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Posts posted by Angela

  1. I have Time Warner Cable here in Queens, and I consider myself lucky to ever see more than black screen on CBS and Bravo BUT I finally got BRAVO back. Yay.


    When did Kenya and Cynthia make up?

    I was on Kenya's side with the exercise video. Phaedra ultimately got the better distributor, but it was weak of Phaedra to try to ride Kenya like that with no intention to really give her any cut. The exercise video arena is big and there's room for everybody.

    I also agree with Nene, most girls are not aiming for a donkey butt...

    I didn't want to like her, but dang it ... I do like that crazy Kenya. It's that whole underdog syndrome.

    Kandi is so becoming the black Vile Richards.



    Ken standing up for his "mistress"? sweet. Ken and Lisa still rock my socks.

    Brandi, too... She's right about that new HW being mean to her husband but it ain't really her business, so.... She's obviously telling that HW the preview line: "your husband is obviously more in love with you than you are with him." They made it look like she told Kyle that. She needs to learn to censor herself just a little bit. New HW didn't have it out for her or anything and I'm sure she's not telling her that to start something (it's more of an honest observation) but still...

  2. Before the tour started, I was preparing to be disappointed because YouTube wise nothing could top the Blonde Ambition Tour and the Confessions Tour for me - but this is up there. Going from that first dark, dark section to the Masculine/Feminine section to the final Section with Like a Prayer and Celebration? Perfect. Love when she gets the "Holy Spirit" during LAP. It's INSANE in the best way possible. It's OMG INSANE at a stadium.

    When she tours again, I'm probably going to do all the NY shows. There's so much going on that you're really not seeing and experiencing it all in even 1-2 showings.

    I definitely think anybody who can go see Madonna needs to do it at least once.

    Me too. Even if you hate her or her latest album AND even with the fact she doesn't start her concerts until 10:45 PM no matter what day of the week. Woman can ENTERTAIN like few others.

  3. Went to the 9/8 Yankee Stadium date. My first concert ever - Madonna + Yankee Stadium = Amazing. (I don't really count the concert I saw at Flushing Meadow Park in Queens when I was 10). It was the day a tornado hit down in some areas of New York. I partially decided to go because of the weather. Madonna put Holiday into the set list that night. Like a Prayer is sooooo unbelievable in a stadium. Had to put the phone down and join in the sing and dance along.

    Holiday (along with Open Your Heart, Masterpiece)...


    Like a Prayer snippet...


    I went to MSG on 11/12, too. LAP was the highlight of Yankee Stadium for me. It was Like a Virgin and Love Spent for me at MSG. Love Spent is so emotional. Outside of that part, the toy soldiers in the air look so much more wild in an arena. They looked like toothpicks in a stadium. I bought a VIP package for MSG but they put me in an awful seat so they apologized and sent me down to the 100 level from the 200 level. Yay.

    For some reason, I got over 30,000 views on Madonna stripping for Sandy Relief. Better numbers then some great close up videos from 11/13.


    Like a Prayer at MSG.


    Will post a couple more video from MSG in a posting to follow. Got the first 30 minutes of the Tour in those videos.

  4. Teresa's complete and utter patheticness when it comes to Joe is hard to watch. I'm at the point where I don't feel sorry for her. She's asking for the misery that being with Joe is causing her. IMO, despite Caroline being a meddling troublemaker who holds a lethal grudge once you cross her, I do feel it's her issues (denial, etc) with Joe that have led to so many of her problems in her other relationships.

  5. For ICLI it's Cara Castronuova who was a trainer on America's Biggest Loser and who is with Green Key Management (the mngmt company of the guy who created this comedy). I wonder if Cara had some not so good stories about Jillian Michaels? You get the vibe the comedy is loosely based on a true story, hah.

  6. I know there's very few people who saw SMG's Kendall in a sympathetic light, people either hated her or loved to hate her. I remember all the I hate Kendall letters in the magazines. I know I did not have the popular opinion - most people saw her in the same light as they saw RB's Greenlee. I personally didn't see her in a much different light than I saw AM's Kendall. She was a little darker and meaner than AM's Kendall but I still thought she was just a hurt kid looking for love (something to fill this hole she had, no pun intended) in all the wrong ways.

    When Erica had a breakdown at the hospital and it came out that she'd stabbed Dimitri, Kendall said to herself something like, "Well, Dimitri, you got what was coming to you. Now it's Erica's turn" and then dropped a few innocent comments to a sedated Erica about the police coming for her to try to rile her up.

    Yeah, yes but she didn't think Erica was going to stab Dimitri. She didn't know how that would unfold. She was dumbfounded about how that situation went down and then went into self-protect and vindictive mode.

  7. I wonder if they should have just kept her age ambiguous, like they often did with Erica.

    IMO, that's sort of what they were trying to do but they were clearly writing her as a teenager (and she looked like one) thus so much of the audience showing off their math skills.

    CL's Charlie, never liked him. I didn't know what age he was supposed to be, I just didn't like him, lol.

  8. The scene before that one was Kendall basically throwing herself on Erica's mercy at Enchantment and begging Erica for a second chance. Erica told her that Kendall wanted more than she could give, she wanted Erica and everyone else to play assigned roles in her fantasy, and it just wasn't possible. She told Kendall that Alice Hart was her real mother, and she should go home to Florida. It was obvious how much this conversation hurt Kendall, and yet, it's hard to feel completely sorry for her when she'd spent MONTHS trying to break up Erica and Dimitri.

    I don't remember her spending months trying to break up Erica and Dimitri before the stabbing. Yes, she had developed a crush on Dimitri somewhere along the line and started acting on it but it was kind of kids play.

    I think what made Kendall almost intolerable for a lot of this period was that she was SO massively immature. It would have been obvious from the adoption papers and from Kendall being a huge Erica fan that Erica was only 14 when Kendall was born, and thus the explanation for adoption was pretty evident. Yet the anger she had at Erica for the adoption was SO huge. Then Kendall's unwillingness to accept that she'd been conceived in rape - most women don't lie about that sort of thing, and despite Erica's rapist claiming that it was consensual, duh, she was 14. She was too freaking young to consent! Kendall was supposed to be 23 or 24 by that point in the show, and yet she's behaving like a 15 year old. She doesn't buy that Erica was sexually naive and inexperienced the night Kendall was conceived, and yet Kendall is "traumatized" by consensual sex with Anton after Dimitri turns her down? Really? I am about the same age as SMG, so I was in my early/mid teens when I watched all this the first time around, and it felt like Kendall was written/portrayed as much younger than she was supposed to be

    See, that's the thing, the show was writing her as a teenager when she first came in (living with Erica) and I saw her as a teenager. The math not working never bothered me because I loved the story, because I loved the concept and probably because I just turned 13 and didn't really give a bleep about the math. They initially wanted us to ignore the math for the story and I think the story was good enough to do that for. I understand a lot of people can't do that. I know it bothered a lot of people through to the end. I was more bothered by them trying to tell me this KID was 23 or 24. I remember, after months of the audience compaining about the math, McTavish sarcastically putting out in Fall Previews that we'll discover Kendall is a 23-year old virgin; very repressed. So no matter what AMC ended up telling me 8 months in, I had seen a kid with issues (probaby never feeling like she fit in) come in and become a kid with even more issues. That's why the story worked. That's why the redux with Ethan and Zach didn't work for me - we saw Ethan as a well adjusted young adult (he looked one, and he acted like one) for months and then he regressed into a 16-year old for most of the rest of his run because his daddy didn't admit he was his daddy.

    I couldn't stand Kendall much of her last year with SMG in the role myself because it was just bad storytelling (sort of like it was hard to look at Kendall during the summer of 2004 with the story going on). Erica and Kendall were no longer having scenes together so there wasn't much to save the story of Kendall's never ending vendetta and Erica's never ending lack of acceptance.

  9. Dimitri rejecting Kendall and Kendall flipping out completely is posted, as is her going to Anton and having sex. The way it's shown in the clips, it looks like she starts hatching the revenge plan as Anton drifts off to sleep.

    The last time I watched the scenes was almost 20 years ago. I can't find it on YouTube, argh. 13 at the time, I just remember Kendall looking shaken after sleeping with Anton and then ending up by Erica and I remember feeling she really just wanted to talk to Erica but that went wrong. It went wrong half because she wanted to make them all pay for their rejection (revenge) and half because she noticed Erica was picking up on something being wrong with her and was concerned (warm attention).

    Maybe I had rose colored gasses on at the time.

    ETA: Found clip, I'll be back with commentary in a minute or ten.

    Yeah, watching that, I do think it was rose colored glasses. She definitely came up with that plot right as she sent Anton off to sleep, you can see the wheels spinning. I can see why I saw it the other way back then though - her emotional state before (Erica's rejection, turning to Dimitri who had aways to that point genuinally cared about her, then Dimitri's rejection), how dead inside she looked after except when she was placating Anton and I think when she said she didn't want to do it (it was her first time) she kind of meant it about sleeping with Anton to a point.

    I liked Anton and Kendall a lot in the beginning but damn did he become so, so, so bitter. He became bitter due to Kendall using and abusing him (and Dimitri's lie) within her Erica obsession, but still, lol. Kendall: "one night of mediocre sex" Anton: "it'll get better" Ouch, lol. He was tired! They shoud have brought an Anton recast for Kendall after Zach's death. That would have made much better built in story rather than throwing Griffin in there.

    The first half of this clip is the reason that they were my favorite non-couple on AMC ever (with AM in the role too). There's this really intense push and pull, the way it goes from hot to cold in a second. They're a complete mess when it comes to each other. When Erica is "stop hurting yourself" you can tell she cares a little (at those moments she probably sees her own unsuccessful quest for Eric's love) but then in the next breath you can see that with every fiber in her body she wants Kendall to stop begging her and go away NOW so she doesn't have to deal with the tragic past herself. And it's hard to dislike Kendall too because she's obviously looking for something emotionally that wasn't fufilled for whatever reason and getting stomped on like crazy:


  10. Didn't it later come out that they were kind of a mean girl clique behind the scenes on the show?

    Sydney Penny admitted to the "mean girls" stuff (implicting the other 3) in one of the big-sized soap magazines. She felt terrible about it.

    Yay to the soap or SMG fanatic putting this stuff on YT. I aways correct people that Kendall did not leave Bianca alone with Richard when he did that - that she came over to talk to Kendall without informing Kendall - and now I have proof. AM became my favorite Kendall, but I did and do love me some SMG in the role too. I'm one of the few who aways thought Kendall had redeeming qualities even with SMG in the role. I remember portions of these episodes. Kendall goes to see Erica after this to come clean sincerely and Erica plays her to make sure she shows up in court so she can throw her to the wolves. Sniffle. The reason I loved Kendal & Erica though were those little moments in between the epic wars. I wasn't completely sure Erica was going to throw her to the wolves for a minute, she seemed to get it for a minute and, of course, Kendall was just an impulsive kid acting out terribly when she was hurt and also acting out to get attention. When she'd see the light there would be barey a soul there to give her a chance.

    Do they have the scenes where she tells Erica she was raped? Kendall totally went to see Erica because she was a litte disturbed after her first sexual experience but she ends up making that story on the spot for Erica's warm attention, maybe to test her. When it spirals she throws Erica under the bus.

    OMG. It's a catchy, sweet song but damn, almost every episode in the Fall. They even put in credits for it. LOL

    It's a nice song that AMC made me hate.

  11. Teresa, Joe, Joe, Melissa - so much fun together.

    I hated the preview. Why can't Teresa's Joe not be a (cheating) bastard? Sucks. I'd want their family to have their own show if it wasn't for cheating-hoe Joe (which turns Teresa into turnablindedye, stupid T).

    Caroline sucks but kudos to her for managing to keep her mouth shut for once.

  12. I'd like to see how Teresa is without Joe (thatshisname?), not that this is a scripted drama where I can send in requests (eh, lol). I feel like she stands in her own way and a lot of that may be because of her husband Joe's voice in her head. Some of it is because she's more than a bit dense. There's definitely an element of trying to isolate her from her family. Joe/Teresa give me abusive relationship vibes big time, not physically but emotionally. I get why her family can't exactly let go of her in this situation. She's obviously going through something.

    Jaq/Caroline, eh. They're too intrusive. It's none of Jaq's business what's going on between Teresa and her brother Joe (thatshisname?). She was making it so personal when it wasn't about her. What's between Teresa and her bro is between them, stay out of it. Caroline? This woman thinks she should be prayed too but acts like she doesn't think that which is clearly an act.

    I'm back to a place where I like all the ladies but I'm also often not thrilled with their choices.

  13. This may have been the most anti-Glee episode ever. It felt like there was less singing than usual. I understood why Puck had to get the "F" and I also understood why Rachel had to fail, too. They're leaving the door open for next season. But combined with the domestic violence story this episode was way too heavy. Glee usually does happy endings no matter what so even if it didn't happen in Tuesday's episode, I'm confident Biest will break free.

  14. Shirley Manson ("Garbage") discusses Madonna and sexism/ageism (Link: http://www.bullettmedia.com/article/garbage-frontwoman-shirley-manson-takes-another-shot-at-the-spotlight/)

    “The tabloids complain about her looking old, and people laugh at her for that. Then Madonna goes and fixes her face, and they laugh at her for that. Even though they begrudgingly say she looks amazing, they’ll still laugh at her for trying to look young. Then she steps out, looking amazing, and the tabloids go and blow up a picture of her aging hand. Nobody’s doing that to George Clooney, blowing up pictures of his hands! I look at these magazines, and I want to say to them, What’s your point? That she’s aged? Does that surprise you? Or is your ‘point’ an attempt to undercut what she’s achieved? I think it is, even if it’s on a subconscious level. And you probably wouldn’t turn down those hands if they were grabbing you under the table, you fucking idiots.”

    Madonna at 34 discussing ageism:

  15. Jean Paul Gaultier reunite for the MDNA Tour. Along with BAT, he also designed her outfits for the Confessions Tour.


    I had one of those surreal moments just now at the launch of Jean Paul Gaultier for Diet Coke in Paris. There we were at the Crazy Horse on Avenue Georges Cinq, the red velvet womb of a basement cabaret club beloved of the kinky fashion set, and I’m chatting to Jean Paul Gaultier – who is looking youthfully slim and handsome a mere 12 days before his 60th birthday – when I pop out the question planted in my mind by Lucy Dunn, a senior editor at Grazia, the other day. Nothing happens in the world of fashion, feminist culture and celebrity without Lucy getting a sniff of it first, and this despite the fact she is in a field with three boys and a skateboard at present. Really, the woman is astounding.

    So I ask him, “Jean Paul, I hear you are designing costumes for the forthcoming Madonna Tour?”

    Or MDNA. Or whatever she is calling herself at the moment. “But ow do yoo knoaw?” he responded in his lovable Franglais looking visibly surprised at my obviously inside information. “Aha!” I answered, cryptically. The answer came in the affirmative “Well, yes. Yes I am. You are verrry well informed! Mebbee you know as much as me!” Then he giggled, but in a manly way, deep and throaty.

    He said a bit more, but I’m writing it up for a piece in Grazia that comes out on May 1. But, guys! JPG for Madonna! Again, 22 years after he did it the first time for her Blond Ambition Tour in 1990. I was a mere teenager when this happened. And it did HAPPEN to me. I was there at Wembley, strung out on cola bottles and crisps to keep my energy up so I could wait for hours to see Madonna- the most powerful star on planet earth. Jean Paul Gaultier’s work for Madge was seared onto my mind both conscious and unconscious F O R E V E R.

    Almost instantly I had a black leather corset all-in-one swimsuit type thing with cone shaped boobs run up for me by a man called Steve, which he made out of an old leather trench coat . I wore it out clubbing and kept my money, keys and bits and bobs in the cone booby parts. The cone shaped tit parts of my leather Madonna and Jean Paul Gaultier inspired club wear doubled as my handbag. Of course I started a trend at Troll and Trade, the two clubs I attended on a religious basis.


    Another link on the same topic: http://www.graziadai...s-next-tour.htm

    Billboard on JPG's Coca-Cola designs (for the European market):


    Diet Coke has unveiled a new line of fashionable bottles, one of which draws inspiration from Madonna's infamous cone bra ensemble.

    Famed French designer John Paul Gaultier -- the man who created Madge's iconic 1990 outfit -- was recently appointed the creative director of Diet Coke. His first order of business was to create the new bottles, showing off not only the Queen of Pop's signature look, but his own: white and blue stripes.

    The cream-colored Madonna bottle, which has no official tie to the singer, is painted with a fishnet corset and, of course, cone bra.

    Coke has long been a partner to fashion, having worked with Karl Lagerfeld and Dolce and Gabbana in the past, but now the cola brand is taking it a step further, mixing music history and style into one campaign.

    Unfortunately for American Madonna fans, the John Paul Gaultier bottles are for a European campaign, and therefore won't be available in the U.S.


  16. It sucks to have the worst second week fall record in the U.S. (86% according to Billboard) but IT is a fall from very good sales and somewhat inflated numbers due to a promotion much like what happened with the woman who used to hold the record - Lady Gaga (84% fall). She probably didn't want to beat Gaga in that way, haha.

    She has sold 407,000 albums in two weeks in the U.S. and she now has the 5th highest selling album of 2012 in the U.S.

    US top-selling albums of 2012:

    #1 “21” 2,820,000 (Adele, dating back to first week of Jan)

    #2 Whitney: The Greatest Hits 714k (Whitney Houston, dating back to 2/11)

    #3 Now 41 607k (Various Artists; dating back to 2/7)

    #4 Take Care 423k (Drake, dating back to first week of Jan)

    #5 MDNA 407k (Madonna, dating back 2 weeks)

    #6 “19” 393k (Adele; dating back to first week of Jan)

    If she'd care about promotion beyond touring she could probably maintain Top 5 to Top 10 for the year. Would it hurt her to do America Idol? Where's the over-achiever in her? I have a feeling she just doesn't care that much about album and singles sales because there's little money left in that particularly due to sales drops across the board (unless your name is Adele) due to YouTube, sites where you can steal music, Pandora.

  17. Hung Up was a massive hit and #1 globally, and has some type of record for hitting #1 in most global markets.

    It's definitely in the GBoWR for single that reached #1 in the most countries:

    "Hung Up" also made history by going to #1 in over 43 countries, and has become one of Madonna's most successful singles in her 23 year career. Madonna made history by holding on to the #1 position on The United World singles chart for an unheard of 22 weeks straight. Her single "Hung Up" held on to the pole position for an amazing 15 weeks and was dethroned by Madonna's second single "Sorry" which held onto the position for 7 weeks. The 2nd single "Sorry" managed to go to #1 in over 18 countries,

    The United World Chart measures sales and radio play throughout the world. You'd never know how huge that song was living in the U.S. I didn't. Despite a slow down in pace of singles, after 3 decades, I still think she has "Hot 100" legs internationally due to things like this but MDNA's single success intenationally should be more telling of that,

    But that type of music wasn't in at US radio at the time, and Madonna was over 45 (and ageism does exist on American radio), so it was never going to be a massive US hit.

    It was also in the Bush years and it's widely believed the "America Life" album (anti-war) caused her a lot of trouble with American radio heads. But, yeah, definitely ageism - maybe even more so than any type of rumored blacklisting. American Radio is hard-pressed to play anybody over 35 unless your on a classic rock station.

    GGW has grown on me a lot. If one of her current offspring - Rihanna, Perry, Gaga - released it, it would be Top 10 easy. I'd go as far as saying at least 5-7 of her songs of the past 12 years would have, easily, if she wasn't 40+ when they came out.

    I still think Madonna can have singles chart success in the U.S. but not on the Hot 100, maybe in Adult Contemporarty if she gives in to ballads.

    Top 10 Hits in the 3 Biggest Markets (U.S., Japan & U.K). I'm not sure when these were last updated (I added GMAYL to U.S., for example) so there might be more to add internationally...



    Like a Virgin [Release: Nov. 1984] [First #1 in U.S.] [6 weeks]

    Crazy For You [Release: Mar. 1985]

    Live to Tell [Release: Apr. 1986]

    Papa Don't Preach [Release: Jun. 1986]

    Open Your Heart [Release: Dec. 1986]

    Who's That Girl [Release: Jul. 1987]

    Like a Prayer [Release: Mar. 1989] [3 weeks]

    Vogue [Release: Apr. 1990] [3 weeks]

    Justify My Love [Release: Nov. 1990] [2 weeks]

    This Used to Be My Playground [Release: Jul. 1992]

    Take a Bow [Release: Dec. 1994] [7 weeks]

    Music [Release: Aug. 2000] [4 weeks]


    Material Girl [Release: Feb. 1985]

    Causing a Commoton [Release: Sept. 1987]

    Express Yourself [Release: Jun. 1989]

    Cherish [Release: Aug. 1989] [Oh Father is next release. It ends her streak of 16 Top 5 Hits in a Row)

    I'll Remember [Release: Apr. 1994]

    Frozen [Release: Mar. 1998]


    True Blue [Release: Oct. 1986]

    Erotica [Release: Oct. 1992]

    Secret [Release: Oct. 1994]

    4 Minutes [Release: Apr. 2008]


    Lucky Star [Release: Aug. 1984]

    La Isla Bonita [Release: Mar. 1987]

    Don't Tell Me [Release: December 2000]


    Angel [Release: Mar. 1985]

    Dress You Up [Release: Aug. 1985]

    Ray of Light [Release: Jul. 1998]


    You'll See [Release: Dec. 1995]


    Deeper and Deeper [Release: Dec. 1992]

    Hung Up [Release: Nov. 2005]


    Keep It Together [Release: Feb. 1990]

    Don't Cry For Me Argentina [Release: Feb. 1997]

    Die Another Day [Release: Oct. 2002]


    Rescue Me [Release: Mar. 1991]


    Borderline [Release: Mar. 1984] [First Top 10]

    Hanky Panky [Release: Jun. 1990]

    Give Me All Your Luvin [Release: Feb. 2012]

    TOP 20 [The Power of Goodbye #11, Rain #14, Holiday #16, You Must Love Me #18, Beautiful Stranger #19, Oh Father #20]

    TOP 40 [What It Feels Life For a Girl #23, American Pie #29, Me Against the Music #35, Bad Girl #36, American Life #37]

    TOP 100 [bedtime Stories #42, Human Nature #46, Give it 2 Me #57, Sorry #58, Love Don't Live Here Anymore #78, Nothing Really Matters #93]

    (Jump #105, Get Together #106, Everybody #107)



    Into the Groove [Release: Jul. 1985] [First #1 in UK, July 1985] [4 weeks]

    Papa Don't Preach [Release: Jun. 1986] [3 weeks]

    True Blue [Release: Oct. 1986]

    La Isla Bonita [Release: Apr. 1987] [2 weeks]

    Who's That Girl [Release: Jul. 1987]

    Like a Prayer [Release: Mar. 1989] [3 weeks]

    Vogue [Release: Apr. 1990] [4 weeks]

    Frozen [Release: Mar. 1998]

    American Pie [Release: Mar. 2000]

    Music [Release: Sept. 2000]

    Hung Up [Release: Nov. 2005] [3 weeks]

    Sorry [Release: Mar. 2006]

    4 Minutes [Release: Mar. 2008] [4 weeks]


    Holiday [Release: Jan. 1984]

    Borderline [Release: Feb. 1984]

    Crazy For You [Release: Jun. 1985]

    Live to Tell [Release: Apr. 1986]

    Hanky Panky [Release: Jul. 1990]

    Justify My Love [Release: Dec. 1990]

    Ray of Light [Release: May 1998]

    Beautiful Stranger [Release: Jun. 1999]

    American Life [Release: Mar. 2003]

    Hollywood [Release: Jul. 2003]

    Me Against the Music [Release: Nov. 2003]


    Like a Virgin [Release: Nov. 1984]

    Material Girl [Release: March 1985]

    Cherish [Release: Sept. 1989]

    Rescue Me [Release: Mar. 1991]

    This Used To Be My Playground [Release: Jul. 1992]

    Erotica [Release: Oct. 1992] [Last Top 5 of this era. 28 of 29 first singles landed in Top 5.)

    Don't Cry For Me Argentina [Release: Dec. 1996]

    Die Another Day [Release: Nov. 2002]


    Gambler [Release: Oct. 1985]

    Open Your Heart [Release: Dec. 1986]

    Causing a Commotion [Release: Sept. 1987]

    Bedtime Story [Release: Feb. 1995]

    Don't Tell Me [Release: Dec. 2000]


    Angel [Release: Sept. 1985]

    Dress You Up [Release: Dec. 1985]

    Express Yourself [Release: Jun. 1989]

    Dear Jessie [Release: Dec. 1989]

    Secret [Release: Oct. 1994] [Take a Bow launches next in Dec. 1994. It becomes first original single to not land in Top 10 in UK]

    You'll See [Release: Oct. 1995]


    Deeper and Deeper [Release: Dec. 1992]

    Fever [Release: Apr. 1993]

    The Power of Goodbye [Release: Oct. 1998]


    Rain [Release: Jul. 1993]

    I'll Remember [Release: Apr. 1994]

    Another Suitcase In Another Hall [Release: Mar. 1997]

    Nothing Really Matters [Release: Mar. 1999]

    What It Feels Like For a Girl [Release: Apr. 2001]

    Get Together [Release: Jul. 2006]

    Give it 2 Me [Release: May 2008]


    Human Nature [Release: Aug. 1995]


    The Look of Love [Release: Dec. 1987] [17th UK single; first to not peak in Top 5]

    Jump [Release: Nov. 2006]


    Bad Girl [Release: Mar. 1993]

    You Must Love Me [Release: Oct. 1996]

    Substitute For Love [Release: Sept. 1998]

    (One More Chance & Love Profusion #11, Lucky Star #14, Oh Father & Take a Bow #16, Miles Away #39, Hey You #187, Beat Goes On #189)

    JAPAN (I'm note sure if this is on the International List or the Combined List of National & International singles. I think it may be the combined list because she's had more #1's on the International List)


    Like a Virgin [4 weeks]

    Material Girl [2 weeks]

    Crazy For You [3 weeks]

    Into the Groove [3 weeks]

    Live to Tell [3 weeks]

    True Blue [2 weeks]

    Open Your Heart

    Who's That Girl [2 weeks]

    Causing a Commotion

    Like a Prayer [2 weeks]

    Vogue [5 weeks]

    This Used to be My Playground [3 weeks]

    I'll Remember [2 weeks]

    Take a Bow

    You'll See [3 weeks]

    Frozen [2 weeks]


    American Life



    Lucky Star

    Love Don't Live Here Anymore

    Papa Don't Preach

    Express Yourself


    Justify My Love




    American Pie




    Deeper and Deeper


    La Isla Bonita

    Keep It Together

    Ray of Light

    Beautiful Stranger

    Miles Away



    Dress You Up

    Die Another Day





    Human Nature

  18. I wish I could tell what the Benassi twins were saying....

    I just got to watching the video you posted. The BTS (YouTube) look should be mandatory with all albums that come out. It's very interesting. I had thought you were referring to a thick accent with the Benassi twins but they're obviously talking in another language while we get not one subtitle.

    Minaj on Madonna on The Today Show. Pfft on the way they start this next article. I don't feel she was "throwing shade" on Gaga as the kids say. She was just saying she doesn't know Gaga "well" as in she hasn't worked with her, had a conversation with her, etc...

    Nicki Minaj doesn’t know Lady Gaga from squat, but Madonna is another matter. The rap star credited the Material Girl with re-inventing pop culture during an interview this morning (Apr. 7) with Matt Lauer on the “Today Show.”

    “You have credited people like Madonna and Lady Gaga with being inspirations for you. And obviously these are people, as we’ve gotten to know them over the years, who like to reinvent themselves. Is that the part of them that you admire most?” Matt asked.

    “Well, I don’t really know Gaga, but Madonna, I had the pleasure of working with her, obviously, and I feel like she’s really changed and reinvented not only herself but pop culture,” the 29-year-old singer said.

    “So what inspired me about Madonna is that she’s able to balance all of this with her family and her personal life. I was like, ‘how do you do this, you know, with your children’ and she’s a great mom. you know, she’s just everything.”

    For the rest of the article and to check out the outfit she wore to The Today Show: http://www.theimprop...lady-gaga-watch

  19. I sort of get him on that removing the "God works" part (which for me denotes it was God's work); It's much more like "life is a mystery..." I didn't know enough about Madonna in the 1980s or even the early 1990s to know she'd probably never become a drug addict - and she was more so on a natural high off of herself. If you would have asked me in 1988 or 1990 to guess who was more likely to meet a tragic end due to the industry (and drugs and liquor and sex) just from just viewing their "public behavior" I would have said Madonna without thinking about it for even a micro-second.


    Greatest TV Moments (1983 (Madonna) - 2000 (Music)) as decided by VH1. Part 4 is missing. Lenny Kravitz voice is so fricking sexy as is Lenny in general. He's in part 3 in here discussing JML.





  20. Carl, thanks for posting. Fun read especially considering the time frame.

    I wonder if Brian Green accidentally slept overnight in a line to accidentally buy the book? It sold out in a week, didn't it?

    Yay, on 42!!! She probably won't get a Hot 100 hit ever again (though never say never with Madonna but I feel like it's been at least ten years since she's had a #1 hit on the U.S. Hot 100), so I'll take the dance chart #1 for my ole fave.

    Guy Oseary, Madonna's manager, linked to some articles on Twitter...

    NPR: http://edition.cnn.c...onna/index.html

    Why Madonna still leads, others follow

    Editor's note: LZ Granderson, who writes a weekly column for CNN.com, was named journalist of the year by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and a 2011 Online Journalism Award finalist for commentary. He is a senior writer and columnist for ESPN the Magazine and ESPN.com. Follow him on Twitter: @locs_n_laughs Watch him on Tuesdays on CNN Newsroom in the 9 am ET hour.

    (CNN) -- I thought she was over. Madonna, that is.

    I thought she was too old to be referring to herself as a "girl." I thought pop music passed her by. I thought Lady Gaga had killed her.

    And then I look at this week's Billboard chart and I see I thought wrong.

    Her 12th CD, "MDNA" debuted No. 1 on the album chart and she has two singles on the dance-chart Top 10. She's 53 and the clubs are banging her new stuff, including "Give Me All Your Luvin," which became her 38th top 10 hit on the pop chart. For those of you keeping score, that's more than Elvis, more than The Beatles. I'm not saying she's better, but clearly she's done -- correction -- doing more.

    This year she won another Golden Globe and her halftime performance at the Super Bowl drew more viewers than the game itself, according to Nielsen. I know the perception is that only gay men care about Madonna, but if that were true, given the 114 million viewers who tuned in to watch her at halftime, maybe "don't ask, don't tell" should have been called "just assume."

    The reality is it's hard for pop music to leave behind someone who keeps leading the pack. Madonna had the highest grossing tour ever for a solo artist (2008) and has sold more than 300 million records worldwide. She's an '80s child whose 2005 single "Hung Up" holds the Guinness Book record for topping the charts in 41 countries, while 2012's MDNA was No. 1 on iTunes in 40 countries.

    That's not "over," that's now.

    When you look at where Madonna's career is today in the same week we learned Whitney Houston drowned in a foot of water, you're reminded that God truly does work in mysterious ways. The two pop icons released debut albums within two years of each other, Madonna in 1983 and Houston in 1985.

    Of course, Houston was the former model with a voice for the ages, while Madonna was the thin-voiced tart rolling around on the floor of the MTV music awards in a wedding dress proclaiming that she felt like a virgin. If anyone might have been expected to meet a desperate, tragic end, back then the safe money would have been on Madonna. And yet Houston's gone, Michael Jackson's gone, Prince is semi-retired and everyone else, with the exception of U2, is making their money off nostalgia.

    Meanwhile, Madonna has methodically become, arguably, the greatest recording artist of all time. Who would've thunk it?

    As for the music, her latest CD is not breaking any new ground, but it does remind everyone who owns the ground Gaga, Rihanna, Beyonce and others are walking on. In fact, each time they receive a royalty check, they should be sending Madonna a cut.

    While MDNA is about three songs too long for my taste, I will tell you the first five songs make it very difficult not to want to dance, and that the track "Gang Bang" is pure genius. As you could probably figure out from the title, it's not radio friendly, but likely not because of what you may think. And that, in a nutshell, is why Madonna is who she is.

    You can tell you're watching a Woody Allen film with the first five minutes of dialogue. You can identify the beautiful prose of Toni Morrison within a couple of pages. But my 15-year-old came home one day and asked who I was listening to. I told him Madonna and my son, who loves techno and hip hop, thought I was joking.

    "Seriously... like your Madonna?" he asked.

    "Yep," I said.

    "Well, she's still old but that song's not."

    The song was "Gang Bang" and I'm glad he left the room before she started singing. As I said, it's not radio friendly. But then again, it wouldn't be Madonna if a song like that was.

    Guy linked this too. Doesn't Katy accidentally call Madonna "totally jaded" in this? Aw, she considers evil Madonna (-> Truth or Dare <-) vulnerable.

    MTV: http://www.mtv.com/n...s=share_twitter

    Katy Perry's 'Part of Me' Film Inspired By Madonna

    Much like her pop-star peers, Katy Perry cites Madonna as a big influence, especially on her "Part of Me" 3-D concert movie, which hits theaters July 5, which was partially inspired by the Queen of Pop's 1991 film "Truth or Dare."

    In a recent interview with Teen Vogue, the always-colorful starlet spoke about her upcoming big-screen adventure and how "Truth or Dare" led to its creation.

    "Madonna is everything to me, and that movie is amazing, because it caught her at a time when she was a bit more vulnerable," Perry said of the film, which chronicled the icon's Blond Ambition Tour. "I wanted to do that too, to capture a snapshot of who I am now so that I can remind myself what I've lost if I ever do become totally jaded."

    The topics covered in "Part of Me" include the singer's strict, religious upbringing, being dropped from her label early in her career and her candy-coated California Dreams Tour. Perry, who spent much of 2011 and early 2012 on the trek, explained that her interest in documenting her life began even before the tour started.

    "When we started to book these really big venues, I felt like I was going all in," she said. "And I figured that by the end of it, I'd be bankrupt, or else I'd look like the smartest music businesswoman of my age, and I thought either outcome would be interesting."

    More importantly, the chart-topper wanted the general public to see how the Katy Perry machine really works.

    On Tuesday, the trailer for the anticipated flick surfaced, appeasing Katy Cats for the time being. In the two-minute preview, Katy's rise to stardom remains a key theme of the film as flashback footage and photos of the singer's younger days is shown.

  21. Perez Hilton was begging her to do this one on the new tour the other night. I like the lyrics.

    MDNA. So it's officially the #1 album in the world on the World Chart (http://www.mediatraffic.de/albums.htm). It sold 740,000 copies worldwide on week 1. It's officially #1 in over 25 countries. Warner Brothers released a box set of all her official albums with them last week and it sold 25,000 copies worldwide which is good for Top 40 in albums. So each album is credited 25,000 for that.

  22. Madonna was kind of bringing Jersey Shore to MTV before Jersey Shore was doing their thang. She's sort of the original Snooki in some ways. That's a little bit of a disconcerting observation, lol.

    Madonna did a "#1 album" tweet-chat tonight.


    She was late to the chat, so a fan asks:


    M: on my knees. Ready and waiting.

    The highlight of the chat probably being Lionel Richie and Madonna tweeting back and forth for a bit. Only us born before 1990 could appreciate this fully, lol...

    Madonna: congrats on a successful record. To the other ritchie in my life....

    Lionel: What's going on family? Can you believe we are sitting on the top of the charts together again?

    M: every dog has its day. Remember when we were neighbors?

    L: There is no one I would rather be on top with. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you.

    M: OK, but as long as I'm on top.

    L: I wouldn't have it any other way!!

    M: Smart man

    [Goes back to the neighbors question]

    L: Do I remember?!?! ... The only problem I had is when I came out of my house the fans would ask me where you live? I was the tour guide for the street. The neighborhood was never the same after you left.

    M: Bless you. You still live in that shithole?

    L: Hell no!! I moved out right behind you. The street wasn't exciting anymore...

    Madonna claims to have had no idea her album was #1 until this made for film moment from earlier today...


    She Liked and linked this video during the chat ("Just took a trip down memory lane with this video. I'm exhausted. LOVE IT"). This has nudity so do not watch if you're under 14-15. Youtube is weird, it puts age restrictions on GGW official video but not on this or something with a lot more views like Justify My Love.


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