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Posts posted by DaytimeFan

  1. How much influence does Bravo have over the season? Don't they script the meetings between the ladies (as much as they can anyway) and edit most of the material? I wonder if they were surprised at this not getting a good reaction, or if they just did what they could with the material and they aren't happy either.

    Very early in the year a promo for RHoNYC was revealed and then abruptly pulled. The theory was that the show underwent a lot of retooling and that the show lacked something without Bethanny. Frankly, this has proven to be true and I think Bravo did what it could with the footage they had. This was definitely one of the most humourless, if not the most humourless, season of any of the RH franchises.

  2. On Twitter Andy Cohen wrote the following:

    "Thanks for all your comments about the RHONYC reunion and season. I hear you loud and clear!"

    If Andy is smart and I think he is, he'd dump everyone but Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn and start fresh. Those three get along well enough and run in a similar enough circle that transitioning them with 2 or 3 new housewives would be a breeze.

    Jill, Alex, Kelly and Cindy are just horrid in their own ways and should all be dumped.

    Failing that, just start completely fresh and fire everyone, though I do love Sonja.

  3. LuAnn's a c--t. I dont like to use that word but she is. She is the most vile disgusting bitch on all the series and worse than Danielle bc she goes in for the kill with no shame. She truly is awful. Jill kinda redeemed herself this season but she threw that all the way at the reunion. Also love Sonya! (bankrupt blonde...lol).


    NYC: what a vile group of women (sans Sonja who I just love).

    NJ: Kim G is such a pig!

  4. OC: Loved Part 1 of the Reunion.

    I really felt for Donn, Vicki treated him like dogshit and she knows it, at least she takes responsibility for herself.

    LOVED Alexis being an absolute MORON and giving Tamra the ammunition to expose their fraud. I would LOVE it if the California Attorney General's Office investigated the Bellino's for fraud because the short sale on their house was obtained fraudulently and Tamra explained each step of the fraud perfectly, her real estate license sure came in handy!

    Also loved this line from Tamra "Is your ass jealous of the sh*t that comes out of your mouth?"...very quick.

    All of these women are loathsome.

    Can't wait for Part 2, go Jeana!

  5. Bitch. She needs to be axed, she adds nothing to the show. She can take her science experiment wonder twins, her non-existent baby daddy and her brother/husband right up 5th and get waxed.

    And the idea of Phaedra giving her a dressing down is too delicious for words. She would eviscerate her.

    This week's episode confirms to me that Luann is the vilest member of this city's cast. I thought it was Jill, but no, Luann out did Jill in every way imaginable.

    Cuntess LuAnn de Lesseps is in a class all her own.

  6. I actually kinda felt a little abd for Ashley. We never heard anything about her father before this season. I thought he was a deadbeat not in her life at all. She has a whole other family and doesnt feel li8ke she belongs bc she rarely sees them. Still doesnt excuse her horrible behavior but a least sheds some light on why she acts the way she does and why Jacqueline spoils her.

    Lets not kid ourselves about Ashley. She's an adult, a convicted criminal and an entitled, spoiled, ignorant, lazy, bitch.

  7. Donald Trump takes Sarah Palin out for pizza. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393162/Is-Donald-Trump-race-president-Tycoon-hints-possible-campaign-independent.html?ito=feeds-newsxml

    This is it. It's OVER Donald. I will no longer watch The Apprentice. I absolutely enjoyed this man and all his bombastic bullsh*t for years. I thought he was hilarious and in on the joke.

    But no. It's OVER. He's associated himself within an inch of Sarah Palin.

    The only way he can salvage this is by remarrying Ivana.


  8. I never thought of the first season as gritty realism anyway. It was more real, yes, and the characters were less one-dimensional, but it still had howlers like Krystal's bridal shower where all the ladies oohed and awed over the rich man outside her apartment window.

    And frankly, Alexis is one of the most three dimensional characters ever written. Arguably, one of the greatest roles written for a woman.

  9. While we've all been a bit bored of the OC this season, the ratings seem to have been really good this season. Sunday's show actually went up 0.2 and is over 2 million, which isn't TOO far off NJ's ratings (which went down just a bit Monday night). OC has consistently been over NYC so far. Just surprised, as I find NYC much more entertaining than OC this year. Although I am pretty excited to see the finale next week :)

    I'm glad the OC's ratings have been good, I absolutely love it, even when it's a little dull, simply because it was the first, it's the original, it's the standard. I have found this season, overall, sad, like, legitimately, sad. It's all a bit tragic, Vicki and Donn's marriage collapses, Tamra is still a wreck dealing with a divorce, Gretchen's over her head with Slade, Alexis is delusional, Peggy is living a pleasant life, nothing's changed for Lynne and Jeana.

    I have to say, I've found it refreshing. Sad is real. Raw. Unedited.

    It's having a natural life cycle, this year was a DOWN year. I thought Lauri's last season had a similar tone, all her dreams came true, but her son was a drug addict and it doesn't get much more real than that and Quinn and Tammy both saw their carefully constructed existences implode. The year after was more brazen, wild, it's bound to happen next season (should it be renewed) too.

    They should really make an effort to bring Jeana and Lauri back to the fold.

  10. The latest OC was unbelievable...Andy Cohen, via Twitter, said that it was going to be "heavy in a Knots Landing kind of way" with Vicki and Donn and it WAS. I feel sorry for both of them, they just got stuck in a loveless, boring, deadly marriage. I'm glad that they're divorcing amicably, apparently Donn was really there for Vicki and the kids when she was in the hospital. He is a good man and she is a good woman, they just ended up falling out of love, not communicating and becoming terribly unhappy. That was the realest episode of Real Housewives I've ever seen.

    I like Peggy and I feel like she could really add something. The unfortunate thing is that her narrative was dull because she doesn't work, her husband seems terrific and her children are infants. There's just not much you can do with her.

    Fernanda bores the hell out of me.

    Alexis is a total moron and her dress line was horrific. So glad we all got to watch it. What a flop. That assistant of hers is bizarre too.

    Gretchen is a total pig and a piece of sh*t for what she said about Vicki missing Alexis' "couture" (notice how she says it ka-tour) show. I loved how Tamra broke it down for Gretchen: "Like, it's ironic that Vicki's bleeding out of her ass to miss Alexis party?"...that's Gretchen's logic for you. She's a hateful ugly pig, she should get married and knocked up by Slade. What a tacky whore.

    Cannot WAIT to see Jeana and Tamra throw down in next week's season finale. This season flew by!

  11. Blonde Ashley!



    She looks horrible in the last picture. Has this vagina mouth thing going on. :ph34r:

    I cannot STAND Ashley. The only redeeming thing Danielle Staub ever did was press charges against this spoiled, entitled, ignorant little bitch!

    Did you ever notice Jill's new tagline in the opening? "Good or bad, I know who I am and I own it" Um, Jill when do you EVER own up to anything? She twists history to make herself look like a victim and doesnt own the fact that she's a miserable hypocritical biyatch. Ramona, owns who she is. Sonja does too. Alex now owns it. Jill? Hell no

    I know. It's such a joke. Everything Jill does is bullsh*t.

  12. Im so behind on NYC. Just saw this episode. Jill is a hypocritical mess. Again there goes LuAnn kissing her ass and pacifying her. I hate when she does this. All she does is boost Jill up. LuAnn is like the Opal to Jill's wannabe Erica Kane

    BINGO! Wow. What a perfectly soaptastic comparison. LuAnn is such a pacifier, she props Jill at every moment and never calls her on nasty bullsh*t. Jill really is a total pig, she's such a hypocrite and always plays the victim card. Makes me sick.

    LuAnn was particularly egregious in this latest episode, confronting Ramona like that. What a bitch. I'll give Ramona this: girlfriend takes NOTHING lying down, she barrels back at LuAnn's "Dahling...oooh dahling" with such panache.

    Kelly's also a total piece of sh*t and I cannot STAND how she likes to rewrite history whenever she's confronted by Andy Cohen about the Mediterranean cruise episodes last year, she plays it off like it made some great change in her life. Like, STFU Kelly, we all know you lost your damn mind on that trip and are likely on a new cocktail of medications to keep your ass in line.

  13. Jill and Cindy make watching NYC a chore for me. I honestly miss Bethenny. Hell instead of giving her own show entirely, they could've just spliced in footage of her life with what these women are bitching at each other about and I'd enjoy it more.

    I don't so much miss Bethenny as I miss someone who freely called everyone on their sh*t. I like to watch Jill because she destroys herself in each and every episode. She can act like the victim all she likes...but we all know better and Jill knows it and it must make her soul scream.

    Cindy is a whole other story. She's worthless, boring to watch and unbelievably out of her depth on this show. I was thrilled to see Sonja put her in her place...but after that's been accomplished, there's nothing left! They need to ditch Cindy completely for next season, she's not happening. Why not bring Cat from DC onto NYC? She lives there as it is and she and Luann apparently hate each other. Brilliant!

  14. I'm curious as to what TPTB define as boring... from what I've seen, she's seems like a real sweet girl.. and quite frankly the show needs someone nice on the show. Plus, she isn't totally blonde and plastic either LOL

    You CAN be nice on the Housewives shows but you also have to be able to bring some snark or humour or sass. I can't see Fernanda bringing any of that!

  15. I also didnt like Tamra having the nerve to get mad at Fernanda for revealing their kiss to another person. Um hello you are on a reality show! Tamra herself has talked about the kiss on camera. Its not like she was keeping this thing a secret

    Another housewife set to divorce. Can you guess who before clicking the link? http://www.dlisted.com/2011/05/11/another-real-housewives-marriage-eats-dust

    Wonderful news. I hate her, glad to see her life imploding.

  16. Oh Jill Zarin... you come back from Australia and say something like "I'm a new woman and will remove myself from all the catty, petty drama, and gossip"... and then immediately sits down with LuAnn, Kelly, and Sonja and gossip and be catty!!! LOL

    Sonja is so evil this season, and I love it. She's soooo horrible to Cindy!

    Still waiting for the OC to heat up a bit... just not feeling this season too much.

    Jill really is so deluded. Love watching it, would hate to have to deal with it.

    I don't see Sonja as evil. I see Sonja as being haughty, over the top, forceful, funny and no bullsh*t. It also helps that I cannot stomach Cindy, adored watching Sonja put her in her place. There IS a pecking order, Sonja's the only one willing to admit it.

    The OC...I can understand why you're not feeling it as much and that it's lacking heat. I would say that's because it's the most "real" in that these women don't have the money and are really playing "Keeping Up With The Jones'" (aside from Vicki but she has her own bag of BS to deal with). To me, The OC is really what upper middle class America is, it's a lot of artifice and a lot of petty drama with a bit of common sense thrown in. They need to focus on how these women's lives are going to hell in a hand basket more, I LOVED watching Lynn's life go Ka Boom last year. They also need to bring back Jeana and Laurie.

  17. Alexis is the only one that comes across likeable.

    IA that Jeanna should return. Man I loved her. I dont think Lauri needs to come back though. One thing I will agree on is that Gretchen should be dropped. I dont feel she adds anything anymore and she's gotten so unlikeable this year

    Alexis and likeable go together like sh*t and diamonds. Seriously? Alexis with her biblical hypocrisy. Her douchebag husband? Her rampant foreclosures? Her debt ridden lifestyle? Alexis...likeable...really?

    Tamra is a total bitch, no doubt about it, but at least she's honest and is pretty much herself with everyone, respect be damned. Tamra is at the very least straightforward, what you see is what you get.

    Jeana is awesome, I can't wait to see her mix it up with Tamra. Jeana really WAS the OC for me, her last episode last season was almost poetic: "It began in Coto de Caza and it ends in Coto de Caza" as she drives into the sunset in her Mercedes convertible.

    Here's why they need Lauri: she brought the drama, but not with the other Housewives, her life was dramatic. Her children were dramatic. But Lauri herself, with the other women, was not. That's what's changed, the drama used to be about their lives, now the drama is all about them.

    Gretchen is just awful and dull and boring. Off with her head!

  18. You can tell they suffered a budgt cut too because then everyone ended up living in Melrose Place except for Lexi who had that cheap looking room that was supposed to be a condo at the Marina.

    Lexi's room WAS a condo at the Marina. Marina Del Ray in fact. I lived in rented digs there with friends and we lived maybe 3 blocks away from the condo they shot Lexi's interiors and exteriors in.

    And yes Jack, Lisa Rinna was perfect as Taylor, she played all that campy stuff perfectly. Recall Taylor beating herself with the door? Recall Taylor straddling Michael with "Give me your best shot!"...fabulous.

    And Amanda wins at life. I hate to say it's the zenith of Heather Locklear's career, but it was.

  19. The first two, three seasons were real, but I was entertained because the women were interesting. Now I fine myself straining to find anything to keep my interest. Peggy is forgettable, Gretchen has always bored me and Tamra tries too hard. At this point I'd keep Vicki, Tamra (for crazy) and Alexis. Try to convince Jeana and/or Lauri to return and add a sixth housewife who will add diversity to this bunch. Like the old days.

    I'm with you. The producers should crawl through beds of broken glass to get Jeana and Lauri back on the show, plus a new Housewife. Gretchen and Peggy both need to be dumped, especially Gretchen.

  20. Is OC boring or what this season. Vicki is definitely getting the divorce-edit..I don't care about Gretchen/Slade...Alexis only continues to get more annoying. Thank god Tamra is still a bitch, in the best way possible.

    The OC this season is the most "real" and thus the dullest. The women don't have the cash, they don't have the wars and they don't have anything beyond Coto.

    Tamra and Vicki are definitely the ones who are carrying this show. Alexis, Gretchen and Peggy are boring and stupid.

    NY is fierce. BH is fabulous. NJ is trashtastic. ATL is awesome.

  21. Anyone know how she feels about the OLTL cancellation?

    I bet she flipped her wig when she heard AMC was canned.

    You know what would be AMAZING...if Wendy could interview La Lucci in a style reminiscent of her Whitney Houston interview!

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