxiety is horrible. Kim is a wreck. She hasn't gotten over the last few decades. She's just too destroyed, she's been gutted like a fish. But like any addict in a codependent relationship Kim goes back to reliable mix of emotional outbursts, resentments and excuses. I feel sorry for both of them.

    Overall, it was riveting, I look forward to the reunion.

  8. Update on DC:

    Andy said on The View that he loves Michaele, but the other women don't wanna film with her. He said they're having discussions about what to do with this show. Honestly, I have no idea why they'd want the Salahi's back. It's true they DID hijack the first season and Mary and Cat had storylines thrown out. Who knows how things would've gone if it weren't for that white house dinner re-shaping everything and the way they could use certain footage. Besides, they're broke, probably don't have a home to film and weren't popular. Why go through the trouble all over again? I would've kept the original four, added Erika then a brand new housewife and kept it moving.

    Right now they just missed Stacie's trip to Africa to meet her birth parents. I'm sure that would've been Bravo gold. Then you have Cat's recent trip to Thailand & book tour and Mary has a big fashion show coming up. All of these potentially interesting events are being missed bc they want the Salahi's (who have nothing going on)?

    Andy dodged Barbara's questions on the The View. I get the impression that DC is dead and that there is little interest, on BRAVO's part, to bring it back. Much as I despise them, the Salahi's were the big draw for that show...what would the reunion have been without them?

  9. ^^^Wow when does BH reunion come on that looked good. Who the heck was Lisa's husband talking about?

    Daytimefan what episode was the highest rated episode, are you talking about the kim/Nene fight episode?

    An I have to disagree with the person that said that kandi career is going no where, she has made several number 1 hits and won a grammy for no scrubs as a songwriter. I agree that having a solo career isn't taking her anywhere, but she's making money off of being a songwriter. Actually I think Kandi is a little jealous of Kim, for barely putting any effort towards her music career but having that mainstream audience that kandi won't get.

    I'm betting Lisa's husband is speaking of Cedric.

    The highest rated episode was the latest episode of RHofBH.

    I feel Kandi's career is going nowhere because she hasn't had a hit in years. Yes, she's financially secure thanks to her brilliant writing career...but the focus of Kandi's current activities, at least so far as we see on the show, is her solo career which hasn't happened for her while Kim, with minimal effort, has a hit.

  10. I think Nene rolled her issues to that anger management class suggestion, I really don't remember.

    I do think kim is dumb and immature because she can't sing and isn't even trying to get any better. If she was smart she would be going to singing lessons everyday so she can make a good living instead of hoing around. Kandi is giving her a step into the music industry and she's making a mockery of it,which is why I think she is dumb. She makes her money off of hoing around, when big papa went broke she dumped him and went for the millionaire athlete. She had the nerve to say Nene was jealous of her, who's jealous of someone that can't sing, hos around for a living, and wears a wig that looks a mess everyday. Why in the heck did Kim think Nene was an intern, I don't know many iterns that host their own show, most interns especaily if its tv related are behind the scenes not in front of the camera. I really just can't stand kim, I don't care if she playing up to her dumbness or not, she is bad tv.

    Well, rolling her eyes wasn't a good reaction. She needs a little help.

    What you hate about Kim is the point of Kim. She's a terrible singer, isn't getting any better and yet can release a song (her newest, 'Google Me' was done without Kandi's help) and make some money. She's never going to be a big star, it's clear to me she gets that. She puts in zero effort yet makes a splash. That's down to charisma and plain dumb luck. And really, people can call Kim a slut and whatever, but she's hardly alone in how she conducts herself. Many a socialite in Beverly Hills got there the same way (take a bow Camille Grammer!) and they're not all bad people.

    Nene doesn't have her own show. She hosts segments. And she works for the Atlanta NBC affiliate. BRAVO is also owned by NBC. Think that's any coincidence?

    I love Nene, I think she's hilarious and ballsy, but she should realise that Kim is more useful to her as an ally. They should not be rivals. It just doesn't work.

    If anyone should be jealous of Kim, it's Kandi. That poor bitch works her ass off and gets nowhere!

    Nene could be the female David Caruso leaving tire tracks behind her on her way to bigger and better only to be a non entity very quickly. If she's gone and her career tanks and they replace her with someone who's a hit she better watch out. It would be great for her if she can strike while the iron's hot and capitalize on her popularity but she better be careful how she proceeds. If I were her I would keep doing ATL while doing outside projects till I'm sure I don't need the show anymore.

    Nene will be the David Caruso of the RH franchise if she leaves. She'll be crushed.

  11. Did anyone else watch, the watch after this with andy(whatever the name of the show is) with Nene and Iman? A caller called in to ask Nene if she ever considered going to anger management class. :lol: I think Nene needs to look into that ASAP. Kim might be a dumb blonde but she's not a hot head. I'm on no one's side because kim is stupid for thinking Nene is jealous of her and her no talent career/ and Nene has anger issues.

    What was Nene's reaction to that suggestion?

    I think Nene really needs to get a grip on herself, I love her but her anger just explodes out of her when she's pushed and it's dangerous, her blood pressure will be insane and she'll end up with a stroke.

    Kim isn't a hot head, nor is a she a dumb blond, girlfriend is laughing all the way to the bank. Kim is totally superficial, but in this odd way, I find it authentic. The thing with Kim is that I firmly believe she's in on the joke that is her. She's just smart enough to exploit the potential.

  12. How do you think Susannah would have been as Sable? I wish they could have cast her in the role boring Katharine Ross played.

    That's a beautiful photo. It must be tough for Joan, as she's lost so many of those she cares about in recent years. Susannah was thinking of others to the end - there's a Daily Mail photo of her from December, about Christmas trees, and she asks that money be donated to cancer charities.

    I didn't know she was forced not to appear in 9 episodes of the last season. I always assumed that was her choice. Did they also push Linda Evans out?

    If they'd put Alexis front and center then they might have gotten some revived interest, since Alexis/Sable were a fun rivalry.

    I think Susannah York would have been marvellous, but very different, as Sable. I think Beacham was the best possible casting but York would have made the character into her own creation. She would have played the hell out of Francesca Colby, a role that Katharine Ross just destroyed.

    Linda Evans chose to leave the show, she was not pushed out like Joan was.

    'Dynasty' was just on a total downward spiral. Robert Iger wanted the show gone, he didn't think it was the right fit for NBC anymore.

  13. I doubt they would air 3 at the same time. That would be overkill. I see NJ/Miami this summer. The bigger question is what will come after. What combo of Atlanta, DC and/or BH will they have? There are so many RH shows now and they all go at least 15 episodes. There doesnt seem to be as much time on Bravo's schedule. I wonder if they will start to retire some of them. OC seems like a likely candidate bc its been on the longest. Then there's DC which didnt do so well. I think maybe they should end or at least put some on the backburner bc its reaching the point of oversaturation

    The axe will fall on DC. OC this season, from what Andy Cohen says, is going to be amazing and very heated.

  14. The other night when I was rattling off my list of Briton babes to play the mothers of Alexis and Caress/Sable and Frankie, I thought of Susannah York and Glenda Jackson from The Maids. I ruled out Susannah due to her blonde tresses, but that didn't stop me from doing a Google search and admiring her looks and resume. RIP Miss York, you were on my mind, rest in perfect peace.

    Tough day for Joan, Susannah York was a very good friend of hers since the 1970s when the two starred in a televised adaptation of the Noel Coward play 'Fallen Angels'...Susannah said this of Joan: "Joan is a superb light comedienne, it is a pity that through her career producers tend to think of her as a sultry sex symbol."


    Not for nothing, but Susannah auditioned for the role of Sable Colby with Joan backing her. Rest in peace Miss York.

  15. I can see why Joan wanted less to do in the later years, between the publicity and her side projects and the fiasco of Peter Holm she must have been exhausted. Weird that someone would be married to both Carolyn Jones and...Candy.I'll have to look for those episodes. I was never very fond of Love Boat, but liked some of Fantasy Island, when it wasn't too silly.

    That's the interesting part. Joan's reduced role in the final season of 'Dynasty' was not her doing. She was FURIOUS about it. The show's budget had exploded and the Shapiro's felt that Alexis' role could be downsized. Joan didn't appear in 9 episodes that season. At the time, Joan was the highest paid actress on television at $120,000 an episode, so those 9 episodes had to hurt.

    Joan is a worker. That said, she had told Spelling she wouldn't return if there was a tenth season because she felt the network had slapped her in the face.

    Is it true that Joan and Aaron lived in the same building in Hollywood when they were both aspiring actors? At the TV Land Awards a few years ago, they honored Aaron and had various people from his shows come out and share brief anecdotes, and hers was about how she told him if he ever became a famous producer, she'd eat her "haht." So of course she said she'd have to eat one of the "fahbulous hahts" he had her wear when they "were making Dyyyynasty."

    Yes, they lived in the same building on Shoreham Drive. Aaron especially enjoyed the shine Joan took to his daughter Tori. Joan and Tori are apparently quite friendly all these years later.

  16. Was Joan ever on any of his other shows before Dynasty?

    I have often wondered why they even had the first reunion. The show had kind of fizzled in its last years, in terms of public interest (I enjoyed the last year), and it hadn't been very long.

    I do wish they could have scenes from today in this new movie, with some of the characters. I also think it would be fun if someone paid a little money to just film a few quick scenes with Alexis, Sammy Jo, Dominique, Fallon, Adam, etc. sparring and so on. They could run on foreign TV briefly as promotion or just put together on a quick DVD release.

    Why do you think Dynasty translates more to foreign places than the US?

    Joan was 'Fantasy Island' in the 70s, she played Cleopatra. It was that role which inspired Spelling to hire Joan as Alexis. Aside from that and an appearance on 'The Love Boat' after she'd started on 'Dynasty,' Joan never worked on a Spelling project.

    Joan knew Aaron through her friend Carolyn Jones (with whom she'd done an MGM musical, 'The Opposite Sex'), who was Aaron's first wife, who he remained tremendous friends with until her untimely death. Joan knew Aaron socially and I think that's why they worked, they were friends first and in a business relationship second.

    I actually think the 60s adaptation will flop if it does get made. I just don't see the point of it, 'Dynasty' was good because it featured adults with adult toys and adult problems. Do I really care to see Chris Pine suffer? Why should Gemma Arterton be a tremendously fun bitch when she's barely 20? To basically take Blake and Alexis and transplant their personalities into younger bodies will betray the integrity of the show, insofar as the character motivations go. It'll be ludicrous to have the audience under the impression that Alexis was always a bitch, when it was clear from day one that it simply wasn't the case.

    To me, there is no 'Dynasty' without Joan Collins.

    I think 'Dynasty' translates in the foreign market so much better because the glamour it represented is still very aspirational overseas. For better or for worse, it defines the American 'success story' for the world. It highlights money, greed, power...perhaps it was a little too close for comfort in the long run once the Go Go 80s were over and the bottom fell out of the market.

    Not for nothing, but I think it also helped that Spelling sent cast members on foreign press tours all the time. Joan Collins was sent across the damn globe to promote the show. She was savvy at what she did. I think Joan, especially, saw 'Dynasty' as the career opportunity of a lifetime. Those first few years on the show, she hustled. She did every magazine, every television show (from the Barbara Walters Special to Good Morning Albuquerque), every appearance she possibly could to drive up her visibility. She branded everything she could. She worked, worked, worked. Often when other people thought she was playing.

  17. That was nice of Aaron to help Joan when she needed it. While one could say she basically made Dynasty a success, that doesn't mean he had to pay her back in kind, so that was gracious of him. It's too bad the show didn't do better.

    I'm glad to hear Joan has been taking good care of herself moneywise, although I'm sure someone would say don't worry about this wealthy woman with world contacts, she will do just fine, save your worries for others. But still, you look at how many people who were once millionaires ending up in some gutter, and you know she has done a good job steering herself on course.

    Did they also sign over their royalties for the reunions (the mini-series and then the one they did for John Forsythe a few years ago)?

    Yes, it was a very gracious, thoughtful, kind thing of Aaron Spelling to do. From what I understand, that's just who he was. Now, that isn't to say he was some pushover (he was a nightmare if you crossed him)...but if you were there for Aaron, Aaron was there for you. I think 'Dynasty' was the pinnacle of Aaron's career and I think his long standing friendship with Joan (they'd known each other since the 50s) was kismet.

    They did not sign away their royalties for the reunion mini-series (they all took paycuts instead, Joan only made $200,000 for the thing!) or CBS reunion (which paid so bad Diahann Carroll refused to do it, Joan was paid the best at $55,000, her buddy Henry Winkler was the producer, surprise surprise).

    I feel the same way you do about Joan. I'd hate to see her lowered, financially or otherwise, simply because she survived the business so long and only tasted real success in her late 40s. She hung in there, she deserved it.

    That said, Joan Collins is expensive to run. Four homes, three children, three grandchildren, constant travelling, trainers, clothes, costume jewels...the lifestyle is expensive, hence she works. She's not doing 5 weeks of pantomime for nothing!

  18. daytimefan, I think you might be out of date with the Collins contract status.

    No, I have it on very good authority that the clause is in effect for perpetuity. The Shapiro's have worked out a deal with Joan that financially compensates her. This puts Joan in a good mood, she takes to her Twitter to boost the movie a little. Very Hollywood :).

  19. That's a shame - I wonder if he did that on all his shows (aside from the gift to Jaclyn)? I guess she would have been better off selling him her residuals from Pacific Pallisades.

    LOL. In all fairness, Aaron hired Joan for 'Pacific Palisades' because of her battle with Random House that drained her cash flow, no other reason, he simply wanted to help out a friend. He paid her $75,000 an episode. She did seven, those couple of months grossed a tidy $525,000 for Joan, right when she needed it most.

    Joan has always struck me as the type who lives high, regardless of whether the money is there or not. I am aware, however, that post Random House, Joan smartened up, paid off her mortgages and has since managed her money herself in an ultra conservative manner designed by her pal Jimmy Goldsmith.

    And yes, nobody from the Aaron Spelling universe makes residuals, aside from a handful who got producer credits on his shows (Heather Locklear was a co-producer for the last few seasons of 'Melrose Place' for instance). Otherwise, nobody has residuals from the Spelling shows.

    That is nuts (and lol @Pacific Palisades Carl :P ), but I guess they all had the "bird in the hand" mentality. I mean, I'm the type who would take the yearly checks over the lump sum when winning the lottery, there's only but SO much money one can reasonably spend in a year. It's not like Dynasty has had a great syndication here in the states, it's done much better in foreigh markets. But residuals checks can be random and "paltry", I guess I can understand why they did it.

    Yes, Claudia looks like a linebacker. Or Kanye West. It's funny how much fluffier chinchilla (Dominique) is bred these days. And Nolan had the gall to use fake chinchilla for Linda Evans in the reunion (gasp!) on CBS (double gasp!). BTW, last I heard, Nolan was very ill with lung cancer. I wonder if he's doing better and if he'll be up to dress the new project. He must.

    Joan has said that they were all convinced that 'Dynasty' would not sell well in syndication because it was a serial and therefore couldn't be stripped as easily. Domestically, this proved totally true. However, the foreign residuals have been massive money makers. The DVD sales couldn't hurt either. As well, the deals the majority got were substantial. $1.5 million was nearly a year's salary for Joan and it was CASH, it's what she used to buy her villa in the south of France (a place that now would be worth $30 million, if not more, for the land alone).

    Nolan had the gall to use fake chinchilla for Linda Evans in the reunion on CBS because the outfit he did for Linda was specifically for that show. Everyone else, Joan included, wore their own clothes.

    Nolan has been dealing with lung cancer since 2006. He looked terribly ill in 2007 and 2008, but he was photographed with Ann-Margret at an event in Beverly Hills last May and he looked great, his hair is white now and his tan has faded, but he looked like himself and was no longer gaunt, he looked good. I hope he is in full remission. He never smoked and he's always seemed like a really affable straight shooter. You can watch recent videos of him on QVC's website, he has a jewellery line there.

    I found it interesting that in the HELLO! layout of Joan's London home, one of the only non-family members who is in photographs with Joan (in silver picture frames, naturally) is Nolan. She and Nolan are BFF. Regardless of what's going on with him, I am confident that Joan has a watchful eye on him.

  20. Ha, there isn't enough Vaseline and gauze in the world (love you Joanie! :P ). That's very interesting DaytimeFan, hmm, I wonder how that'll REALLY hold up. I can't imagine Queen Esther swallowed that bitter little pill without some fight, maybe she didn't see the potential in the future beyond the "moment!" that was Dinasty. Perhaps they could pull it off a la Enter Alexis with a shaded figure only referred to and seen from behind. :P As if!

    Joan's contracts were negotiated with Aaron Spelling directly, Esther Shapiro never had any say in regards to contracts...perhaps it was Spelling's way of protecting Joan, Aaron had a funny way of looking out for some of his stars: he bought out Farrah Fawcett and Kate Jackson's share of 'Charlie's Angels' residuals and signed them over to Jaclyn Smith as he felt she'd earned them since she stayed with the series from beginning to end. Interestingly, he did the exact opposite to the 'Dynasty' cast, he bought each and every one of them out of their residuals, which royally screwed all of them. Joan's residual deal was worth $1.5 million back in 1988...a lot of money at the time...but had she retained her residuals, she likely would have made $25 million at this point, considering how well the show has continued to sell.

  21. RHoBH: WHOA. Camille and Kelsey. Freaky. Deaky. Those two deserve each other. Jackie Collins is right, if she wrote what actually goes down, she'd be laughed off the page!

    I just adore Lisa. What she said to Kyle about Taylor ("I'm very straightforward I don't have time for bullsh*t") and then how she called Taylor out on her 'put on a happy face' routine was gold.

    I loved Farrah's university graduation, Kyle and the whole family was just...wonderful. Have to wonder what was up with Rick and Kathy and their children...kind of seemed like a slap in the face for them to head to the south of France the day before Farrah graduated. And those flowers were horrendous.

    I cannot wait till next week. Kim made a fatal error with pulling Lisa into the mix. She is NOT going to back down. And how everything is going to implode in the limo home between Kyle and Kim...about damn time!

    Loving Adrienne and Paul.

    RHoATL: I loved the episode. I knew Phaedra and Kim would get along once the cards were on the table. That sip and see was hilarious. I love how Sheree is, all of a sudden, the sane one!

    Nene continues to be fabulous. Her tags for 11 ALIVE were terrific!

    I HATED that jerk Kandi had on tour, what a diva. Kim's no angel, but geeeeez he was too much.

    Next week is going to be off the hook with Nene v Kim. Cannot. Wait.

    Peter and Cynthia should just call it off now. Those two won't make it to their 3rd anniversary. He is an angry prick.

  22. They're going to hit a bit of a hiccup courtesy of Joan Collins...

    In Joan's renegotiated contract of 1985 she had it artfully written into her deal that no actress could ever assume the role of Alexis, regardless of the medium or time frame in the storyline in perpetuity. Joan established ownership over the character. Why she did this remains a bit of a mystery to me, nobody watched for 'Alexis'...they watched for Joan Collins AS Alexis.

    Now, either the Shapiros have negotiated a financial deal with Joan or they are about to get a really nasty surprise from her lawyers. There is no movie if there isn't Alexis.

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