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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Dayna is actually the front-runner according to the rumor-mill.

    I dont want this team vs that team. Thats been created by Adrienne really. Kyle is too two faced to even take a real stance and Lisa is really only team Brandi because shes always being attacked. If this were a one on one fair fight, i think lisa would stay out of it. Plus, Lisa has her own issues with Adrienne.

    "Teams," I think, are very elemental to these shows. There's usually some sort of divide to drive drama. The divide on RHOBH is fun for me because it's nowhere near as serious or unbalanced as it is on RHONJ. The BH ladies can try to cut each other one night and then laugh it off the next day in most cases EVEN if underlying issues remain.

    I dont see Adrienne staying around either.

    She seems so interesting on paper especially when you look at "storylines" playing out this season (and the potential of what could play next season) but in and of herself there's really nothing significant there. Her storyline this season has mostly been played without her present. She has very little presence. That probably would remain true even if you throw in Rod Stewart's ex. I don't see BRAVO fighting that hard to keep her and she appears to want out. We shall see...

    So, I do think there should be no question about Lisa, Brandi and Kyle's status. Yolanda part-time.

    I'd be fine with the cast as is with just some changes in status as they try out 1-2 different HWs.

    I'm not sure why you dislike Camille so much. I think she's fun. The thing about Camille and Taylor is you get the sense they're PERFORMING right now. They're trying to contrive action for themselves - by the prompt of BRAVO or/and because they want to stay. I don't have a major problem with it as the desperation is amusing.

    I think that's why the NJ cast was all invited back, yet they're still adding so many housewives. They're probably trying to transition the show before weeding out the cast.

    If any cast needs the total reboot it is NJ. I hope the add-on's are indeed a prelude to that reboot.

  2. Taylor isnt bitchy enough. Camille is too fake to bring it all the time. Kim is.. awful. Those three need to be axed, no questions asked. Now, keeping Adrienne so kyle and her have an ally vs Brandi & Lisa with Rod Stewards ex eife coming on to cause drama? And with Yolanda providing real hollywood/bhills glam? That is pretty perfect even tho I hate adrienne.

    I would keep Lisa/Brandi/Kyle/Yolanda (maybe 1/2 time like she is now, but full housewife status?) and bring on two newbies and a new friend or two.

    I can live with this.

    Lisa/Brandi/RodStewartsEx (with a side of Yolanda. Lisa brought Yolanda in and Yolanda adores Brandi so she's on <--- that team) versus Kyle/Adrienne/ .... I don't like Faye and I don't like thinking of her getting over 100 grand but maybe ... Nah, they could get some other chick to fill a third spot.

    It doesn't make sense for Camille to be on any team with Kyle. It's contrived that she is. Otherwise, I'd say keep Camille. Can't we keep Taylor and Camille as the friends? Kim would have to show up now and then for Kyle.

  3. That is the best Brandi has ever looked, right above.

    I agree, the way she has her hair parted in that picture really works for her.

    Yolanda said she would do a second season if her health permits.

    I like most of this gang and - lawsuits aside - they don't fight as much or as seriously as some of the other groups.

    Lisa (class and humor) and Brandi (loveable "trash") are perfect.

    Kyle ... kind of is perfect too. But they need to add somebody in that will call her bs out. Yolanda is seeing through her.

    Yolanda is a great tea-server but I'm not sure she deserves full-HW pay.

    Taylor and Camille when being bitchy is interesting. I'd keep them around.

    Adrienne can go. Marisa is not at all necessary.


    I'm guessing this advice is in Brandi's book? Hah.


  4. Re: Howard & Brandi: All the "news" articles are focusing on a. the pay reveal (I wonder if Bravo is at all upset about that) and b. her calling the other housewives c--ts (as well as c. the bi-question). They were c--ts to her for most of last season & some still are - that's all she was saying. Mess, lol. I wonder if they'll use that to sustain Season 4 like on RHONJ? Nah, she probably calls them that to their face as well.

    Which one of these side-chicks is Howard's wife? He's lucky either way.


    Marisa showed up to surprise Brandi at the LA B&N book signing (Brandi's now officially the author of a NY Times Best Seller) on Wednesday:


  5. on the affair- (you guys, its pretty vulgar tbh... you have been warned!)

    Damn at that Brandi interview with Howard Stern. Howard does make me laugh, though.

    Exactly the reason I didn't post the details after listening to it last night, lol. Extras for those who didn't listen to it...

    Her father dealed marijuana (to close friends and family) but he prefers to be called a distributor. He's concerned now that she revealed that and used the word "dealer." Family walked around naked all the time (they had plastic over the furniture).

    She's always been very sexual but says it's not 3 different guys a day or a week when Howard posed those questions, it's usually a whirlwind 1-2 week situation with each guy.

    Anal? Only husband. She says she gave Eddie anal permission on holidays. GB did not get anal.

    She also said she is the one who introduced threesomes into their marriage after several years in. It would be an extra girl but she'd get the action from the girl because she was too jealous to have it any other way. It kind of just happened, she says, it started out with girlfriends dancing then one of her friends mentioned that she and her significant other used a professional. She doesn't consider herself bi because, yeah, she loves the cock too much.

    Howard kept on pushing the question of the most famous female or male she slept with. It's GB for the guys. It was just a fling but he really hates her now because she revealed it. She wouldn't name the girl ... but did confirm she was an A lister. [From the gossip mill it was Demi Moore]

    Eddie used to come back to her for sex his first year with Leann. She said somebody may have taped Eddie admitting that and somebody may have sent that tape to Leann. LOL. She used to have sex with him because she was still so in love with him. He's the love of her life. She hopes she'll find somebody to take that feeling away from her eventually. She stopped having sex with him after using his credit card to have her vagina tightened and cleansed. He had made a comment about it not being the same since she had the kids.

    Leann does a lot of stuff that be considered buying the kids [and their friends, teachers] - she sings to their classes & teachers as mentioned, she buys presents for the entire class the kids are in, buses, concerts. Brandi says it makes her feel crappy because she can't afford to do all that, she can't sing and be on a stage in front of people. Her younger son adores Leann but the older one is in the more aware stage and there are issues (him not feeling Leann likes him as much as the younger one, etc).

    It's hilarious about Kyle. She really didn't give her a second of airtime.

  6. I can't stop laughing about Yolanda basically asking Brandi to stop talking about FugAnn Rimes when she's done with her book tour. Hopefully she does because damn that gets on my nerves when she feeds into LeAnn.

    When did Yolanda say that? But I agree, once the tour is over onwards and upwards.

    Hopefully she gets to have her kids on the show next season.

    Marisa's blog (edited)...

    And we're off to Kim's...where this gum smacker still needs to learn when and where not to chew. It could be worse...I could be learning about my young daughter's whereabouts. Thank you, Taylor, for putting the "beaver" in Beaver Creek while not knowing where Kennedy was.

    However, after reading Taylor's blog I have a better understanding of what went down. I realize there was a communication breakdown (which happens to all of us), but still feel it was Taylor's ultimate responsibility to be in complete charge of the situation.


    Some brief highlights before what I hope is the last round of the "Beat A Dead Horse Into The Ground" main event include: Paul taking a lustful (last?) glance at Adrienne's knockers in the limo ride over, Ken not quite knowing where to stand when Kyle and Lisa discuss shoes, Mauricio telling Kim "you look great" on a loop, and Byron Allen ladies and gentlemen!

    Finally, the face-off we have all been waiting for arrives as Adrienne, Paul, and Brandi convene inside while the others show off their questionable moves on the dance floor. It's not long before the usually merry-go-round of "he said she said" kicks off, and I'm left scratching my head wondering what actually went down until we get a tacit acknowledgment from Paul that Brandi "was warned" which confirms for me what I thought all along. . .go Brandi!

    We're not done yet as the rest of the gang as well as the ubiquitous, Dwight, enter the fray. Are there hypocrites in this room? Is there of double-standard taking place? Does Ken land another great line when he responds to Paul "That made your shoe"? Has Dwight opened his mouth for the last time? he answers are all a resounding YES!

  7. Lisa's blog (most of it). I wonder if Bravo edited? Lisa was saying legal was holding it up for some reason...

    Firstly I want to address the tweets and comments in regard to the tea party and as to whether Miss Resnick was invited. Now as often happens when one of us organizes an event, production arranges transport. I was informed that Kyle wanted to bring Faye. Now I immediately rejected the idea in the aftermath of what had resulted at Kyle's house previously. I had no intention of reenacting that scenario. So, I relayed my sentiments. Apparently Faye was miffed. I could honestly care less and hoped that as she knew I didn't want to include her. She would have the wherewithal to stay home. There was no place setting, a chair, yes, but no gift, no place setting, just one for Kim which was taken by Faye.

    When Taylor called Kyle, it was clear that she had been drinking. But I believe that there was some sort of misunderstanding. I recall Kyle telling me the nanny was going to collect her and a decision was made for Kennedy to stay, unbeknownst to Taylor. Taylor believed that her daughter was being taken to her grandmothers, now I think that Kyle should have explained that, rather than us believing that Taylor was devoid of any knowledge as to the whereabouts of her daughter.

    Then we see Adrienne and Paul in the car. She finally admitted that there was a letter, because at the tea party she vociferously denied it. Interesting that she also stated that she would never try to ruin somebody's reputation. . .Mmm I think I have to disagree with that one. Anyway the whole situation was almost identical to last year's fiasco. The charge had been led by Adrienne and Paul to ban Russell and Taylor, so where's the difference?

    It seemed to me it shrieked of utter hypocrisy. It has been really hurtful and rather irritating at the vicious remarks that their cook has made about me constantly on Facebook and in the press. I was advised to ignore it but at times it has been challenging, Brandi has endured the same aggressive behavior and this has resulted in a mountain of resentment and confusion.

    I also couldn't resist mentioning to Adrienne about the body make up. She leaves it like a trail behind her, which ultimately results in her being a rather expensive guest. I would have expected some sort of remorse or responsibility taken but no, "clean it with baby wipes" that was all I was told.

    Ken was not happy with the intimidating letter. He believes that when you know people socially and are continuing to socialize with them, it is redundant to enter into litigation. So he voiced his opinion to Paul and suggested they pay her legal fees.

  8. OMGosh. No wonder Ken noticed he needed a sock at the modeling shoot, lol. Even a straight man would notice that.

    Oh, i know. But i really was loopy lol. Some strong muscle relaxer, some steroids, and some tylenol 3 make for a good, pain numbing coma like sleep lol.

    This sounds like me when I take Tylenol Allergy, lol. Aww, damn, you needed a lot of meds.

    Yeah, even if they were planning on firing her so shes trying to quit, they will screw her worse at that reunion if she doesnt go. She should just go, take it, and not fight back to be honest. If they get rod stewards ex wife on, shes screwed. they will not let her go.

    I think they are so going to get the ex, that's why I'm surprised about the rumors continuing concerning them wanting to get rid of AM despite her dating the big kid. Plus, Lisa and Brandi "Mortal Kombat" dislike Adrienne now which makes for good one-liners, lol, as witnessed above. That said, even with all of this, Adrienne is not very interesting as an actual entity. She's a very dry character.

    Really? I didnt see it 50/50 at all and on all the bravo polls lisa/brandi win by a huge portion. I see a few pro adrienne comments, a few anti brandi ones but thats about it.

    I don't know. This was my first time tweeting and watching and I guess I was just surprised there was as much division as I saw. Maybe not 50/50, but it wasn't nearly as much of a landslide as I expected. I would search #rhobh to find comments and respond to them.

  9. I don't like when Bravo does things like they did with Taylor in tonight's episode. Taylor is playing lush-like either because she has a bit of a problem or for the camera -- I think it's more for the camera -- but I don't think it got to the point where she just totally forgot where her kid was. I do, more or less, believe what Taylor wrote in her blog at Bravo. Nasty of Bravo to try to stir up that type of trouble for one of their stars even if they plan on firing them. Things like this makes me think Andy could be the devil, lol.

    I do wonder if Taylor wants to thank Brandi for her Bravo blog support or slap her a little, lol. Brandi's all like "b--ch drinks too much, but she's going through s--t - it's okay if she misplaces her kid once in a while. Be a supportive friend instead of subconsciously or consciously enjoying her being troubled. P.S. I think there's more to the kid story. She wouldn't have just forgotten where she had her kid."

    It was kind of boring episode for being the White (People) Party. Leave it to Brandi to bring the only black person, lol.

    Also, kudos to Brandi for bringing letters. Rolling my eyes at Adrienne and Paul and their continued denials about the letter even while confirming there was a letter every other segment. I did like Lisa and Taylor literally spelling out the Adrienne/Taylor parallels to Kyle. I wish Kyle was real and admitted the truth as to why Adrienne hasn't been treated like Taylor was. That truth is "I'm not going to kick out Adrienne because my husband needs her money from real estate this and that. Brandi ain't as rich - and I feel she took my best friend out from under me. B--ch out of luck." Well, anyways, hopefully the topic takes a nap.

    Ken defending his side-piece was cute. Paul must have been really desperate to be trying to make something of Ken & Brandi's relationship. I love that Lisa was WTFEver when he tried it.

    I spent my time on Twitter during tonights episode and was surprised that the atmosphere is more 50-50 on Brandi/Lisa versus Adrienne. Some people there accuse Brandi of being another Cedric in Lisa's life? Puhlease, she's not getting any money from Lisa. If anything it is Lisa that is using Brandi to make Adrienne pay for daring to plot [Lisa's] destruction at the last reunion.

    Paris. Hopefully Brandi and Yolanda are there with Kyle, Kim and Lisa. It's unfortunate if Kim is really as high as she appears to be in the clips


    JP, I was teasing you ;)

    Re adrienne and the reunion, if she wants out of next season that shes already under contract for, she better bring her ass to that reunion and take her beating. Otherwise they will trash her at the reunion, use tapes and footage to back up every bad thing about her, provide no balance, and not let her out of her contract. RH is pretty good about letting people out who really push to be let out though. I will give them that.

    The rumor is they were already planning on letting her go and she's "quitting" to save face. I would think they'd blackmail her to make sure she attends the reunion though, lol.

  10. Kenya and Cynthia's relationship is so interesting to me. Its like Cynthiia is finding herself liking Miss Kenya Moore more and more despite herself and almost doesn't want to admit it. Meanwhile Kenya has a new lease on life and has sorta toned it down as far as her need to be acknowledged in every scene....

    Boris K....so delicious.....

    Boris is very delish.

    ITA about Kenya and Cynthia. I love their dynamic. Cynthia's starting to like Kenya despite herself. Kenya's trying to be less noisy. Kenya refusing to acknowledge she acted like a jack--- during that Jet casting cracked me up...

    Cynthia really has become one of the better cast-members with the storyline refocused towards her career.

    I'm starting to like Porscha (msp) a little too. She has her moments. Her imaginary singing career cracks me up.

    The episode was boring but I really liked how genuine all the women were surrounding the pageant.

    I have no use for Kandi.

    Next week looks interesting though with Nene kicking her "friends" to the curb, hee.

  11. JP, were you drunk typing this morning? wink.png

    She and Joe are millions of dollars in debt and he could still go to prison. Teresa will stay on the show to keep pimping her cookbooks and wines. It is really just a job at this point.

    When you put it that way, her staying does make a lot of sense.

  12. i find it oddly delicious and it makes me want even more.

    I used to feel that way, then I suddenly really, really didn't feel that way anymore. It felt like work to go through the process of watching it. It just happened. I hope that never happens with me and RHOBH <-- right now, totally my guilty pleasure.

    As for Kim by "high note" i mean just being sober and clean this year. She's looking so much better now and not just because of her cute little new nose! I just find her to be thinking more clearly, making some valid points while still getting in the mix with her sister and "the ladies". She's had some very touching moments this season (the first being her little speech at the dinner during her little retreat event). Her and Brandi are on good terms and she has an adorable little puppy...

    I think life is quite good for Kim Richards right now and i hope it stays that way....

    I can agree with that.

  13. Its just a television show.

    Thanks for stating the obvious for us "slow" folks.

    Different people, different opinions. I don't find watching RHONJ fun anymore. Sure, a lot of people do still find it fun or interesting to watch because it gets good ratings. It is just a television show, that's why I can find it to be rather nasty and choose not to watch it. BTW, I'm not saying I won't watch it, I'm saying it's become a chore to watch. Some shows I look forward to with a big smile, some I don't.

    Re: Teresa. If I was the center of a "reality" show where the drama was centered around how-to-treat-me-like-poop (a real person in a manufactured by Bravo land) yet I was popular with the public, I'd quit-it and move on to better things.

    Deep down i know its probably best if she leaves on this high note

    Her dog punching her in the nose is a high point? She is pretty good for laughs and quirk. Kim staying is cool but she should be demoted to what she is right now: a FoHW/SoHW.

    Have you guys been to Bravo's website lately to check out the sneak peaks of the upcoming episode? Lisa goes IN on Adrienne and her disgusting spray on tans....

    She's going to get a letter, lol.

    In the previews, I see they're trying to give Taylor an alcoholism storyline. I don't know if I buy it. Real or manufactured (for a HW spot)?

  14. You're obviously not alone Cheap, after Atlanta, it's the highest rated arm of the franchise.

    For me, around the half-way mark of last season, I remember on more than one occasion really wanting to put the channel on Bravo to watch RHONJ but feeling like I just couldn't. I realized it was almost physically challenging for me to watch the s--t that goes on within that show. It just happened.

    I don't think Id mind if Bravo completely retooled it by getting rid of all the housewives and rebooting it with a new cast, setting and tone and promote as a new series

    I really wish they would do that. The All-New Housewives of New Jersey.

  15. If Teresa had sense, she would quit RHONJ as no amount of money is worth that mess. If she did indeed or does indeed have some type of gag order it didn't stop her from being annihilated on the series and on the reunions. It added .5 to her army of one, if even. Teresa isn't a good army of one either. She's like a mentally challenged version of Brandi.

    That's what makes RHONJ kind of disgusting to me, it's literally like vultures trying to kill and eat something ... with absolutely no balance. Bravo and Andy also clearly seem to want to kill and then eat Teresa too if I'm remembering moments from that reunion accurately.

  16. But it was said I'd Adrienne dares get gag order in place at the reunion or suppress things from being used or talked about she should be fired. Teresa did that exact same thing. Rules shouldn't depend on the housewife.

    I said that because I don't believe Adrienne is an essential part of RHOBH. If she keeps on threatening to sue people when she doesn't like what they say or when she doesn't like what she thinks they will say they should axe her. IF. I also hate when they decide not to attend reunions like Jacqueline (RHONJ). With RHOBH, it also can be argued that the drama is coming from some of the girls hating on Brandi for being Brandi as much as it's coming from anything Adrienne is doing.

    Taylor threatened to sue last season (or the season before that) which was the source of a lot of drama, how important is she this season?

    Also, I honestly wouldn't care if they fired the whole cast of RHONJ. As I've said before that show literally makes me feel sick to the stomach.

  17. If she attempts to put a gag order on Andy/Bravo then i hope that REALLY is the straw that breaks the camel's back and they axe her ass for next season.

    He needs to terminate her behind if she tries that with the reunion. Hopefully Andy's agitated enough from Bravo's letter to mess with Adrienne deliciously at the reunion ... if she shows up.

  18. I almost forgot about the blogs. Thanks to whoever brought them up.

    (Part of) TayShanna's (LOL) Blog:

    Lisa was right. . .Camille is a bitch! I have met Lisa's partner in SUR multiple times, and she is very clear about their business partnership.


    I still don't think we got a straight answer from Miss Maloof, as usual. I have put up with three years of deception. I'm done! She denied agreeing to be Kennedy's godmother on the steps of a church. Lie. She didn't back me when she knew I was being abused. Brandi has no filter but. . ."Friends don't sue friends!" Right, Adrienne?

    As a single mom having been through expensive litigation. . .I understand Brandi's fears.

    (Part of) Yolanda's Blog. Damn, her lemon TEA is the best:


    I loved Kyle’s dance with the clothing rack, very funny and no one can deny how beautiful she is. She is a true Capricorn and I appreciate her style. I enjoyed getting to know Mauricio, but I just haven’t seen Kyle walk a straight line in her relationships with the women, so I am cautious and not sure I trust her with my heart at this point. But who knows, that may or may not change in the future.


    I have never taken sides from the day I walked into this intimidating group of women, I have only taken note of how they received me coming in and how they treat one another.

    As I have spent the past five months in bed, I am naturally going to favor those who showed up at my house and jumped in bed with me for a cup of coffee…

    I am a girl’s girl, and I’m sensitive to little things like that. I guess the way Brandi was received in this group last year really affected her, so that’s probably why she made a great effort to reach out and get to know me.

    I maybe wasn’t received with much love, but I did get respect, because I demand it. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in Beverly Hills, but I was born with a great deal of self-worth. Even though I have plenty of insecurities, no one in this group intimidates me.

    Which leads me to Adrienne. Intimidation with status and financial power is to me the worst quality a rich person can have. I saw Adrienne do it to Brandi, actually she threatened her with an “Oh boy she is going to get slapped with a fat old lawsuit” for all of us to see… Then she denied it, so why would I not doubt her integrity?

    Brandi came to the barn because she had so much anxiety and fear about the lawsuit; I truly felt in my heart that I needed to stand by her, support her, and make her see that Adrienne is no more or less then anyone else in this world.

    I’m glad you got see another glimpse of my baby Bella and her great passion for her sport.

    The fact that Faye, Kyle, and Camille kiss Adrienne’s ass and make her believe that it is OK to behave like that is concerning to me. I wonder if any of the three ladies have the true means to have a $700 an hour lawyer fight their battles with their girlfriends.

    Lets keep it real here. The truth is that I couldn’t afford it, and I don’t believe any of them could either.


    Knowing and feeling for Dean’s mother, I can only say I hope Marisa will never hear a woman speak about her own son the way she speaks of her husband. We all have our crosses to bear and even in my life behind the big house, ocean views, and lemon trees, life isn’t always as pristine and perfect as Marisa says it is in her blog post last week. But I do wash my dirty laundry in the laundry room where it belongs and protect those I love.

    (Part of) Lisa's Blog:

    Yolanda with her daughter Bella and the horses made me smile. I love to witness scenes like that and am happy that Brandi is developing a closer relationship with her, as it was wearisome being the only one who would ever support her. We are all in agreement that she was guilty of revealing something that was inappropriate, but she had apologized. . .That should have sufficed.

    It was decided that another tea party is in order. Camille I felt, was regretful of her sudden outburst, which I have to say I could never quite understand. So let us try once more.

    Adrienne had been absent from our group, which when we embarked on this journey so many moons ago, was not what we signed up for. We should endeavor to communicate without the need to become litigious, to resolve our differences, to articulate how we feel without financial bullying, which ultimately is redundant when we hope to all have a future together.

    Taylor provokes the situation, not that I blame her. She must still harbor feelings of resentment when the identical legal situation presented itself previously. I admired her candor, even though it was cloaked in alcohol -- never an ideal choice at tea but there you have it.

    The tension mounts. Brandi is indignant and becomes aware that the only way to substantiate her claim that she had received a legal letter was probably to expose it.

    So tempers flare and no resolution this week. Keep watching as this fascinating tale is not quite complete. . .

    And on that note I bid you farewell and encourage you stay with us on our complicated voyage until next week.

    Is Lisa hinting that the letter is coming? I don't doubt there's a letter but I'm craving a scene where Brandi bitch-slaps Adrienne with it in front of everybody.

    AdriLIAR's blog is filled with there's no lawsuit and me or my lawyer never sent a letter to Brandi or her lawyer,

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