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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. LOL love those Kim images. No wonder she couldn't attend Kyle's charity event; she finally came off of a looooooong high.

    At first I thought it wasn't the right time for Lisa to try to have a heart-to-heart with Taylor about her problem, but then I thought: 1, they don't see each other often, and 2, I'm sure it was encouraged by Bravo producers.

    Even though Kim's clearly addicted to something and is a hot mess...I still love her. She's a sloppy mess, but there's something really fabulous about her, she's like an 80s soap character.

    I think Lisa called out Taylor, publicly, on camera and to her face for 2 reasons:

    1) Taylor can't use anything Lisa says to her against her since it's all on camera and all in plain sight. This is especially relevant considering Taylor's ludicrous suggestions that Lisa spoke to a tabloid about her.

    2) Taylor's clearly in denial and glossing over her nightmare of a life and even though Lisa plainly said "I'm not pretending we're best friends" she still offered help to get herself "sorted out" because Lisa's a very considerate person.

  2. Brandi Glanville's a white trash ho. HOWEVER, she is nowhere near as vile as Taylor and Kyle, who did the 'mean girl' routine perfectly, cackling like two shrews whilst Brandi hobbled around Kyle's pathetic charity event (only $15,000 was raised, are you kidding me!?)...

    Lisa confronting Taylor and Brandi, to their faces, is why I love her. Lisa is just made of win. Lisa's not wanting to be involved with Brandi right from the start is a smart move if you consider her perspective: she cut Cedric out, she wants nothing to do with anyone in his orbit, it isn't exactly personal to Brandi, it's simply common sense. Even Brandi thinks so according to her Bravo blog: "Lisa said things to my face -- although I was a bit intimated by her. I respect that so much more than behind your back gossip."

    Kim had to be on something, pills most likely, she's a mess. And Adrienne annoys me now.

  3. I think I've said it before but I think it would be nice to see some of Ramona and Sonja's real friends join. I prefer when the women on any the series are in social situations with their real friends opposed to the forced ones with the ladies they hate but are forced to invite everywhere.

    NYC: Which is exactly what I'm hearing is happening. The three women they've hired are all friends of Ramona and two are also friends with LuAnn. As much as I LOVE Cat, she's not from NYC, she's already thrown down with LuAnn on WWHL with Andy and it'd be forced to have her join the show.

    BH: I don't think Lisa's coming across as a mean bitch. I think she's coming across as a common sense bitch. Lisa sees through ALL the bullshit, including Taylor's, who, I'm sorry, is a piece of garbage, domestic violence or no domestic violence. Taylor has three aliases and was involved in Russell's business scams and was instrumental in his bankruptcy filing. She is about as clean as the driven slush. Kyle isn't a good friend, she's a moron for being suckered in by Taylor. Even Kim, high as a kite, sees through Taylor.

  4. The cast collectively said that Kelly snapped, was flown out of the Caribbean by the producers and went into seclusion for a week or two. Kelly, at the Reunion, claimed that it was "systematic bullying" which was the biggest load of crap I've ever heard, the women actually showed a lot of compassion and calm as she unhinged herself, especially Sonja.

    It didn't strike me as a surprise, but then I look at people a little differently given my training, I notice cues. Kelly screams of instability and narcissism.

    Bethenny quit out of her own volition, she was not driven out of the show, Ramona and Alex were very solid friends with her by the end of the season, which drove Jill mad with jealousy.

  5. What was going on with Kelly? I've seen people say they were freaked out by her and something about drugs?

    Two seasons ago some of the wives went on a trip aboard a yacht to the Caribbean with Ramona. Kelly suffered, in my medical opinion (though not a psychiatrist), a psychotic breakdown. She literally unhinged before our very eyes over the course of three episodes. You really have to see it to believe it. The episodes have been dubbed "Scary Island"...

  6. What bothers you most about them? Do you think they should have kept the others?

    Jill was the one who had the big feud with Bethenny wasn't she?

    Jill is indeed the one who had the big feud with Bethenny. Jill is also the one whose made every housewives life (aside from her lap dog Countess LuAnn) a living hell at the Reunions. Jill is a histrionic, delusional, nasty, tactless piece of garbage who mows over anyone in her path. She is humorless, a demented bitch and a total liar.

    Alex is a whiner and a social climber who meddled in everyone else's business, all while claiming to be using "her voice". The one thing I'll give Alex is that she always owned up to her nonsense and provided logical, cogent arguments.

    Kelly is mentally ill and a liar and does not belong on television. She belongs in a mental ward.

    Ramona, LuAnn and Sonja all have their mean streaks and all have their fun sides too. They are three dimensional.

  7. Here's the problem with NJ: not one of those women is great, I don't like any of them...

    Kathy: skeevy husband drama queen

    Melissa: spoiled dumbass drama queen

    Teresa: trashy bitch drama queen

    Jacqueline: whiner, terrible mother drama queen

    Caroline: full of herself and boring drama queen

    Beverly Hills was great this week, all the ladies, sans Lisa, continue to sink lower. Loving crazy ass Kim.Taylor's a sicko and seriously manipulative. Adrienne's lost all her coolness, common sense and sense of humor. Kyle's mentally deficient.

  8. IA with whoever said Lisa on RHOBH can withstand the "bitch" tag (unlike Camille who worked overtime to make out that she was edited that way). Lisa is smart and she can own the bitch with the best of them. I find her refreshingly honest and insightful.

    Throughout season 1 she was mentioned as resembling Joan Collins several times and I see it. I think Lisa should own the "bitchness" and embrace her inner Alexis Carington

    I'm one of those who feels that Lisa can withstand the "bitch" tag. Let that bitch flag fly Lisa! And yes, Lisa and Joan Collins might as well just start having weekly lunch sessions in Beverly Hills, they are kindred spirits.


    In reference to New Jersey: this season has sucked. So boring and it's draaaaaged on. Time to just cancel this one, it's shelf life has been reached!

  9. I loved the Beverly Hills episode, the groundwork has been laid for an amazing season.

    Camille: I'm going to love her this season...my opinion of her has changed a lot. It started when she did Howard Stern in January and as I've seen Kyle devolve I'm suspicious that all of Camille's rantings were, in fact, true.

    Kim: Still loopy as hell and I'm loving her. I cannot wait to see her go toe to toe with that "slut pig" Brandi Glanville who is about as out of her league as you can get. She's Eddie Cibrian's ex-wife. A total F-Lister. Kim looks really good too, she seems much better off without Kyle.

    Lisa: She's getting the "bitch edit" this year and all I can say is Lisa, let that bitch flag fly, baby. I will always worship at this woman's alter because she isn't fooled by anyone. She is sharp as a surgeon's blade. Love, love, love.

    Kyle: She's lost her charm. She's a spoiled, grating, fool.

    Adrienne: Another one whose totally lost her charm. Trying to be in competition with Lisa? Ridiculous. Her marriage seems to be ready to implode and her plastic surgery is horrible. Plus that chef of hers is a total bitch.

    Taylor: I have no sympathy for this deranged lunatic. Lisa has called it just right, she's a master manipulator. No wonder Russell killed himself.

  10. tumblr_lpl6uiGB5y1qb76wso1_500.jpg <- She's absolutely divine

    Lisa is a flaw free goddess.

    I heart Lisa. When my friends and I used to categorize ourselves as the housewives, hubby said I was the Lisa of the group. I took it as an extreme compliment smile.png

    Lucky you!


    A great friend of mine and I like to compare which housewife we are most like. I was told I'm closest to Lisa. Like Gray Bunny, I took that as the most extreme of compliments. Viva La Lisa.

  11. Have you heard anything about some of those rumors about Jay Mohr replacing Andy Cohen? They have died down and I guess it was just gossip, but, how random.

    Jay subs in for Andy on Watch What Happens when Andy's on vacation. Andy hired Jay, Andy's the boss at Bravo, I just don't see it happening.

  12. No, no, they can squeeze out one more year with my girl NeNe. But I'm certain this will be her last year.

    Even though I just got on the Real Housewives bandwagon, I feel like alot of these franchises have peaked; they've had their Moldavian Massacre, and now they're going to start to dwindle and die out. I could be completely wrong though, so don't quote me smile.png

    I feel exactly the same way and don't get me wrong, I love these shows. But they have peaked. When the history books are written, Russell Armstrong killing himself will be seen as the hammer that hit the nail that sealed the coffin containing the Real Housewives franchise.

    This is a good article detailing Russell's funeral, pics of Lisa, Adrienne and Kyle are present.


  13. haha, I just saw this pic


    The guy is defiently hot



    The problem is that Ashley LOOKS. JUST. LIKE. HER. FATHER. She looks like a dude! Gross! Plus, she's a horrific person and a total waste of skin.

    Interesting that Matt and Jodi are both shady characters, what a pity.

  14. Re: Taylor, when you marry for money you earn every cent. And in her case, it's a bankrupt corpse.

    Re: Russell, his family doesn't have a leg to stand on for a lawsuit, a baseless claim that won't make it past a filing.

    Re: RHoBH, I want this season up on the air now dammit!

  15. I need Gretchen and Alexis gone. My dream cast Is Vicki, Jeana, Tamra, Lynne, and TAMMY KNICKERBOCKER! Love love love that woman.

    I'm with you, I HATE Gretchen, she annoys the piss out of me. We don't even need to go there with that retard Alexis.

    I LOVED Tammy too.







    That'd be amazing.

  16. I wonder who will be back.

    Vicky and Tamra are a MUST. Those trashy bitches make the show.

    I like Gretchen, but unless her feud with Tamra progresses (i.e. not bitching about stuff that happened 3 years ago) or she has moved on with her life, I don't want her back.

    I don't think Alexis will be back. Especially, with Jim dropping out halfway through last season.

    Don't care about Peggy. But, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE drop Fernanda. She was completely useless last season.

    I wish they'd bring back Lynne. I miss her wacky ways and her trashy ho daughters.

    So far as the new season of RHOC this would be my dream lineup:

    Vicky Gunvalson

    Tamra Barney

    Gretchen Rossi (hate her, but I think she's sort of necessary)

    Jeana Keough

    Laurie Waring-Peterson

    Lynne Curtin

  17. Aw, I liked Lisa alot (I liked her husband even more! Yum, yum!!) but I had read somewhere that she declined to do a 3rd season when the Bravo producers wanted to make up fabrications (i.e. lies) in order to give her a more interesting story.

    Phaedra? I honestly don't remember an actual "story" for her, other than her talking about different booty types and the scene of her baby projectile pooping during a photo shoot. I like her, certainly more than Cynthia (yawn!) but don't remember anything significant. Guess I gotta rewatch season 3 when they repeat it!

    Lisa Wu Hartwell, if she's claiming that she declined a third season because Bravo wanted to create fabrications, is an outrageous liar. Lisa's changed her names, been convicted of fraud, sued multiple times, lost custody of her children...all sort of vile things that I'm certain she didn't want getting out in the open.

    Plus, she and her husband had to move out of their glamorous Atlanta home and into some dump in the middle of nowhere they've owned for years because they hit a financial wall.

    Phaedra, OMG, re-watch her scenes. She was just hilarious!

  18. Meanwhile, it'll be interesting to see how Atlanta fares in season 4 since NeNe and Kim reportedly do not share ANY scenes together...

    I think ATL will be absolutely fine with Nene and Kim having separate narratives because it's HONEST and in line with what transpired last season with their epic fallout. It's also useful that they are strong enough individuals, both with solid senses of humour. The same cannot be said for NYC, would you watch Jill in her own narrative? Alex? Kelly? Cindy? I sure as [!@#$%^&*] wouldn't. They're all unbearable.

    ATL has ditched dead weight castmembers (DeShawn and Lisa) without a hiccup because it kept the show fresh.

  19. IDA. I dont think it was awful. I thought each episode was entertainign enough. No need for a complere recast. Really all they got to dump is Cindy and Kelly. The others have potential. I dont think the show can handle dropping 6

    It wasn't awful, it WAS entertaining...but it was all conflict driven. After this season I have to ask, "where can they go?"...all these women hate one another, it's a Mean Girls' Club...what would the next season look like? How could it possibly work?

    Do you think if NY goes they should bring back DC or Miami, or just stay with the shows they already have, or try a new city?

    DC and Miami were both flops. Why they haven't done a Real Housewives of Houston or Dallas is puzzling to me.

  20. That's fascinating. Do you remember what was in the promo?

    I definitely recall that "thug in a cocktail dress" and the Marriage Equality March were featured...the promo itself seemed good, but it seemed that Bravo didn't feel comfortable with starting the season on time and that the show needed reworking.

    This season was crap, the only Housewife whose still remotely likeable is Sonja because she kept up her sense of humour and owned all the disasters in her life. Time for a new cast or just put this franchise to bed.

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