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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Basically exactly what you said. I do believe adrinne recommended Brandi to bravo. They were very close friends I believe. But yes Brandi didn't join her against Lisa. Really Adrienne's attacking Lisa started the Lisa/Brandi friendship. They were so attacked at that reunion they became allies and a real friendship began. Adrinne didn't like this and wrote Brandi off and started to attack her so brands fought back. A wise person would never turn a trusted friend ino a bitter enemy. ESP when that friend is act first think later like Brandi Newhart Brandi outed about Adrienne was totally wrong and there's no excuse for it but at the same time Adrienne did cause all of this.

    Thanks. Decided to do an internet search on this, too:

    You became a regular on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast on season three. Tell me a little bit about that.

    BRANDI GLANVILLE: I started in season two as a friend of the housewives. I was a friend to Adrienne Maloof, which is kind of ironic because we’re definitely not friends now. It kind of just jumped off from there. There were such fireworks that the producers decided to make me a full-time housewife in season three. We just wrapped season three, [and] we also just shot the reunion. It was really, really good and hard—all at the same time.

    Let's just jump right into it. What happened with Adrienne Maloof?

    BG: Okay, well, it’s hard because a lot of the stuff that happened between her and I didn’t happen on camera. She decided after the reunion last season that she didn’t want me on the show. So she offered up all of these glamorous people to Bravo and was like, “Brandi’s trash. We don’t want her on the show.” She started putting out really nasty press about me, as a parent and as a mother. And, you know, I have a really volatile relationship with my ex-husband, so I don’t need that kind of press floating around. Plus, I’m a great mom. I know that, one hundred percent, so I took that very personally.

    Given that she’s the one that brought you onto the show, what made her want you off?

    BG: I didn’t know that at the time […] they told me after, but she wanted to go against Lisa Vanderpump. I, at the time, didn’t know Lisa Vanderpump that well, but I didn’t understand why we needed to have a meeting and talk about going after different people. At the reunion, I kind of brought that up, and she was having a go at Lisa. When I came out, Lisa looked devastated. I wasn’t even that close of a friend to Lisa, but I was like ‘This is not cool.’ You just don’t do that. I brought it up and I said, ‘This isn’t right.’ I said a few things to her, and ever since that moment she was not having me. She just didn’t want me around anymore.

  2. Adrinne wouldn't add anything to the reunion. She'd just make vague statements and blow everything off. Like she does with Yolanda next. Faye would def try but she's such a try hard and can't pull it off so I'm glad she ain't there. I really don't think Brandi is trash. I think that's bullshit and a bit sexist tbh. She was committed to her marriage, is a good mom, a very well traveled former model who did well. She may not be a BH millionaire who is phony and proper, but being blunt and flirty doesn't make on trailer trash. I think her friendships with Lisa and Yolanda speak volumes about who he really is and her character. Lacking tact doesn't equal being trash.

    I agree about Adrienne's confrontational tactics. She's like a far less "stealth" Kyle or a far less "articulate" Faye in terms of pot-stirring. Faye just confuses me because I don't know if I I love to hate her or just hate her. And, yes, she's obviously spot jockeying more than she's naturally causing drama.

    Weren't Adrienne and Brandi friends last season? Maybe not friends, but Adrienne didn't appear to be as mean to her as some of the others. What exactly happened? I know it's probably been explained but I don't remember. I lost track. I do know that Adrienne asked Brandi to participate in the Lisa lynch at the Season 2 reunion and Brandi didn't and this all stemmed from that. I remember Brandi didn't have it easy at the reunion but it was more of a Lisa bash fest. Did Adrienne get mad and start talking crap at Brandi for not joining in (and ratting her out) pissing off Brandi? Read: You're either with us or against us. Did Brandi just decide Adrienne was no good after the call to arms and start talking crap about Adrienne?

  3. but then shortly afterward, she had no real story for Edmund/Maria, and the addition of Kelsey into the baby saga felt like a poor man's version of Brooke/Adam/Dixie, and Covina felt like a complete crap version of Edmund's struggle to prove he was a Marick.

    Kelsey story was Lorraine Broderick.

    Everything after Del, the Senate race, and the infertility was Broderick.


  4. Just watched the linked Preview clip for BH. Dang. So is Faye judging Brandi as a potential husband-stealer for possibly making out in a bathroom at a party OR is she saying the guy she was making out with has a wife? I can't wait for the blogs. I do like Yolanda shutting it down and saying "say it to [brandi's] face" and then asking Adrienne for details to her claim to which Adrienne went all "you know, uhm, uhm."

    That reunion would be so much better (not that it won't be good) with Adrienne and Faye there trying to stir s--t. Too late.

    Yay for Nene on Glee. That's her best fit.

  5. Hee. Oh, Kenya.

    I liked Kenya in the Kenya versus Phaedra wars but she's becoming a little hyper-emotional ("you cut me to the white meat") and it's a little off-putting. That's making me miss the Kenya that was putting down all those wannabe models and I hated that Kenya or I thought I hated her, lol.

  6. At least half of these ladies weren't born with a golden spoon in their mouth. The difference between Brandi and the rest of them, right now, is that Brandi didn't marry a rich enough person for a divorce to work out in her favor (Camille, Taylor) and she's not a millionaire independently or due to her husband, yet.

    I'd compare Faye to Taylor more than I'd compare her to Brandi with the making money from dragging the dead "loved one" angle - except I don't dislike Taylor like I dislike Faye.

    The major problem with Faye is negative association from one of the most polarizing trials in American history. I think with Taylor possibly getting the axe (--> I wouldn't mind if she didn't get the axe) and Camille possibly quitting, they have room for a Faye like person in the cast. The OJ association makes me feel queasy though and she might not be right for the brand from that angle. I think Brandi talks smack (and talks without the filter) but I don't feel Brandi is a trouble maker as much as I just feel some of the rich people are using money against her because she isn't rich. Essentially, I think Adrienne wouldn't (and hasn't) threaten(ed) to sue one of her richer friends for talking (accurate) smack. Essentially, I think Kim and Kyle act ghetto from time to time and get away it with because they consider themselves higher class but then call Brandi out on any ghetto antics because she's literally lower class.

    Yolanda is going off on Kim (and Kyle) again in her blog. She's not really going off, but it's just weird to here her harping as much as she is. Something about them must have scratched her butt bad at the reunion or in the last episodes. It looks like [the sisters] are going to somehow draw up people as enemies of the Richards sisters by seasons end in relationship to Kim's issues. Yolanda also mentions she first realized she was having issues (lyme disease) when she couldn't easily smack down Taylor with her verbal skills in this past episode.

  7. Dana Wilkey?! Um Why?! Surprised that heifer didn't tell us how much her drink cost!

    And for her to tell Taylor, of all people, that Brandi doesn't belong in the group? Bitch, please! Taylor has been in the wrong zip code for quite some time now, and it's not like Dana is part of the damn group anyhow. Don't try and suck up to Adrienne. That fool went out like a chump!

    She's jealous Brandi got promoted and that she didn't.

    I loved how they did the editing of that scene. After saying Brandi doesn't belong they show Dana looking like a rough addict and Taylor looking at Dana like "the irony of that comment with yo messed up a--."

  8. I do agree. It could have been really interesting (complicated) if they went with the original plan as well: Kendall. There would have been lot more internal and external conflict for many of the characters in terms of the story pillars of rape stories and with the character histories.

    I thought Bianca was the less predictable choice though. I like that they turned a rape story into a love story. The rapist remained the vile, evil villain despite the terminology "love story." I liked that it wasn't your normal rape story and it was more about coming together and made stronger rather than being torn apart and made weaker (well until the long-lasting babyswitch) even though there was a certain simplification to it all. As I've said, I just know, for me, ultimately it wouldn't have been worth Kendall's early neutering. The chances that it would have been a considerable neutering - even with a great writer at the helm - were too high. That all adds up to why I really can't muster up considerable conflict over the choice. There are definitely times I go "what if...?"


    I do think there was a change in the Erica and David story, though, I agree. It sort of reminds me of what happened with Ryan/Kendall/Greenlee. You really felt McTavish was going for Kendall & Ryan and then it was suddenly all about Ryan & Greenlee (not that I'm comparing Jack and Erica the abysmal Rylee) and it was odd. I don't think it was the Cambias-story aspects that were changed, obviously, as much I think it was how far they were originally planning on taking David and Erica as a pairing. I wonder if the change was all McTavish or network dictated.

  9. I have always been a little conflicted about the switch from Kendall and Erica to Kendall and Bianca. I really was pleasantly surprised by just how much I liked the Kendall and Bianca dynamic (the clinic scene is one of my all-time favorite scenes ever on a soap), but it was Erica and Kendall bonding that I - and so many others - had waited for all those years. McTavish did give "a side" of Kendall and Erica. In addition, she also did manage to extend the Erica and Kendall issues (the love-hate pull and push) and I'm always pleased when you can extend that sort of entertaining conflict for as long as AMC managed to. I don't know that it can be said that Erica solely decided she loved Kendall on protecting Bianca. They had been bonding off and on and uneasy during the other writers reign. And it wasn't suddenly just rainbows and crazy love once Erica said "I love you." I actually had wanted more in terms of seeing the words being translated into actions but McTavish had moved on.

    I'm a little less conflicted about the switch from Kendall to Bianca for the rape. I think I'm glad they switched the rape from Kendall to Bianca. It gave Kendall an extra few years of being feisty and bitchy. Had she been the rape victim, I don't know if that would have remained the case. On soaps or really on any genre, the rape victim is often castrated. It's often used as a tool to teach a "bad girl who likes sex" a lesson in some ways. The thing with Bianca is they literally turned her rape into a storyline about love or a love-story (the entire town coming together for a mutual cause) - something they wouldn't have been able to write with Kendall as the victim. Bianca could have easily gone from the end of the rape story to a romance with Lena as their was no stigma due to Bianca not changing much and the story moving so far from rape in a lot of ways. The writers instead went to the baby-switch with Frons prodding. A baby-death and Bianca was now crushing on the straight Babe and her baby, "Bess."

    I never really felt they were staging David as a significant part of this story. It was always clearly a Kane women story with the possible love interests for all of them being of a rather distant secondary importance. They just wanted everybody to be a suspect but with the clear indication that it was either Erica or Bianca who did the murder (and forgot it) due to Kendall doing this huge cover up with Boyd's help from the start.

  10. Michael tries to rape Kendall:


    Erica & Kendall decimate Michael:


    This is the episode to blame for McTavish's return. Not that I think of McTavish returns as something bad wink.png She was consulting for AMC or ABC Daytime but then she said she saw the moment in the episode with Erica hugging Kendall and she was all "I want to write scenes like that" and then she proposed they do the rape storyline with Bianca instead of Kendall and TPTB's liked and she was back. Michael tries to rape Erica:


    McTavish's first episodes back:


    (Carl, this is the actual rape episode. Part 2 of these clips. The clipper separated the scenes.)


  11. Yolanda seems unhappy with Kim in her latest blog. She repeats the following a couple of times:

    I tried to be a good friend and support her but all was forgotten once we were back in L.A. Funny how quickly some people can forget sincere acts of kindness.

    On the other hand, she wubs her some Brandi:

    Seeing B and I skipping along the Seine just made me so happy because that's what girlfriend time should be like. It was probably the first time you saw the real me with my guard down because she makes me feel safe to be myself.

    I have been quite reserved, probably as a defense mechanism. It has taken me time to trust and figure out who has my back in this group.

    My time with Brandi in Paris was my favorite time of this whole season, we have so much in common and I just love her honesty she is a good woman and we have been great friends ever since.

    It's a 6 page blog. So there's a good bit more at the Bravo site.


    Watching the video previews for next week's RHOBH:

    The Kyle & Kim scene, aww. Kim seems a lot more together. She tells Kyle she had accidentally mixed up her medications a few times. She also admits she has to get thicker skin about people doubting her because trust is something she has to earn.

    Taylor and Yolanda. I'm not totally hating Taylor in this. She's trying to apologize but Yolanda is being all don't dare insinuate anything about my man... She wasn't really. From the clip all she said was her friend had told her stuff about Yolanda during the divorce process and she was reacting off that - and she was trying to apologize for judging her without really knowing her.

  12. It appears she trying hard to recover. Lisa is talking to and about Kim like she's not even in the room. It felt to me like Lisa was enjoying causing drama surrounding Kim more than she was actually concerned for Kim. I do think Kim is too hard on Kyle, on the other hand.

    Sure, Kim should understand that people will question her behavior due to her past but it's easier said than done.

    And don't act like if you had a party ready at 9, you wouldn't be pissed if bitches rolled up at 12.

    1 hour, you'd possibly get in.

    3 hours, midnight. I'm not going to even acknowledge you dropped by and tried to enter unless there was a major traffic issue.

  13. She was simply saying that the last episode she saw of Beverly Hills she saw Lisa getting read at the dinner table.

    When you say somebody got read you're taking a side to a point, otherwise it wouldn't be a reading they received. You'd say something like I saw "Lisa and Kyle (or Camille) scratching." I think even Andy was a lil shocked. He was all "did you say red? ... Oh 'read,' interesting..."


    Lisa was being obnoxious during this episode concerning Kim. I like that Yolanda and Brandi didn't join in to her stirring the pot. I'm not mad at Lisa but she needed that figurative "shush" from Yolanda.

    Brandi and Kim getting along well is sweet.

    Just when you thought Brandi wouldn't do anything inappropriate during the episode. Cherry sauce. F.U. Porn, lol.

    Kyle forcing Lisa to profess her undying love and Lisa mocking her in her diary session? Bwahah.

    Nice episode.

  14. Nene trying to shade Lisa on WWHL but doesn't even know what she's talking about. Lol. So basic.

    She's just jealous Lisa got DWTS and her "superstar a--" didn't. She has to settle for NBC wages which must be somewhere near minimum by now.

    I love Nene but she's kind of pissing me off, but in a totally good, fun way.

  15. Someone said it a lot of pages back that this show is so good bc these ladies are like drag queens in biologically female bodies. wub.png

    The season had been sucking up until tonight. When these girls get back into drag, they're really good!

    NeNe: "It's about time Kandi fussed with somebody she needed to fuss with bc Kim has read Kandi fo-re-al"

    I'll give Nene credit for that one. Kandi has a lot of mouth for Nene but has none for her user Kim.

    Nene on RHOBH: She states she doesn't watch that much because she's so rich and famous, basically *rolls eyes* She did say the following though: Lisa got red (in Vegas). Lisa got read (in Vegas). What?

  16. Thank you to Nene for finally earning your RHOA pay-check this season.

    Nene is going off on these ladies on Twitter, again. Her anger at them seems a little OTT. Is that just for them being 3 hours late? I get her not allowing them in for that, but why the continued hating?

    Porsha's comments about her man "letting" her do this and "letting" her do that? Ugh.

    Phaedra's ho and cray-cray comments about Kenya are not even funny and very pot/kettle.

    Andy asked Nene to do improv. Say something nice about...

    Phaedra: Who? ... Smart.

    Kenya: Even Smarter. [i'm surprised she used Kenya to slam Pha since [Nene's] going at Kenya on Twitter]

    Porsha: Slow [Andy reminds her she has to say something nice] Great Hair.

    Cynthia: Great Friend.

    Kandi: *long pause* Can Sing.

  17. Kyle doesn't need an ally cuz Lisa, Brandi & Yolanda don't attack her, don't hate her and are not out o get her. They just call her out on her [!@#$%^&*].

    I'm sure she can also get along with whoever they bring in.

    I agree but what if they all start getting along? We need a Faye like character for Kyle because I don't want Y/B/L to ever break-up on-screen.

    Not Faye though. Please. It's been said bravo wants to up the glamour and class on the show cuz it's what ppl like most and Faye is just trashy. They already have Brandi who isn't exactly top of BH food chain.

    That's why I'm not seeing Faye as a lock - those rumors. Brandi is considered "poor" and "trashy" in terms of RHOBH although some of the richest of these women do adore her. On top of that, adding "the morally corrupt" Faye wouldn't help in terms of attracting really rich name -itches.

    It's not like I want Faye. It's that I want a trouble making Kyle ally. Camille could have worked but it never made sense for her to side with Kyle outside of it being scripted.

  18. I can't stand thirsty Faye either, but I will take her on the cast bc Kyle will play the victim if she has no other allies and "ain't nobody got time for that!"


    And as much as I love Lisa-Brandi-Yolanda and believe nothing could change that, it's never good to be THAT on top (3 against 1) in scripted/un-scripted drama. It needs to be at least equal. Plus, there needs to be conflict as they all can't be getting along and Faye would add that.

    on a side note, I love that Faye's name is being tossed around as serious contender to join! Girl's been working on this for three years...lol

    Too bad the crazy psychic chick Alison hates Kyle, too, lol.

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