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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Kyle needs a cray cray ally, not that I think she deserves one BUT for the sake of balance. That said, I understand Lisa and Yolanda's reservations if it's true, an addition like Faye will bring down the value of BH for rich -itches to join due to her reputation.

    I can't say I'm opposed to Faye because I need the balance.

  2. Lunch break at #RHOBH reunion - some bombshells today and it's only half over. I can't wait for you to see it.

    #rhobh Reunion is taping right now. And it's GOOD.http://instagr.am/p/WVxSfIHwVR/


    @nivwiv: @TaylorArmstrong hey Taylor we all heard Season 3 reunion was tough. Hope you came out of it ok! :)” thank u. It's intense. xx


    @BravoAndy I think I caught ur cold!!

    @BrandiGlanville we all exchanged a lot of fluids yesterday


  3. Oooh what a tough 12hrs...trust me,a lot of issues to deal with...now my bed is calling. #onehelluvaday

    I want to know more already.

    I read that Paul is on vacation; HOWEVER, he gave an interview for the reunion, which is supposed to be JUICY. Cat Lady is really going to wish she went to the reunion.

    That's a start wink.png lol

    Lisa, Brandi, Yolanda, Taylor, Kim & Kyle attended the reunion.

    Camille, Marissa & Adrienne reportedly didn't.

    Faye? If Faye attended the reunion to start crap it's going to be almost a given that she's getting a diamond next season.

  4. I hope Ms. Morally Corrupt is there

    My guess? There is 10 women. They feel that's too much for a reunion and they can and would be better to focus on a smaller number.

    Weren't there 40 people at the NJ reunion? The focus on bashing Teresa was real throughout too, lol.

  5. Don't know if this is old news but Marissa and Camille won't be at the RHOBH reunion which tapes, I think, tomorrow. Marissa seems disappointed she's not going so I'm guessing she wasn't invited. Not sure about Camille - but Marissa mentioned that neither she or Camille would be at the reunion.

  6. girl, invest in Amazon Prime.

    It is the greatest invetment ive ever made.

    There's been 100 times that I've almost done it. I think I will - after I pay off a few credit card bills. I started spending crazy between November and late January and now it's a race to pay stuff before they add interest.

  7. honestly, i didnt know many people still went to bookstores.

    i always just use amazon or go to target. im not even sure where a bookstore is anymore.

    True dat, but there's a ton of people on Twitter who are "I tried to get it in my bookstore, but ..." granted most add "I'll just get it on Amazon."

    I haven't bought the book yet because I want to get free shipping (25.00) so I'm waiting until something else I really want goes for a really good price. I'm not cheap, I've just been spending a lot recently and I'm trying to correct that.

  8. Brandi is seriously a boss bitch. She is going to try and get her book made into a tv or movie.

    Also, she reads leann with this bit in her amazing book-

    "When LeAnn set her sights on Eddie, she was relentless about getting him, and the damage her decision would cause never seemed to register," wrote Glanville. "She won. I'll give her that. But she also won a marriage full of doubt, insecurities and a perpetual voice in her head saying, 'Is he telling the truth?' For that, I pity her."


    I have to buy that book.

    It sucks that they're not distributing the book to bookstores in a decent fashion - either by fault of the bookstores of the publisher. It may have gone #1 on the NYT list if it had better availability. It was #2 with minimum book store distribution.

    Just watched Monday's episode. Lisa, Brandi, and Yolanda are f-cking flawless. LOL at when Yolanda asked Taylor was there an issue and she said nothing.

    I hope those three never "break-up" (read: have a serious fight) as long as they're on RHOBH. They make me happy.

  9. Kandi made a last minute surge getting Brandi out of that 5th spot. I guess it's for the best, Brandi was taking some of the Lisa votes which was allowing Teresa to take the lead and it probably would have happened again. I don't dislike Teresa but I'd prefer Lisa for the win.

    JP, Kandi? Really? She's fallen so out of grace with me. Kim? Really?

  10. Question: Don't you think Bravo (in terms of its production interference) arranges or encourages the ambushes at Reunions? I noticed on the RHOBH reunion last year that Andy was going at Lisa nearly as hard as Adrienne's group. I remember being shocked because I wasn't expecting anybody to have an issue with Lisa. I thought they would bring Brandi out and she'd be the one they went after hard - and vice versa.

    Even if Bravo does this, it's the choice of each individual to play along.

  11. Thanks for posting that.

    Kyle doesn't seem to understand it's her fault Lisa is closer to Brandi than she is to [Kyle]. Brandi didn't hypnotize a dumb Lisa. Kyle, seemingly, agreed to be part of Adrienne's lynching of Lisa at the last reunion. Then Kyle defends Adrienne like she's her daughter and keeps mum when Lisa is being attacked. Kyle wants what they used to have but her actions are never going to lead to that since she won't take responsibility for her part in their issues - it's always what Brandi is doing, or what Lisa is doing and never really what Kyle is doing or what Kyle has done. This hurts Lisa more than it would with Camille because it seems that she thought Kyle was a real friend.

    The other thing is Lisa is being very nice to Kyle. What the heck does Kyle want? She needs to stop being jealous - jealous of this one/that one as an individual OR/AND because her friend seems to like another friend better.

    Well, she doesn't need to do that. I like the underlying conflict.

  12. Radar Online is saying HBIC Lisa is joining the DWTS cast. Guess we'll find out in the morning.

    I had a feeling a RH was going to be on this season. Lisa's a-- can move too.


    I totally misheard what Brandi said about Mohammed (msp). Her comment was not about forgetting whether or not she had sex with him - it was her contemplating whether or not she flirts with him.

    Loved having Yolanda on for most of the episode, for once.

    Ken (<-- mostly his) and Lisa's extended family? Surprising but funny - and good-looking.

    I've noticed this forever but I've never said it: Lisa's adorable dog looks so much like Ken.

    Kyle was tolerable the entire episode.

    Poor Taylor. Bravo not showing her any love (no ticket to Paris).

    Looking at the preview, Yolanda and Brandi pretty much decide to be a couple in Paris.

  13. With Miranda coming back more mature (<-- mature, for the unspoiled), I was looking over some of the old MC/Babyswitch storyline. So good...

    Early days of Baby-switch montage:


    I loved that scene with Paul choosing who to give Miranda-Bess to, everything about it was perfect. It felt like a life-time although it was only 90 seconds.You knew the Miranda didn't stand a chance with Adam there and Erica not there BUT you still were hoping. Then Paul finally gives the Bess side the win and the reaction shots are just perfect.

    Bianca returning the slicing and dicing to Erica after she attempts to comfort her in the aftermath of the crash and switch. "We said?!?" Shut down. "How many candles?" Shut down. "You're lying about lying." "...to Erica." I loved what they did with Kendall & Bianca in the last scene, as well, the whispering of "You did exactly what you needed to do." The connecting to the abortion clinic scene.



  14. Kandi not going after Wigs + a season (was it just one season?) long sex toy story = Vomit.

    She is good for some one-liners and to hand out some WTF looks but at one point I actually liked her on the show and felt she was the voice of reason.

    Checking my Twitter, I see Marlo and Nene were hanging out together this weekend. Is there any chance they'd bring Marlo back to the scene?

  15. I remember the Howard Stern show used to be on regular late-night TV for a few years back in the day -- and I was shocked but I kept on watching, lol. That said, I actually think Howard is a really cool guy BUT he has a really popular show and if you're going on that really popular show - sex is going to be the main topic. I'm usually surprised by the guests who go on Howard's show ... and what they reveal. Brandi was being Brandi though. She doesn't filter much to begin with and being on HS - one filters a little less than usual.

    I personally cannot help but think that by bringing other women into the bedroom and saying she needed to keep him "spent" before going to work, she was kind of giving Eddie the impression that he could eventually fuck whenever, wherever, whoever. And that he had this super-important libido that "needed to be satisfied" at all costs.

    I agree, but it's also probably something he already had installed in him - the guy is unbelievably attractive on the outside and getting laid whenever he wanted to be laid by whoever he wanted to be laid-by probably wasn't new to him when he met Brandi.

    I do find it interesting LeAnn's publicist (i.e. LeAnn) didn't go after Brandi on any of the sex topics. It did feel as if they had been watching RHOBH, listening to her interviews and reading her book and picking things out to try to get-ha with. That kind of tells me much more than I want to know about what's probably going on in Eddie and LeAnn's personal life nowadays.

    I'm looking at some pictures back when Eddie and Brandi were "babies" through to the cheating years. They really were striking together:

    Dating (1998)...


    Married (2001)...


    Cheating with LeAnn (2009)...


    I feel like the kids should be even cuter...


  16. Way to go Brandi! I just hope she's smart with her money and sets herself up well for the long term because this Housewives fame won't last forever.

    After already dealing with a B-C-list husband who left her with little to no money, hopefully she knows this and saves and invests well INSTEAD of, you know, plotting to eventually marry some rich bitch.

  17. The NY Times put out their latest list, so now it's 100% official. Very close to an actual #1 in combined...


    1. AMERICAN SNIPER, by Chris Kyle with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice
    2. DRINKING AND TWEETING, by Brandi Glanville with Leslie Bruce
    3. PROOF OF HEAVEN, by Eben Alexander
    4. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, by Ben C. Carson and Candy Carson
    5. MY BELOVED WORLD, by Sonia Sotomayor

    E-Book Nonfiction

    1. DRINKING AND TWEETING, by Brandi Glanville with Leslie Bruce
    2. AMERICAN SNIPER, by Chris Kyle with Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice
    3. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, by Ben C. Carson and Candy Carson
    4. PROOF OF HEAVEN, by Eben Alexander
    5. KILLING KENNEDY, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard
  18. Re: the Wendy Williams clips, I wouldn't put it past Leann's desperate a** to sign onto BH; however, it'll do her more harm than good. Though I'm sure Eddie won't oppose as it'll equate more money into his pocket.

    I really hope it doesn't happen although it would be helluva interesting to watch, lol. Wendy's right when she says they could hiatus all the others RH arms with that combo on BH, lol.

    I don't want it because it could easily turn into what RHONJ is now which is really ugly due to the family elements being used and abused for our "entertainment."

  19. I thought I was the only one finding RHOA rather boring. The viewership fluctuates so much for the show though - it'll probably still be the highest rated arm of the RH family. One week they're at 2.5 million and then the next week they're at 4 million.

    Re: RHOBH. Earlier today, Leann's publicist called Brandi a narcissistic drunk - but you can tell they're just pulling at straws because Brandi's book tour is pissing them off. Brandi, in reply, told them to go bleep themselves. Rumor mill is Bravo is trying to make Leann a RHOBH and that Brandi is fine with it. I personally don't believe it. It would make for a RHONJ like Season 4 though, lol.

  20. The issue withj keeping adrienne and the this side vs that side is the longer it goes on, the more divided it becomes. This is so deep and personal and ongoing that eventually people wont be able to cross the team lines, and thats where the issue is at. Right now Lisa can sit back when its Adrienne vs Brandi, but as she has said thats not a fair fight one on one and Brandi would murder her and she knows it so people like Paul, Kyle, Camille and Faye step in to help Adrienne and then Lisa has to step in. Yolanda has been great because while shes made her feelings clear, shes also not declared a side. She is on the side of logic, reason, and being a good person more than less.

    I get what you're saying but this is not RHONJ. I don't think it would get that bad. The "teams" on RHOBH are not that serious: It's "when things get bad, I'll have [name] back" teams. On RHONJ you have too much family as well as people who were good long-time friends. It's messier when the connections are that close. I don't feel comfortable watching RHONJ because of those connections being abused. On RHOBH you have more of an acquaintances element. They're not as connected to each other. Their mindset is different. I could see Brandi and Adrienne OR Adrienne and Lisa mending fences at some point next season but there would always be a little something there. Kyle likes Lisa, and she likes Brandi despite herself at times but she'll always be a little jealous and resentful of Brandi (and even of Lisa; Lisa for usurping her as the must-keep HW) in the back of her mind Etc.

    If they get RS's ex, I do think they should try to keep Adrienne in some capacity. It's too good to pass up even though Adrienne is so bland.

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